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The ability of the aphasic patient to repeat a message is a capacity of considerable diagnostic value. While it is well known that certain aphasic groups (e.g., transcortical aphasics) repeat better than other groups (e.g., conduction aphasics), possible qualitative differences among the groups have not been subjected to analysis. To secure information on repetition profiles in various aphasic subgroups, a test consisting of 11 types of items, presented under conditions of both immediate and delayed recall, was administered to eight groups of aphasic patients. The results documented a significant difference across aphasic groups, one related to site of lesion but not to severity of comprehension defect. Performance proved to be a joint product of the length and the meaningfulness of the stimulus items. The delayed condition aided Broca's aphasics and impeded anomic aphasics; in addition, nonsense syllables proved to be easier on immediate recall, while meaningful stimuli, particularly those which were number related, were relatively easier on delayed recall. Finally, sound errors were more likely to be made by Broca's and “mixed anterior” aphasics, while meaning errors were particularly prominent among conduction aphasics. These results are discussed in terms of the mechanisms which may mediate repetition in aphasic patients.  相似文献   

Many studies reveal effects of verb type on verb retrieval, mainly in agrammatic aphasic speakers. In the current study, two factors that might play a role in action naming in anomic aphasic speakers were considered: the conceptual factor instrumentality and the lexical factor name relation to a noun. Instrumental verbs were shown to be better preserved than non-instrumental verbs in a group of anomic aphasic speakers but not in a group of Broca's aphasic speakers. Name relation to a noun improved the performance of the anomic aphasic speakers as well. Again, no effect was found in the group of Broca's aphasic speakers. Verbs with a name relation to a noun were better retrieved in action naming than verbs without a name relation. These findings are discussed in terms of the spreading activation theory of Dell. (Dell, G. S. (1986). A spreading activation theory of retrieval in sentence production. Psychological Review 93, 283-321.).  相似文献   

The influence of monetary feedback on Wisconsin Card Sort Test (WCST) performance of 14 male schizophrenics was investigated. Patients were administered the test under standard instructions and with monetary feedback in counterbalanced order. Monetary reinforcement reduced perseverative errors and increased correct responses (p less than .05). These findings suggest that the WCST perseverative errors of schizophrenics reflect motivational as well as cognitive factors.  相似文献   

A Thai conduction aphasic's performance on a written confrontation naming task is reported. Analysis of his spelling errors indicated that errors rarely violated Thai phonotactic constraints; consonant substitutions were phonologically similar to the target stimuli; longer stimuli were more likely to be in error; distribution of errors was the same across consonants, vowels, and tones; and distribution of error types varied between segmentals (consonants, vowels) and suprasegmentals (tones). Error patterns were similar to those observed in oral reading and repetition. The pattern of impaired writing performance is discussed in relation to a functional model of the spelling process, and it is hypothesized to reflect primarily a functional lesion to the phonological buffer.  相似文献   

Conversational discourse samples were obtained from four aphasic and four neurologically normal Hispanic bilinguals in monolingual English, monolingual Spanish, and bilingual contexts to identify codeswitching patterns. Analysis of the samples based on the Matrix Language Frame (MLF) Model (Myers-Scotton, 1993a) revealed consistent matching of the language context by the aphasic and normal subjects. The aphasic subjects demonstrated a greater frequency of MLF constituents and codeswitching patterns not evident in the speech samples of the normal subjects. Results suggest an increased dependence on both languages for communication following neurological impairment.  相似文献   

In communication dyads, three junior high clutterers interacted verbally with three matched control subjects in a task that required one member of the dyad to explain a complicated route (from a marked map of a town center) to the other (who had an unmarked map.) Members played both roles in the dyads. These six subjects were compared with one group of normally speaking control subjects carrying out the same task. Both quantitative and qualitative analyses indicate that, compared with normal speaking pupils, clutterers frequently manifested pragmatic errors and communication failures.  相似文献   

