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This article describes a psychoanalyst's personal experience in an international and interdisciplinary social trauma research network. Crises and conflicts are understood as an integral feature of such a collaboration. Using the self-reflective capacity of the psychoanalyst may help to turn them into a new perspective. Crossing disciplinary borders, reconnecting to the field of academic research, might prove to be a rather rewarding step.  相似文献   


Following Yinger's assertion that the association between racism and personality variables is “exaggerated” and Heaven's findings that in South Africa white racism is associated with specific attitudes toward economic issues, the present study investigated the relationship between British race prejudice and economic beliefs. A British sample (N = 72) was administered an Attitudes toward West Indians scale, various personality and attitudinal measures, as well as an economic locus of control scale. Results showed racism to be significantly related to authoritarianism and the external/denial subscale of that scale. Further step-wise regression analysis showed scores on the authoritarian attitudes scale and the external/denial subscale to be significant predictors of prejudice.  相似文献   

ObjectivesPrevious studies have shown the heuristic qualities of self-determination theory constructs to predict sport persistence. The purpose of this study was to extend these researches by focusing on the conflicting or instrumental relationship between sport and other life contexts (i.e., school and friendship) to enhance the understanding of this phenomenon.DesignA correlational longitudinal field design was used, including two data collections over 1 year.MethodParticipants were 446 French high school students (mean age=13.85). Self-determined motivation toward sport, school and friendship, perceived conflicts versus instrumental relationships between sport and the other contexts, and sport participation during leisure time were assessed at wave 1. One year later, participants completed the same self-report measure of sport practise.ResultsStructural equation modelling revealed that (a) self-determined motivation toward sport, education and friendship was significantly related to the levels of conflict and instrumentality between those contexts and (b) a competing relationship between sport and education was negatively linked to sport participation at Time 2, whereas the other inter context relationships were not.ConclusionFindings suggest that other contexts like education can undermine sport investment among adolescents.  相似文献   


Denying reality is obviously a maladaptive way of dealing with a situation. In fact, denial is generally considered to be one of the defense mechanisms, mechanisms that are inappropriate maladaptive, and pathological. In the field of medicine to deny the existence of a disease seriously compromises the physician's ability to help patients. If a physician does not believe that a particular disease exists, then it will not be given consideration when making a differential diagnosis, and the patient may then go untreated. This is in line with the ancient medical principle that proper diagnosis must precede proper treatment. Or, if for some external reason the physician recognizes the disorder, but feels obligated to use another name, other problems arise, for example, impaired communication with others regarding exactly what is going on with the patient, and hence improper treatment. This is what is occurring at this point with the parental alienation syndrome, a disorder whose existence has compelling verification. In this article I discuss the reasons for denial of the PAS and the ways in which such denial harms families. Particular emphasis will be given to the ways in which this denial harms women, although I will certainly comment on the ways in which the denial harms their husbands and children. In the past, denial of the PAS has caused men much grief. Such denial is now causing women similar grief.  相似文献   


This paper addresses some issues in palliative-care work that emerged in a short-term staff-support group, and shows that work with terminally-ill cancer patients had an impact on the staff and team as a whole. In dealing with distressing and disturbing feelings related to work with dying patients, the staff used manic defences and denial of differences within the team.  相似文献   


Pain in HIV/AIDS patients is associated with compromised quality of life and emotional adjustment. Although previous findings support a relationship between coping styles and subjective pain for various groups of chronically-ill persons, little research has examined the associations between coping and pain in HIV-positive or AIDS patients. The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship between pain and coping styles among 105 HIV-positive participants (32 women and 73 men) in a randomized clinical trial designed to examine the effect of group psychotherapy on quality of life and health behavior. Participants completed the Brief COPE, the pain scale from the Medical Outcomes Study-HIV, and a demographic and medical questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis, with pain as the dependent variable, showed that participants who reported coping through denial reported greater pain severity (p < 0.0001). These results suggest that denial as a coping strategy appears to be signficantly associated with pain for persons with HIV/AIDS. However, further research is necessary to determine the causal relationship between pain and coping through denial. These findings also point to the possibility of psychological intervention in order to modify maladaptive coping styles and to ameliorate pain in this population.  相似文献   

Background: There are many professional psychotherapists, but no psychotherapy profession. The psychotherapists’ professions vary between countries, the most frequent being psychiatry and clinical psychology.

Aim: As these professions have different basic training and also may be impacted differently by other factors, we wanted to study potential differences as to perceived influences on their development as psychotherapists across career level, theoretical orientation, and gender.

Methods: More than 2500 Norwegian and German psychiatrists and psychologists reported data on their professional development in the DPCCQ/2000, a lengthy multi-part survey instrument developed within the ‘Collaborative Research Network’ of the Society for Psychotherapy Research. The four groups were compared for differences, and a series of multiple regression analyses were conducted to examine the impact of profession on a variety of aspects of therapist experiences.

