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以北京、河北、宁夏、广东等地24所中小学923名中小学教师为被试,采取教学自主权量表、教学自主性量表、教师工作满意度量表,探讨了教师的教学自主权、教学自主性与工作满意度之间的关系。研究结果发现:(1)教学自主权与教学自主性均可显著预测教师工作满意度;(2)教学自主性在教学自主权与教师工作满意度之间起着完全中介作用,即教学自主权通过教师的教学自主性,对教师工作满意度有正向预测作用。  相似文献   

Kurt Nutting 《Argumentation》2002,16(1):111-133
Legal argumentation, like argumentation generally, occurs against a background of shared understanding and competence. This view, inspired by Kuhn's understanding of scientific reasoning, is in stark contrast to more traditional rule-following accounts of legal argumentation. Below I consider reasons to reject the more traditional view of legal reasoning in favor of a roughly Kuhnian account of legal reasoning and conclude by raising skeptical questions about the cogency of legal reasoning when the tacitly accepted background conditions that make it possible are not critically examined.  相似文献   

The nature and role of the patient in biomedicine comprise issues central to bioethical inquiry. Given its developmental history grounded firmly in a backlash against 20th-century cases of egregious human subjects abuse, contemporary medical bioethics has come to rely on a fundamental assumption: the unit of care (and the unit of value) is the autonomous self-directing patient. In this article we examine first the structure of the feminist social critique of autonomy. Then we show that a parallel argument can be made against relational autonomy as well, demonstrating how this second concept of autonomy fails to take sufficiently into account an array of biological determinants, particularly those from microbial biology. Finally, in light of this biological critique, we question whether or to what extent any relevant and meaningful view of autonomy can be recovered in the contemporary landscape of bioethics.  相似文献   

Attention is given to a background idea that is often invoked in discussions about reasonable partiality: the idea of a moral division of labour. It is not only a right, but also a duty for professionals to attend (almost) exclusively to the interests of their own clients, because their partial activities are part of an impartial scheme providing for an allocation of professional help to all clients. To clarify that idea, a difference is made between two kinds of division of labour, a technical one and a social one. In order to assess the applicability of the idea of a moral division of labour to professional ethics, journalism is contrasted with other professions.  相似文献   

从李丽云事件看生命健康权、患者自主权和医生干涉权   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
当患方行使自主权所做的决定危及自身生命健康权时,能否赋予医生干涉权以实现生命高于一切的理念?阐明了生命健康权、患者自主权和医生干涉权的关系.并从我国实际出发,论述不能通过赋予医生干涉权来避免类似李丽云悲剧的发生,建议立法完善对民事行为能力的规定,建立司法机关或其他第三方机构提前快速审查机制来解决自主权与生命权的冲突。  相似文献   

The present study sought to compare and contrast educational policies on creativity education in four Asian Chinese societies, namely mainland China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan. It establishes five criteria on creativity education policy, including policies regarding legislation on creativity education, definitions of creativity, standard implementation, explicit identification of special populations of creative students, and creativity education in the community. Among the four societies, Taiwan has an official document — the White Paper on Creative Education published in 2003 — whereas in Hong Kong and Singapore, creativity has been identified as an ability to be nurtured in students of all levels in their national curriculum reform. In mainland China, innovation is regarded as a synonym for creativity. Definitions of creativity have at times not been clearly defined, although multiple levels of creativity development (individual, school, societal, industrial, and cultural) have been discussed in Taiwan. In Hong Kong, creativity has been defined as a generic skill in various key learning areas (e.g., language education, mathematics education, science education, etc.) in the school curriculum. In Singapore, creativity is a learning outcome to be developed in students. None of these societies use standard creativity assessment tests as evidence of creative competence in students. When creativity has entered the central stage in the curriculum reform and creativity education is made available to every student, efforts have been made to identify highly creative students and provide them enrichment opportunities, mainly using performance assessments and performance in creativity competitions in these societies. But mainland China, Hong Kong, and Singapore do not sufficiently emphasize creativity education in the larger community.  相似文献   

