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If proprioceptive feedback is degraded by agonist-antagonist muscle vibration, then adaptation to rotated vision remains intact while adaptation to a velocity-dependent force field worsens. Here we evaluate whether this differential effect of vibration is related to the physical nature of the distortion - visual versus mechanical - or to their kinematic coupling to the subjects’ hand - velocity versus position dependent. Subjects adapted to a velocity-dependent visual distortion, to a position-dependent force, or to a velocity-dependent force; one half of the subjects adapted with, and the other half without agonist-antagonist vibration at the wrist, elbow, and shoulder. We found, as before, that vibration slowed down adaptation to a velocity-dependent force. However, vibration did not modify adaptation to the other two distortions, nor did it influence the aftereffects of any distortion. From this we conclude that intact proprioception supports strategic compensatory processes when proprioceptive signals agree with visual ones, and provide relevant (dynamic) information not available to the visual system.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the change in the relation between programming and "on-line" correction as a developmental explanation of children's arm movement performance. Each of 54 children in three age groups (5, 8, and 10 yr.) completed two types of rapid aiming arm movements in the longitudinal plane on the surface of a digitizer. Percent primary submovements and timing variability were dependent variables. Analysis suggested that the 5-yr.-olds used "on-line" monitoring during the arm movement and did not perform the movement sequence as a functional unit. Compared with 8- and 10-yr.-olds, the 5-yr.-olds planned a smaller portion of movements, executed the arm movements with more variability in time to peak velocity. The 8- and 10-yr.-olds appeared to plan their movements and execute the sequence as a unit. The developmental implications were discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies found little or no transfer of adaptation from reactive saccades to arm pointing movements, which suggests that the two motor systems rely on distinct adaptive mechanisms. However, this conclusion is based on experiments about the adaptation of response amplitudes, which is known to follow somewhat different principles than the adaptation of response directions. In the present study, we therefore investigate whether adapting the direction of reactive saccades will transfer to arm movements. We also test transfer in the opposite direction, from the arm to the eyes. Participants executed aimed saccades or arm movements from a central starting point towards visual targets in the participants' frontal plane. Targets were presented in eight possible locations along a circle of 20 cm radius about the starting point; each remained for 200 ms in one position, and was then displaced along the circle by -15 degrees . Participants from group E adapted to these double-stepped targets while executing eye movements, and were then tested for transfer while executing arm movements. The reciprocal design was used in participants from group A. Adaptive change in group A was about 14 degrees , while in group E it was only about 7 degrees . Transfer of adaptation was substantial, and was more pronounced when using the arm (i.e., eye-to-arm transfer in group E) rather than the eyes (i.e., arm-to-eye transfer in group A). Strong aftereffects were yielded in both groups. This pattern of findings implies that the adaptive change observed in our study was mainly based on recalibration rather than on cognitive strategies (strong aftereffects), that eyes and arm had access to a common adaptive mechanism (substantial transfer), and that the arm had better access than the eyes (larger adaptation and transfer when using the arm). When considering this outcome along with the available literature, it appears that arm and eyes may rely sometimes on a common and sometimes on distinct adaptive mechanisms, depending on the adapted parameter and on the nature of the motor task.  相似文献   

To evaluate the contrasting dynamical and biomechanical interpretations of the 2:1 frequency coordination between arm and leg movements that occurs at low walking velocities and the 1:1 frequency coordination that occurs at higher walking velocities, the authors conducted an experiment in which they quantified the effect of walking velocity on the stability of the frequency and phase coordination between the individual limb movements. Spectral analyses revealed the presence of 2:1 frequency coordination as a constant feature of the data in only 3 out of 8 participants at walking velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 km/h, in spite of the fact that the eigenfrequencies of the arms were rather similar across participants. The degree of interlimb coupling, as indexed by weighted coherence and variability of relative phase, was lower for the arm movements and for ipsilateral and diagonal combinations of arm and leg movements than for the leg movements. Furthermore, the coupling between all pairs of limb movements was found to increase with walking velocity, whereas no clear signs were observed that the switches from 2:1 to 1:1 frequency coordination and vice versa were preceded by loss of stability. Therefore, neither a purely biomechanical nor a purely dynamical model is optimally suited to explain these results. Instead, an integrative model involving elements of both approaches seems to be required.  相似文献   