Current models of word production assume that words are stored as linear sequences of phonemes which are structured into syllables only at the moment of production. This is because syllable structure is always recoverable from the sequence of phonemes. In contrast, we present theoretical and empirical evidence that syllable structure is lexically represented. Storing syllable structure would have the advantage of making representations more stable and resistant to damage. On the other hand, re-syllabifications affect only a minimal part of phonological representations and occur only in some languages and depending on speech register. Evidence for these claims comes from analyses of aphasic errors which not only respect phonotactic constraints, but also avoid transformations which move the syllabic structure of the word further away from the original structure, even when equating for segmental complexity. This is true across tasks, types of errors, and, crucially, types of patients. The same syllabic effects are shown by apraxic patients and by phonological patients who have more central difficulties in retrieving phonological representations. If syllable structure was only computed after phoneme retrieval, it would have no way to influence the errors of phonological patients. Our results have implications for psycholinguistic and computational models of language as well as for clinical and educational practices.  相似文献   

The recovery of 31 aphasic stroke patients in the first three months postonset was investigated. Improvements on eight comprehension, repetition, and expression tasks were documented for four groups. These groups, retrospectively defined on the basis of initial scores on a fluency and a comprehension task, were: Low Fluency/Low Comprehension (LFLC), Low Fluency/High Comprehension (LFHC), High Fluency/Low Comprehension (HFLC), and High Fluency/High Comprehension (HFHC). Examination of each group's recovery revealed (1) equal improvement on nearly all language tasks for the two High Comprehension groups and (2) a more selective improvement largely in comprehension and imitation tasks for the two Low Comprehension groups. Implications of this selective improvement in initially low comprehending aphasics are discussed.  相似文献   

Perseverative (A-not-B) errors during the search of a hidden object were recently described in both dogs and 10-month-old infants. It was found that ostensive cues indicating a communicative intent of the person who hides the object played a major role in eliciting perseverative errors in both species. However, the employed experimental set-up gave rise to several alternative explanations regarding the source of these errors. Here we present a simplified protocol that eliminates the ambiguities present in the original design. Using five consecutive object hiding events to one of two locations in a fixed order (“AABBA”), we tested adult companion dogs and human children (24 months old). The experimenter performed the hiding actions while giving ostensive cues in each trial and moved the target object to the given location in a straight line. Our results show that in the B trials, both 24-month-old children and dogs could not reliably find the hidden object, and their performance in the first B trials was significantly below that of any of the A trials. These results are the first to show that the tendency for perseverative errors in an ostensive-communicative context is a robust phenomenon among 2-year-old children and dogs, and not the by-product of a topographically elaborate hiding event.  相似文献   

Siblings' imitative behaviors were investigated in 39 middle‐class dyads during six 90‐min home sessions at both Time 1 (M age: older sibling = 4.4 years; younger sibling = 2.4 years) and Time 2 (2 years later). Although younger siblings imitated most often at T1 and T2, older siblings' imitation increased proportionally over time in comparison to younger siblings. Findings highlight the affiliative nature of imitation that occurred during reciprocal play interactions, via positive responses, and the content of the imitation. Finally, age was controlled by comparing first‐born siblings aged 4 at T1 to second‐born siblings aged 4 at T2. Findings demonstrated that sibling imitation had distinct characteristics despite the age match and partner effects. Sibling imitation is a dynamic, interactive social behavior and may be a powerful source of learning for young children.


  • The role of sibling imitation in ongoing play in early childhood is highlighted.
  • Sibling imitation is a dynamic and affiliative behavior that promotes interaction during play.
  • Naturalistic observations of sibling imitation document that it is a powerful source of learning for young children.

