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抑郁者操作任务中目标设立与自我评价的特点   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
钱铭怡  陈仲庚  张莘 《心理学报》1999,32(2):209-214
参加研究的被试包括:抑郁性神经症组(20人),抑郁症组(13人),正常对照组(29人)。所有被试在完成独粒钻石棋作业的前后对其作业目标进行了估计,并在作业后对操作的满意程度进行了评价,对影响操作者的因素进行了归因,研究所得到的主要结果为(1)抑郁者在操作任务前的目标设立与正常人或抑郁者相似。(2)实际作业成绩与效能感得分相关,(3)抑郁症,抑郁性神经症相被试消极的自我归因倾向明显高于正常组。  相似文献   

额区脑波年老化特点及其与某些认知能力的相关性   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
对120名中老年被试(46-80岁),完成双额脑波年老化特点0及其与某些认知能力相关性的研究。认知能力测验共12项作业,包括4项作业速度和10项作业成绩共14项指标。结果表明:(1)双额脑波α峰频率随年老低移,α功率随年老有增加趋势;(2)年老过程3项作业速度与双额α峰频率相关性显著,但仅“图象自由回忆”成绩与双额α峰频率及右额α功率相关性显著。  相似文献   

曹蓉  刘鹏 《心理科学》2011,34(2):332-336
为了回应Locke提出的“目标设置理论仍然需要发展”的观点,本文从认知心理学的角度对目标设置理论进行了检验。结果表明:设置明确且有一定难度的目标比设置模糊或一般性目标会使被试产生更高水平的努力,从而提高成绩;设置明确但难度偏低的目标与设置模糊目标的成绩间并无显著性差异;被试对目标的可接受性程度越高,成绩越好;任务难度变量对目标难度与成绩之间的调节效应要通过被试对策略的发掘和使用以及在时间方面给予一定的压力才能得到体现。  相似文献   

青年人和老年人的元记忆与记忆能力关系的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用自编“元记忆简短问卷”和“成人元记忆问卷”,对90例被试(分为青年、老年和老老年组)进行元记忆及其与记忆关系的比较研究。结果表明:(1)预测记词对数和记图数随增龄而减少,年龄差异明显。评估准确性未显示年龄差异。训练后,预测成绩明显提高,但评估准确性未见提高。测后自评与预测情况相似,但其准确性高于预测,元记忆可能通过记忆过程而有提高;(2)自信程度和使用方法数均随增龄而减少,可能这是影响记忆成绩的重要因素;(3)联想学习和图象自由回忆成绩均与“元记忆简短问卷”和“成人元记忆问卷”的各项自评有不同程度的相关,表明元记忆与记忆关系密切。  相似文献   

采用生理心理学的实验方法.对强噪音下四组不同处理背景大鼠的旷场反应、援食、饮水、排泄和尿生物化学等方面进行比较。结果发现:①Ⅰ组(强刺激组)的各类指标均发生情绪性(恐惧)改变。与2组(预防训练Ⅰ组)、3组(预防训练Ⅱ组)、4组(控制组)以及自身基线(MAO)比较差异显著;②适应性训练有助于防止大鼠恐惧发生及上述各类指标发生异常.③由于训练的方法不同,预防的效果也不同。3组与4组比较无显著差异,2组与4组比较某些指标有显著差异。④1组和2组部分大鼠出现皮肤、消化道病变。  相似文献   

在拙著《因果观念与休谟问题》①第3.1、4.1、5.1、5.2节和结语部分,以及拙文《休谟因果问题的重新发现及解决》②中,我着重揭示了四个要点:(1)“休谟问题”应该包括“归纳问题”和“因果问题”;(2)在现代哲学中,休谟因果问题几乎已被遗忘了;(3)屈指可数的几个解决休谟因果问题的方案都有严重的困难;(4)我的重解方案则力求避免这些困难。本文以这些要点为基础,试图更加深入地讨论休谟因果问题的几个方面,并顺带回答钱捷对我的批评。一、休谟因果问题及其失落的证据1.1根据我的研究,休谟问题的关键在于…  相似文献   

