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《Journal of personality》1940,8(3):250-269
Book reviews in this article:
P sychology : The Science of Behavior. By Karl F. Muenzinger.
T he I ndividual and H is S ociety : The Psychodynamics of Primitive Social Organisation. By Abram Kardiner.
M inor M ental M aladjustments I n N ormal P eople. By J. E. W. Wallin.
T he C linical T reatment O f T he P roblem C hild . By C. R. Rogers.
P sychological F oundations O f P ersonality . By Louis P. Thorpe.
E xplorations in P ersonality . By Henry A. Murray.
P sychology and T he R eligious Q uest : An Account of the Psychology of Religion and a Defence of Individualism. By Raymond B. Cattell.
S keptic's Q uest . By Hornell Hart.
A n E xperiment with T ime . By J. W. Dunne.
A nalysis of F arercasia . By Gladys C. Terry and Thomas A. C. Rennie.
Y ou & H eredity . By Amram Scheinfeld, Assisted in the Genetic Sections by Dr. Morton D. Schweitzer.
P ersonality S tructure in S chizophrenia . By Samuel J. Beck.
T he S tartle P attern . By Carney Landis and William A. Hunt.
E motions and B odily C hanges : A Survey of Literature on Psychosomatic Interrelationships, 1910–1933. Second Edition. By H. Flanders Dunbar.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1951,19(3):352-357
Book reviewed in this article:
A bnormal P sychology and M odern L ife By James C Coleman Chicago Scott
C linical S onnets By Merrill Moore
P hysiological P sychology By G L Freeman
P ersonality D evelopment and A ssessment By Charles M Harsh and H G Schrickel
P ersonality in P eptic U lcer By A J Sullivan, M D, and T E McKell, M D  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1938,7(2):166-171
Book reviews in this article
T he E go and T he M echanisms of D efence . By Anna Freud.
T he N eurotic P ersonality of O ur T ime . By Karen Horney.
S cience A nd P sychical P henomena . By G. N. M. Tyrrell.
N ationalism A nd T he C ommunal M ind . By E. Hanbury Hankin.
T he R ediscovery O f M an . By Henry C. Link.
A S ocial P sychology of S ex and H unger . By A. E. Ayau.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
K nowledge and C haracter . By Maxwell Garnett, C.B.E., Sc.D.
T he T herapy of the N euroses and P sychoses . By Samuel Henry Kraines.
A P olicy in R eligious E ducation . By E. F. Braley.
T echnique of A nalytical P sychotherapy. By Wilhelm Stekel.
P sychological F oundations of P ersonality. By Louis P. Thorpe.
T he M ask of S anity . By Hervey Cleckley.
A us L eiden F reuden . By Theodor Reik.
M asochism in M odern M an . By Theodor Reik. Translated by Margaret H. Beigel and Gertrud M. Kurth.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Psycho-Analytic Epitomes. Numbers 1–4. Under the General Editorship of Dr. John Rickman.
D er R hythmus in D er V erbrecher -H andschrift , [R hythm in the H andwriting of C riminals ], By Roda Wieser
E ine T iefenpsychologische G rund -L age Z ur K lages'schen G rapho -L ogie . [A P sycho -A nalytic F oundation of the G raphological M ethod of K lages .] By S. V. Margadant.
H andschrift U nd E igenart D er K rebsgefaehrdeten . [H andwriting and P eculiarity of P ersons T hreatened by C ancer .] By Etel Vértesi.
V incent V an G ogh im S piegel S einer H andschrift . [V incent V an G ogh's P ersonality R eflected in H is H andwriting .] By Marguerite Rose and Dr. M. J. Mannheim.
L a G raphologie P ar L e T rait . By Walter Hegar.
G raphologia . Volume IV, No. 1/2. Prague
C ollective B ehavior . By Richard T. LaPiere
R eligion and the G rowing M ind . By Basil A. Yeaxlee
W unsch U nd P flicht im A ufbau D es M enschlichen L ebens , By Dr, Else Frenkel and Dr. Edith Weisskopf.
Y oga —A S cientific E valuation . By Kovoor T. Behanan.
T he Q uest of the O verself . By Paul Brunton.
D iscover Y ourself . By Paul Brunton.  相似文献   

