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The authors examined the relationship between peak velocity of a discrete horizontal elbow flexion movement in which the hand path was curvilinear and premovement modulation of precision grip force. The velocity of the movements of 7 participants was varied from maximal velocity to a velocity that required several seconds to reach a target. An object instrumented with force transducers for the forefinger and thumb measured precision grip force. There was a positively accelerating quadratic relationship between grip force change before movement and peak velocity of the ensuing limb movement. On some low-velocity trials, premovement grip force modulation reflected a net decrease. In contrast, high-velocity trials were preceded by net increases in grip force. Using cluster analysis, the authors classified grip forces in low-velocity movements as an empirically distinct set of entities from grip forces in high-velocity movements. The cluster of high-value grip forces suggested an anticipatory strategy that allowed participants a large safety margin in grip force to avoid object slip on movement initiation. The cluster of low-value grip forces at movement initiation suggested a second anticipatory strategy in which participants changed grip force very little, perhaps to increase the ability of proprioceptors in the hand to sense force changes. Those findings suggest that modulation of grip force before initiation of movements in which the hand path is curvilinear may be governed by two distinct velocity-dependent anticipatory strategies.  相似文献   

Motivation and Emotion - According to motivational intensity theory, individuals are motivated to conserve energy when pursuing goals. They should invest only the energy required for success and...  相似文献   

Viewing objects can result in automatic, partial activation of motor plans associated with them-"object affordance". Here, we recorded grip force simultaneously from both hands in an object affordance task to investigate the effects of conflict between coactivated responses. Participants classified pictures of objects by squeezing force transducers with their left or right hand. Responses were faster on trials where the object afforded an action with the same hand that was required to make the response (congruent trials) compared to the opposite hand (incongruent trials). In addition, conflict between coactivated responses was reduced if it was experienced on the preceding trial, just like Gratton adaptation effects reported in "conflict" tasks (e.g., Eriksen flanker). This finding suggests that object affordance demonstrates conflict effects similar to those shown in other stimulus-response mapping tasks and thus could be integrated into the wider conceptual framework on overlearnt stimulus-response associations. Corrected erroneous responses occurred more frequently when there was conflict between the afforded response and the response required by the task, providing direct evidence that viewing an object activates motor plans appropriate for interacting with that object. Recording continuous grip force, as here, provides a sensitive way to measure coactivated responses in affordance tasks.  相似文献   

Viewing objects can result in automatic, partial activation of motor plans associated with them—“object affordance”. Here, we recorded grip force simultaneously from both hands in an object affordance task to investigate the effects of conflict between coactivated responses. Participants classified pictures of objects by squeezing force transducers with their left or right hand. Responses were faster on trials where the object afforded an action with the same hand that was required to make the response (congruent trials) compared to the opposite hand (incongruent trials). In addition, conflict between coactivated responses was reduced if it was experienced on the preceding trial, just like Gratton adaptation effects reported in “conflict” tasks (e.g., Eriksen flanker). This finding suggests that object affordance demonstrates conflict effects similar to those shown in other stimulus–response mapping tasks and thus could be integrated into the wider conceptual framework on overlearnt stimulus–response associations. Corrected erroneous responses occurred more frequently when there was conflict between the afforded response and the response required by the task, providing direct evidence that viewing an object activates motor plans appropriate for interacting with that object. Recording continuous grip force, as here, provides a sensitive way to measure coactivated responses in affordance tasks.  相似文献   

This study aimed to continue our characterization of finger strength and multi-finger interactions across the lifespan to include those in their 60s and older. Building on our previous study of children, we examined young and elderly adults during isometric finger flexion and extension tasks. Sixteen young and 16 elderly, gender-matched participants produced maximum force using either a single finger or all four fingers in flexion and extension. The maximum voluntary finger force (MVF), the percentage contributions of individual finger forces to the sum of individual finger forces during four-finger MVF task (force sharing), and the non-task finger forces during a task finger MVF task (force enslaving), were computed as dependent variables. Force enslaving during finger extension was greater than during flexion in both young and elderly groups. The flexion-extension difference was greater in the elderly than the young adult group. The greater independency in flexion may result from more frequent use of finger flexion in everyday manipulation tasks. The non-task fingers closer to a task finger produced greater enslaving force than non-task fingers farther from the task finger. The force sharing pattern was not different between age groups. Our findings suggest that finger strength decreases over the aging process, finger independency for flexion increases throughout development, and force sharing pattern remains constant across the lifespan.  相似文献   

