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采用飞行管理态度问卷FMAQ 2.0作为航空安全文化背景下外显安全态度的评价工具, 并设计了两个安全态度的内隐联想测试(IAT)对134名飞行员进行了调查, 同时运用专家评定法对其飞行绩效进行了评价, 结果发现:(1) 航空安全态度的IAT效应值较强, 飞行安全更多与积极评价和积极情感联系在一起, 对飞行风险与冒险是消极评价与回避。(2) 外显和内隐安全态度既相关又分离:评价性内隐安全态度和外显态度的驾驶舱工作态度、情感性内隐安全态度和驾驶舱工作态度与自动化驾驶态度显著正相关, 且总外显态度与内隐态度正相关显著, 同时模型数据显示二者是分离性结构。(3) 外显和内隐安全态度均能预测安全绩效, 其中外显态度对飞行作风、飞行技能和机组管理的预测率较高, 内隐态度在安全规章上预测率较高, 其共同预测模型拟合良好。结论:外显与内隐安全态度、安全绩效及其相互关系共同构成特定航空安全文化的完整模型。  相似文献   

在对航线飞行管理态度量表进行验证性因素分析的基础上,通过对飞行员航线飞行中所表现出的驾驶行为规范性水平的实时评估, 着重探讨了飞行管理态度与航线飞行员驾驶舱操作行为规范性水平之间的关系。结果表明: (1)由基本组织态度、驾驶舱工作态度和自动化驾驶态度所构成的航线飞行管理态度量表三因素结构模型具有良好的拟合效果和较高的信、效度,达到了心理计量学的标准。(2)基本组织态度中的组织信任度和工作满意度分别对驾驶舱工作态度和自动化驾驶态度产生显著影响,但并不直接影响飞行员的驾驶行为,而驾驶舱工作态度和自动化驾驶态度两个因素对航线飞行驾驶行为的规范性有显著影响。研究提示,基本组织态度通过驾驶舱工作态度和自动化驾驶态度间接影响驾驶行为的规范性。因此,驾驶舱工作态度和自动化驾驶态度构成了影响航线飞行员驾驶行为规范性的两个重要中介变量。研究为中国文化背景下的航空安全文化特征诊断和CRM训练奠定了一定的工作基础  相似文献   

本研究的目的是验证航线飞行管理态度量表在中国文化背景下作为航线飞行安全文化测量工具的信度和效度.通过对量表的验证性因素分析,结合对驾驶行为规范性水平的实时评估,测定量表的信效度.结果表明:(1)航线飞行管理态度量表三因素结构模型具有良好的拟合效果和较高的信、效度,达到了心理计量学的标准.(2)航线飞行管理态度量表能够有效地预测驾驶行为规范性水平.研究结果确认航线飞行管理态度量表具有良好的信度和效度,可以应用于中国文化背景下的航空安全文化特征诊断.  相似文献   

安全文化的内容、影响因素及作用机制   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
安全文化研究反映了现代安全管理向社会控制的发展。大多研究在态度与价值观水平上采用问卷调查的方式研究安全文化,也称安全气氛研究,不同研究中安全文化的维度结构差异很大;另一种研究取向则主张采用各种定性方法研究组织现象背后的基本意会。民族文化、生产特点与组织环境等因素都对安全文化产生影响,而安全文化则通过个体变量影响组织的安全绩效。该文进一步分析了研究分歧的原因以及组织水平研究中变量整合水平问题。文章认为,应该采用三角方法来测量安全文化,弄清它的原因及结果,以指导安全管理实践。  相似文献   

航线飞行安全文化特征评价方法的因素分析研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究采用航线飞行管理态度调查量表(FMAQ2.0,国际版),旨在通过对中国航线飞行员试用结果的分析考察FMAQ2.0的因素结构及其在评价中国航线飞行安全文化特征的有效性。本量表主要由基本工作态度、飞行管理态度、自动化驾驶态度三个分量表所构成。在对来自国内四大骨干航空公司174名航线飞行员测试结果进行因素分析的基础上,分别提取出了组织信任度、工作满意度、交流协作、权力梯度、风险意识、自动化依赖和自动化认识等七个表征现代航线色行安全文化特征的主因素。研究结果初步表明,FMAQ2.0具有良好的信度和效度,符合心理测量学标准,能够作为评价和分析航线飞行安全文化特征的工具。  相似文献   

职场排斥是组织情境中的负面行为,会对员工的心理状态、工作态度和工作行为,以及组织绩效造成严重的影响,近年来得到了学者和管理者的关注。研究主要从职场排斥的概念、测量工具、与其它概念的比较及实证研究四个方面,对国内外相关研究进行了梳理,并探讨中国文化的权变作用。未来研究应从中国的组织情境特点出发,继续完善职场排斥的概念和维度,扩展研究层次,深入分析影响机制,结合中国文化对职场排斥展开本土化研究,丰富研究视角。  相似文献   

