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The effects of emotional labour, that is, managing one’s emotions for work, not only predict a range of intrapersonal and organizational outcomes but can also spillover to affect non-work relationships. Despite this, relatively little is known about whether the performance of surface acting affects behaviours towards more proximal organizational members, how this occurs, and the role of supportive relationships in influencing this relationship. In this article, we examine the relationships between surface acting, state positive and negative affect, and co-worker support on co-worker-directed interpersonal behaviours in the workplace. Survey data collected at multiple time points suggest a moderated mediation model, in which surface acting interacts with co-worker support to influence employees’ voluntary behaviours through state affect. Specifically, our findings suggest that surface acting increases subsequent engagement in deviance behaviours by increasing the experience of negative affective states, especially when co-worker support is low. Surface acting also decreases the subsequent engagement of organizational citizenship behaviour through decreasing the experience of positive affective states. We conclude with a discussion of how surface acting can consequently lead to negative spirals in the organization and the implications of this for practice.  相似文献   

In selection research and practice, there have been many attempts to correct scores on noncognitive measures for applicants who may have faked their responses somehow. A related approach with more impact would be identifying and removing faking applicants from consideration for employment entirely, replacing them with high-scoring alternatives. The current study demonstrates that under typical conditions found in selection, even this latter approach has minimal impact on mean performance levels. Results indicate about .1 SD change in mean performance across a range of typical correlations between a faking measure and the criterion. Where trait scores were corrected only for suspected faking, and applicants not removed or replaced, the minimal impact the authors found on mean performance was reduced even further. By comparison, the impact of selection ratio and test validity is much larger across a range of realistic levels of selection ratios and validities. If selection researchers are interested only in maximizing predicted performance or validity, the use of faking measures to correct scores or remove applicants from further employment consideration will produce minimal effects.  相似文献   

The Brazelton Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale (BNBAS) was administered to 61 full-term, healthy newborns between 7–10 days of age. Three groups of newborns made up the sample: 23 babies were born at planned home births to nonmedicated mothers, 22 were born in the hospital to nonmedicated mothers, and 16 neonates were born in the hospital to mothers who received obsteric medication. Analysis of variance indicated a significant F ratio on the BNBAS cluster for orienting behaviors; comparison of the BNBAS scores of the three groups revealed a significant difference on the BNBAS cluster for orienting behavior between the home-born babies and infants born in the hospital to mothers who received obsteric medication. There was no significant difference between groups for medication or birth setting alone, suggesting these perinatal factors have a complex, perhaps synergistic effect on newborn behavior.  相似文献   

Advice is a common but potentially problematic way to respond to someone who is distressed. Politeness theory (Brown & Levinson, 1987) suggests advice threatens a hearer's face and predicts that the speaker‐hearer relationship and the use of politeness strategies can mitigate face threat and enhance the effectiveness of advice messages. Students (N=384) read 1 of 16 hypothetical situations that varied in speaker power and closeness of the speaker‐hearer relationship. Students then read 1 of 48 advice messages representing different politeness strategies and rated the message for regard shown for face and for effectiveness. However, neither speaker‐hearer relationship nor politeness strategies was consistently associated with perceived threat to face or perceived advice effectiveness. We suggest revisions to politeness theory and additional factors that may affect judgments of face sensitivity and advice effectiveness.  相似文献   

The prestige of a given school is based on the public's perception of the institution. Every school has a reputation that reflects its inherent qualities with at least some degree of accuracy. In this respect, prestige is a dimension that may directly or indirectly affect the success of a school. School counsellors, who usually hold key positions in the Israeli educational system, have the power to affect a school's prestige. Indeed, many of the counsellor's activities, such as student placement and referral and flow of information, have an effect on school prestige. Some implications for counsellor practice, within ethical boundaries, are presented, taking into account recent trends in educational systems.  相似文献   

To give effective and efficient advice to laypersons, experts should adapt their explanations to the layperson's knowledge. However, experts often fail to consider the limited domain knowledge of laypersons. To support adaptation in asynchronous helpdesk communication, researchers provided computer experts with information about a layperson's knowledge. A dialogue experiment (N = 80 dyads of experts and laypersons) was conducted that varied the displayed information. Rather than sensitizing the experts to generally improve the intelligibility of their explanations, the individuating information about the layperson enabled them to make specific partner adjustments that increased the effectiveness and efficiency of the communication. The results are suggestive of ways in which the provision of instructional explanations could be enhanced in Internet-based communication.  相似文献   

