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本研究采用眼动技术,操纵词类型和熟悉性来探讨汉语新词的词汇化程度。结果发现,新词在眼动早期、晚期加工指标上和词汇词没有显著差异;相比低熟悉新词,高熟悉新词在凝视时间、回视时间及总注视时间上加工时间更短。研究表明部分新词已达到与《现代汉语词典》中词汇词词汇化程度的相同水平,新词与词之间没有严格的界限,熟悉性在新词词汇化过程中起到了主要作用。  相似文献   

采用EyeLink II眼动仪,以小学二年级语文学优生和学困生为被试,考察词切分对句子阅读的影响.实验设置四种空格呈现条件:正常无空格条件、字间空格条件、词间空格条件和非词空格条件.研究表明:(1)小学二年级学生阅读词间空格文本、字间空格文本和正常无空格文本效果相同.(2)与语文学优生相比,学困生阅读任何条件的句子需要更多的注视时间和注视次数.非词空格呈现条件对学困生的干扰更大,表明学困生更依赖文本的低水平信息.文章最后探讨了汉语阅读的基本信息单元问题.  相似文献   

选取由两个双字词组成的多词组合(单词组合、模糊词组合、双词组合),比较老年人和青年人对多词单元的加工情况。结果发现,相比于其他两类组合,所有被试在单词组合上的注视时间更短,第一遍注视次数更少,成分词上的注视时间更短,跳读率更高,表现出多词单元的加工优势,而且这一加工优势不存在显著的年龄差异。结果表明,汉语老年读者同样将多词单元作为整体进行加工。  相似文献   

实验采用眼动技术实时考察了句子阅读理解过程中的句法预测效应和并列句的结构表征特点。眼动数据分析发现:(1)有无句法预测没有明显影响名词短语区域的加工, 不同眼动指标差异不显著; (2)有无句法预测显著影响被试对包含暂时局部歧义的关键区和具有解歧作用的关键后区域的阅读理解, 首次注视时间、第一遍阅读时间、回视路径时间和第一遍回视率明显减少。眼动研究表明, 暂时局部歧义句子阅读理解过程中表现出明显的句法预测效应, 有句法预测降低了局部歧义区域和解歧区域早期和晚期加工的难度; 和英语的短语并列优先法则不同, 汉语并列句子的结构表征出现分离现象, 即短语并列和句子并列。  相似文献   

以空白单元格定位为实验任务,操纵序列点阵的分布,考察视觉短时记忆与视知觉的信息整合机制。实验一发现任务正确率与点阵1的圆点数呈近似U形关系。实验二发现在拐点前后被试的眼动模式从偏向于注视圆点位置转为偏向于注视空格位置。因此,视觉信息的分布模式调节整合策略,当处于视觉短时记忆中的圆点数在其容量之内时,采用图像—知觉整合策略,反之,则采用转换—比较策略。  相似文献   

通过眼动仪记录读者阅读过程中的眼动特征,发现了一些重要的效应,这些效应有助于深化人们对阅读过程的认识.本文将从阅读材料的空间信息、词汇特性、语言因素和词结构四个方面总结在词汇加工中所发现的重要效应.最后,对各效应之间的相互关系及其在词汇加工的理论模型中的作用进行了探讨,并指出眼动技术与ERP技术相结合的多样化研究趋势.  相似文献   

前瞻记忆需要经过策略加工:来自眼动的证据   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈思佚  周仁来 《心理学报》2010,42(12):1128-1136
基于视觉搜索范式,采用多目标刺激呈现的眼动测量方法探索事件性前瞻记忆的加工过程。行为结果显示,对靶目标以及干扰目标的击中率比前瞻记忆目标的击中率均更高,只有前瞻线索和干扰目标比只有靶目标的反应时更长。眼动结果显示,第一注视时间和总注视时间从干扰目标、靶目标到前瞻目标逐渐增长,在前瞻漏报中存在注视到前瞻线索的可能性,搜索序列中靶目标的存在会干扰对前瞻线索的注意。行为和眼动的结果表明,前瞻线索是否被注视到并不会决定前瞻记忆是否会成功,对于意向的实现需要目标检查或者预备注意加工过程,支持策略控制理论。  相似文献   

习惯性反应指学习者根据自身阅读习惯来进行学习时间分配,它通常由词对位置这一外部线索激发。研究运用眼动记录技术,采用Metcalfe范式探讨词对位置和难度对学习时间分配的影响,以检验自定步调学习时间的习惯性反应。结果发现:(1)在自定步调总学习时间上,学习者倾向于对难度越大的项目分配越多的学习时间;(2)在前期自定步调学习进程上,当词对位置为易-中-难条件时,学习者倾向于优先在容易项目上分配较多的学习时间,接着是中等难度项目,最后是困难项目;当词对位置为难-中-易条件时,结果相反。这说明学习者的自定步调总学习时间受项目难度驱动,而前期自定步调学习时间受习惯性反应影响。  相似文献   