辱虐管理会对组织和员工造成一系列消极影响, 因此探究辱虐管理的成因对于减少和预防辱虐管理十分必要和重要。现有研究认为辱虐管理与主管的个人特征有关, 或是主管自我损耗或社会学习的结果, 也与受害者的特征有关。在回顾现有研究的基础上, 基于情感事件理论提出了新的研究框架, 并指出未来研究应关注主管对辱虐管理的态度、组织内关于辱虐管理的规范以及主管自我控制资源的恢复在辱虐管理产生过程中的作用。  相似文献   

刘建荣  李成彦 《心理科学》2005,28(2):464-466
组织文化是一项重要的资源,家族企业利用这个资源增加竞争优势。组织文化的四个纬度:个人与团队文化导向;内部和外部文化导向;管理的集中化和分散化程度;短期和长期导向,对家族企业的企业家有着重要的影响。组织文化的四个纬度与家族企业的企业家之间的关系研究,填补了组织文化研究的空白。  相似文献   

风险知觉是飞行员进行正确风险管理的核心,对保证航空安全具有重要作用。本文首先对不同研究者对飞行员风险知觉的概念进行综述,又与传统的知觉和危险知觉进行了区分。其次,文章简明地介绍了飞行员风险知觉的测量方法,包括外显的主观评价法、飞行模拟器测验、内隐联想测验等方法,分析各种方法的内容与其优缺点。最后,本文分别从认知理论取向和组织文化理论取向两个方面来探讨飞行员风险知觉的研究,并针对两种理论取向,提出相应的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

管家行为对于组织的生存与持续发展具有十分重要的价值,已成为组织管理研究学者关注的重要议题。管家行为是个体为了保护集体或组织的长期利益而愿意牺牲其个人短期利益的行为表现。文章在介绍概念及测量的基础上,综述了心理、结构、领导、情境和文化等个体/组织层因素对管家行为的预测与作用机制,以及管家行为对雇员创造力和企业绩效的影响。未来研究可探讨管家行为的消极后果变量,以及管家行为与后果变量之间的中介机制和调节机制。  相似文献   

姬鸣  杨仕云  赵小军  鲍旭辉  游旭群 《心理学报》2011,43(11):1308-1319
采用问卷法调查了257名中国航线飞行教员、机长和副驾驶, 通过结构方程模型和层次回归分析探讨了风险容忍对飞行员驾驶安全行为的影响, 以及在这一影响过程中风险知觉和危险态度所发挥的作用。结果发现:(1)风险容忍对飞行员驾驶安全行为具有显著的负向影响, 高风险容忍飞行员的驾驶安全行为水平显著低于低风险容忍飞行员; (2)风险知觉在风险容忍对飞行员驾驶安全行为的影响过程中发挥了调节作用, 即高水平的风险知觉削弱了风险容忍对飞行员驾驶安全行为的负向影响。(3)危险态度在风险容忍对飞行员驾驶安全行为的影响过程中发挥了完全中介作用, 且这种中介作用的实现又受到风险知觉的调节, 即危险态度对飞行员驾驶安全行为的影响是有调节的中介效应。  相似文献   

IntroductionThis article reports on a study of non-traffic related work safety among drivers of heavy goods vehicles in Denmark. In the heavy goods vehicle transport (HGV) sector only 6.4% of workplace accidents involving drivers are traffic related. HGV work is characterised by solitary work, as drivers tend to work at a physical distance from their own company and their working environment is also influenced by the working environment of other companies e.g. the places where they deliver goods. This study focuses on an analysis of HGV drivers’ and managers’ differentiated understandings of risk and safety and its management within an organisational context. The situational focus involves viewing HGV drivers’ working environment as a part of the organisational structure as well as of other social relationships. An understanding of safety culture as practice is applied with the view of identifying values and attitudes as well as organisational and technical aspects in relation to how individualist or collectivist understandings of risk and safety influence the working environment in HGVs.MethodThe study applied a mixed methods approach and in this article the qualitative interviews conducted with drivers and managers is the primary data source.ResultsThis study suggests a widespread understanding of drivers as being individually oriented in their work, from drivers and management alike. However, the study also demonstrates that, in conducting their work, the drivers are actually interdependent, and share knowledge frequently, albeit informally. The organisational structure of the company shapes their individual attitudes towards safety but they also report being dependent on relationships with, and information from, their fellow colleagues, former colleagues and friends who shape their understandings and attitudes towards hazards and safety practices. The analysis points to risk-taking and unsafe practices as prevalent among HGV drivers, who often refer to risk as trivial and the management of such risks as one’s own responsibility. Knowledge of how to manage risks in everyday practice is shown to be principally related to personal experiences but also to the good advice and examples of fellow drivers.ConclusionsThe analysis points to interdependent and collectivist practices among HGV drivers even though they are perceived as being individualistically oriented when it comes to safety. Therefore, non-traffic related safety practices, in this case the loading and unloading of vehicles, occur in the grey zone of organisational safety management. Despite the fact that organisational safety initiatives are initiated, the management sees limited possibilities for enforcing them and hence safety practice is often left to the individual driver.Practical applicationsA safety culture perspective might enhance work safety among HGV drivers if we are able to understand workplace culture in a pluralistic way. Collectivist practice among the drivers can be utilised in order to improve knowledge sharing and situational safety practices. The informal communication identified among the drivers might offer a new model for safety initiatives based on more collectivist, albeit informal, safety culture practices on behalf of HGV companies.  相似文献   