In this study, the author investigated differences in Japanese and American college students' tendencies to advise a hypothetical rape victim (their sister) to seek help from police, family members, or mental health professionals. Japanese students tended to encourage the victim to seek help from her family members, whereas American students tended to encourage her to seek help from police and mental health counselors. Cross-cultural discrepancies were marked by the following factors: (a) feelings of shame moderated advice to seek help from police; (b) minimization of rape mediated the likelihood to advise the involvement of police and mental health counselors; (c) attitudes toward mental health counselors mediated advice to seek help from them; and (d) the type of rape (stranger vs. date rape) moderated advice to report the crime to police.  相似文献   

The demand for happiness advice is vast and many different thinkers have offered their views. This special issue presents a cross section of happiness counseling through the ages and considers the advice by classic Chinese philosophers, Epicurus, Schopenhauer, as well as contemporary New Age thinkers and self-help authors. The papers follow three leading questions: 1) What is recommended for leading a happy life? 2) How does this advice fit in the worldview of the author and into a social, cultural and historical context? 3) Are the recommendations in line with what is known about the conditions of happiness? There are common themes in advice for a happy life but also much contradiction, and some honoured philosophers offer advice that can harm happiness if it is taken to heart by present day readers.  相似文献   

This article will argue that neuroscientific insights can inform religious and spiritual education’s capacity for strengthening student understanding, promoting transformation and ultimately wisdom. Among other findings, it will show that current neuroscientific research supports a holistic approach to pedagogy which emphasises the cognitive, affective, moral and other dimensions of student learning and the corresponding need to facilitate development in all of these dimensions in order for authentic learning to take place. As such, the article adopts a cross-disciplinary reference point, referring to research that has demonstrated the usefulness of neuroscientific findings in application to education through a specific focus on values education. Values education is held up as a discipline with complementary interests to a holistic religious and spiritual education, these interests being in its capacity to inculcate in students the character dispositions which orientate them towards moral excellence, so allowing them to navigate complex ethical terrain, contribute constructively to society, and ultimately achieve human flourishing (Porter 2001 Porter, J. 2001. “Virtue Ethics.” In The Cambridge Companion to Christian Ethics, edited by R. Gill. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. [Google Scholar]; Becker 2004 Becker, M. 2004. “Virtue Ethics, Applied Ethics and Rationality Twenty-three Years after ‘After Virtue’.” South African Journal of Philosophy 23 (3): 267281.[Taylor & Francis Online], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Narvaez 2007; Rachels 2007). Drawing on what has been demonstrated above, we will argue that neuroscientific insights can help in understanding and facilitating religious and spiritual education as holistic and able to respond to contemporary issues of personal identity and social friction and, furthermore, as uniquely poised to contribute to contemporary educational research, including around the intersections between neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

The combination of genetic and environmental factors determines the individual vulnerability for excessive ethanol intake, possibly leading to dependence. The environmental influences early in life represent examples of determinant factors for adult behaviour and can be protective as well as risk factors. Maternal separation is one model to examine the long-term consequences of early environmental experiences on neurochemistry and behaviour, including drug-taking behaviour in experimental animals. In the present review, findings from studies using repeated short and prolonged periods of maternal separation, with emphasis on effects on voluntary ethanol intake in rats with or without a genetic predisposition for high voluntary ethanol intake, are summarized. Despite some contradictory results, the general picture emerging shows that short periods of maternal separation during the postnatal period result in a lower adult voluntary ethanol intake in male rats. Prolonged periods of maternal separation were found to induce a high voluntary ethanol intake in male rats, including rats with a genetic predisposition for high ethanol intake. Results from the literature also show that changes were not just related to time of separation but were also related to the degree of handling. Interestingly, in terms of voluntary ethanol intake, female rats were generally not affected by postnatal maternal separation. The reasons for these sex differences need further investigation. In terms of neurobiological consequences of maternal separation, conclusive data are sparse and one of the future challenges will, therefore, be to identify and characterize underlying neurobiological mechanisms, especially in the individual animal.  相似文献   

