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The provision of life and career counselling for adults in the early 1970s is examined, distinguishing between counselling and other helping strategies. A major paradigm shift which is influencing counselling along with other aspects of society is identified. The range of provision of adult life and careers counselling existing in 1985 is summarised, and some speculations on future development are offered.  相似文献   

Careers take place within the structures of jobs and career paths which organisations evolve over time. Career opportunities for individuals are largely determined by the factors which influence the dynamics of these structures. Simple techniques exist for picturing career structures and interpreting recent career patterns. Numerical models are well established which estimate future career opportunities. Although career patterns are changing, the effective use of internal labour markets is of increasing importance. Those involved in managing careers or counselling individuals should be better informed in this area and use information to tailor career moves and development activity to the reality of where and when career opportunities are likely to be available.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings from exploratory career counselling with Italian undergraduate university students using the Career Interest Profile (CIP). The participants (n = 178, females = 51.69%; mean age 22.28, SD = 1.59 years) received elective career counselling on campus. The students completed the CIP and the Self-Directed Search (SDS). Data were analyzed using both qualitative and quantitative approaches. The CIP yielded satisfactory results with regard to trustworthiness and intercorrelations with the SDS and provides career counsellors with a useful instrument for the identification of interest profiles of Italian undergraduate university students. Participants reported being enabled to explore prospective career interest areas using career-story narratives for constructing life trajectories and enhanced development of their career stories.  相似文献   

Through the presentation of a case-study, two issues are addressed: the application of modelling to career counselling and the generalisation of counselling effects. The case-history is presented of a client who was failing in nursing. Modelling was used to reduce the fear and to enable the client to implement her career plan. Particular attention is focused on the initiation of modelling, the use of a modelling hierarchy, the self-efficacy mechanism, the use of mental rehearsal, and the implications of reciprocal determinism for counselling. It is concluded that modelling may be an effective technique for career-development problems. Further, modelling may enable the effective transfer and generalisation of coping strategies.  相似文献   

This article reviews the articles on career counselling in the special edition of the Journal of Psychology in Africa. A thematic analysis to the content of the articles was conducted and common themes extrapolated. The main themes were (a) the shift toward postmodern career counselling, (b) the importance of cultural sensitivity in career counselling practice and (c) adolescents career development. This is followed by a reaction comment.  相似文献   

This article describes the value of life design counselling with an abandoned adolescent female. The participant was selected purposively from among a group of abandoned adolescent females who had expressed a need for career counselling. The life intervention comprised two 90-minute sessions per week over a period of a month. Life design data included collage, family constellation, life line, career style interview, asset map and life chapters. Following the intervention, the participant demonstrated career adaptability and an eagerness to take an active part in her evolving life story. Life design counselling has potential to meet the career counselling needs of children with neglect and abandonment experience.  相似文献   

The vocationally-indecisive individual presents a major counselling problem. The theory and research behind career indecision is discussed and a counselling approach based on identity formation is outlined. Four identity statuses — Identity Achievements, Foreclosures, Identity Diffusions, and Moratoriums — are described and counselling approaches for each are explored.  相似文献   

The study examined research and trends in career counselling published in selected professional sources during the period 1980–2010. Citation analysis was used in this study to investigate documents which were indexed in the Web of Science related to career counselling. Career counselling and related keywords were used jointly in the search for documents. There were a total of 730 documents judged to be relevant to the field of career counselling and were citation analysed. The number of citations related to the career counselling field has been increasing continuously since 2000. Research publications on career counselling are projected to increase for both South African authors and the authors of other African countries.  相似文献   

The beginnings of the modern pastoral-care and counselling movement in the 1960s are reviewed, in particular, the attempt to integrate theology with the behavioural sciences, and the theories born of that integration with the practice of pastors and religious leaders. The developments of the last ten years are explored and the tensions of the movement analysed. Pastoral counsellors' contribution to counselling in general in the United Kingdom, and to pastoral ministry both here and overseas, is assessed.  相似文献   

Philosophical Counselling   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Youth counselling and advisory work takes various forms in various settings. Against a background of key trends affecting the lives of young people, the range of such services is outlined. Particular attention is paid to generalist youth counselling and advisory agencies, to guidance and support in the Youth Training Scheme, and to relevant work in the Youth Service. The importance of promoting autonomy, and at the same time responding to wider social and political influences on individuals and services, is emphasised.  相似文献   

It is proposed that a discipline of 'counselling studies' be considered as an extension of counselling and a contribution to social guidance. Likely features of such a discipline are suggested, including a focus on the individual person, interdisciplinarity, humanistic values, applied and theoretical dialectic, critical attitude and dynamic nature. Questions of suitable name, location and goals are considered. Some indication of possible contents is given in the article.  相似文献   

This paper is basically a report of personal experiences. In Part one I shall describe and comment on some of the things which are said and done when parents bring their children to me to be assessed for dyslexia; in Part Two I shall consider what conclusions, if any, can be drawn which are relevant to counselling in general.  相似文献   