儿童心理折叠能力的发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
施建农  周林  查子秀  徐凡 《心理学报》1997,30(2):160-165
本研究主要考察儿童心理折叠能力的发展。结果表明:(1)一般情况下,学生的心理折叠能力随年级(年龄)的上升而提高;(2)智力高的学生的心理折叠能力显著高于常态学生,而且,智力与年级之间存在较强的交互作用说明,智力是影响心理折叠能力发展的主要因素;(3)在本文所涉及的条件下,就总体而言,男生的心理折叠成绩高于女生。但这种性别差异主要不是来自常态组,而来自超常组;(4)不同被试组儿童的心理折叠能力具有不定全一致的发展曲线。  相似文献   

成年期自我概念的年龄差异研究   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:13  
许淑莲  吴志平 《心理科学》1997,20(4):289-293
自编了《自我概念问卷》(SCQ),对初中以上文化程度604名20-94岁成年人进行了年龄差异研究。结果表明:1.SCQ信度和效度基本合格。以因素分析法将问卷归结为(1)自我意识(SC)、(2)自觉精神状态(MS)、(3)自制与自尊(CN与SE)、(4)自我力量(ES)、(5)自觉能力(CA)五个分量表。2.CN与SE随增龄显著增强,CA随年老明显降低,MS各年龄组间无区别。SC中年组高于两老年组,  相似文献   

特 稿中国天主教所选择的必由之路 王兆国 (1-4)以基督之爱拥抱自己的民族和社会 傅铁山 (1-6)中国宗教的百年回顾与前瞻 叶小文(2—4)宗教理论和政策发展中的重要里程碑 王作安(2—12)除恶反邪 去伪匡正 圣 辉(2—14)坚持正信 扫除邪恶维护社会稳定与人性尊严 傅铁山(2—18)维护民族团结 维护祖国统一积极引导伊斯兰教与社会主义社会相适应 司马义·艾买提(3—4)净化宗教 丁光训(3—9)顺应时代 不辱使命──中国伊斯兰教教务指导委员会成立的原因及其任务 陈广元(3—10)学习“三个代表”思想提…  相似文献   

呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断影响的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张萌  张积家  张全信 《心理学报》2000,32(4):387-392
以英汉配对词为实验材料探讨了呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机对FOK判断(Feeling of Knowing)的影响,被试是144名大学生。实验结果表明:(1)呈现方式、自我效能感和成就动机均显著影响FOK判断等级的高低和判断的准确性;(2)自我效能感和成就动机在影响FDK判断方面有显著的交互作用,成就动机对FDK判断的作用受自我效能感影响;(3)被试的回忆成绩、再认成绩和FDK判断准确性之间均有显著的正相关,表明客体记忆与无记忆之间有较密切的联系。  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted with 30 groups (n = 120) solving brainstorming tasks under four different group goal conditions: do your best (DYB), directive group goal setting (DGGS), participative group goal setting (PGGS), and PGGS in combination with individual goal setting (PGGS + IGS). As expected, all groups with specific and difficult group goals performed better than DYB control groups. It is hypothesized that these positive effects of group goal setting on brainstorming performance arise because group goal setting counteracts motivation losses such as social loafing. In addition, group goal setting should promote motivation gains arising from social compensation and related cognitive processes, in particular high identification with the group. Consistent with this hypothesis, it was found that group goal setting increased team identification, the readiness to compensate for other weak group members, the value of group success, and the value of group failure. Mediation analysis also indicated that concern to avoid group failure was partly responsible for performance improvements. Finally, no large differences were found between PGGS + IGS and PGGS or DGGS. On this basis group goal setting can be considered a robust strategy for improving work motivation and brainstorming performance in groups.  相似文献   