When humans simultaneously perform different movements with both hands, each limb movement interferes with the contralateral limb movement (bimanual coupling). Previous studies on both healthy volunteers and patients with central or peripheral nervous lesions suggested that such motor constraints are tightly linked to intentional motor programs, rather than to movement execution. Here, we aim to investigate this phenomenon, by using a circles-lines task in which, when subjects simultaneously draw lines with the right hand and circles with the left hand, both the trajectories tend to become ovals (bimanual coupling effect). In a first group, we immobilized the subjects’ left arm with a cast and asked them to try to perform the bimanual task. In a second group, we passively moved the subjects’ left arm and asked them to perform voluntary movements with their right arm only. If the bimanual coupling arises from motor intention and planning rather than spatial movements, we would expect different results in the two groups. In the Blocked group, where motor intentionality was required but movements in space were prevented by immobilization of the arm, a significant coupling effect (i.e., a significant increase of the ovalization index for the right hand lines) was found. On the contrary, in the Passive group, where movements in space were present but motor intentionality was not required, no significant coupling effect was observed. Our results confirmed, in healthy subjects, the central role of the intentional and predictive operations, already evidenced in pathological conditions, for the occurrence of bimanual coupling.  相似文献   

In synchronizing finger taps with an auditory sequence, a small sudden tempo ("step") change in the sequence tends to be followed by rapid adaptation of the tapping period but slow adaptation of the relative phase of the taps, whereas a larger step change leads to initial period overshoot followed by rapid adaptation of both period and phase [M.H. Thaut, R.A. Miller, L.M. Schauer, Biological Cybernetics 79 (1998a) 241-250]. Experiment 1 replicated these findings and showed that the transition between the two patterns of adaptation occurs near the perceptual detection threshold for a tempo change. A reasonable explanation of these data was provided by a dual-process model of internal error correction [J. Mates, Biological Cybernetics 70 (1994a) 463-473, 70 (1994b) 475-484], with the added assumption that one process (period correction) depends on conscious awareness of a tempo change whereas the other (phase correction) does not. This assumption received support in Experiment 2, where a synchronization-continuation tapping task was used in combination with perceptual judgments to probe into the process of period correction following step changes. The results led to the conclusion that rapid adaptation of the tapping period to a small, undetected tempo change is in fact due to rapid internal phase correction, whereas slow adaptation of the relative phase of the taps is due to slow internal period correction.  相似文献   

The present study compared single and dual adaptation to visuomotor rotations in different cueing conditions. Participants adapted either to a constant rotation or to opposing rotations (dual adaptation) applied in an alternating order. In Experiment 1, visual and corresponding postural cues were provided to indicate different rotation directions. In Experiment 2, either a visual or a postural cue was available. In all cueing conditions, substantial dual adaptation was observed, although it was attenuated in comparison to single adaptation. Analysis of switching costs determined as the performance difference between the last trial before and the first trial after the change of rotation direction suggested substantial advantage of the visual cue compared to the postural cue, which was in line with previous findings demonstrating the dominance of visual sense in movement representation and control.  相似文献   

Summary Low-level motor control is defined as adapting an organism to the unique physical properties of its own limbs. The two-jointed arm serves to exemplify that effective low-level motor control demands a neurally mediated inversion of the dynamics, as well as of the kinematics, of a limb system. Reflex-like processing — that is, feedforword of either actual or predicted proprioceptive signals —is thereby assumed to be the principle of the dynamics control. As regards speech-motor control, the overall tool transformation is assumed to transform the force pattern of the articulatory muscles into speech sounds. Like the arm model, the vocal-tract transformation thus defined is also divided into two parts, namely the transformation relating the muscle forces to the mechanospatial states of the vocal tract (which is analogous to the forward dynamics including natural interarticulatory couplings), and the transformation relating the mechanospatial states to the speech sounds. Low-level speech-motor control, then, needs to invert both transformations, each of which can be learned by means of the self-imitation algorithm. Erroneous learning can fail to decouple interarticulatory coupling and therefore lead to abnormal feedback loops through the reflex-like operating neural network, which in turn can cause stuttering if audiophonatoric coupling is involved in learning.  相似文献   