New words enter the language through several word formation processes [see Simonini (Engl J 55:752–757, 1966)]. One such process, blending, occurs when two source words are combined to represent a new concept (e.g., SMOG, BRUNCH, BLOG, and INFOMERCIAL). While there have been examinations of the structure of blends [see Gries (Linguistics 42:639–667, 2004) and Lehrer (Am Speech 73:3–28, 1998)], relatively little attention has been given to how lexicalized blends are recognized and if this process differs from other types of words. In the present study, blend words were matched to non-blend control words on length, familiarity, and frequency. Two tasks were used to examine blend processing: lexical decision and sentence reading. The results demonstrated that blend words were processed differently than non-blend control words. However, the nature of the effect varied as a function of task demands. Blends were recognized slower than control words in the lexical decision task but received shorter fixation durations when embedded in sentences.  相似文献   

采用边界范式,以60名小学生为被试,探讨了小学生不同词语类型的预视效应。结果表明:(1)五年级学生表现出更高的阅读效率;(2)预视类型的主效应显著,出现明显的预视效应;(3)不同词语类型的预视效应差异不显著;(4)未出现副中央凹-中央凹效应。研究结果支持阅读眼动的序列加工模型。  相似文献   

词切分对初学者句子阅读影响的眼动研究   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
采用EyeLink II眼动仪,以72名小学三年级学生为被试,通过三个实验来探讨词切分对初学者汉语句子阅读的影响。实验一设置四种空格呈现条件:正常的无空格条件、字间空格条件、词间空格条件和非词空格条件。实验二采用灰条标记作为字、词或非词的边界,使不同条件下句子的空间分布是一致的。实验三进一步操纵了学生的阅读技能。结果发现三个实验的结果趋势是一致的。小学三年级学生在阅读有词间空格的文本和正常的无空格文本一样容易。尽管词切分文本对阅读技能高和阅读技能低的学生来说一样容易,但非词空格呈现条件会对阅读技能低的学生产生更大的干扰作用。阅读技能低的学生在阅读过程中更依赖于文本的低水平视觉线索。文章最后讨论了词切分对建构中文阅读眼动控制模型的启示。  相似文献   

绕口令效应指无论朗读还是默读,绕口令的阅读时间都长于正常句子的阅读时间。本研究采用Eyelink 2000型眼动仪,通过两个实验考察汉语阅读中的绕口令效应及其对知觉广度的影响。实验1结果表明:与阅读非绕口令相比,绕口令的阅读时间和注视次数均显著增加而阅读速度和平均眼跳幅度均显著下降。实验2结果表明:绕口令的知觉广度为注视点右侧1~2个汉字,控制句的知觉广度为注视点右侧2~3个汉字。结果说明汉语中存在绕口令效应,使读者知觉广度变小,阅读效率下降。。  相似文献   

张豹  黄赛  祁禄 《心理学报》2013,45(2):139-148
工作记忆表征能否引导视觉注意选择?目前实验结果尚不一致。有研究者认为能否观察到注意引导效应取决于视觉搜索类型。研究采用工作记忆任务与视觉搜索任务相结合的双任务范式, 结合眼动追踪技术, 对不同视觉搜索类型下的注意引导效应进行验证。实验1结果发现, 不管视觉搜索任务的靶子是否变化, 在早期的眼动指标上都发现了显著的注意引导效应, 但注意引导效应在靶子固定的视觉搜索任务下表现得更强。实验2在平衡两种视觉搜索任务中的工作记忆负载后发现, 两种视觉搜索任务下都出现了显著的注意引导效应, 但没有发现实验1中所出现的任务间差异。实验结果否定了视觉搜索类型对注意引导效应的决定性影响, 同时也提示工作记忆负载可能在注意引导效应中起重要作用。  相似文献   

The present research investigated the attraction phenomenon, which commonly occurs in the domain of production but is also apparent in comprehension. It particularly focused on its accessibility to conceptual influence, in analogy to previous findings in production in Hebrew (Deutsch and Dank, J Mem Lang, 60:112–143, 2009). The experiments made use of the contrast between grammatical and natural gender in Hebrew, using complex subject noun phrases containing head nouns and prepositional phrases with local nouns. Noun phrases were manipulated to produce (a) matches and mismatches in grammatical gender between heads and local nouns; and (b) inanimate nouns and animate nouns with natural gender that served either as head or as local nouns. These noun phrases were the subjects of sentences that ended with predicates agreeing in gender with the head noun, with the local noun, or both. The ungrammatical sentences were those in which the gender of the predicate and the head noun did not match. To assess the impact of conflicts in grammatical and natural gender on the time course of reading, participants’ eye movements were monitored. The results revealed clear disruptions in reading the predicate due to grammatical-gender mismatches with head and local nouns, in analogy to attraction in production. When the head nouns conveyed natural gender these effects were amplified, but variations in the natural gender of local nouns had negligible consequences. The results imply that comprehension and production are similarly sensitive to the control of grammatical agreement by grammatical and natural gender in subject noun phrases.  相似文献   