Results: Although a few therapist experiences (e.g. teaching, treating patients, institutional conditions) had a significantly different impact between the two professions, as a main effect, they only accounted for less than 1% or the variance.

Conclusion: Profession seems to have little influence on perceived development as a psychotherapist, and it is reasonable to conclude that other therapist qualities, often personal qualities, are more important for therapeutic processes and outcomes.  相似文献   


This paper attempts a conceptualisation of authority intended to be useful across all areas where the concept is relevant. It begins by setting off authority against power, on the one hand, and respect, on the other, and then spells out S1’s authority as consisting in S2’s voluntary action performed in the belief that S1 would approve of it. While this definition should hold for authority generally, a distinction is made between three different kinds of authority according to what grounds them: personal, acquired and bestowed authority. Authority thus defined is then used as an example to argue that there is a kind of property that is response-dependent (R-D), but, consisting in all and only a response, is ontologically different from both secondary qualities and value judgments. While secondary qualities are interactive in that they depend on both the object and the perceiver and on what they are like, genuinely R-D qualities depend ontologically and metaphysically only on the responder. And while value judgments require a concept, R-D qualities require an action as a response. It is hoped that this metaphysical underpinning might be helpful in the discussion of authority in other areas of philosophy and beyond.  相似文献   

Research consistently shows that right‐wing ideological adherents are more likely to deny climate change. However, less is known about how right‐wing ideological subtypes are uniquely related to climate change denial, as well as what explains these relationships. This study examines whether threat to the socioeconomic system in the form of climate change mitigation policies, referred to as Climate Change Mitigation Threat (CCMT), mediates the relationships between Right‐Wing Authoritarianism (RWA) and Social Dominance Orientation (SDO) subtypes and four forms of climate change denial (existence denial, human cause denial, impact denial and climate science denial). U.S. participants (N = 334; Mage = 34.70, SD = 5.98) were recruited via Amazon MTurk. When shared variance in the predictors was accounted for, we found that: (a) Conventionalism (RWA‐C) positively predicted all forms of climate change denial; (b) Dominance (SDO‐D) positively predicted existence denial; (c) Anti‐Egalitarianism (SDO‐E) positively predicted both human cause and impact denial; and (d) Aggression (RWA‐A) negatively predicted existence denial. All significant direct relationships were partially mediated by CCMT, except for the direct paths between SDO‐D and existence denial, and RWA‐A and existence denial. These findings suggest that right‐wing adherents who conform to societal norms and prefer unequal social systems may deny climate change partly due to a perception that mitigation strategies proposed to combat climate change threaten the existing socioeconomic system.  相似文献   

ObjectiveMaladaptive exercise relates to eating disorder (ED) pathology and impairment in clinical and non-clinical populations. At present, two different conceptualizations of maladaptive exercise are often studied in relation to ED pathology: compulsive exercise and exercise dependence. Compulsive exercise functions to avoid negative affect (e.g., guilt and anxiety) associated with not exercising, whereas exercise dependence is associated with tolerance to exercise benefits and avoidance of exercise withdrawal. At present, clinicians and researchers struggle to determine the most appropriate term for describing problematic exercise in individuals with ED pathology. This study aimed to directly compare these conceptualizations of maladaptive exercise in relation to severity of ED pathology.DesignThis study examined cross-sectional data.MethodUndergraduate participants (N = 235, 78% female) with elevated ED pathology completed the Eating Disorder Examination Questionnaire (EDE-Q), Compulsive Exercise Test (CET), and Exercise Dependence Scale (EDS). Multiple linear regression analyses evaluated associations between EDE-Q and CET and EDS scores and dominance analysis determined which qualities of exercise were uniquely associated with EDE-Q scores.ResultsResults suggest that compulsive qualities of exercise, including exercise to control shape and weight and to avoid negative affect are more strongly associated with severity of ED pathology than qualities of exercise dependence.ConclusionsClinicians and researchers working with ED populations can benefit from prioritizing assessments that capture compulsive qualities of exercise. Additionally, these results suggest that interventions that effectively target other compulsive behaviors (e.g., exposure and response prevention) may be promising treatment options for problematic exercise in the context of EDs.  相似文献   


The current study examines the nature and frequency of Medicare/Medicaid fraud and the techniques of neutralization utilized by a purposeful sample of speech, occupational, and physical therapists working within the context of hospitals, nursing homes, and with home health agencies, in a southern state. Participant observations, surveys, and in-depth interviews were utilized to obtain data for this study. We identified two main fraudulent practices, cutting sessions short while charging for the entire session and charging individual session rates for group therapy sessions. We also identified three techniques of neutralization utilized by the therapists in our study, including: (1) everyone else does it, (2) denial of responsibility, and (3) denial of injury. The implications of our findings are discussed.  相似文献   