Two experiments were conducted to investigate the functional relationship between the general somatic motor function and the oral motor function. In Experiment 1, we analyzed the relationship between the amount of masseter muscle (MSS) activity and the velocity of a ballistic, 'karate-do' arm thrusting movement (ThrMov). ThrMov velocity was measured from video images taken with a high-speed CCD camera at a frequency of 500Hz. EMGs of MSS and sternocleidomastoideus (SCM) muscles as well as other related muscles were recorded simultaneously with video images in 6 varsity 'karate-do' athletes. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated between EMG amplitude and movement velocity. EMG activity of MSS as well as the other muscles increased as a function of ThrMov velocity in all participants, as evidenced by highly significant (p<.01) correlation coefficients, ranging from .64 to .87 (mean: .75). MSS EMG activity attained during ThrMovs performed at maximum velocity ranged between 14.6% and 113.8% of this muscle's MVC (45.7+/-39.3% MVC, mean+/-SD). SCM was also strongly active and closely associated with MSS. Besides changes in amount of EMG activity, it was further found that R-MSS EMG onset progressively shifted to the earlier phase of the ThrMov as ThrMov velocity increased. EMG onset time of R-MSS as well as R- and L-SCMs was negatively correlated with ThrMov velocity; when performed at maximum velocity MSS activation preceded the start of ThrMov by more than 100ms, whereas MSS was recruited last at approximately 150ms after the start of ThrMov when performed at moderate speed ( approximately 50% of maximum). In Experiment 2, the effects of head movement relative to the trunk on R-MSS and SCMs EMG activity were tested in both gazing and sidelong glancing conditions. A much smaller head rotation relative to the trunk was necessary during the ThrMov in the sidelong glancing condition compared to the gazing condition. R-MSS EMG activity was affected significantly by the difference between these conditions and decreased by 5.2% MVC in the sidelong glancing condition compared to the gazing condition. In association with the change in requirement for head movement between those conditions, EMG balance between the bilateral SCMs changed substantially. Finally, marked muscle activity during ThrMov was found in the MSS that was not directly involved in performing this movement, indicating a form of 'remote facilitation'.  相似文献   

Adaptation to displacement of objects in the visual field was studied as a function of preexposure test targets being absent or present in that field and lateral arm movement requiring no pointing at targets being observed or unobservable during prism exposure. Significantly greater adaptation was found when targets present during prism exposure were the same as those present during pre and postexposure test conditions. In addition, greater adaptation was found when S was permitted observation of lateral arm movement during prism exposure. Greatest adaptation was produced when both targets were present and arm movement was observable during prism exposure. In addition, when three targets were present during prism exposure, the greatest amount of adaptation was found for targets on S’s prismatically shifted visual field periphery.  相似文献   

Infant's manual laterality and eye-hand coordination emerge during the second part of the first year of life with the development of reaching. Nevertheless, little is known about the potential asymmetric characteristics of this coordination. The aim of this study was to describe visuo-spatial exploration in 6-month-old infants during reaching, according to the hand used. More specifically, we examined if the use of the left or the right hand was linked to a specific type of visual exploration. Gaze direction during goal-directed reaching towards an object placed on the table was measured with a remote ASL 504 eye tracker (Bedford MA). Twelve babies aged 6 months were observed during six reaching sessions, alterning three sessions with an object on the left side of the subject and three with an object on the right side. Gaze direction and some hand variables (hand activity, hand opening and hand position from the body) were coded with The Observer software. Results showed that babies visually explore their reaching space differently according to the hand used: they look more at the object when they use their right hand and more around the object when they use their left hand; they also look more often at their left hand than at their right one. These results suggest that an asymmetric visuo-manual coordination exists as early as 6 months: vision seems to support (1) left hand during reaching for evaluate distances from object to baby by means of visual feedbacks and (2) right hand for identify what sort of object is. Results are discussed in light of manual specialization and specific hemispheric skills at this age.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate selected kinematics parameters of the arm stroke in crawl swimmers with disabilities and to examine the potential use of an index of arm coordination (IdC) to evaluate the stroking technique of swimmers with diverse functional abilities. The degree of overlap in the propulsive phases (superposition model) and lag time between the propulsive phases (catch-up model) was examined in 18 well-trained swimmers with loco-motor disabilities, 9 females and 9 males, from functional classes S3-S10 with S10 being most functional. Based on the results, correct coordination appears to be fundamental to swimming crawl stroke in both able-bodied swimmers as well as swimmers with a disability. Some swimmers with disabilities examined here exhibited extreme values at both ends of the index scale. This might be essential to maintaining balance while swimming when not all limb activity contributes to the forward movement.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to determine whether the referential term on the horizontal dimension corresponds to the dominant hand and whether the referential term on the vertical dimension is independent of handedness. In order to verify the hypothesis, right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrous subjects were required to verify and falsify statements including the words ABOVE and BELOW and the words LEFT and RIGHT. The results showed that right-handers were faster in verifying and falsifying the statements containing the term RIGHT, whereas left handers were faster in verifying and falsifying those containing the term LEFT. Ambidextrous subjects, however, showed no sign of asymmetry in the positional judgments of stimuli along the horizontal dimension. By contrast, right-handers, left-handers, and ambidextrous subjects were equally faster in verifying and falsifying the statements containing the term ABOVE than the statements containing the term BELOW. The relation between the positive term on the horizontal dimension and the dominant hand can be explained by the fact that, in the absence of any asymmetries in the physical world, the dominant hand can furnish a natural reference direction for judgments related to this dimension.  相似文献   

