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道教从先秦道家那里继承了“道法自然”的美学趣味,形成了以“淡漠”、“怀虚”为特征的审美心态,一心“无气”、“无形”的审美态度,以及从内外世界的统一之中感受和得到“气顺”、“清静”的审美乐趣。因此,道教得道之“乐”,就成了无处不在的、超乎功利和物欲的审美之“乐”。这种向内追求的审美论,与中国佛教的美学观类似,对古代美学思想有很大的影响。  相似文献   

在朱子理学中,"理"这个本体范畴是个存而不有的虚体,表述宇宙实体构成的是"气"这个实体范畴.与此相应,在朱子理学美学审美客体的逻辑结构中,气是表达实体和实存性质的实体范畴.在逻辑本体上决定一切的是理,而在审美客体实存上构成一切的都是气,乃至实际左右一切,形成一切的乃是气、是阴阳的流动变化.因此,气及其阴阳变化在朱子理学美学中具有重要的构成论和形态论意义.  相似文献   

"磅礴"是一种美的形态,属于"壮美""阳刚美"类型的美;"磅礴"又是一个重要的美学词汇、概念、范畴。"磅礴"的审美内涵是雄大壮伟,宏阔浑莽,气势逼人,震撼心魄。磅礴之美是一种宏大之美、壮大之美、雄大之美、气势之美。"磅礴"之美在自然界、社会生活中都有大量的表现,是一个很值得研究的美学概念。  相似文献   

该著从中国传统美学的生命诉求与境域缘在构成、中国美学思想之境域缘在构成论与原点范畴、“致虚”“守静”思想与审美缘在构成论、“有无相生”说与缘在构成域之开放性、“阴阳”观与缘在构成思想、“万物化生”构成思想与审美境域缘在构成说、“与‘道’合一”说与缘在构成论、“诚”范畴与审美缘在构成论、审美缘在构成论的文化思想渊源、缘在构成域之审美精神等方面,对“中国美学的审美境域缘在构成论”进行了深入、全面的考察和研究。  相似文献   

“和”是古代中国美学思想史上一个基本并很早就出现的音乐审美范畴,从先秦的《左传》、《国语》到魏晋的《声无哀乐论》,各个时期的美学史料都对“和”的美学内涵有多种辩论,它是民族音乐美学核心范畴之一。先秦齐地是诸子百家学术活动频繁的地区,诸子将“和”作为重要音乐美学观层层论述,管子、晏子等人在“和”的音乐观基础上,树立“五声为和”、“心平德和”的美学观,总结出齐乐论之“音声之和”、“乐与人和”的至纯境界,为后世学者各抒己见、百花齐放开拓一片广阔的天空。  相似文献   

“雅”、“俗”以及雅与俗的关系问题,是一个重要的美学问题,也是一个重要的文艺理论问题,还是一个重要的社会文化问题. “雅”与“俗”这一对范畴,是重要的文化学范畴,涉及到文化层面的境界高低,人的文化教养、仪表、人格、操守、修养、境界.“雅”与“俗”又是美学范畴,涉及到审美倾向、审美理想、审美意趣、审美境界.“雅”与“俗”又是重要的文学范畴、艺术范畴,涉及到文学、艺术作品的高低程度、境界、情趣等等.下面主要从美学和文艺学的角度来对“雅”“俗”问题作一简要的论述.  相似文献   

在中国传统美学中,先秦道家是最具特色的一派。老庄的“大美”思想揭示了“道家关于美的本体的最高范畴”,对各个门类的艺术、尤其是对书法这门“中国特有之高级艺术”产生着巨大而深远的影响。本文结合对儒、道两种书学观在审美差异上的分析与比较,深入探讨了老庄“大美”思想在书法艺术上的体现及其影响。  相似文献   

王船山在历史观中使用的范畴,继承了我国古代哲学唯物论思想传统,并有所创新。他在历史观中使用的范畴相当庞杂,而且概念的规定性也不那么精确,外延和内涵时常有变化,有些范畴还包含着一些唯心主义杂质和神秘化的倾向。例如,对于“天”这一范畴的理解,歧义就很多,有“天之天”、“物之天”、“民之天”等等。有时王船山还把不同性质的自然关系和社会关系混杂在一起,如说“气”有什么“善气”、“恶气”之分。这就增加了对其正确理  相似文献   