The nature and extent of spelling errors in a patient with transcortical sensory aphasia were investigated. The two experimental conditions required the patient to spell monosyllabic and polysyllabic words both verbally and in written form. Analysis of the spelling errors revealed partially preserved knowledge of the visual image of a word as a whole, as well as preserved knowledge of temporal order. Our patient's error patterns in both conditions were more similar than dissimilar. These findings in conjunction with results reported in the literature indicate that patients exhibiting different aphasia syndromes use separate spelling strategies.  相似文献   

BackgroundDriving simulators have become an important research tool in road safety. They provide a safer environment to test driving performance and have the capacity to manipulate and control situations that are not possible on-road.AimTo validate a laboratory-based driving simulator in measuring on-road driving performance by type and mean driving errors.MethodsParticipants were instructed to drive a selected route on-road. The same route was programmed in the driving simulator using the UC/Win-road software. All participants completed a background questionnaire. On-road driving behaviours of participants and driving behaviours in the simulator were assessed by an occupational therapist and two trained researchers using an assessment form. Interclass correlations were calculated to assess the inter-rater agreement between the researchers on driving behaviours. Paired t-tests were used to assess differences in driving performance between the simulator and on-road assessments.ResultsA convenience sample of 47 drivers aged 18–69 years who held a current Western Australian class C licence (passenger vehicle) were recruited into the study. The mean age was 34.80 years (SD: 13.21) with twenty-six males (55.32%) and 21 females (44.68%) completing the study. There was no statistical difference between the on-road assessment and the driving simulator for mirror checking, left, right and forward observations, speed at intersections, maintaining speed, obeying traffic lights and stop signs.ConclusionThe preliminary results provide early support for the relative validity of the driving simulator which may be used for a variety of road safety outcomes with reduced risk of harm to participants.  相似文献   

The Japanese language is represented by two different codes: syllabic and logographic while Portuguese employs an alphabetic writing system. Studies on bilingual Portuguese-Japanese individuals with acquired dyslexia therefore allow an investigation of the interaction between reading strategies and characteristics of three different writing codes. The aim of this study was to examine the differential impact of an acquired brain lesion on the reading of the logographic, syllabic and alphabetic writing systems of a bilingual Portuguese-Japanese aphasic patient (PF). Results showed impaired reading in the logographic system and when reading irregularly spelled Portuguese words but no effects on reading regular words and nonwords in syllabic and alphabetic writing systems. These dissociations are interpreted according to a multi-route cognitive model of reading assuming selective damage in the lexical route can result in acquired dyslexia across at least three different writing codes.  相似文献   

In order to elucidate the nature of the orientation errors encountered when subjects are required to reproduce Kohs-type figures, subjects drawn from a culture where such errors are reported to be relatively common were required to reproduce orientation of simple figures. It was found that the responses made in the case of square figures showed a definite drift towards a “stable” orientation; the drift observed in the case of circular stimuli was too weak to permit an unambiguous interpretation. The relevance of these data to previous data on cross-cultural differences in responses to Kohs-type stimuli is briefly examined.  相似文献   

《Cognitive development》2006,21(3):377-382
This study examined developmental changes in concept formation, rule switching, and perseverative behaviors of children in the WCST by altering visual features of the test and using a new test score – the ‘zigzag’ error score – which shows the number of shifts made between two incorrect concepts or rules. Instead of the original four 3-dimensional WCST target cards, 12 unidimensional target cards were used in the present study. Consistent with previous research using the original WCST, the results of the current study revealed age-related differences in the unidimensional WCST performance. Six- to seven-year-olds produced more perseverative errors than older children, but as many zigzag errors – shifts between incorrect categories – as the eight- to nine-year-olds did. This suggested that the main difficulty for six- to seven-year-olds was one of the representational inflexibility rather than of switching inflexibility.  相似文献   

Actors must determine whether the properties of the surface layout are sufficient to meet their specific requirements for performing an action. Warren's (1984) study of bipedal stair climbing has demonstrated the significance of intrinsic, body-scaled measures of environmental properties for defining perceptual categories relevant to action. Whereas the absolute measure of the perceptual boundary between "climbable" and "not climbable" varied according to the actor's size and mass, the perceived boundary was a constant proportion of each actor's leg length. Our current study examined the perceived maximum seat height (SHmax) for the act of sitting. Experiment 1 delineated the range of surface heights that were perceived to afford sitting on. When expressed as a function of each person's leg length (L), SHmax was remarkably stable across individuals. Unexpectedly, it was quite close to the maximum riser height determined by Warren. Experiment 2 examined whether this similarity reflected a common biodynamic requirement, since climbing and sitting require actors to lift their center of gravity above the surface of support. Perceived critical heights were obtained for both acts using the same methods and apparatus. The perceived maximum heights for each act were virtually identical. These findings are consistent with the possibility that the information used in determining critical action boundaries is already scaled with reference to some physical dimension of the actor.  相似文献   