Book reviewed in this article:
P ersonality and the B ehavior D isorders: A Handbook Based on Experimental and Clinical Research. Edited by J. McV. Hunt.
T he P sychiatry of R obert B urton. By Bergen Evans in consultation with George J. Mohr, M.D.
R ebel W ithout a C ause: The Hypnoanalysis of a Criminal Psychopath. By Robert M. Lindner.
W hat I s H ypnosis : Studies in Conditioning. By Andrew Salter.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1939,7(3):259-264
Book reviews in this article:
C linical P sychology . By C. M. Louttit.
C linical and E xperimental S tudies in P ersonality . By Morton Prince.
A S ource B ook of G estalt P sychology. By W. D. Ellis.
A B iological A pproach to T he P roblems of A bnormal B ehavior. By Milton Harrington.
R ecent E xperiments in P sychology. By Leland W. Crafts, Theodore C. Schneirla, Elsa E. Robinson, and Ralph W. Gilbert.
S cientists A re H uman . (No. 6, Library of Science and Culture .) By Dr. David Lindsay Watson.  相似文献   

Book Reviews     
《Journal of personality》1952,21(1):149-157
Book Reviewed in this article:
C hildhood and S ociety By Erik H Erikson.
P erception A n A pproach to P ersonality . By R R. Blake and G V Ramsey.
T he S elected W ritings of E dward S apir in L anguage , C ulture and P ersonality Edited by David Mandelbaum Berkeley.
P ublic O pinion 1935–1946 Under the editorial direction of Hadley Cantril Prepared by Mildred Strunk Priceton.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1942,10(4):346-351
Book reviewed in this article:
T he P ractice of C linical P sychology . By Stanley D. Porteus, with the assistance of Mary Hunter and Colin J. Herrick.
H uman N ature in the L ight of P sychopathology . By Kurt Goldstein.
H unger for W holiness : M an's U niversal M otive . By Thomas H. Howells.
F oundations for a S cience of P ersonality . By Andras Angyal.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1938,6(3):243-253
Book reviews in this article
P ersonality : A Psychological Interpretation. By Gordon W. Allport.
T he N ature of H uman N ature and O ther E ssays in S ocial P sychology . By Ellsworth Faris.
S urprise and the P sycho-analyst : A Study of the Conjecture and Comprehension of Unconscious Processes. By Theodor Reik.
C hrist's P sychology of the K ingdom : A Study in Modern Psychology of the System of Jesus in the Gospels. By L. W. Lang.
V isual P erception . By M. D. Vernon.
P sychology of P ersonality . By Ross Stagner.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1950,18(3):383-388
Book reviewed in this article:
A dolescent C haracter and P ersonality By Robert I Havinghurst and Hilda Taba.
T he E nergetics of H uman B ehavior By G L Freeman
S chizophrenia and the MAPS T est By Edwin S Shneidman
A n A pproach to S ocial P roblems By Abbott P Herman  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1974,15(4):446-482
Book reviewed in this article:
Man and his Salvation: Studies in Memory of S. G. F. Brandon. Edited by E ric J. S harpe and J ohn R. H innells .
Religion in Ancient History: Studies in Ideas, Men and Events. By S. G. F. B randon .
The Attractiveness of God. By R. P. C. H anson .
Christian Celebration: The Sacraments. By J. D. C richton .
La Confirmation: sens et conjoncture oecuménique hier et aujourd'hui. By L ouis L igier .
Christian Marriage in Africa: A Report , By A drian H astings .
The Priesthood of Man. By A nthony D. D uncan .
The Christian Priest: Elder and Prophet. By D avid N. P ower .
Les Dieux Rêvés. By H. D esroche .
Politics, Medicine, and Christian Ethics. By C harles E. C urran .
Essays on the Freedom of Action. Edited by T ed H onderich .
Problems of the Self. By B ernard W illiams .
The Nature of Things. By A nthony Q uinton .
The Existence of Cod. (Proceedings of the American Catholic Philosophical Association, Volume XLVI.) Edited by G eorge F. M aclean , o.m.i.
Analogy. By H umphrey P almer .
Modes of Thought. Essays on Thinking in Western and Non- Western Societies. Edited with an introduction by R obin H orton and R uth F innegan .
Mind: An Essay on Human Feeling, Volume II. By S usanne K. L anger .
Psyche and Cerebrum. By J ohn N. F indlay .
Existential Guilt; a Phenomenological Study. By D onald V. M orano .
The Existential Experience. By R alph H arper .
Fractured Personalities. By G ary C ollins .
Essays in the Philosophy of Religion. By H. H. P rice .
Religions of the Ancient Near East. By H elmer R inggren .
History of Israelite Religion. By G eorg F ohrer .
Religion in Judah under the Assyrians. By J ohn M c K ay .
The Gentiles and the Gentile Mission in Luke-Acts. By S. G. W ilson .
By R. de V aux , o.p.
The Stones and the Scriptures. By E dwin Y amauchi .  相似文献   