This article explores the idea of anorexia nervosa as a narcissistic disorder, in which the denial of the need for food symbolically represents a denial of the need for relatedness and dependence. Narcissism is a state in which self and object are undifferentiated and all objects are felt to be within the individual’s omnipotent control. Primary narcissism occurs when the capacity for object relations has never developed and secondary narcissism develops as a defense against dependence which is associated with overwhelming anxiety, envy, or fear of disappointment. Both processes can occur in anorexia nervosa, which provides a cognitive and behavioral framework for the expression and maintenance of the narcissistic position. Narcissistic anorexia is a state of omnipotent isolation in which the patient denies one of her most basic needs and rejects a powerful source of connection with the outside world. An important aim of therapy is to help the patient to develop a capacity for object relations and to be able to acknowledge dependence. This is achieved through coming to experience the therapist as separate and real and requires the therapist to resist being taken over by the patient’s projections.  相似文献   


The problems of child maltreatment and violence against women have traditionally been viewed and treated as two distinct issues. In response to these two forms of family violence, two separate service systems with different approaches to prevention, treatment and intervention have developed. This article outlines sources of conflicts between child protection workers and battered women's advocates, and elaborates on these conflicts using child protection workers' and battered women's advocates' own words elicited in a series of focus groups. Models of cross-system collaboration in the United States are then described, and recommendations are made for practice and policy which support collaboration across systems.  相似文献   


Can appealing to children’s rights help to solve the non-identity problem in cases of procreation? A number of philosophers have answered affirmatively, arguing that even if children cannot be harmed by being born into disadvantaged conditions, they may nevertheless be wronged if those conditions fail to meet a minimal standard of decency to which all children are putatively entitled. This paper defends the tenability of this view by outlining and responding to five prominent objections that have been raised against it in the contemporary literature: (1) the identifiability objection; (2) the non-existence objection; (3) the waiving of rights objection, (4) the lack of legitimate complaint objection; and (5) the unfairness objection.  相似文献   


This paper seeks to illuminate Schopenhauer’s notion of the negation or denial of the will by investigating the figure of the saint within his philosophy. We argue that various discussions in Schopenhauer’s works of the possible role of Christ as exemplar reveals an underlying Christological understanding of self-denial as a model for the saint. The connection between Schopenhauer’s approach to Christ and Kant’s Christology in Religion within the Bounds of Mere Reason is also explored. We note how Schopenhauer builds on the Kantian demythologization of the Incarnated Christ in order to uncover the moral and existential spirit that underlies Christianity. In addition, we outline how a recognition of the symbolic importance of Christ for Schopenhauer suggests features of the denial of the will that have been overlooked in the literature, involving the intellectual transcendence of suffering through the cultivation of a state of emotional unresponsiveness. It is argued that this reflects a deeper connection between Schopenhauer’s philosophy and Christian thought than is often recognised.  相似文献   


The author presents aspects of the relationship between Freud and Ferenczi, and between the members of Freud's inner circle as it appears in their correspondence, to illustrate the correspondences as well as the non-correspondences and conflicts which arose among them.  相似文献   


To understand what happened in the psychoanalytic world in Holland during the German occupation (1940-1945) we must have knowledge of the conflicts within the Dutch Society of Psychoanalysis in the nineteen-thirties. Those conflicts mainly deal with the subject of lay analysis, the compulsory training analysis and in general if compliance with foreign, with IPA rules was advisable. These differences of opinion reached their peak when four Jewish psychoanalysts arrived from Germany in 1933. The Dutch Society broke up in two parts, but was reunited in 1938. During the German occupation the training was finally regulated according to the IPA rules. This lead to a new splitting in the world of Dutch psychoanalysis that has not been healed to date.  相似文献   

George Berkeley maintains both anti-abstractionism (that abstract ideas are impossible) and idealism (that physical objects and their qualities are mind-dependent). Some scholars (including Atherton, Bolton, and Pappas) have argued, in different ways, that Berkeley uses anti-abstractionism as a premise in a simple argument for idealism. In this paper, I argue that the relation between anti-abstractionism and idealism in Berkeley's metaphysics is more complex than these scholars acknowledge. Berkeley distinguishes between two kinds of abstraction, singling abstraction and generalizing abstraction. He then rests his case for idealism, not on the denial of the possibility of generalizing abstraction, but rather on the denial of the possibility of singling abstraction. Moreover, Berkeley's argument does not rest on a blanket rejection of all forms of singling abstraction. Rather, the fundamental anti-abstractionist assumption, for his purposes, is the claim that primary qualities cannot be mentally singled out from secondary qualities. Crucially, the claim that the existence of physical objects cannot be mentally singled out from their being perceived is not a premise in, but rather a consequence of, Berkeley's argument for idealism. Berkeley's argument therefore avoids circularity inasmuch as it appeals to the impossibility of singly abstracting one idea in order to establish the impossibility of singly abstracting another.  相似文献   

Holy Matrimony     

Sacredness in marriage is described psychologically as an intense, complex, committed bond, mutually respectful and vulnerable, whose unique depth for both persons evokes the special word “holy.” Examples are cited, including the qualities lacking and at stake in problematic marriages.  相似文献   

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