Three experiments were carried out to test the hypothesis that cognitive overload enhances the occurrence of subject-verb agreement errors in French. Highly educated adults were presented orally with sentences they were required to write down. The sentences were of the types “N1 de N2 V” (Noun 1 of Noun 2 Verb: Le chien des voisins arrive/The neighbours' dog is arriving) versus “Prl Pr2 V” (Pronoun 1 Pronoun 2 Verb: Il les aime/He likes them). In these sentences, N1 (Pr1) and N2 (Pr2) matched or mismatched in number. In the three experiments, the sentences had to be recalled either in an isolated condition (i.e. every presented sentence had to be immediately recalled) or with a concurrent task: click counting (Experiment 2) or serial recall of series of five words presented immediately after the sentences (Experiments 1 and 3). Participants showed errors when performing two concurrent tasks and almost no error when recalling isolated sentences. As expected, errors occurred when N1 (Pr1) and N1 (Pr2) mismatched in number. The results are consistent with our hypothesis and with a functional approach of written composition.  相似文献   

This study was designed to identify the neural network supporting the semantic processing of visual words in a patient with large-scale damage to left-hemisphere (LH) language structures. Patient GP, and a control subject, RT, performed semantic and orthographic tasks while brain-activation patterns were recorded using functional magnetic resonance imaging. In RT, the semantic-orthographic comparison activated LH perisylvian and extrasylvian temporal regions comparable to the network of areas activated by non-brain-damaged subjects in other neuroimaging studies of semantic discrimination. In GP, the same comparison activated homologous right-hemisphere regions, demonstrating the ability of the right hemisphere to subserve visual lexicosemantic processes. The results are discussed within the context of the normal right hemisphere's capacity for semantic processing of visual words. Examining results from functional neuroimaging studies on recovery in the context of innate hemispheric abilities may enable reconciliation of disparate claims about mechanisms supporting recovery from aphasia.  相似文献   

This experiment was designed to simulate the conditions for subject-verb agreement errors, which are rarely but regularly observed in highly educated adults. Twenty-four adults and 24 children (12 years old) were orally presented with sentences to write. The sentences were in the French past indicative (the imperfect tense) and were of two types, asfollows: Noun 1 [subject of the verb]+Verb 1+Noun 2 [object of the verb] and(Adverbial phrase)+Pronoun 1+Pronoun 2+Verb 2+ (adverbial phrase). The adverbial phrase appeared either at the beginning or the end of the sentence. The conditions were the following: Noun 1 (and Pronoun 1) and Noun 2 (and Pronoun 2) were either matched or mismatched in number, and the sentences were either followed or not by a series of five words to be memorized. Most adults made errors when the two pronouns differed in number. But, in contrast to the results of studies using the present indicative, the extra cognitive load (the word series) did not lead to more errors. The children also made errors when the two pronouns differed, and did so whatever the cognitive load. The position of the adverbial phrase did not influence the error ratio. With the imperfect tense, it seems that making the verb number agree with its subject cannot be considered as a cognitively automatic and effortless activity, even for adults.  相似文献   

The universality of certain aspects of sentence interpretation was investigated with native speakers of a variety of language families.Ss were given, in their own language, the same 156 affirmative and 156 corresponding negative sentences to sort into categories solely on the basis of sentence samples. The categories represented semantic sentence interpretations based on information value and nonsensicality.Ss generally sorted the same sentences (translation equivalents) into the same categories: e.g., Informative,The person is a man; Redundant,The man is a person; Contradictory,The chair is a spouse; Amphigorously Redundant,The chair is not a spouse. A semantic feature analysis indicates thatSs base their interpretations on particular interactions of features. Sets of rules and operations utilizing such feature combinations are formulated and attributed to theSs. Such knowledge is postulated to be universal to speakers of all languages.  相似文献   

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