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This essay is an examination of the usefulness of incarnation as a theological metaphor for pastoral care and counseling. Understanding the incarnation as both an event and as a paradigm of God's relationship to the world provides a theological perspective for examining four interrelated questions about identity and the helping relationship frequently asked by the pastoral care-giver. The incarnation metaphor finally frees us to care in the confidence that in God the Incarnating One, all things, including our care for the sick, are held together.Dr. Anderson is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Counseling at Wartburg Theological Seminary, 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, Iowa 52001.  相似文献   

The author presents a critical survey of recent books in or related to pastoral care. A review of books that may be considered of immediate benefit to the pastor and practitioner is followed by comments on several books of a more specialized and theoretical nature. A final section describes several recent publications that reflect psychosocial critiques of contemporary society and the place of psychology in it.Dr. Hunter is the Book Review Editor ofPastoral Psychology. He serves as Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322.  相似文献   

This article summarizes the method of pastoral assessment and theological reflection detailed in Shared Wisdom, with particular attention to pastoral counselors’ countertransference or intersubjective “use of the self” as a tool for empathic understanding of clients. A model of multiplicity of mind, subjectivity, and God is advanced in contrast to more traditional views. The article concludes with an appeal for messiness, complexity, and kenosis in both psychology and theology.Pamela Cooper-White is Professor of Pastoral Theology at the Lutheran Theological Seminary at Philadelphia, and recipient of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors’ 2005 National “Distinguished Achievement in Research and Writing” Award. She is the author of four books: Many Voices: Pastoral Psychotherapy and Theology in Relational Perspective (forthcoming, Fortress, 2006), Shared Wisdom: Use of the Self in Pastoral Care and Counseling (Fortress, 2004), The Cry of Tamar: Violence Against Women and the Church's Response (Fortress, 1995) which won the 1995 Top Ten Books award from the Academy of Parish Clergy, and Schoenberg and the God Idea (UMI Research Press, 1985). An Episcopal priest and pastoral psychotherapist, Cooper-White is certified as a clinical Fellow in the American Association of Pastoral Counselors, and serves as Co-Chair of the Person, Culture, and Religion Group of the American Academy of Religion.  相似文献   

Understanding the systematic dynamics of one's family of origin is necessary in preparation for ministry and can be most powerfully effected by engaging students in one of several family therapy techniques. Moreover, a family systems orientation is useful for theological explorations regarding family and Church as family, as well as enhancing skills for ministering to the contemporary family in all its diversity.Dr. Anderson is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Waterburg Theological Seminary, Dubuque, Iowa 52001. Dr. Fitzgerald is Chaplain Supervisor, Medical Center at Princeton, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. This article stemmed from a presentation made by the authors on November 11, 1977, at the annual Conference of the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education.  相似文献   

The article below is a sermon preached in 2008. It was inspired by Donald Capps’s book, Jesus the Village Psychiatrist. I offer this sermon in honor of his memory as a creative contributor to the work of the Journal as well as his distinguished career as Professor of Pastoral Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary. Many of us have been blessed by his profound psychological and theological insights into the human psyche, his scholarly explorations of the relationship of psychology and religion, and his remarkable sense of humor. We are diminished by his absence.  相似文献   

This article seeks to consider the theological and religious dimensions in pastoral psychotherapy. Using Erik Erikson's view of personality growth and development, the author presents a view of man as the basis for exploring the theological and religious dimensions of psychotherapy and offers five approaches to arguing for theological and religious significance in psychotherapy. The article then considers what the pastoral psychotherapist brings to this process.Dr. Jenkins is Director of Pastoral Counseling, Georgia Baptist Medical Center, 300 Boulevard, N.E., Atlanta, GA 30312. This paper was delivered to the Annual Meeting of the Southeast Region of American Association of Pastoral Counselors, October, 1980, Kanuga, North Carolina.  相似文献   

Throughout its history, pastoral counseling has manifested a dynamic play between visioning and praxis. Frequently this interface has taken the form of issues, e.g., the identity issue, the theological question, the ecclesiastical relationship, and the paradigm matter. Such visioning and revisioning provide the movement with élan and should be encouraged through greater interaction with classical fields and scholars, by intensive research focused on the kinds of theological students attracted to pastoral counseling, and by stressing the importance of responsible visioning to those presently committed to the pastoral counseling movement.Dr. Strunk is Professor of Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Psychology in the Boston University School of Theology and in the Division of Theological and Religious Studies of the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences; a Clinical Supervisor in the Albert V. Danielsen Institute for Pastoral Counseling; and a consulting psychologist to the Ecumenical Counseling Service, Inc. in Melrose, Massachusetts.  相似文献   