The exceedingly large grip forces that many older adults employ when lifting objects with a precision pinch grip (Cole, 1991) may compensate for a reduced capability to produce a stable isometric force. That is, their grip force may fluctuate enough from moment to moment to yield grip forces that approach the force at which the object would slip from grasp. We examined the within-trial variability of isometric force in old (68-85 years, n = 13) and young (n = 11) human subjects (a) when they were asked to produce a constant pinch force at three target levels (0.49, 2.25, and 10.5 N) with external support of the arm, hand, and force transducer and (b) when they were asked to grasp, lift, and hold a small test object with a precision grip. Pinch force produced in the first task was equally stable across the two subject groups during analysis intervals that lasted 4 s. The elderly subjects produced grip forces when lifting objects that averaged twice as much as those produced by the young subjects. The force variability during the static (hold) phase of the lift for the old subjects was comparable with that used by the young subjects, after adjusting for the difference in grip force. The failure to observe less stable grip force in older adults contradicts a similar recent study. Differences in task (isometric grip force versus isometric abduction torque of a single digit) may account for this conflict, however. Thumb and finger forces for grip are produced through coactivation of many muscles and thus promote smooth force output through temporal summation of twitches. We conclude that peripheral reorganization of muscle in older adults does not yield increased instability of precision grip force and therefore does not contribute directly to increased grip forces in this population. However, force instability may affect other grip configurations (e.g., lateral pinch) or manipulation involving digit abduction or adduction forces.  相似文献   

Research shows that action observation can prime execution. Evidence for this comes from experiments that show that action observation influenced temporal (e.g., speed) or spatial (e.g., peak grasp aperture or trajectory) aspects of executed movement. In the paper presented here, we for the first time show that observation can also prime executed action force. Following observation of force actions, participants executed grip-force responses using a dynamometer, and the data showed that their force was modulated by the condition observed. The findings of the study are discussed in terms of a likely cause of the force modulation effect and potential uses that the effect may have for strength rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Predicting the consequences of actions is fundamental for skilled motor behavior. We investigated whether motor prediction is influenced by the fact that some movements are easier to perform and stabilize than others. Twelve subjects performed a bimanual rhythmical task either symmetrically or asymmetrically (the latter being more difficult and less stable) while oscillating in each hand an object attached to an elastic cord. Motor prediction was monitored through the adequacy of anticipatory grip force adjustments with respect to the elastic resisting force. Results showed less adequate predictive control during asymmetrical movements (compared with symmetrical ones). Furthermore, switching between modes of coordination induced even larger alterations. An interesting finding was that grip force control did not always stabilize around the expected value after voluntary transition. We conclude that motor prediction is affected by the degree of coordination between the upper limbs and by phase transitions and is prone to carryover effects.  相似文献   

Pseudoneglect is a slight but consistent leftward attentional bias commonly observed in healthy young populations, purportedly explained by right hemispheric dominance. It has been suggested that normal aging might be associated with a decline of the right hemisphere. According to this hypothesis, a few studies have shown that elderly tend to exhibit a rightward attentional bias in line bisection. In the present study, we tested this hypothesis in young and older participants using a perceptual landmark task. Results yield evidence for an age-related shift, from a strong attentional leftward bias in young adults toward a suppressed or even a reversed bias in the elderly. Right hemisphere impairment coupled to a left hemispheric compensation might explain the perceptual shift observed in older adults. However, a decline in corpus callosum function cannot be excluded. Alternatively, these results may be in agreement with the hypothesis of an age-related specific inhibition of return dysfunction, an overt attentional orienting mechanism, and/or a decrease of dopamine.  相似文献   

Odor naming and recognition memory are poorer in children than in adults. This study explored whether such differences might result from poorer discriminative ability. Experiment 1 used an oddity test of discrimination with familiar odors on 6-year-olds, 11-year-olds, and adults. Six-year-olds were significantly poorer at discrimination relative to 11-year-olds and adults, who did not differ. Experiment 2 used the same procedure but with hard-to-name visual stimuli and compared only 6-year-olds with adults (as with the remaining experiments in this study). There was no difference in performance between these groups. Experiment 3 used the same procedure as Experiment 1 but with less familiar odors. Six-year-olds were significantly poorer at discrimination than adults. In Experiment 4 the researchers controlled for verbal labeling by using an articulatory suppression task, with the same basic procedure as in Experiment 1. Six-year-old performance was the same as for Experiment 1 and significantly poorer than that of adults. Impoverished olfactory discrimination may underpin performance deficits previously observed in children. These all may result from their lesser experience with odors, relative to adults.  相似文献   

