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In a “Consistent” spatial choice reaction task, the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its appropriate response. In an “Inconsistent” task this is not so. The present experiment concerns errors in Inconsistent tasks. Duncan (in press) has suggested that, when two spatial S-R relationships are involved in a task, the dominant type of error is a response bearing to the stimulus the wrong one of the two relationships. Duncan's results, however, may be described by a different generalization. Rabbitt and Vyas (1973) have suggested that confusions occur between responses which, when made correctly, bear similar spatial relationships to their stimuli. In the present experiment, a new Inconsistent task is studied. The results support the account of Duncan (in press) but provide no support for that of Rabbitt and Vyas (1973). Partly on the basis of error results, Duncan (in press) proposed a model of response selection in the spatial choice reaction task. Unlike previous accounts, this model is not based on a set of individual “S--R” associations; operations generating sets of S--R pairs are involved.  相似文献   

This study explores the phenomenon of subjective simultaneity between multiple successive positions of a target, which consisted here of an illuminated radial line in both stepwise and continous rotation around a fixation point. In four experiments the span of phenomenal simultaneity (M) was measured under varying intensities of target and surround, and with two different estimation procedures. M was found to change as a power function of target intensity, with an exponent of -0.13 or -0.16, for both stroboscopic and continuous illumination of the target. Variation of surround intensity affected M only for 9 out of 15 subjects (Experiment III.) For these subjects M varied inversely with log I of the surround; for the remaining 6 subjects M remained approximately constant over a range of 5 log units of I. Auditory noise tended slightly to decrease M in the former group and to increase it in the latter. Under simultaneous continuous and stroboscopic illumination of the target a paradoxical, single-valued M was obtained (Experiment IV). Higher values of M were found when subjects attempted to estimate the number of apparently simultaneous radii (Experiment I). The function relating M to target intensity closely parallels that for the critical duration of temporal brightness summation. The possibility that both measures reflect the same underlying process is discussed.  相似文献   

本文提出一种多级计分项目下的个人拟合统计量R, 考察它在检测6种常见的异常作答模式(作弊、猜测、随机、粗心、创新作答、混合异常)下的表现, 并与标准化对数似然统计量lzp进行比较。结果表明:(1) 在异常作答覆盖率较低并且异常作答类型为作弊和猜测时, R的检测率显著高于lzp; (2) 随着测验长度和被试异常程度的增加, 两种统计量的检测率都会上升; (3) 在一些条件下, Rlzp检测效果接近。实证数据分析进一步展示了R统计量的使用方法和过程, 结果也表明R统计量具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

In a “consistent” spatial choice reaction task the same spatial relationship obtains between each stimulus and its correct response. In an “inconsistent” task this is not so. While Duncan (1977a) found both easy (spatially corresponding) and difficult (spatially opposite) responses to be slowed in inconsistent tasks, Smith (1977) found this only for the corresponding responses, the reverse holding for opposites. Reasons for this discrepancy are examined. The result of Smith (1977) depends on the use of different numbers of alternative responses in consistent and inconsistent tasks, a situation allowing no useful comparison between the two. Effects of consistency are related to others in the literature. The general conclusion is that, in these tasks, response selection is based not on a list of associations between individual stimuli and responses, but on operations or rules each of which will generate a set of stimulus-response pairs.  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to point out some implications of implicit or explicit payoffs in reaction time experiments. In any psychophysical task the subject is given a set of instructions which define the desired performance, as it were the rules of the game. Instructions may be supplemented by knowledge of results which further define the required performance. When performance admits of being “good” or “bad,” however wide these limits, the instructions may be said to define, explicitly or implicitly, a system of payoffs. In reaction time experiments the subject is instructed, amongst other things, to respond as soon as possible after the stimulus but never before it. These instructions could equally well be represented by a system of payoffs and Figure 1 illustrates the kind of payoff system normally implied in these instructions. If S represents the time at which the physical stimulus occurs the graph shows a fixed penalty for anticipations (response before S), maximum positive score for responses immediately following S declining at an arbitrary rate as a function of elapsed time between S and the response until an unacceptably long time involves a constant maximum penalty. Some experimenters choose to treat very short RT's as anticipations. This is represented by the dashed line in Figure 1, but it should be clear that payoff values are, to a certain extent, arbitrary.  相似文献   

Five experiments are reported whose purpose was to demonstrate that short-term memory is improved by redundancy within the material. In Experiment I “tune” containing two, three, four and five tones of differing frequencies had to be coded into digits 1-5, to indicate the order of the pitches in a tune. Performance on stimuli containing correlated amplitude and duration were compared with the uni-dimensional condition. Experiment II repeated I, but required intensity to be coded. Experiment III required pitch coding under three conditions including that when amplitude and frequency were uncorrelated, and compared the performance of musically trained sunjects with nonmusicians. Experiment IV repeated III, but subjects were informed of the relation between dimensions. Experiment V involved “shadowing” the tunes by whistling simultaneously with the stimulus.