Artificial intelligences (AIs) are widely used in tasks ranging from transportation to healthcare and military, but it is not yet known how people prefer them to act in ethically difficult situations. In five studies (an anthropological field study, n = 30, and four experiments, total n = 2150), we presented people with vignettes where a human or an advanced robot nurse is ordered by a doctor to forcefully medicate an unwilling patient. Participants were more accepting of a human nurse's than a robot nurse's forceful medication of the patient, and more accepting of (human or robot) nurses who respected patient autonomy rather than those that followed the orders to forcefully medicate (Study 2). The findings were robust against the perceived competence of the robot (Study 3), moral luck (whether the patient lived or died afterwards; Study 4), and command chain effects (Study 5; fully automated supervision or not). Thus, people prefer robots capable of disobeying orders in favour of abstract moral principles like valuing personal autonomy. Our studies fit in a new era in research, where moral psychological phenomena no longer reflect only interactions between people, but between people and autonomous AIs.  相似文献   

从中外医学教育标准的差异看医学生的人文素质培养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过中外医学教育标准在知识目标、技能目标、职业价值观上的若干差异的比较,探讨人文素质,包括医生职业价值观念、医学人文知识、“批判性思维”能力和交流技巧、沟通能力的培养等在国际医学教育标准的重要地位,并对改进我国医学教育的人文内涵提出建议。  相似文献   




我国当代临床医学伦理准则亟待出台,建设时机现已水到渠成,为积极参与这项重要的建设工程,本文提出了找准现实生长点为根本课题的基本建设思路,并以病人中心准则为核心探索性地设计出了准则体系。  相似文献   

The present experiments evaluated the contribution of orthographic structure and lateral masking in the perception of letter, word, and nonword test displays. Performance was tested in a backward recognition masking experiment in which a masking stimulus followed the test display after a variable blank interstimulus interval. In agreement with previous findings across different experiments, words were recognized better than single letterd at short interstimulus intervals, but the opposite was the case at long intervals. Performance on the nonwords resembled performance on letters at short masking intervals and performance on words at long masking intervals. The quantitative results were described by a processing model that incorporates the effects of lateral masking and orthographic structure in the dynamic processing of letter strings. Lateral masking tends to lower the potential perceptibility of letters whereas orthographic structure can reduce the uncertainty of the candidate letters in the letter sequence. The present model predicts that the quantitative contribution of each of these processes to performance is critically dependent upon the processing time available before the onset of the masking stimulus.  相似文献   

本研究旨在探讨未来取向和学习自主性的关系,分析学业延迟满足、时间管理倾向的作用.采用问卷法对731名大学生进行调查,研究表明:(1)大学生未来取向、学业延迟满足、时间管理倾向和学习自主性之间均存在显著相关;(2)大学生学业延迟满足、时间管理倾向在未来取向和学习自主性间存在中介效用,即未来取向直接影响大学生的学习自主性,...  相似文献   

This article discusses the response of our ethics consultation service to an exceptional request by a patient to have his implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) removed. Despite assurances that the device had saved his life on at least two occasions, and cautions that without it he would almost certainly suffer a potentially lethal cardiac event within 2 years, the patient would not be swayed. Although the patient was judged to be competent, our protracted consultation process lasted more than 8 months as we consulted, argued with, and otherwise cajoled him to change his mind, all to no avail. Justifying our at times aggressive paternalistic intervention helped us to reflect on the nature of autonomy and the dynamics of the legal, moral, and personal relationships in the clinical decision-making process.  相似文献   

An assumption of the arousal (D × H) model of social facilitation effects is that in an otherwise constant stimulus situation the simple presence or absence of a conspecific has a quantitative influence on the D component, and that the habit hierarchy in the situation (H) is unaffected. However, certain evidence from avian subjects seemed inconsistent with the multiplicative effects predicted by the model, and experiments were conducted with the aim of resolving this discrepancy. In general, chickens were tested for consummatory responses in the company of companions, in isolation, or in the company of strangers. Clear findings emerged from these tests that showed that only the companion conditions were “facilitative”. Under the other test conditions there were qualitative (as opposed to merely quantitative) shifts in responses. Apparently, the different social test conditions evoked qualitatively different response hierarchies, and “facilitation” reflected this sort of shift rather than simple quantitative changes in arousal (D) across conditions. It was argued, therefore, that the appropriate level of analysis for facilitation effects for animals in a free response situation is not within the (D × H) envelope, but rather at the level of S (stimulus situation) in the S → (D × H) → R formulation. Implications for the analysis of social facilitation effects in humans were discussed.  相似文献   