What are the similarities and differences between prayer and theological reflection in the praxis of pastoral care and counseling? This qualitative study is ethnographic in design. A review of the literature is summarized. Researchers interviewed 75 participants in four cultures: (1) chaplains and (2) pastoral counselors in the Canadian Association of Pastoral Practice and Education (CAPPE), (3) community clergy and persons in lay ministry, and (4) students after internship in a theological reflection course. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed and then coded for themes. Findings include seeing more similarities than differences between prayer and theological reflection. One of the differences is that prayer is more affective and theological reflection is more cognitive. There are also some areas of ambiguity. Discussion includes what ought to be normative or the orthopraxis for prayer and theological reflection in pastoral care and counseling. Limitations and areas for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

The author calls attention to a number of recent publications to assist pastors in selecting titles which will prove most helpful to them. He discusses books of general interest on religion and ministry, books on counseling and psychotherapy, books on psychology and personality, and books in theology, ethics and philosophy.Dr. Hunter is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322, and serves as Book Review Editor ofPastoral Psychology.  相似文献   

This essay offers a pastoral reading of an episode of the cartoon Family Guy. The episode is titled ??I Dream of Jesus.?? In doing so, I explore six sayings of Jesus in this episode, and I identify nine theological themes that are raised by these sayings. On the basis of this pastoral reading of ??I Dream of Jesus,?? I argue that Family Guy can be used as a source for theological reflection, and I suggest, in closing, that the show might be a practical way for combating biblical and theological illiteracy among youth and young adults. This article also contains a table that can be useful for creating Sunday School or youth group lessons based on this episode. It is worth pointing out that this essay was written for the ??Group for New Directions in Pastoral Theology.?? The ??group?? was formed to celebrate the career of Donald Capps on the occasion of his retirement from Princeton Theological Seminary. The theme for the conference this year was the sayings of Jesus. While the choice of focusing on a contemporary cartoon for such an occasion may seem odd or quirky, the author does so to demonstrate the unique freedom that pastoral theologians enjoy with regard to what Robert Dykstra calls ??the acceptable latitude of inquiry?? in pastoral theology. Another way of putting this is to say that both the Apostle Peter and the animated Peter can serve as resources for theological reflection.  相似文献   

David Fergusson's recent book, Creation, overviews differing aspects of creation for a theologically‐literate but non‐specialist readership, while Ian McFarland's From Nothing: A Theology of Creation offers a sophisticated account of the meaning and theological implications of the classic doctrine of creatio ex nihilo. Although both books make constructive appeal to Scripture, I suggest that their use of Scripture indicates that their creative theological thinking is not primarily done by working through the interpretative challenges that Scripture presents. There thus remains a distance between biblically and systematically oriented theological thinking.  相似文献   

The writer describes the pastoral office and considers the difference his theological orientation makes in understanding its work. The gospel is described as narrative and as promise. As narrative it concerns a particular person, Jesus, and especially his passion and resurrection. Becoming Christian means allowing one's own story and that of one's communities to be shaped and reshaped by Jesus. As promise, the gospel comments on the final outcome of the human enterprise. Ministers are those to whom the community grants the burden of tending the life of the gospel in the church. Their temptation in pastoral care is to lose the specificity of the gospel in slogans that are temporary and partial, e.g., identifying health care with the liberation of the gospel. Pastoral care is described as sacramental and as eschatological.He is the author ofStory and Promise: A Brief Theology of the Gospel About Jesus.  相似文献   

A review article of recent books in disciplines related to pastoral care which may increase the effectiveness of the pastor's care and counseling ministries. Books selected challenge prevailing assumptions, offer new ways to perceive the pastoral task, and provide new and significant information. Books are reviewed from personality and psychotherapy, family history, theory and therapy, studies of violence and victimization, psychology and theology, and general ministry theory.Dr. Hunter is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology and Book Review Editor ofPastoral Psychology. His address is: Candler School of Theology, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia 30322.  相似文献   