A manned space mission to Marx might take as long as I year each way. Consequently, artificial gravity is being considered as a way of preventing the debilitating effects of long-duration exposure to microgravity on the human body. The present article discusses some of the problems associated with adapting to the rotation levels that might he used to generate artificial gravity. It also describes how exposure to background-force levels greater or less than the I-G force of Earth gravity affects orientation and movement control. The primary emphasis of the article is that human movement and orientation control are dynamically adapted to the I-G force background of Earth and that accommodation to altered force levels or to rotating environments requires a wide range of adaptive changes.  相似文献   

Recognition performance does not usually change along the lifespan, but the response criterion usually does, and in general, it changes from being conservative during youth to being liberal, in old age. The focus of the present study is to analyze the changes that take place, both in discrimination and response criterion, as a result of aging in two recognition tasks: one with neutral images, and the other with faces showing positive and negative emotional expressions. Two groups of participants performed both tasks: young (N = 21; age range, 17-33 years), older (N = 21; age range, 65-91 years). The analyses of several discrimination parameters (d' and probability of recognition) and the response criterion yielded significant age differences. Thus, results indicated that the ability to discriminate of older participants was better than that of younger participants when having to recognize neutral images, and faces with negative emotional expressions. The response criterion of younger participants was always conservative, whereas older participants only showed liberal criteria in front of faces with emotional expressions. In relation to the neutral images, the response criterion of older participants was optimum, because it led to more hits, without increasing the false alarms. The results are partially explained by the tasks differential difficulty, and are discussed within the frame of Simulation theory.  相似文献   

In this investigation, the authors examined the coordination and control of force production by the digits of the hand as a function of criterion force level and grip configuration. Each adult participant (N = 6: 3 men and 3 women) was required to place the thumb and a finger (or fingers) upon load cells that were fixed to a grasping apparatus that was clamped to a table. In the task, participants had to match a criterion continuous constant total force level displayed on a computer screen. There were 10 trials at each grip configuration and criterion force level combination on each of 3 consecutive days. The results showed that (a) different grip configurations minimized error at each force level; (b) there was a specific digit pairing within a given grip configuration that produced the highest correlation of force output; (c) the correlation between the force output of digits generally increased at higher force levels; (d) error was reduced at each force level and grip configuration over the practice period; and (e) the organization of the force output of each digit varied as a function of digit, force level, grip configuration, and practice. The findings are consistent with the hypothesis that coordination of the digits in prehension is reflective of an adaptive, task-specific solution that is modified with practice.  相似文献   

In these experiments, we examined the relation between age-related changes in retention and age-related changes in the misinformation effect. Children (5- and 6- and 11- and 12-year-olds) and adults viewed a video, and their memory was assessed immediately, 1 day, or 6 weeks later (Experiment 1). There were large age-related differences in retention when participants were interviewed immediately and after 1 day, but after the 6-week delay, age-related differences in retention were minimal. In Experiment 2, 11- and 12-year-olds and adults were exposed to neutral, leading, and misleading postevent information 1 day or 6 weeks after they viewed the video. Exposure to misleading information increased the number of commission errors, particularly when participants were asked about peripheral aspects of the video. At both retention intervals, children were more likely than adults to incorporate the misleading postevent information into their subsequent verbal accounts. These findings indicate that age-related changes in the misinformation effect are not predicted by age-related changes in retention.  相似文献   

The fractionation of a simple right-hand grip total reaction time (RT) into central and peripheral temporal components (premotor and motor time, respectively) helped to define the site of RT change following an auditory induced startle response and two fatiguing hand-grip exercise regiments for eight males and eight females. Following the startle response, mean values for RT significantly lengthened, due primarily to an increase in premotor time. In contrast, lengthened RT following both fatigue regimens (42% and 55% strength decrements) were due to substantial increases in the motor time component. These results suggest that although performance of tasks which demand a high degree of precision, accuracy, and fine motor control may be disrupted by the introduction of such stressors as an induced startle and local muscular fatigue, the neuromuscular mechanisms mediating performance disruption are dissimilar.  相似文献   