The relevance of the principles and practices of Buddhism to the field of counselling is discussed. Buddhist techniques have already been used by the helping professions in many settings (e.g. Japan, Sri Lanka). The extension of their use to a wider range of settings, and to a wider group of clients, is both feasible and desirable. In addition to the obvious relevance of Buddhist techniques to clients who have a Buddhist background, it is argued that they have a wider applicability. As Buddhism espouses the notion of a productive and healthy lay life, it offers ways not only of dealing with problems and difficulties, but also of improving psychological well-being in general. Examples are cited of relevant Buddhist techniques and their application. It is argued that, once systematically evaluated, many of these could profitably be incorporated into the repertoire of techniques used in present-day counselling and therapy.  相似文献   

Tolerance is not neutrality, nor should tolerance in counselling be equated with a spiritual and emotional vacuum. Tolerance applies to style rather than stance, and a counsellor needs a conception of the ideal — broadly speaking, a moral position.
Originally proclaimed against religious and political tyranny, the political ideal of tolerance has in the twentieth century become confused with permissiveness, and is thus sometimes charged with generating many of the ills of modern society, including crime and family breakdown. Counselling has become the universal remedy, replacing punishment and compulsion.
The counsellor needs
(a) a view of human nature
(b) a conception of what is good for those possessing that nature.
Constants in the first mean there cannot be too much variation in the second. Society is varied and plural, so the counsellor must be non-judgemental, but while this means accepting the person , it does not necessarily mean endorsing the conduct.
A distinction is drawn between therapeutic and philosophical counselling; the latter considers a problem , where the former focusses on the client , but both may fall short of offering a holistic view. Counselling may also exacerbate some of the problems of modern life by too readily accepting the conditions which cause them. Some ethical problems raised by confidentiality and informed consent are discussed. It is concluded that the counsellor must be tolerant, but not morally ambivalent, nor a relativist.  相似文献   

The view is put forward that counselling appears to be undergoing a transformation which renders the old distinction between counselling and therapy no longer meaningful or practical. This transformation reflects the psychic backdrop of our times; it has come about because the needs of people seeking help, as well as the needs of those counselling, have altered and developed. Increasingly, clients are acknowledging the need for radical change which involves exploration of all levels of their being. This transformative work, a moving across inner barriers and coming into wholeness, necessarily involves active awareness of spirit. Thus it is no longer possible to be a client-centred counsellor without being willing to address the spiritual dimension ofhuman-beingness.  相似文献   

Counsellors and counselling services are frequently involved in primary prevention work. Increasingly these services are required to help immediately after major disasters, an implicit assumption being made that normal social support networks will be unable to cope. A review of the literature suggests extensive participation of counsellors in primary prevention activities despite difficulties in definition, training and funding, and evidence that some interventions may be ineffective or harmful. It is suggested that counsellors providing primary prevention services should be aware of the complex practice and philosophy issues surrounding such efforts, and should be rigorous in assessing the real effects of primary prevention activity.  相似文献   

Three questions are addressed. First, what are spiritual experiences? The one-two-three-infinity theory of spirituality is questioned, and it is suggested that there are at least nine distinguishable spiritual experiences. Second, how do we use such experiences in counselling? Examples are given of how this approach is useful in counselling. and particularly in dream work. The importance of intuition is stressed, and group work is discussed. Third, what are the implications for the training of counsellors? The issues of ego inflation and psychosis are raised, and it is suggested that the training of future counsellors needs to include the coverage of such issues, as well as the more general material dealt with in this paper.  相似文献   

Les caractéristiques du conseil psychologique au Japon ont été passées en revue selon les points-de-vues suivants: (1) l'histoire du conseil psychologique. (2) le conseil psychologique aujourd'hui, (3) le conseil psychologique comparé au psychologue clinicien. (4) l'avenir du conseil psychologique, et (5) le conseil psychologique appliqué au, conseil d'etudiants. Au Japon, le conseil psychologique est encore jeune, si Ton en juge par sa familiarité chez les professionnels comme chez les non-professionnels, probablement autant à cause des caractéristiques nationales des japonais que du système scolaire. Il semble important que le conseil psychologique sauvegarde son identitéà I'intérieur des disciplines de la psychologie appliquée et/ou de la psychologie de la santé.
The outlook for counselling psychology in Japan has been reviewed from the following viewpoints: (1) the history of counselling psychology, (2) counselling psychology today, (3) counselling psychology compared with clinical psychology, (4) the future of counselling psychology, and (5) counselling psychology applied to student counselling. It is found that counselling psychology in Japan is still young in terms of its familiarity to both professionals and non-professionals, probably because of the national characteristics of the Japanese as well as the certification system. It seems to be important for counselling psychology to secure its identity within the discipline of applied psychology and/or health psychology.  相似文献   

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