缥缈是一种高远隐约,若有若无之貌,是一种审美形态,也是一种审美境界。缥缈美在自然和艺术的各门类中都有大量的表现,有深邃的中国哲学意蕴,直通中国道家的“有”、“无”、“虚”、“实”的哲学理论。 “缥缈”是一个很值得研究的美学范畴。  相似文献   

<正> 《易传》是中国思想史上一部重要著作。《易传》虽然不是一部美学专著,但它所阐述的“天人合一”思想、“《易》者象也”思想,不仅影响了古代的理论思维,而且也影响了形象思维,从而为中国美学追求“天人合一”的审美境界以及强调形象思维在艺术和审美中的重要意义,提供了哲学的依据。另外,《易传》在对客观世界的变化以及《易》象与客观世界的关系作出解释时,使用了“阴阳”、“刚柔”、“乾坤”、“知几其神”、“通变成文”和“修辞立诚”等范畴和命题。《易传》对这些范畴和命题的深入发挥,同样对中国美学的发展产生了极其深刻的影响。所以,从中国美学史的角度讲,不了解《易传》,就不可能真正把握中国美学的特色。  相似文献   

殷波 《管子学刊》2007,(1):72-75
在知识学、美学、伦理学分科的学术背景下解读庄子思想,庄子以“道”为指归,批判现实人生中的知识、伦理因素,追求与“道”相融通的境界,向自身、向固有存在结构复归,具有美学内涵。“天地大美”作为其唯一肯定的通达于“道”的中介,在于使世界以其本来面目自然呈现,具有“美”的本体意义,成为体现庄子思想美学内涵的核心范畴。  相似文献   

Being surprised by beauty, being drawn to and moved by it and surrendering to its sensory nature are all part of beauty's emotionally transformative power. And yet, psychoanalysis has had little to say about such an enriching dimension of psychological life. The author highlights how experiencing beauty is a capacity that is not isolated but is part of the lifelong experience of being changed by and changing the experience of the world we live in. She suggests that the capacity to experience beauty takes different forms at distinct points in development and in psychoanalytic treatments. The author describes two clinical occasions from a case where an analytic pair struggled to develop a greater capacity to experience beauty over time. She discusses how a theory of the aesthetic conflict was useful in helping to understand her patient's inner object world but was not sufficient when it came to understanding the experience of beauty. She shows how for both patient and analyst, experiencing beauty's full effect required responding to the call toward emotional life, surrendering to the surprise and the unknown, and letting go of the mind's struggle to find meaning and opening up to transforming and being transformed through sensory experience.  相似文献   

对希波克拉底警句的深层解读--审美修养是从医之必需   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
试图透过医学与艺术的联系,深入到医学与美学关系的层面,进而发掘希波克拉底关于"医学的艺术乃是一切艺术之中最为卓越的艺术"这一论断的深刻内涵,指出希波克拉底警句蕴涵着:医学是美的职业,它具有崇高地位和独特的重要性;医学所追求的是健康而美好的人生,医学所创造的是健康之美、生命之美、至善之美、仁爱之美.既然医学是最为卓越的艺术,医务工作者就应该重视美学修养,并让医学审美意识牢牢植根于自己的医学实践之中.换句话说,审美修养是从医之必需.  相似文献   

要辨析市场经济下爱美的不同动因,警惕对美的异化,科学地估量外在美的意义;正确看待自然美、健康美、内在美与人工美的关系;慎重对待一些美容手术的实际效果,特别是它的远期效果;美容医生应坚守医生的道德底线,拒绝金钱的诱惑,并十分谨慎地对待生活的医学化.  相似文献   

Peter K. Walhout 《Zygon》2009,44(4):757-776
The various aesthetic phenomena found repeatedly in the scientific enterprise stem from the role of God as artist. If the Creator is an artist, how and why natural scientists study the divine art work can be understood using theological aesthetics and the philosophy of art. The aesthetic phenomena considered here are as follows. First, science reveals beauty and the sublime in natural phenomena. Second, science discovers beauty and the sublime in the theories that are developed to explain natural phenomena. Third, the search for beauty often guides scientists in their work. Fourth, where beauty is perceived, feelings of the sublime often also follow upon further contemplation. This linkage of beauty in science with truth and the sublime runs counter to most aesthetic theory since Kant. Scholarship in theological aesthetics has recently argued that the modern and postmodern elevation of the sublime over beauty is merely a preference that reveals a bias against transcendence—against God. If doing and understanding science can show this sundering of the sublime from the beautiful to be in error, science also gives evidence of transcendence.  相似文献   