We advocate the use of a family systems approach to premarital pastoral work, involving exploration of the families of origin of the intended spouses. Family systems theory argues that a marriage is like a merger of two corporations, each having its own stockholders; thus, adequate preparation for marriage involves coming to terms with the realities of one's family of origin and that of one's intended spouse. Exploratory techniques include genograms, house tours, family photo albums, and discussions of the rules and rituals in the respective families. Leaving father and mother is the central prerequisite to marriage.Dr. Mitchell is Professor of Pastoral Care and Theology, Eden Theological Seminary, 475 E. Lockwood Ave., Webster Groves, Missouri 63119. Dr. Anderson is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology, Wartburg Theological Seminary, 333 Wartburg Place, Dubuque, Iowa 52001.  相似文献   

The thesis is that spiritual direction is a form of pastoral counseling-indeed, the core from which all other forms of pastoral counseling radiate, since all pastoral counseling aims ultimately to help others to ground their lives in God. The major elements of spiritual direction are described in an attempt to justify the thesis.Dr. Barry is Associate Professor of Pastoral Theology at Weston School of Theology and a staff member of the Center for Religious Development, both in Cambridge, Massachusetts. He is a priest of the Roman Catholic Church.  相似文献   

The incidence of clergy divorce and remarriage requires a rethinking of the church's position when the divine intent for marriage is not fulfilled. A ministry to clergy couples and families marked by truth and grace can lead to a restoration of persons and an effecting of constructive ministries for clergy who have themselves been restored.Dr. Brown is Assistant Professor of Pastoral Theology, Princeton Theological Seminary, CN 821, Princeton, New Jersey 08540. She is currently serving as the Chairperson of the Theological and Social Concerns Committee of the American Association of Pastoral Counselors.  相似文献   

The writer evaluates the responses he received to causes, ideas and programs he advocated over his 45 year career as a Pastoral Theologian. He contsructs a four-fold typology of responses and discusses the concerns which have characterized his professional life, e.g. older persons, sexuality, ethics in pastoral care, theology in CPE, institutional chaplaincy, interprofessional cooperation, case study method, graduate programs in Religion and Personality, and Pastoral Theology. An evaluation of progress in these areas is followed by a concluding statement on his concerns.  相似文献   

I take the APA publication A Spiritual Strategy for Counseling and Psychotherapy (Richards and Bergin 2005), along with a devoted issue of Journal of Psychology and Theology (Nelson and Slife 2006), as a paradigmatic example of a trend. Other instances include the uncritical use of "Eastern" philosophy in Humanistic and Transpersonal Psychology, almost normative appeal to the "Sacred" within the psychology of spirituality, talk of "God in the brain" within neurological research, the neologism entheogen referring to psychedelic drugs, and calls for new specializations such as neurotheology and theobiology. In response to the legitimate ethical requirements of respect and openness regarding clients' religious worldviews, the trend is to make God an essential component in psychological theory. The argument is that God is active in the universe and especially in human affairs to such an extent that any accurate account of strictly psychological matters, not just a comprehensive, interdisciplinary purview that could include a distinct theological dimension, must include God as an explanatory factor. Less nuanced than standard theological thought about divine intervention—including a range of opinions from supernaturalism, to occasionalism, to providential and deistic naturalism—this trend would blur the epistemological differences between religion and science by appeal to claimed knowledge sources such as inspiration and revelation and thus undermine the achievements of evidence-based science and establish particularistic religious beliefs as standard explanatory accounts. The concern to include a spiritual, in contrast to a religious or theist, dimension in psychological theory is welcome; but elaborated approaches, such as my own and those of Roberto Assagioli, Viktor Frankl, and Ken Wilber, open to varied theological applications, already exist.  相似文献   

Popular theology has neglected a developmental perspective and has reinforced the concepts of human inadequacy and divine self-sufficiency. This has tended to keep persons in a state of infantile dependency on a super-father-figure God. Pastoral care, with its concern for the person and its commitment to the processes of growing and maturing in the self and in relationships, needs a theological frame of reference which positively reinforces a developing maturity in relation to God, as well as self and others.Formerly Associate Professor of Psychology of Religion and Pastoral Care at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary, Dr. Woodruff is Executive Director of the Peninsula Pastoral Counseling Center, Hampton, Virginia.  相似文献   

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