Book review in this article
T he R iddle of the S phinx . By Geza Roheim. With a preface by Ernest Jones.
A D ynamic T heory of P ersonality . By Kurt Lewin.
P rinciples of G estalt P sychology . By K. Koffka. London: Kegan Paul, Trench, Trubner and Co. New York: Harcourt, Brace and Co., 1935.
T he S ubnormal M ind . By Cyril Burt.  相似文献   

《Heythrop Journal》1973,14(1):72-107
Book reviewed in this article:
The Meaning of Righteousness in Paul . By J. A. Z iesler .
Clement of Alexandria: A Study in Christian Platonism and Gnosticism . By S alvatore R. C. L illa .
Ancient Rhetoric and the Art of Tertullian . By R obert D ick S ider .
Tertullian, A Historical and Literary Study . By T imothy D avid B arnes .
Cluniac Monasticism in the Middle Ages . Edited by N oreen H unt .
Papal Judges Delegate in the Province of Canterbury 1198–1254 . By J ane E. S ayers .
Itinera Ministri Generalis Bernardini De Arezzo (1691–1698). By P hilippus D e F irenze .
The Letters and Diaries of John Henry Newman . Volume XXI, January 1864 to June 1865. Edited by C harles S tephen D essain and E dward E. K elly .
The Spirituality of Friedrich von Hügel . By J oseph P. W helan .
Dietrich Bonhoeffer: Theologian of Reality . By A ndré D umas .
Contemplation in a World of Action . By T homas M erton .
Merton's Theology of Prayer . By J ohn J. H iggins .
Faith and Order Louvain 1971 .
The Absolute and the Atonement . By I lltyd T rethowan .
Religion and the Scientific Future . By L angdon G ilkey .
Problems of Religious Knowledge . By T erence P enelhum .
An Introduction to Modal Logic . By G. E. H ughes and M. J. C resswell .
Modal Logic and its Applications . By D. P aul S nyder .
Deontic Logic: Introductory and Systematic Readings . Edited by R isto H ilpinen .
Philosophy as Dramatic Theory . By J ulián M arías . Translated from the Spanish by J ames P arsons .
Metaphysical Anthropology: the Empirical Structure of Human Life . By J ulián M arías . Translated by F rances M. L ópez -M orillas .
Shadows of Heaven . By G unnar U rang .  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1939,7(4):346-359
Book reviews in this article:
F rustration A nd A ggression . By John Dollard, Leonard W. Doob, Neal E. Miller, O. H. Mowrer, Robert R. Sears.
P sychological F actors in M arital H appiness . By L. M. Terman.
T wins : A Study of Heredity and Environment. By Horatio H. Newman, Frank N. Freeman, and Karl J. Holzinger.
P sychologische Z willingsunter S uchungen . By Arvo Lehtovaara.
C ooperation and C ompetition A mong P rimitive P eoples . Edited by Margaret Mead.
C ompetition and C ooperation . By Mark A. May and Leonard W. Doob.
M emorandum on R esearch in C ompetition and C ooperation . By Members of the Sub-Committee on Competition and Cooperation.
P rimitive B ehavior . By William I. Thomas.
B ehavior and B ackground of S tudents in C ollege and S econdary S chool , By Ruth Strang.
C ounseling T echnics in C ollege and S econdary S chool , By Ruth Strang.
S tudents and O ccupations , By E. G. Williamson.
V ocational G uidance T hroughout the W orld , By Franklin J, Keller and Morris S. Viteles.
B rothers in C rime . By Clifford R. Shaw.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1940,8(4):342-353
Book reviews in this article:
C ognitive P sychology . By Dom Thomas Verner Moore.
M ental D isorders I n U rba N A rea S. By R. E. L. Faris and H. W. Dunham.
F acts and T heories of P sychoanalysis . By Ives Hendrick, M.D.
A nalysis O f H andwriting . By Hans J. Jacoby.
M odes O f T hought . By Alfred North Whitehead.
T he P sychology O f C ommon S ense . By A. A. Roback.
H uman N ature W rit L arge : A Social-Psychologic Survey and Western Anthropology. By F. Creedy.
T he C ulture O f C ities . By Lewis Mumford.
H ereditary and E nvironmentat F actors I n T he C ausation O f M anic -D epressive P sychoses and D ementia P raecox . By Horatio M. Pollock.  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1936,4(3):258-263
Book review in this article
A n A utobiographical S tudy . By Sigmund Freud, M.D.LL.D. Authorised Translation by James Strachey.
T hought and L anguage . By Philip Boswood.
P sychology and R eligion . By David Forsyth.
T esting C hildren's D evelopment from B irth to S chool A ge . By Charlotte Bühler and Hildegarde Hetzer.
S cience and the H uman T emperament . By Erwin Schroedinger. Translated and with a Biographical Introduction by James Murphy. Foreword by Lord Rutherford of Nelson.
T he M ind of a D og . By F. J. F. Buytendijk. Translated by Lillian A. Clare.
A n I ntroduction to S pace P erception . By Harvey A. Carr.  相似文献   