It was concluded (a) that intercorrelation improves, but zero correlation impairs short-term memory; (b) that knowledge of the relation between dimensions improves performance in the correlated condition, but does not prevent impairment under zero correlation; and (c) the performance of musically trained subjects exceeds that of controls and is unaffected by the presence of a correlated or uncorrelated dimension.  相似文献   

The effects of two training procedures on learning and performance are compared. Performers select a response alternative for each stimulus on Trial 1 and receive feedback in terms of “Right” or “Wrong”. Observers receive the same information by listening to the experimenter. Experiment I tests the hypothesis that performers and observers are using a different learning strategy when there are only two response alternatives available for each stimulus on Trial 1. A recognition procedure was used on Trial 2; each stimulus was followed by four alternatives, two of them being the same as presented on Trial 1. Subjects have to recognize the two “old” alternatives. Performers are always better at recognizing the chosen alternative, whereas observers are better at recognizing the correct alternative. Experiment II extends the comparison between performers and observers to a task with four response alternatives on Trial 1. There are no longer differences in performance between the two training procedures.  相似文献   

The movement toward evidence-based treatments, interventions, or practices pressures single case research (SCR) to use statistical summaries which have broad credibility. These summaries also need to be easily understood and useful in schools and clinics. To date the effect size families, “proportion of variance” (R2, Eta2) and “standardized mean difference” (Cohen's d, Hedges' g) have little popularity in SCR. This paper demonstrates a set of alternative Clinical Outcome indices widely used in the field of medicine: Risk Difference, Relative Risk, Relative Risk Improvement, and Odds Ratio, which compare patients in treatment versus control conditions. Translated to SCR designs, the baseline phase becomes the control condition, the intervention phase becomes the treatment condition, and improvement is defined as non-overlapping data between phases. The positive attributes of Clinical Outcomes are demonstrated: (a) easily interpretable results, (b) close relationship with concept of non-overlapping data, (c) minimal data assumptions, (d) minimal statistical expertise required, (e) multiple contrasts possible for diagnostic understanding, (f) exact confidence intervals for results, and (g) close relationship to Pearson R effect size family.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish a theoretical framework for Stevens' empirically derived power law. Three models were proposed to explain the power law. They respectively outline how sensory, stimulus, and response variables determine the judgmental behavior in a psychophysical task. A correlational study on individual differences in exponents was carried out to test the predictions derived from each model. The use of four different sensory continua and four scaling procedures provided the experimental means of manipulating the sensory, stimulus, and response variables in the scaling situation. The results showed that response variables are important determinants of judgmental behavior in psychophysical scaling. These findings suggest that subjects' responses to stimulus intensities in a scaling task are largely cognitive.  相似文献   

A tendency for judgments of stimulus magnitude to be biased in the direction of the value of the immediately preceding stimulus is found in magnitude estimations of loudness. This produces a bias in the empirical psychophysical function that results in underestimation of the exponent of the unbiased function presumed to relate number and stimulus intensity, N = aSn. The biased judgment can be represented as a power product of focal and preceding stimulus intensity, Nij= aS m Sj b. A bias-free estimate of the correct exponent, n, can be obtained from the relation n = m + b.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that visual encoding requires central processing, evidenced in the form of dual-task interference on response processes of a reaction time (RT) task. We report two experiments examining such dual-task interference: (1) at global level, to establish that visual encoding indeed requires central processing; and (2) at code level, to see whether two tasks may share the same representational codes. To this end, we manipulated the compatibility relation between the response codes for an auditory choice RTtask and the stimulus codes for a logically independent visual motion detection task. The results showed significant dual-task slowing of the response for the auditory task, demonstrating the interference at a global level. The effects of cross-task compatibility (CTC) were obtained at the short stimulus onset asynchrony (SOA), showing that the RTs were faster for compatible trials. Furthermore, the CTC effect remained even when the visual stimulus did not need to be “consolidated” (Jolicoeur & Dell'Acqua, 1998) for reporting, while the response postponement effect was greatly reduced. We interpret these results as indicating that the present two tasks share both “central” processes and common representational codes, but that these two levels of dual-task interference can be dissociated.  相似文献   