Four- and six-year-olds were asked questions about hypothetical situations in which a child was to perform one of three cognitive activities: (1) to remember something, (2) to communicate a message, or (3) to attend to a visual array. Questions focused on the child's understanding of the following four facts about the variables under study: (1) that it is easier to cognize about a shorter than a longer list (length), (2) that it is easier to cognize in the absence of noise than in its presence (noise), (3) that an adult or older child will find a cognitive problem to be easier than will a younger child (age), and (4) that it is generally easier to cognize with more time than with less time (time). Results indicated that the pattern of understanding was the same across the different cognitive activities, that there was a higher level of accuracy in answering questions about length and noise than about age and time, and that, over all, the 6-year-olds were more accurate than the 4-year-olds.  相似文献   

Microcomputers are becoming increasingly available to schools, but little research is available concerning the impact of this technology for children. Two studies were conducted to examine some possible social effects of the use of microcomputers in elementary school classrooms where children are learning to program in LOGO. First, the task-related interaction that children engaged in with each other was observed and recorded in two classrooms (8- to 9-year-old s, and 10- to 11-year-olds) as the children worked on both computer and non-computer tasks. The children in both classrooms were significantly more likely to collaborate with each other when they worked with the computers, when compared with their interaction over other classroom tasks. The second study examined children's perceptions of their peers as resources for help with a variety of classroom tasks. When compared with other work, the computer context was the one where children more consistently identified certain of their peers as resources for help.  相似文献   

Saccadic response latency to the onset of an eccentric target was studied in children (mean age = 8.7) and adults. The independent variables investigated were fixation-light offset to target-light onset warning interval (0, 100, 300, and 600 msec) and target eccentricity (5° or 15°). Both children and adults showed shorter saccade latencies under warning-interval conditions. Children were found to have longer latencies than adults with 0 or 100 msec warning intervals but to respond with as short or shorter latencies with 300 or 600 msec warning intervals. Target eccentricity effects did not interact with age, and occurred only with a lower target intensity. Children defined as poor readers could initiate a response as quickly as good readers but were less able to maintain fixation-light fixation prior to target onset.  相似文献   

Some form of work experience or internship ranks high on the list of criteria used by recruiters of college graduates for positions as management trainees. While internships are discussed positively by students, faculty, and recruiters, their evaluation has been faulted as being highly subjective and lacking in the use of controls and psychometric sophistication. This study used an Institutional Cycle design to investigate changes occurring after participation in internships with three cohorts of college age students. Changes were noted in both terminal and instrumental values and in work-specific needs. In the former, changes moved the profiles of the students closer to those of campus recruiters. In the latter, changes moved the students' needs in the direction of characteristics of the job, away from environmental characteristics.  相似文献   

Measuring the importance of cues in social judgment has been a longstanding problem. Past research has shown individual differences in the impact of ability and study effort on judgments of student performance. This research examined the hypothesis that the individual differences are due to the weight given to the information as opposed to the perceived extremity of the values of the information. Subjects judged the performance of hypothetical students described by ability, study effort, and effort during an exam. Individual differences in the impact of the three types of information were obtained and were predictable from self-reports of the relative importance of information. Different values of weights were necessary to account for the differences in the impact of information, although there were also differences in the perceived extremity of the information. The theoretical and applied significance of distinguishing the weight given to information in judgment from its subjective value are discussed. On the basis of a new review of the literature, as well as the present results, it is concluded that self-reports of the relative importance of information are predictive of individual differences in information use in judgment, but that they may reflect the total impact of information rather than only the weight.  相似文献   

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