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A hallmark of applied behavior analysis is the development of function‐based interventions for problem behavior. A widely recommended function‐based intervention is differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA), in which reinforcement is contingent upon socially acceptable alternatives to problem behavior (e.g., teaching communication skills). Typically, DRA is introduced under rich schedules of reinforcement. Although effective for initiating behavior change, rich schedules are often impractical in the natural setting. In this study, we evaluated the extent to which a stimulus fading program could be employed to elaborate alternative behavior (mands) in two individuals diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder. For both participants, problem behavior was reduced substantially upon implementation of the DRA procedure. Further, problem behavior rates remained low and mand rates decreased to more practical levels as the DRA behavioral requirements increased during the fading program. The fading approach demonstrated in this paper may be a useful component of intervention packages for clinicians. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effectiveness of a differential reinforcement of alternative behavior procedure in decreasing disruptive behavior while simultaneously increasing the appropriate behavior of four children of typical development between the ages of 4 and 6 in center-based classrooms. We began with brief functional analyses for each child. Then, differential reinforcement procedures, with and without pre-teaching the alternative behavior, were compared using an alternating treatments design. Results indicated that the differential reinforcement procedure with pre-teaching resulted in lower levels of problem behavior and greater levels of the alternative behavior compared to differential reinforcement alone. Results are discussed in terms of implications for applied practice and functional assessment and intervention research.  相似文献   

Pica displayed by two individuals with autism was decreased by a treatment involving differential reinforcement and response interruption that altered the chain of behavior involved in pica (i.e., picking up items and placing them in the mouth). The treatment involved establishing prompts to ‘clean‐up’ as a new discriminative stimulus (SD) for picking up items from the floor; and holding potential pica items was established as an SD for discarding those items in a trash receptacle, putting them away, or using them appropriately. After demonstrating the effectiveness of the treatment in an analog setting, the treatment package was systematically generalized to community settings. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In the classroom, time on-task is critical because it is linked to learning and success. When off-task behaviors occur, substantial learning and instructional time may be lost. Many students with disabilities struggle with remaining on-task, particularly during independent practice periods. Strategies to increase time on-task during classroom activities are sorely needed, particularly for independent practice. An alternating treatments design was used to investigate the effect of an iPad on time on-task during independent practice for three students with emotional/behavioral disorders compared to their time on-task during a typical independent practice condition. Additionally, teachers’ and students’ viewpoints regarding effectiveness of the iPad and acceptability of its use were assessed. Findings suggested that iPad use produced increased time on-task compared to the typical independent practice condition for all three students. Teachers and students perceived the iPad as a positive addition as they both viewed it as effective and acceptable. Implications, limitations, and areas for future research are also addressed.  相似文献   

The Teacher versus Students Game is a variation of the Good Behavior Game (Barrish et al. in J Appl Behav Anal 2:119–124, 1969.  https://doi.org/10.1901/jaba.1969.2-119) in which students compete against the teacher to earn points and win the game. Students earn points when they follow rules, whereas the teacher earns points when they do not. The purpose of this study was to examine whether the game decreased students’ off-task behaviors while increasing teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise. Participants were five teachers and fifteen students (some with disabilities and some without) across five fourth and fifth grade elementary school general education classrooms, who were identified by their teachers as engaging in frequent off-task behavior. Results indicated that the game decreased off-task behavior for all students. The game also increased teachers’ use of behavior-specific praise statements, minimally increased general praise statements, and decreased corrective statements for all but one of the teachers.  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study is to evaluate the use of a reinforcement package with four middle school students who were below grade level in reading. Data were gathered, independently by two observers, for on-task behavior for the number of correct words read for a two-minute timed trial, and for book pre- and posttests. These data were gathered during Direct Instruction Corrective Reading Lessons. The participants earned points for increases in reading academic behaviors and on-task during the lesson. The effects of the reinforcement package were evaluated in an ABAB single case replication design. The overall outcomes indicate that on-task behavior improved from the low levels during both baselines and increased to high levels when the reinforcement package was in effect. Changes in reading rate were also dramatic with the largest increases found when the reinforcement package was in effect. Increases in pre- and posttest scores were noted for each of the participants. The advantages of employing consequences in conjunction with Direct Instruction reading materials and procedures were outlined. The role of enhancing academic skills of at-risk and children with disabilities was also outlined.  相似文献   

This study provides a direct comparison of differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) and differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA). Participants included three children in center-based classrooms referred for functional assessments due to disruptive classroom behavior. Functional assessments included interviews and brief functional analyses. An alternating treatments design was used to evaluate the relative effectiveness of function-based DRO and DRA interventions. Results indicated that both intervention procedures effectively reduced disruptive behavior, but the DRA procedure consistently resulted in greater reductions in disruptive behavior across all participants. Results are discussed in terms of directions for future functional assessment and intervention research as well as implications for applied practice.  相似文献   

