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智力的人类学观和社会学观介绍   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
智力的理论问题一直有很大的争议,不同的研究者在自己研究工作的基础上提出了相应的理论或模型。本文比较详细地介绍了目前智力研究领域的两种重要理论观点及其测验。通过对人类学观和社会学观的介绍,使人们进一步认识到对智力理解的多样性.  相似文献   

胡壤  杨宁 《心理科学》1993,16(5):305-307
美国著名心理学家R.J.Sternberg 认为,智力是心理的自我管理。他指出,如果把智力跟政府这两种看起来截然不同的系统进行细致的类比,就能恰当地认识这一点。智力的本质在于它是我们管理自己的一种手段,使得我们的思想、行为变得有组织,有条理。而政府的本质在于它是社会管理的一种手段,其作用在于使社会有效地运转.有趣的是,在政府所具有的特性之中,许多也为智力所具有.因此,关于政府的理论在一定程度有助于人们更好地认识智力的本质.  相似文献   

进化观点下的智力研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了进化心理学探讨智力所取得的研究成果,内容包括智力的起源(如进化环境与智力的关系)、进化心理学视角下智力的分类。同时,该文认为一般智力是一种特殊的认知模块,即专门智力。最后,讨论了对智力进行进化心理学研究的重要意义与未来研究取向。  相似文献   

本文从帕金斯的神经智力、经验智力和反省智力理论出发,详细阐述了他的真智力理论,并探讨了这三者之间相互强化、相互补偿的协作关系.同时还对真智力理论进行了基本的评价.  相似文献   

对情绪智力概念的探讨   总被引:32,自引:1,他引:31  
卢家楣 《心理科学》2005,28(5):1246-1250
人们对情绪智力研究的兴趣渐起.但围绕情绪智力的基本概念仍存在着一些值得探讨的问题。本文对情绪智力的术语本身、概念内涵和外延以及与非智力因素、社会智力的关系进行了探讨.以冀更好地确立其在心理学中的科学地位,促进这方面理论与实践的研究。  相似文献   

近年来有关智力的研究概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨丽 《社会心理科学》2006,21(3):11-14,18
作为个体差异的一个重要来源,智力一直是研究者们高度关注的焦点。心理学家们从不同的角度出发,采用不同的研究范式,纷纷提出了各自不同的智力理论。这些理论推动了人们对智力本质的深入认识,在很大程度上促进了人们对个体差异的更好理解。文章从智力研究的四大主要范式入手,对近些年来有关智力的研究作一概述,以期能带给人们更多的启示。  相似文献   

一种新的智力观--塞西的智力生物生态学模型述评   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
丁芳  李其维  熊哲宏 《心理科学》2002,25(5):541-543
美国心理学教授塞西在对传统智力心理测量学理论批评的基础上于1990年提出了信息加工取向的智力的生物生态学模型。这一模型主要有四个基本假设,即智力是一个多种资源系统;生物潜能与环境力量的相互作用;适宜的“最近过程”是智力发展的“引擎”;把“动机”整合到智力发展中。塞西智力的生物生态学模型为我们揭示人的智力的本质提供了一个新的视角。  相似文献   

朴素智力理论是没有系统学习科学智力理论的成年人对智力的经验性认识。对成年人朴素智力理论的研究有助于了解个体如何建立对客观世界的理解。本文从对智力本质的理解、朴素智力理论的影响因素、对自己或他人智商的估计三个视角介绍了有关成年人朴素智力理论的研究。成人对智力本质的理解有跨文化的一致性,大多包括问题解决、言语能力、社会能力三个方面,这与科学智力理论有一定的相似;成人的朴素智力理论也受到环境、文化、“聪明人”原型年龄的影响;成人对智商的估计有中等程度的准确性。总的来说,成年人对智力的朴素认识是比较准确的。不同层面的个体经验很可能塑造了智力的朴素理论。  相似文献   

介绍了20世纪80年代以来智力理论的最近发展,主要包括:Gardner的多重智力理论,认为存在7种相互独立的智力;Anderson的智力与认知发展的理论,认为智力的个别差异和发展变化可以用不同的加工机制来说明;Sternberg的三元理论,包括成分子理论、经验子理论和背景子理论;Ceci的生物生态学理论,认为智力性成果有赖于具有丰富的并很好组织的知识基础的多重认知潜能之间的相互作用。智力的研究焦点是探索生理和环境之间复杂的相互作用。  相似文献   

公众的智力观──北京普通居民对智力看法的调查研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
本研究采用调查分折法,对城市普通居民的智力观念和对高智力者重要特征的评定情况作了调查。研究发现,在对高智力成人和高智力儿童重要特征的评定中,①前10项儿童和成人的最重要特征中有五项是共同的,体现出高智力者的共有特征;②对儿童特征和成人特征重要性次序的评定不同,表现出对两者智力活动要求的不同,并且在不同年龄层的受调查者中有较大差异,③15项成人高智力特征可以聚为思维开放性特征群,智力信息加工特征群和非认知因素特征群三类.研究结果表明:总体而言,城市普通居民的智力观念及对智力的理解与心理专家的看法有相似之处,并且与现代认知心理学的智力观有一定的一致性。  相似文献   

于国庆  李其维 《心理科学》2003,26(4):612-616
本文以智力的约定性为立论,把超越界定为智力的约定性的广度、深度和效度的大幅度提高。将斯腾伯格对智力的研究放到智力理论研究的历史过程中,对斯腾伯格的三元智力理论及成功智力理论对IQ的超越做了分析。指出传统IQ是学业差异约定,三元智力是多元权变约定,成功智力是人生成功约定,后者都是对前者的超越,成功智力是对IQ的再次超越。最后尝试性地提出智力约定性的“树”的隐喻。本文对智力理论的研究和教育实践有参考价值。  相似文献   