以三维场景图片为实验材料,采用眼动追踪技术,通过两个实验考察了对称场景中物体相似性对空间表征的影响。结果表明:(1)无相似物体条件下,场景本身的内在结构对空间表征有重要影响,对称轴方向可以作为空间表征参照方向;(2)存在部分相似物体条件下,物体的相似性会影响空间表征参照方向的选择,并且相似物体方向也是空间表征的参照方向之一。  相似文献   

语言产生的句法启动效应在近20年得到较深入研究。那么, 语言理解和语言产生中, 句法启动效应具有相同的加工机制吗?近些年, 研究者考察了印欧语系语言理解中的启动效应, 但还存在较多争论。这究竟是句法效应, 还是策略或者语义效应, 是词汇驱动还是词汇独立的?而且, 这是人类语言理解的语系特性还是普遍特性?单独采用行为技术、眼动技术或者ERP技术很难为这些争论提供坚实的实验证据和较深入的理论解释。鉴于此, 本项目拟采用眼动和ERP结合的技术, 从心理学、语言学和认知神经科学等多学科交叉的视角考查汉语句子理解的句法启动效应。通过分析眼动和ERP实验提供的一致性和差异性证据, 本项目力图阐明和揭示汉语句子理解中句法启动效应的认知特点和机制, 检验内隐学习理论和论元结构理论在解释句法启动效应时的适用性。  相似文献   

This paper reports the results of three studies examining comprehension and real-time processing of pronominal (Experiment 1) and Wh-movement (Experiments 2 and 3) structures in agrammatic and unimpaired speakers using eyetracking. We asked the following questions: (a) Is off-line comprehension of these constructions impaired in agrammatic listeners?, (b) Do agrammatic, like unimpaired, listeners show eye movement patterns indicative of automatic pronominal reference resolution and/or gap-filling?, and (c) Do eyetracking patterns differ when sentences are correctly versus incorrectly interpreted, or do automatic processes prevail in spite of comprehension failure? Results showed that off-line comprehension of both pronoun and Wh-movement structures was impaired in our agrammatic cohort. However, the aphasic participants showed visual evidence of real-time reference resolution as they processed binding structures, including both pronouns and reflexives, as did our unimpaired control participants. Similarly, both the patients and the control participants showed patterns consistent with successful gap filling during processing of Wh-movement structures. For neither pronominal nor movement structures did we find evidence of delayed processing. Notably, these patterns were found for the aphasic participants even when they incorrectly interpreted target sentences, with the exception of object relative constructions. For incorrectly interpreted sentences, we found end of sentence lexical competition effects. These findings indicate that aberrant lexical integration, rather than representational deficits or generally slowed processing, may underlie agrammatic aphasic listener’s comprehension failure.  相似文献   

An eye-tracking experiment investigated the role of case-marking in parsing. We manipulated the case of pronouns in reduced complement sentences like I recognized you and your family would be unhappy here and I recognized she and her family would be unhappy here , in which the nominative pronoun she immediately disambiguates the sentences, in contrast to the ambiguous you . The nominative pronoun she disambiguates the sentence because I recognised she is ungrammatical, and thus she and her family must be the subject of an embedded sentence and not the NP-object of the preceding verb. Subjects took longer to read she and her family than you and your family during initial processing. The pattern reversed at the disambiguating phrase would be . Unambiguous control sentences containing the complementizer that did not produce case-marking effects. These results demonstrate very rapid effects of case-marking on parsing. Either case information is used immediately, or it is employed after an extremely short delay. We discuss implications for current theories of parsing.  相似文献   

The study of attention in pictures is mostly limited to individual images. When we ‘read’ a visual narrative (e.g., a comic strip), the pictures have a coherent sequence, but it is not known how this affects attention. In two experiments, we eyetracked participants in order to investigate how disrupting the visual sequence of a comic strip would affect attention. Both when panels were presented one at a time (Experiment 1) and when a sequence was presented all together (Experiment 2), pictures were understood more quickly and with fewer fixations when in their original order. When order was randomised, the same pictures required more attention and additional ‘regressions’. Fixation distributions also differed when the narrative was intact, showing that context affects where we look. This reveals the role of top‐down structures when we attend to pictorial information, as well as providing a springboard for applied research into attention within image sequences.Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

采用无任务浏览范式,选取积极、中性和消极的情绪面孔作为材料,将面孔划分为3个兴趣区(眼睛、鼻子和嘴),考察中国个体在加工本族与高加索情绪面孔的眼动注视特点。研究结果显示,在浏览本族的(积极、中性和消极)情绪面孔时,中国被试对眼睛和鼻子的注视次数和时长显著多于对嘴部的注视次数和时长。在浏览高加索的(积极、中性和消极)情绪面孔时,中国被试对眼睛和鼻子的注视次数和时长显著多于其对嘴部的注视次数和时长,并且对鼻子的注视次数和时长也显著多于眼睛的注视次数和时长。结果表明,在加工本族面孔表情,中国被试将鼻子和眼睛作为主要注视区域,而加工高加索面孔表情时则是将鼻子作为最主要注视区域,即中国被试加工本族和异族面孔表情的注视特点存在差异。  相似文献   

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