One promising intervention to support the writing skills of students with and at risk for emotional and behavioral disorders is self-regulated strategy development (SRSD). The purpose of this study was to extend this line of inquiry to a residential setting with teachers serving as interventionists and determine the effects of the SRSD using the STOP and DARE mnemonic for persuasive writing on the writing performance (Correct Word Sequences, Essay Elements, and Essay Quality), and academic engagement of secondary students. In addition, this study extended this line of inquiry by looking at implementation of the intervention only 2 days per week, a lower treatment intensity than previous research has used to find statistically significant gains in writing. Results of a piecewise hierarchical linear model suggest statistically significant gains were made over the course of the intervention in writing and academic engagement when compared to baseline. In addition, student variables such as writing achievement, externalizing/internalizing behavior patterns, age, and attendance predicted writing and engagement. Results of generalization, fidelity, and social validity also are reported.  相似文献   

We conducted a sequence of two studies on the use of discrete-trial functional analysis and functional communication training. First, we used discrete-trial functional analysis (DTFA) to identify the function of problem behavior in three adults with intellectual disabilities and problem behavior. Results indicated clear patterns of problem behavior for each participant. Second, we used a modified multiple baseline design across participants to assess the effectiveness of functional communication training (FCT) on the acquisition of a replacement communicative response. We conducted postacquisition discrimination probes to evaluate the discriminated use of the new response. Results indicated that FCT was effective in producing acquisition and discriminated use of the replacement response for all participants. The study has relevance because of the empirical evidence of DTFA and its applicability to adults with intellectual disabilities.  相似文献   

We conducted a functional analysis of problem behaviors (spitting and whining) during meals and tested an intervention based on that analysis. The participant was a 13-year-old young woman with severe mental retardation and cerebral palsy. She ate all food presented to her, and the hypotheses were tested that the problem behaviors were maintained either by contingent access to trainer attention or the pace of eating. An attention analysis examined the relationship between problem behavior and trainer attention during the meal. The effect of attention following problem behavior versus ignoring was inconclusive. An analysis of the effects of teacher paced eating, student paced eating (reinforce spoon grasping) and food presented for problem behavior was conducted next. Problem behavior rates were highest when access to food was made contingent on the performance of problem behavior and lowest when spoon grasping resulted in a bite of food. Following analysis, an intervention was designed to reduce the frequency of targeted problem behaviors during mealtime. Reinforcing spoon grasping and a 10s removal of food following problem behavior dramatically reduced spitting and whining during meals. The study provides a demonstration of an extended functional analysis and treatment of a complex behavior pattern.  相似文献   


Differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO) was used to reduce aggression and other inappropriate actions in a 26-year-old man with moderate mental retardation employed at a vocational center. Initially high baseline levels of inappropriate behavior were reduced by implementing contingent praise and a sticker system used to earn points needed to gain access to social activities. The procedure was low cost, required minimal time and effort on the part of center staff, and made it possible for the client to remain employed at the vocational center.  相似文献   

This preliminary study compared brief (1 s) and extended (4 s) wait-time on response opportunities, academic responses, accuracy, and disruptive behavior of two children with challenging behavior during small group instruction. Brief wait-time increased children’s response opportunities, academic responses, and accuracy in comparison to extended wait-time. Though variable, brief wait-time also decreased children’s disruptive behavior. Findings differ from previous research, which found performance improvements with extended wait-time for children with moderate to profound cognitive disabilities. Limitations of the study and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

This preliminary study compared brief (1 s) and extended (4 s) wait-time on response opportunities, academic responses, accuracy, and disruptive behavior of two children with challenging behavior during small group instruction. Brief wait-time increased children’s response opportunities, academic responses, and accuracy in comparison to extended wait-time. Though variable, brief wait-time also decreased children’s disruptive behavior. Findings differ from previous research, which found performance improvements with extended wait-time for children with moderate to profound cognitive disabilities. Limitations of the study and future research suggestions are discussed.  相似文献   

Pyramidal training involves an experienced professional training a subset of individuals who, in turn, train additional individuals. Pyramidal training is effective for training a variety of behavior-analytic skills with direct-care staff, parents, and teachers. As teachers’ roles in behavioral assessment increase, pyramidal training may be useful to improve the procedural fidelity with which teachers conduct functional analyses. In the current study, previously trained teachers taught six other teachers (trainees) to conduct standard functional analysis conditions in a pyramidal training model. All trainees quickly acquired the skills necessary to conduct attention, escape, play, and tangible conditions during analog role-plays. Trainees also implemented functional analysis conditions with fidelity in their classrooms with students. Using a pyramidal training model may help to disseminate behavior-analytic procedures.  相似文献   

Punishment is a commonly used technique. Information is provided on punishment and alternative procedures that can be used to decrease a behavior.  相似文献   

Offering children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) choices between activities (e.g., working on math or English), instructional materials (e.g., using a pen or pencil), or environmental arrangements (e.g., where to sit) has been shown to reduce challenging behavior maintained by escape from task demands. However, the majority of research investigating choice-based interventions for challenging behavior has examined across-activity choices (i.e., choosing between activities) and relatively few studies have examined within-activity choice (i.e., choosing between instructional materials or environmental arrangements). The purpose of this study is to replicate and extend previous research on choice-based challenging behavior interventions by comparing the effects of across-activity choices and within-activity choices on the escape-maintained challenging behavior of 4 children with ASD. An alternating treatment design was embedded within the “B” phase of an ABAB design in which the “A” phase represented a no-choice baseline condition. Both choice formats resulted in less challenging behavior than the baseline condition for all participants. Across-activity choice resulted in less challenging behavior than within-activity choice for 3 participants. Implications for research and practice are discussed.  相似文献   

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