This study examined the impact of three alternative types of goals (specific learning, general “do your best” learning, and specific performance) on team performance. Eighty-four-person teams engaged in an interdependent command and control simulation in which the team goal and task complexity were manipulated. Contrary to research at the individual level, teams with specific learning goals performed worse than did teams with general “do your best” learning goals or specific performance goals. The negative effects of specific learning goals relative to general “do your best” learning goals and specific performance goals were amplified under conditions of increased task complexity and were explained by the amount of coordination in the teams.  相似文献   

Research indicates that death‐relevant thoughts (mortality salience) have a nuanced effect on judgments of life's meaningfulness. Thoughts of death diminish meaning in life only among people who lack or do not readily engage psychological structures that confer meaning. Building on this past research, the current research examined how an important source of meaning, long‐term goal progress, affects the ways that death‐relevant cognitions impact judgments of life's meaning. In Study 1 (N = 118), mortality salience decreased perceptions of meaning in life only among participants who were induced to feel closer to (vs. farther from) completing a long‐term goal. Study 2 (N = 259) extended these findings by demonstrating the moderating influence of individual differences in locomotion. Mortality salience again decreased perceptions of meaning in life among participants who felt closer to accomplishing a long‐term goal, but it only did so among people who do not quickly adopt new goals to pursue (i.e., those low in locomotion). The implications of these findings for better understanding how people maintain meaning in the face of existential concerns and how aspects of goal pursuit affect these processes are discussed.  相似文献   

To examine the combined effect of goal setting and self-talk, 41 professional and semiprofessional soccer players from four different teams were tested on a soccer-shooting task. Teams were assigned to one of four conditions: (a) self-talk, (b) goal setting, (c) goal setting plus self-talk, and (d) do your best control. Subjects performed one baseline measurement and three experimental sessions. Analysis showed that performance, compared to the do your best condition, in the combined condition is immediately enhanced, whereas self-talk and goal-setting effects were significant from Session 3. No significant differences in performance were observed among experimental groups, except in Session 2, during which the combined group scored significantly better than the goal-setting group. It seems that, whereas both goal setting and self-talk are effective in enhancing performance, some advantage may be derived from a combined intervention. Findings are discussed in the perspective of past research efforts on goal setting and self-talk.  相似文献   

姒刚彦  李庆珠  刘皓 《心理学报》2007,39(1):163-175
Harwood等人(2000)对已应用于体育运动领域的任务-自我目标定向理论及其相关的测量工具提出了批判与质疑,并在此基础之上提出了运动成就目标三维模型,该模型将体育运动领域的成就目标分为三种,分别是纯任务目标;自我关联的自我目标;以及他人关联的自我目标。本研究的目的是对Harwood等人提出的运动成就目标三维模型进行检验。全文由两个子研究组成。研究一是成就目标问卷的发展与检验,对问卷的发展与信度、效度的检验进行了详细的介绍。研究二中,研究者采用所发展的成就目标问卷与录像访谈相结合的方法对4位(2男,2女)高水平乒乓球运动员的特质性目标以及赛前,赛中,赛后的状态性目标进行测评与检验。验证性因素分析的结果表明该运动成就目标问卷的三维模型拟合较好,三因素结构较为清晰。重测信度检验结果表明该问卷的三个维度均具有较高的重测信度。教练员对4名运动员成就目标的评估结果与运动员的问卷所得结果的一致性进一步支持了运动成就目标问卷的内部效度。对4名运动员的研究结果表明:(1)特质性目标对赛前状态性目标的预测主要与个人特点有关;(2)运动员在赛前与赛中状态性目标呈多元化趋势,既有只突出某一目标的单维现象,又有两种或三种目标同时占主导的多维现象;(3)运动员赛后状态性目标的变化倾向于受到比赛过程与结果的影响;(4)当运动员在比赛中经历重大挫折的时候,会有“亚目标”状态出现。本研究结果对Harwood等人的运动成就目标三维模型提供了支持。通过本研究,人们对高水平运动员的特质性目标及赛前、赛中、赛后状态性目标的性质及其变化有了更加深入的了解  相似文献   