The present paper demonstrates the interaction of syntactic structure and speech perception with a response task which minimizes the effects of memory: reaction time (RT) to clicks during sentences. (1) In 12-word unfamiliar sentences each with two clauses, RT is relatively slow overall to clicks located at the end of the first clause but decreases as a function of clause length. Clicks at the beginning of the second clause are not affected by length of the preceding clause. (2) In familiar sentences, RT is relatively fast to clicks located at the end of a clause while RT to clicks at the beginning of clauses is relatively unaffected by familiarity. (3) RT is not fastest overall to clicks located between clauses either in novel or familiar sentences. (4) As in previous studies, the subject's subsequent judegment of the location of the click tone are towards the clause break. (5) We could find no systematic interaction between RT and subjective click location. Findings (1) to (3) are consistent with the view that perceptual processing alternates between attending to all external stimuli and developing an internal representation of the stimuli. Finding (3) is in conflict with an “information channel” view of immediate attention to speech, which would predict high sensory attention to non-speech stimuli between clauses. However, findings (4) and (5) indicate that the channel view of perception may be correct for that perceptual processing which occurs after the immediate organization of the speech stimulus into major segments.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in tactile sensory system function between stutterers and normal speakers. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. Ten normal speaking men (M age = 19.7 yr.) and 10 stutterers (M age = 25.9 yr.) participated. Analysis suggested that stutterers and normal speakers differ in terms of the responsiveness of the sensory mechanism for the lingual tactile threshold to vibratory stimulus intensities applied at suprathreshold levels. The stutterers and normal speakers performed similarly on all aspects of the magnitude-estimation scaling tasks, but the amount of threshold shift occurring during the scaling procedures was significantly greater for the stutterers at each suprathreshold intensity level employed.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate differences in function of the tactile sensory system between groups of normal-speaking children and children with articulation problems. This task was accomplished by studying possible tactile threshold shifts occurring during magnitude-estimation scaling of vibratory stimuli presented to the dorsal surface of the tongue. 10 normal-speaking children (M age = 7.8 yr.) and 9 children with articulation problems (M age = 7.5 yr.) participated. The normal-speaking children and articulatory defective children performed differently on the magnitude-estimation scaling task in which threshold was allowed to return to baseline after each stimulus presentation. These two groups of children also showed dissimilar threshold shifts for the suprathreshold intensities employed in the magnitude-estimation scaling.  相似文献   

The paper presents psychophysical scales of amyl acetate in benzyl benzoate sniffed from cotton. Four scales obtained by direct scaling procedures, ratio estimation and magnitude estimation, yield functions of the form R = kSn , with n ranging from 0.39 to 0.57. These data support earlier findings that the intensity of smell is a negatively accelerated function of stimulus intensity. In addition, comparison of magnitude and category scales indicate that the subjective intensity of smell is a prothetic continuum. Finally, further analysis of subjective ratios as a function of stimulus ratios again shows that ( a ) the magnitude scale is a ratio scale and ( b ) the function obtained conforms to the power law.  相似文献   

Peripheral performance involving simple visual tasks and stimuli can be equated with foveal performance by spatial scaling, whilst more complex tasks and stimuli seem to need additional scaling of image contrast. We therefore determined whether the contrast manipulation needed to compensate for eccentricity-dependent performance changes is due to an increase in stimulus or task difficulty. We measured contrast sensitivities to determine foveal and peripheral ability to discriminate between an original and a distorted version of a polar-circular sinusoidal grating and a face image. Contrast sensitivities as a function of image size were spatially scaleable across eccentricities for both the face and grating. Furthermore, irrespective of stimulus, performance could be scaled with the same individual E2 value. Thus task simplicity overrides the nature of the stimulus in determining scaling requirements, suggesting that it is the complexity of the task, not of the stimulus, that makes contrast scaling necessary in complex tasks.  相似文献   

The following three studies of single-probe recognition memory set out to show the effect on the signal-detectability measures of d' and β (Tanner and Swets, 1954) of variations in the acoustic similarity of interfering material, which may either precede or follow the item to be remembered (proactive or retroactive interference --PI or RI). The first experiment studies a situation employed by Wickelgren (1966a), who reported that acoustically similar RI substantially reduced d'. It is shown that this effect could have been due to biases in Wickelgren's original designs, and that when a bias-free design is used, the fall in d' is only of borderline significance.