Violent behaviour is a serious problem in terms of the impact on victims, quality of life for perpetrators, and the financial burden on the prison service, the health sector, and society generally. However, to date there is not a general consensus as to how this can be managed other than removing the perpetrators from communities. Incarceration can be on an indeterminate basis or for a short period of time before reintegration into society, depending on the gravity of the offence. This systematic review critically examines the existing research literature on psychotherapeutic interventions for violent behaviour in forensic and clinical populations. Five databases were searched, selected journals were hand searched, and authors of identified papers were contacted in efforts to obtain relevant unpublished work. The first author and a colleague independently evaluated the eligibility of all studies identified, abstracted data, and assessed study quality. The overall findings provide tentative support for the utility of psychotherapeutic interventions in reducing aggressive behaviour in forensic and psychiatric patients with a history of violent behaviour.  相似文献   

Joseph Diekemper 《Synthese》2014,191(6):1085-1104
My goal in this paper is to address what I call the ‘Incoherence’ objection to the growing universe theory of time. At the root of the objection is the thought that one cannot wed objective temporal becoming with the existence of a tenseless past—which is apparently what the growing universe theorist tries to do. To do so, however, is to attribute both dynamic and static aspects to time, and, given the mutual exclusivity of these two aspects—so the thought goes—incoherence results. My solution to the problem is to offer an alternative account of past existence that is compatible with a dynamic conception of time. I take as my starting point Adams’ suggestion that the past exists in virtue of the existence of thisnesses of past individuals. I first seek to defend this suggestion, before amending it in order to provide a satisfactory response to the Incoherence objection. The result is a new growing universe theory which avoids the Incoherence objection but which has some surprising features of its own. Chief among these is the rejection of present events. I argue, however, that such a rejection is a necessary consequence of endorsing the growing universe theory, and that it is not as counter-intuitive as it initially sounds.  相似文献   

Satisfying one’s desires is typically a pleasurable experience and thus a source of momentary happiness. Getting happy in the here and now, however, may be more complicated when people yield to temptations—desires that conflict with personal self-regulatory goals so that they have reason to resist them. Using data from a large experience sampling study on everyday desire, we show that people receive considerably smaller gains in momentary happiness from enacting tempting as compared to nontempting desires. We further demonstrate that this “spoiled pleasure” effect can largely be explained by self-conscious emotions, as statistically accounting for guilt, pride, and regret as mediators reduced the observed hedonic gap to nonsignificance. The present findings challenge the assumption that the costs associated with temptation lie only in the future.  相似文献   

Eklund  Matti 《Philosophical Studies》2020,177(7):2051-2071
Philosophical Studies - Mark Johnston and Eric Olson have both pressed what Johnston has dubbed the personite problem. Personites, if they exist, are person-like entities whose lives extend over a...  相似文献   

建议采纳过程中的情绪研究主要以向决策者提供与其情绪特征相适应的建议为思路,从情绪效价发展到对具体情绪的探索,从情绪影响认知加工策略拓展到对情绪认知评估特征的分析。文章结合对过往实证研究的分析,以情绪渗透理论、情绪社会信息理论、评估倾向框架为依据,对建议采纳中决策者的情绪来源、情绪影响建议采纳的过程机制进行分析与阐述,构建建议采纳的情绪机制模型,并以近年来的研究热点--愤怒情绪做示例分析。未来研究可进一步探讨情绪对建议采纳的直接作用、先前情绪与整合情绪的关系与作用,以及结合新兴情绪理论丰富建议采纳领域的研究。  相似文献   

决策者的认知特点, 以及决策过程中建议者,任务特征,环境因素等都会影响决策者的认知加工, 并最终影响建议采纳.目前建议采纳过程中的认知研究主要集中于决策者方面, 本文通过总结以往研究, 从决策者的认知风格,社会认知复杂性,认知策略以及情绪对认知的影响等四个方面, 系统阐述了认知对建议采纳的影响.同时, 结合态度改变理论,解释水平理论,具身认知理论以及认知失调理论等进一步讨论了建议采纳的认知发生机制, 并在此基础上初步构建了建议采纳认知机制模型.未来研究可进一步探讨决策者的认知灵活性,认知闭合需要等对建议采纳的影响, 以及建议提出的认知机制, 以丰富建议采纳领域研究.  相似文献   

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