目标包含结构的文本阅读中目标信息的激活   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
冷英  莫雷  吴俊  王穗苹 《心理学报》2007,39(1):27-34
探讨读者在阅读目标包含结构的文本时,目标信息的恢复激活的条件。运用移动窗口技术,采用3(已经实现、尚未实现与控制条件)×3(强目标愈合信号、弱目标愈合信号与无目标愈合信号)的实验设计。结果是子目标实现与否有主效应,目标愈合信号有主效应,目标实现条件和目标愈合信号有交互作用。结论是在目标包含结构的文本阅读中,目标信息表现出恢复激活的方式,目标愈合信号是目标信息恢复的必要条件,弱的目标愈合信号就可以激活长时记忆中已实现的目标信息,而较强的目标愈合信号才能激活长时记忆中尚未实现的目标信息  相似文献   

Two prospective studies examined the relations of autonomy support and directive support to goal internalization and goal persistence over a year. Study 1 examined the role of support and internalization in semester‐long goals set by college students and whether the goals were reset in the following semester. Study 2 examined semester‐long goals and long‐term developmental goals. Study 1 showed that autonomy support was not only significantly associated with greater internalization and goal success in the fall semester, but it was also significantly associated with actually resetting and subsequently succeeding at goals that one had failed to reach. Study 2 showed that autonomy support was significantly associated with progress for short‐term goals over the semester, whereas directive support was unrelated to progress. For long‐term goals, autonomy support was significantly related to greater internalization of goals and to greater goal satisfaction, whereas directive support was significantly negatively related to these outcomes. These studies point to the beneficial effects of autonomy support on goal internalization and resilient persistence. The effects of directive support (null vs. negative) were moderated by the timeline of the goals.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(3):371-378

The aim of this study is to confirm the factor structure of a self-report measure of achievement goal tendencies (Hayamizu & Weiner, 1991) described in previous research, and examine the reliability and validity of scores in a sample of Uruguayan university students. A theoretical three-factor model is proposed (learning, performance and outcome goals), as well as one-factor models for each goal. Confirmatory factor analyses show that all models are identified, and solutions are conceptually correct. Our results suggest that outcome goals could be split into two correlated sub-dimensions related to achievement time (short and long term goals). Concurrent and predicted validity were established through significant correlations with perceived ability and academic achievement respectively. Conceptualisation of these findings and suggestions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

Conditional goal setting is the tendency for people to see attainment of their future personal goals as necessary for their well-being. It has been argued that this represents an unhealthy way of relating to one’s goals, as well as being particularly problematic when goals are perceived as unlikely. High conditional goal setting has been found to be related to depression and to hopelessness. The present study examined conditional goal setting in deliberate self-harm, where problematic thinking about the future is very prominent. A group of individuals attending hospital for a recent episode of deliberate self-harm (N = 25) were compared with controls attending hospital for minor injuries (N = 25) as well as a psychologically disordered but non-suicidal control group (N = 25). Participants generated goals and rated goal likelihood, the extent to which those goals were seen as necessary for their future well-being (conditional goal setting), and also the extent to which the goals were seen as sufficient for their future well-being (goal sufficiency). Deliberate self-harm patients showed a higher degree of both conditional goal setting and goal sufficiency than did both of the other groups, further confirming the idea of painful engagement with personal goals, rather than disengagement, as characterising deliberate self-harm.  相似文献   

The question raised in this paper is whether goal conflicts can occur outside of conscious awareness. Given the numerous and potentially conflicting goals people pursue, and the severe scarcity of mental resources, we offer a positive answer. Six experiments that employed a dissociation paradigm tested this hypothesis. Using three implicit behavioral markers of goal conflict (increased decision times, increased decision variance and heightened sensitivity to environmental information), and one physiological marker (increased arousal as measured by skin conductance level), these experiments document goal conflicts that do not reach conscious awareness.  相似文献   

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