To investigate this problem further, a design was evolved in which two items were presented for memorizing, which varied in acoustic similarity to each other, and (after a distracting task) a probe was presented with one of three questions: Was this the first item of the pair? Was it the second? or, Did it occur in either position? In the first case, recognition-memory with RI of varying acoustic similarity was being studied, and as in the first experiment, it was found that similarity slightly reduced d'. With the second question, PI effects were being studied, and here negligible differences were found. With the third type of question, a “location-free” test, no effects of similarity were found. The last result rules out Posner's (1967) “acid-bath” explanation of similarity effects in interference: an explanation in terms of “differentiation” (or “filtering”) was also invalidated by the results of a third experiment, in which the same effects were found even though similarity varied only between stimulus items and interference, and not between these and the probe. Wickelgren's (1966b) associative model appears to have least difficulty in accommodating these results, though even this needs certain ad hoc assumptions to be able to do so.  相似文献   

People routinely focus on one hypothesis and avoid consideration of alternative hypotheses on problems requiring decisions between possible states of the world--for example, on the “pseudodiagnosticity” task (Doherty, Mynatt, Tweney, & Schiavo, 1979). In order to account for behaviour on such “inference” problems, it is proposed that people can hold in working memory, and operate upon, but one alternative at a time, and that they have a bias to test the hypothesis they think true. In addition to being an ex post facto explanation of data selection in inference tasks, this conceptualization predicts that there are situations in which people will consider alternatives. These are:

1. “action” problems, where the alternatives are possible courses of action;

2. “inference” problems, in which evidence favours an alternative hypothesis.

Experiment 1 tested the first prediction. Subjects were given action or inference problems, each with two alternatives and two items of data relevant to each alternative. They received probabilistic information about the relation between one datum and one alternative and picked one value from among the other three possible pairs of such relations. Two findings emerged; (1) a strong tendency to select information about only one alternative with inferences; and (2) a strong tendency, compared to inferences, to select information about both alternatives with actions.

Experiment 2 tested the second prediction. It was predicted that data suggesting that one alternative was incorrect would lead many subjects to consider, and select information about, the other alternative. For actions, it was predicted that this manipulation would have no effect. Again the data were as predicted.  相似文献   

This paper argues that the answer to the question, what has to be learned, needs to be established before the question, how is it learned, can be meaningfully addressed. Based on this conviction, some of the limitations of current and past research on skill acquisition are discussed. Motivated by the dynamical systems approach, the question of “what has to be learned” was tackled by setting up a non-linear mathematical model of the task (i.e. learning to make sideways movements on a ski apparatus). On the basis of this model, the phase lag between movements of the platform of the apparatus and the actions of the subject was isolated as an ensemble variable reflecting the timing of the subject in relation to the dynamics of the apparatus. This variable was subsequently used to study “how” the task was learned in a discovery learning experiment, in which predictions stemming from the model were tested and confirmed. Overall, these findings provided support for the hypothesis, formulated by Bernstein (1967), that one of the important effects of practice is learning to make use of reactive forces, thereby reducing the need for active muscular forces.

In addition, the data from a previous learning experiment on the ski apparatus—the results of which had been equivocal—were reconsidered. The use of phase lag as a dependent variable provided a resolution of those findings.

On the basis of the confirmatory testing of predictions stemming from the model and the clarification of findings from a previous experiment, it is argued that the dynamical systems approach put forward here provides a powerful method for pursuing issues in skill acquisition. Suggestions are made as to how this approach can be used to systematically pursue the questions that arise as a natural outcome of the experimental evidence presented here.  相似文献   

Three experiments are described which test the hypothesis that the more intense of two stimuli will, ceteris paribus, be more likely to receive attention. It is assumed that an objective behavioural manifestation of attention to a given stimulus is a preference for responding to it rather than to another which is present at the same time.

In all three experiments, successions of pairs of visual stimuli interspersed with single stimuli were presented to the subject, and he was instructed to respond to either (by pressing its corresponding morsekey), but not both, in the case of the pairs. The first two experiments reveal significant tendencies to respond to the larger and the brighter stimulus respectively. In the third experiment, there was a tendency, but a statistically insignificant one, to respond to a constant rather than to a flickering stimulus.

It is shown that the attraction of attention by a more intense stimulus follows from Hull's system with the addition of his new variable, “stimulus-intensity dynamism (V),” and it is suggested that it may thus be possible to add attention to the phenomena that can be integrated with an objective behaviour theory.  相似文献   

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