Based on positive organizational behavior, this study aimed to explore the impact of psychological capital (PsyCap) on task performance, organizational citizenship behaviors, affective commitment, and job satisfaction among army aircraft mechanics. Data was obtained from 260 aircraft mechanics working in various Turkish Army aviation units. The hypotheses were tested using a series of hierarchical regressions. The results indicated that those with higher PsyCap are more likely to depict task performance, engage in highly extra-role behaviors, be more committed to their organizations, and be highly satisfied with their jobs that are advantageous to army aviation settings. The authors concluded that promoting the levels of PsyCap could be effective in elevating aircraft mechanics’ work attitudes and behaviors. Military aviation units are encouraged to establish human resource development programs to foster the PsyCap of their soldiers, which in turn, enhances crucial work attitudes.  相似文献   

The thousands of deaths and disabilities due to workplace accidents and injuries each year emphasize the importance of safety research. Despite occupational safety research that has contributed to identifying antecedents of safety, little is known about why and how safety knowledge leads to safety behaviours and how personal and situational factors interact to promote occupational safety. Using a multilevel, multisource, and time-lagged research design, the present study investigates whether safety knowledge affects safety behaviours through safety attitudes and further tests whether supervisory safety attitudes can impact the strength of these relationships and play a role as moderators of the proposed mediated relationship. Data were collected from workers (= 177) and supervisors (= 42) in a construction company in the energy industry at two time points. Results indicate full support for the moderated mediation model, demonstrating that worker safety attitudes partially mediate the relationship between safety knowledge and safety behaviours. Moreover, when supervisors had positive attitudes towards safety, both the direct relationship between worker safety attitudes and safety behaviours and the indirect relationship between safety knowledge and safety behaviours were more positive compared to when supervisors had negative safety attitudes. Theoretical and practical implications for occupational safety are discussed.  相似文献   

Road safety is a major challenge in the Latin American region; however, there is a significant lack of research undertaken there. To contribute to addressing this gap, this paper reports on an exploration of the antecedents of traffic safety attitudes in two Latin American contexts: Brazil and Ecuador. Building on related work undertaken in other countries, the research explored the relationships between fatalistic beliefs, traffic risk perceptions, and road safety attitudes, while accounting for age, gender, and exposure to the road environment. Data from 2432 individuals, analysed using Structural Equation Modelling, revealed differences in the extent to which different fatalistic belief constructs (including divine control, luck, helplessness, internality, and general fatalism) were related to road safety attitudes. Moreover, fatalistic beliefs were found to influence road safety attitudes both directly and indirectly through their influence on risk perceptions. Those that reported more fatalistic beliefs also reported more dangerous attitudes to road safety and a lower perception of on-road risk. Mirroring findings from work undertaken in other countries, we found males compared to females and younger compared to older respondents to report more dangerous attitudes to road safety, with inconclusive results for risk perceptions. We also found very similar patterns of results in the data from the two countries included in the research. Results are discussed with regards to informing the design of road safety interventions aimed at influencing individual road user attitudes and, ultimately, human behaviour and system performance.  相似文献   

自动化系统在现今航空业中得到了广泛应用,然而复杂的自动化系统的引入产生了新的失误模式,使航空人因安全问题变得更加突出。受多种因素影响,操作者在与自动化系统的交互过程中并不总能达到适度的信任校准水平。非适度自动化信任和依赖引发了严重的航空安全事故。值得欣慰的是,以人为中心的自动化显示设计和训练能够将非适度自动化信任和依赖调整到适度状态。  相似文献   

This article explores the concepts of safety culture and safety climate in an attempt to determine which is the more useful for describing an organization's “state of safety.” From a review of the literature purporting to measure safety culture or safety climate, it is argued that, although the two terms are often interchangeable, they are actually distinct but related concepts and should be treated accordingly. The term “safety climate” best describes employees' perceptions, attitudes, and beliefs about risk and safety, typically measured by questionnaire surveys and providing a “snapshot” of the current state of safety. “Safety culture” is a more complex and enduring trait reflecting fundamental values, norms, assumptions and expectations, which to some extent reside in societal culture. The expression of these “cultural” elements, perhaps, can be seen through safety management practices which are reflected in the safety climate. Basically, measurement of safety culture requires in-depth investigation including an analysis of how organizational members interact to form a shared view of safety.  相似文献   

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