长久以来,人们习惯于凭智力测验对一个人的能力做出判断,并用之预测个体未来成就的高低。本文介绍了斯腾伯格(R.J.Stemberg)最近提出的“发展中的专门知识技能说”,认为智力测验和任何学业或职业成就测验一样,测的也是个体正在发展中的某种专门知识技能的暂时水平,其测验结果并不能说明一个人的能力,也不能用作预测。最后讨论了该学说对教育的启示。  相似文献   

以高度分化的g因素研究为理论基础,智力开发活动形成了神经潜能开发、心理管理与反省经验开发、专家技能开发、多元智力开发、社会分布式认知开发、知识表征重组开发、环境重组开发等智力要素开发理念以及一些代表性的实践。随着对智力结构的整合研究的出现和不断深入,智力开发理念和模式将由分化的要素开发向整合开发转变,以智力与其他心理结构、智力与内部世界和外部世界系统关系为基础的智力开发将是理论和实践研究的重点内容  相似文献   

This was a crosscultural study that focused on sex differences in self‐ and other‐estimates of multiple intelligences (including 10 that were specified by Gardner, 1999 and three by Sternberg, 1988) as well as in an overall general intelligence estimate. It was one of a programmatic series of studies done in over 30 countries that has demonstrated the female “humility” and male “hubris” effect in self‐estimated and other‐estimated intelligence. Two hundred and thirty Russian university students estimated their own and their parents’ overall intelligence and “multiple intelligences.” Results revealed no sex difference in estimates of overall intelligence for both self and parents, but men rated themselves higher on spatial intelligence. This contradicted many previous findings in the area which have shown that men rate their own overall intelligence and mathematical intelligence significantly higher than do women. Regressions indicated that estimates of verbal, logical, and spatial intelligences were the best predictors of estimates of overall intelligence, which is a consistent finding over many studies. Regressions also showed that participants’ openness to experience and self‐respect were good predictors of intelligence estimates. A comparison with a British sample showed that Russians gave higher mother estimates, and were less likely to believe that IQ tests measure intelligence. Results were discussed in relation to the influence of gender role stereotypes on lay conception of intelligence across cultures.  相似文献   

综合智力:对智力概念的整合   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
王垒  梁觉 《心理科学》1999,22(2):97-100
对于智力的概念和效果长期以来存在争议和怀疑。研究表明传统的智力概念不良很好解释个体的成就。  相似文献   

以55名大学生为被试,采用内隐联想测验(IAT)和单类内隐联想测验(SC-IAT)测量被试对智慧的内隐认知.实验1中,被试对人慧者与良好道德人文素质属性词联结以及物慧者与良好智力思维素质属性词联结的反应速度更快,表明大学生存在人慧者更具备良好道德人文素质和物慧者更具备良好智力思维素质的内隐认知取向;实验2中,被试对智慧者与良好德智属性词联结比愚蠢者与良好德智属性词联结的反应速度更快,表明大学生存在智慧者更兼备良好道德人文素质与良好智力思维素质的内隐认知取向.两项实验中,被试智慧内隐认知效应的性别与专业差异显著.综合两项实验表明,智慧是良好道德人文素质与良好智力思维素质的有机结合;学习与经验影响大学生对智慧的内隐认知.  相似文献   


Zulu women (N = 133) were given a structural interview concerning their own and their children's multiple intelligences. The best predictor of their own self-estimated overall intelligence rating was mathematical and spatial intelligence. Mothers showed few significant differences in their estimates of their sons and daughters' overall or multiple intelligences. However, they rated their daughters' interpersonal intelligence higher than those of their sons, and their sons' bodily-kinesthetic intelligence higher than those of their daughters. The mothers believed that overall their children were about 6 IQ points more intelligent than themselves. Although mothers estimated their own spatial, inter-, and intrapersonal intelligence to be higher than those of their children, they also believed that their children had higher mathematical intelligence.  相似文献   

This study is part of a programmatic research effort into the determinants of self-assessed abilities. It examined cross-cultural differences in beliefs about intelligence and self- and other-estimated intelligence in two countries at extreme ends of the European continent. In all, 172 British and 272 Turkish students completed a three-part questionnaire where they estimated their parents', partners' and own multiple intelligences (Gardner (10) and Sternberg (3)). They also completed a measure of the 'big five' personality scales and rated six questions about intelligence. The British sample had more experience with IQ tests than the Turks. The majority of participants in both groups did not believe in sex differences in intelligence but did think there were race differences. They also believed that intelligence was primarily inherited. Participants rated their social and emotional intelligence highly (around one standard deviation above the norm). Results suggested that there were more cultural than sex differences in all the ratings, with various interactions mainly due to the British sample differentiating more between the sexes than the Turks. Males rated their overall, verbal, logical, spatial, creative and practical intelligence higher than females. Turks rated their musical, body-kinesthetic, interpersonal and intrapersonal intelligence as well as existential, naturalistic, emotional, creative, and practical intelligence higher than the British. There was evidence of participants rating their fathers' intelligence on most factors higher than their mothers'. Factor analysis of the ten Gardner intelligences yield two clear factors: cognitive and social intelligence. The first factor was impacted by sex but not culture; it was the other way round for the second factor. Regressions showed that five factors predicted overall estimates: sex (male), age (older), test experience (has done tests), extraversion (strong) and openness (strong). Results are discussed in terms of the growing literature in the field.  相似文献   

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