Two tone bursts separated by a silent interval and imbedded in a background white noise were presented to elderly subjects (M age = 71.3 years) and young subjects (M age = 22.2 years). Subjects were required to judge when the two tone bursts fused perceptually by adjusting the duration of tone-one. The bursts were separated by six discrete interstimulus intervals of 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, or 40 ms. The tone-two burst was held constant at 100 ms. Fusion point was defined as that critical tone-one duration at which the two tones fused (were perceived as one). Elderly subjects reached fusion point at longer critical tone-one durations than young subjects at each interval tested. The function relating tone-one duration and interval conformed to an exponential curve and is discussed with respect to an exponential decay model of the inhibitory interactions of neural systems responding to onsets and offsets of sensory events.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in auditory temporal perception   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The discrimination of signal and silence duration was evaluated in 6-month-old infants, 5 1/2-year-old children, and adults. Listeners were tested with a conditioned-discrimination procedure in which they were presented a sequence of 18 white-noise bursts and trained to discriminate a change in duration of the middle 6 signal or silence elements. There were no differential effects on performance for changes in signal compared to silence duration. At each age, performance varied only as a function of magnitude of duration change. Infants discriminated duration changes of 20 ms or greater, children discriminated 15 ms, and adults discriminated changes as small as 10 ms. These findings are consistent with other research in revealing age-related improvements in auditory temporal perception.  相似文献   

Age-related changes in contextual associative learning   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The hippocampus plays a critical role in processing contextual information. Although age-related changes in the hippocampus are well documented in humans, nonhuman primates, and rodents, few studies have examined contextual learning deficits in old rats. The present study investigated age-related differences in contextual associative learning in young (6 mo) and old (24 mo) rats using olfactory stimuli. Stimuli consisted of common odors mixed in sand and placed in clear plastic cups. Testing was conducted in two boxes that represented two different contexts (Context 1 and Context 2). The contexts varied based on environmental features of the box such as color (black vs. white), visual cues on the walls of the box, and flooring texture. Each rat was simultaneously presented with two cups, one filled with Odor A and one filled with Odor B in each context. In Context 1, the rat received a food reward for digging in the cup containing Odor A, but did not receive a food reward for digging in the cup containing Odor B. In Context 2, the rat was rewarded for digging in the cup containing Odor B, but did receive a reward for digging in the cup containing Odor A. Therefore, the rat learned to associate Context 1 with Odor A and Context 2 with Odor B. The rat was tested for eight days using the same odor problem throughout all days of testing. The results showed no significant difference between young and old rats on the first two days of testing; however, young rats significantly outperformed old rats on Day 3. Young rats continued to maintain superior performance compared to old rats on Days 4-8. The results suggest that aging results in functional impairments in brain regions that support memory for associations between specific cues and their respective context.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to compare the performance of older and younger adults on an emotional priming task. Moreover, a nonemotional priming paradigm was used as a control task to disentangle age-related changes due to emotional processing difficulties from modifications due to a decline of executive inhibitory control abilities. Twenty-two young and 22 older healthy participants completed an emotional priming task and a nonemotional priming task. In the older adult group, reaction times in the emotional priming paradigm were not influenced by any of the prime conditions, whereas both groups exhibited similar facilitation effects induced by the congruent prime in the nonemotional task. The selective lack of an emotional priming effect in older adults shown in this preliminary report suggests that aging-induced changes in the ability to recognize emotions implicitly are directly dependent on emotional processing difficulties and not due to a general age-related modification of cognitive processes.  相似文献   

If odor perception involves mnemonic processes, differences in olfactory experience should affect discriminative ability. This was examined here by comparing discriminative performance in children and adults. Using an oddity test of discrimination, in Experiment 1 we tested 6-year-olds (G1), 11-year-olds (G6), and adults (A) on their ability to discriminate unfamiliar odors that varied either in quality (Q) or in quality and intensity (QI). G1 participants were poorer at discriminating the QI set, relative to G6 and A. In Experiment 2, we used an analogous visual procedure and confirmed that this age-related difference was olfactory specific. In Experiment 3, we repeated Experiment 1 but used an articulatory suppression task. G1 participants were poorer than G6 and A participants for both the Q and the QI sets. The implications of these findings for experiential accounts of odor perception and olfactory working memory are discussed.  相似文献   

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