Altered gain settings cause a mismatch between the actual movement amplitude across the surface and the distance covered on a real time visual display. The present study pursued three objectives of how adaptation to altered gain affects aimed motor behavior. First, we replicated findings of an earlier study reporting a negative linear relation between gain and both target acquisition time and end-point variability. This means that our data do not agree with the classic U-shaped relation between gain and acquisition time. Second, our results proved to be robust when we manipulated movement difficulty by varying target distance. And third, dividing a movement into four successive sections on the basis of key kinematic events revealed the locus of the adaptation to altered gain within movement execution. Time differences between gain conditions proved to start at a very early part of the movement, but appeared to be absent in the final movement section. In contrast, differences between gain conditions regarding the use of online feedback were also present in the last part of the movement during which the final target approach takes place.  相似文献   

Elderly adults often exhibit performance deficits during goal-directed movements of the dominant arm compared with young adults. Recent studies involving hemispheric lateralization have provided evidence that the dominant and non-dominant hemisphere-arm systems are specialized for controlling different movement parameters and that hemispheric specialization may be reduced during normal aging. The purpose was to examine age-related differences in the movement structure for the dominant (right) and non-dominant (left) during goal-directed movements. Young and elderly adults performed 72 aiming movements as fast and as accurately as possible to visual targets with both arms. The findings suggest that previous research utilizing the dominant arm can be generalized to the non-dominant arm because performance was similar for the two arms. However, as expected, the elderly adults showed shorter relative primary submovement lengths and longer relative primary submovement durations, reaction times, movement durations, and normalized jerk scores compared to the young adults.  相似文献   

When the normal constancy process on which the apparent immobility of the visualfield during head movements is based was strengthened by the same method that produces adaptation to abnormal conditions in the constancy of visual direction, and when this training of the normal constancy process immediately preceded experimental adaptation, the effectiveness of the latter was diminished. This result applied not only to adaptation to horizontal field displacement and to vertical field displacement during turning of the head, but also to vertical field displacement during nodding of the head, a condition to which adaptation was here demonstrated for the first time.  相似文献   

This experiment tested whether the perceived stability of the environment is altered when there is a combination of eye and visually open-loop hand movements toward a target displaced during the eye movements, i.e., during saccadic suppression. Visual-target eccentricity randomly decreased or increased during eye movements and subjects reported whether they perceived a target displacement or not, and if so, the direction of the displacement. Three experimental conditions, involving different combinations of eye and arm movements, were tested: (a) eye movements only; (b) simultaneous eye and rapid arm movements toward the target; and (c) simultaneous eye and arm movements with a restraint blocking the arm as soon as the hand left the starting position. The perceptual threshold of target displacements resulting in an increased target eccentricity was greater when subjects combined eye and arm movements toward the target object, specially for the no-restraint condition. Subjects corrected most of their arm trajectory toward the displaced target despite the short movement times (average MT = 189 ms). After the movements, the null error feedback of the hand's final position presumably overlapped the retino-oculomotor signal error and could be responsible for the deficient perception of target displacements. Thus, subjects interpreted the terminal hand positions as being within the range of the endpoint variability associated with the production of rapid arm movements rather than as a change of the environment. These results suggest that a natural strategy adopted for processing spatial information, especially in a competing situation, could favour a constancy tendency, avoiding systematic perception of a change of environment for any noise or variability at the central or peripheral levels.  相似文献   

When Ss were simultaneously adapted to horizontal and to vertical target displacements of equal rate during head turning about a vertical axis, the adaptation effects measured by one-trial tests immediately after the adaptation period were about equal. But retests after a time lapse of 10 and 20 min, during which S sat immobile and with eyes closed, showed a greatly different rate of dissipation of the two adaptation effects. After a lapse of 20 min, the effect of adaptation to horizontal target displacements had been reduced to 37%, whereas the effect of adaptation to vertical displacements at this final test still stood at 80% of the initial measurement. The decline over 20 min in the latter case was so smail that it could readily be ascribed to an effect of the two tests that preceded the final test. These two tests represented an effective exposure to natural viewing conditions and hence caused an unlearning of the adaptation, an effect whose existence we had demonstrated in previous work with the one-trial test.  相似文献   

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