外显和内隐的面孔审美加工的脑成像研究表明,美的面孔比不美的面孔导致眶额皮层、伏隔核、杏仁核等奖赏脑区更大的激活。脑电研究则发现了与面孔审美加工有关的早期负波和晚期正成分。面孔审美加工有关的脑区活动也受到性别、生理周期等个体因素的调节。未来的研究需要比较美的面孔与其它奖赏刺激加工的神经机制,探讨面孔审美加工的不同阶段及时间进程,在面孔知觉的框架下形成合理的面孔审美加工的神经模型。  相似文献   

Through comparisons between traditional Chinese and Western aesthetics, this article tries to explain the worldwide significance of Chinese aesthetic tradition in the twenty-first century. In contrast to cognitive-rational spirit and the tendency to distinguish the subjectives and objectives of traditional Western aesthetics, traditional Chinese aesthetics shows a distinctive practical-emotional spirit and a tendency to harmoniously unite human beings with nature, and believes that beauty is, first and foremost, a free state or way (Dao) of human life; the most important thing for human beings is how to make their own lives and existence beautiful. Therefore, it puts forward some persuasive and valuable insights into beauty and art, thus playing an independent and constructive role in intercultural aesthetic dialogues of the twenty-first century. Translated from Journal of Xiaogan College, 2004:5  相似文献   

This paper proposes an integrative psychoanalytic model of the sense of beauty. The following definition is used: beauty is an aspect of the experience of idealisation in which an object(s), sound(s) or concept(s) is believed to possess qualities of formal perfection. The psychoanalytic literature regarding beauty is explored in depth and fundamental similarities are stressed. The author goes on to discuss the following topics: (1) beauty as sublimation: beauty reconciles the polarisation of self and world; (2) idealisation and beauty: the love of beauty is an indication of the importance of idealisation during development; (3) beauty as an interactive process: the sense of beauty is interactive and intersubjective; (4) the aesthetic and non-aesthetic emotions: specific aesthetic emotions are experienced in response to the formal design of the beautiful object; (5) surrendering to beauty: beauty provides us with an occasion for transcendence and self-renewal; (6) beauty's restorative function: the preservation or restoration of the relationship to the good object is of utmost importance; (7) the self-integrative function of beauty: the sense of beauty can also reconcile and integrate self-states of fragmentation and depletion; (8) beauty as a defence: in psychopathology, beauty can function defensively for the expression of unconscious impulses and fantasies, or as protection against self-crisis; (9) beauty and mortality: the sense of beauty can alleviate anxiety regarding death and feelings of vulnerability. In closing the paper, the author offers a new understanding of Freud'semphasis on love of beauty as a defining trait of civilisation. For a people not to value beauty would mean that they cannot hope and cannot assert life over the inevitable and ubiquitous forces of entropy and death.  相似文献   


Perceptual fluency typically has a positive influence on aesthetic evaluations of beauty, but few studies have examined its influence on creativity evaluations. Creativity has two facets, originality and quality. If creativity judgments involve estimating product originality, such judgments may be associated with perceptual disfluency, while product quality may be associated with perceptual fluency. We examined the relationship between perceptual fluency and judgments of creativity and beauty across seven experiments. Creativity judgments were affected by most perceptual fluencysources. We observed a highly-fluent-is-beautiful-and-creative relation when testing repeated exposure and figure-ground contrast. Prototypicality displayed a high-fluency–is-beautiful relation, with creativity judgments unaffected. Visual complexity displayed a consistent disfluent-is-creative effect, with mixed results for beauty. For creativity (but not beauty) evaluations, increased saliency of visual complexity led to discounting fluent-is-creative effects, supporting the hypothesis that there are at least two fluency pathways to creativity judgments that take both originality and quality into account.  相似文献   

抽象语言信息是否能够影响知觉?本研究在审美领域对此进行考察,探索无意识获取的道德信息是否影响个体对相应面孔吸引力的知觉判断。结果发现个体对面孔吸引力的知觉判断受到内隐道德信息的调节,且调节效应与面孔本身吸引力水平无关; 另外,面孔审美判断的反应时受到道德美丑和面孔吸引力的共同影响,尤其当两类信息相矛盾时被试需要更长的时间进行判断。研究结果表明抽象的社会道德信息可以对面孔吸引力的知觉判断产生自上而下的调节。  相似文献   

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