《The Philosophical quarterly》2005,55(220):504-540
Book reviewed in this article:
Plato on Knowledge and Forms: Selected Essays . By G ail F ine .
The Dialectic of Essence: a Study of Plato's Metaphysics . By A llan S ilverman .
Hobbes, Locke, and Confusion's Masterpiece: an Examination of Seventeenth-Century Political Philosophy . B y R oss H arrison .
A Defense of Hume on Miracles . B y R obert J. F ogelin .
Freedom and Anthropology in Kant's Moral Philosophy . B y P atrick R. F rierson .
Sittengesetz und Freiheit: Untersuchungen zu Immanuel Kants Theorie des freien Willens . B y J ens T immermann .
On Liberty . By J ohn S tuart M ill . E dited by D avid B romwich and G eorge K ateb .
Donald Davidson . E dited by K irk L udwig .
A Philosophical Guide to Conditionals . B y J onathan B ennett .
Modality . B y J oseph M elia .
Agency and Self-Awareness: Issues in Philosophy and Psychology . E dited by J ohannes R oessler and N aomi E ilan .
Defending Science – Within Reason . B y S usan H aack .
Natural Ethical Facts: Evolution, Connectionism, and Moral Cognition . B y W illiam C ase-beer .
Liberalism, Constitutionalism, and Democracy . B y R ussell H ardin .
Indeterminacy and Society . B y R ussell H ardin .
Does God Exist? The Craig—Flew Debatez . E dited by S tan W. W allace .
The Creation of Art . E dited by B erys G aut and P aisley L ivingston .  相似文献   

《Journal of personality》1937,5(3):252-260
Book reviews in this article
P sychology and the S ocial O rder . By J. F. Brown.
S ocial P sychology . By R. T. La Piere and P. R. Farnsworth.
T rait -N ames : A Psycholexical Study. By G. W. Allport and H. S. Odbert.
P rinciples of T opological P sychology . By Kurt Lewin. Translated by Fritz and Grace M. Heider.
S elf -C onsciousness S elf -T reated . By Dr. A. A. Roback.
T he S cientist in A ction : A Scientific Study of His Methods. By William H. George.
S ocial D eterminants in J uvenile D elinquency . By T. Earl Sullenger.
T he N ation's I ntelligence . By J. L. Gray.
T he F reedom of M an . By Arthur H. Compton.
M otivation of B ehavior : The Fundamental Determinants of Human and Animal Activity. By Paul Thomas Young.  相似文献   

Book reviews in this article:
Evolution as Entropy: Toward a Unified Theory of Biology. By D aniel R. B rooks and E. O. W iley .
Star Wave: Mind, Consciousness, and Quantum Physics. By F red A lan W olf .
Reality and Scientific Theology. By T. F. T orrance .
Charles Hartshorne and the Existence of God. By D onald W ayne V iney .
Aldous Huxley and Eastern Wisdom. By B ansi L. C hakoo .
Habits of the Heart: Individualism and Commitment in American Life. By R obert N. B ellah , R ichard M adsen , W illiam M. S ullivan , A nn S widler , and S tephen M. T ipton .
Culture and the Evolutionary Process. By R obert Bom and P eter J. R icherson .  相似文献   

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