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音乐伦理原则是调整音乐主体之间关系的普遍要求和根本准则,也是指导音乐创作、音乐表演和音乐欣赏等活动的总方针,还是衡量音乐主体行为与品质的价值标准。音乐伦理原则是音乐伦理关系形成而产生的必然;是音乐伦理中占主导地位并起决定作用的普遍法则;确立音乐伦理原则是解决当代音乐道德问题的有效措施。以人为本与社会价值相统一、自由创造与道德责任相结合、美善合一是音乐主体必须遵守的三个重要伦理原则。这三个原则相互协调、相互支撑,共同构成了音乐伦理的价值准则框架。  相似文献   

樊浩教授通过对中国传统道德哲学和黑格尔伦理思想的分析,在细致辨析伦理和道德之异同的基础上,建构了内容丰富且具有创新意义的"伦理精神"学术体系。"伦理精神"的本质是"单一物和普遍物的统一","伦理精神"现实地存在于家庭和民族这两个基本的伦理实体以及个人与共同体的普遍伦理关系之中。"伦理精神"是对原子主义权利观的超越,它所内蕴的"从实体性出发"的意涵,可以帮助人们正确处理好复杂的人群共同体伦理关系,培育权利与义务相统一的道德品性,以克服原子主义迷恋个人权利的道德弊端。  相似文献   

现代学者尝试反思西方主流的追求普遍规则的伦理学理论,以着重社会与家庭角色的关系互动的方法诠释儒家的道德哲学与伦理观,并认为这是儒家能够贡献未来世界伦理的所在。儒家通过家庭与社会以及前人与后人的关系网络,以实践与示范作为传播方式,尝试建构其伦理价值的传播体系。以朋友关系作为突破点,则说明了儒家跨文化的价值传播的可能。在儒家的框架下,未来的世界伦理并不是发现绝对普遍的规则,而是通过文化之间的关系互动,双方相互学习对方有效成素,不断地示范、实践与探索,从而追求道德价值在当下的场景中最适当的实践。这个框架便是对未来世界伦理的贡献。  相似文献   

城市社区伦理的本质就是社区各主体在交往实践中相互对待的关系原理。城市社区作为一个伦理实体,其伦理的本质蕴含于其内在的伦理关系、伦理规定、伦理秩序和价值指向中。交互主体性的伦理关系是城市社区这一伦理实体的本质内容,也是社区生活得以合理展开的伦理基础;相互承认、相互尊重的伦理规定是城市社区这一伦理实体的精神,也是合理的社区秩序得以建构的价值尺度;普遍向善的道德共同体是城市社区这一伦理实体的灵魂和价值目标。  相似文献   

黑格尔在精神哲学视域下深刻剖析了婚姻伦理关系,婚姻伦理本质在于夫妻双方个别性的人与婚姻伦理实体之间“单一物与普遍物的统一”.婚姻持存的精神基础是“具有法的意义的伦理性的爱” 婚礼和一夫一妻制确证婚姻伦理的崇高与神圣.黑格尔对于婚姻伦理的精神哲学分析对解决当前我国婚姻伦理的理论与实践难题,缔造“有精神”的婚姻,具有重要的资源意义.  相似文献   

荀子与黑格尔伦理思想共同点之比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
荀子与黑格尔的伦理思想有许多相似之处,具体包括:在人性问题上都持性恶论的观点;在社会问题上都主张“群”或整体说,并阐明“分”或等级对于构建社会秩序的重要意义;都更加关注社会普遍层面的伦理问题而非个人的道德修养问题;都指出伦理的核心问题是规范问题;都从社会整体出发来考虑义利关系问题;都强调教育为实现伦理的基本前提;都强调法律是实现伦理的基本保障。以上这些共同点表明荀子与黑格尔在对伦理问题的思考中,都将伦理目标定位或落实于社会的基本或普遍层面,都注重伦理内容的现实性和伦理实现的可能性,具有很强的现实理性的精神。…  相似文献   

现代西方社会生活的伦理形态在传统上一直由正义理论所主导。弗吉尼亚·海尔德作为当代西方关怀伦理的重要代表人物之一,其关怀伦理从人类伦理生活的实践维度,对正义理论支配人类道德生活的正当性进行了深刻批判:一是揭露正义理论对人所作的自由主义的个人主义预设的虚假性,二是反对正义理论所依赖的普遍道德规则的绝对优先权。关怀伦理从人类社会生活的实际经验出发,主张人是相关且相互依赖的,处于关系之中并依赖关怀关系。当基于关怀关系的道德选择与基于普遍道德规则的道德选择相冲突时,基于关怀关系的道德选择具有优先性,在关怀关系中回应需求的道德价值应被优先考虑。由此,海尔德重新界定了关怀与正义的关系:关怀是比正义更根本的道德价值,关怀关系提供更广的道德框架,正义包含于其中并仅在有限领域具有优先性。为了更清楚地界定两者的关系,海尔德面对的最大难题是社会各领域之间关系的模糊性,这也是正义理论仍待解决的难题。  相似文献   

人与人之间的关系问题是伦理学的重点和核心。本文结合《教会新报》的相关内容,从具体伦理规范、普遍伦理规范和最高伦理规范三个不同层面对照比较了儒家的以“五伦”、“五常”为特点的仁爱思想与基督教的以“十诫”为背景的神爱思想的异同,证明了基督教与儒家在伦理层面的互补性及其对话的可能性与可行性,从而为当今普世伦理的建设提供经验和启迪。  相似文献   

伦理冲突是当代道德哲学需要解决的重要问题之一。查尔斯·泰勒基于语言本体论立场,重新思考语言与伦理的相互关系,提出化解伦理冲突的新方案。通过肃清对语言本质的错误理解,泰勒主张语言和伦理之间存在建构关系,并以此论证伦理冲突发生的根源在于语言,不同伦理理解在主体达成对世界的普遍认知之后,获得互相通约的可能性。由于单纯的建构关系并不足以应对多元伦理理解带来的挑战,泰勒的"调和论"进一步阐释语言带给人类的"灵活性"能够帮助我们克服动物性本能,转变自身去追求更高的善,从而达到调和伦理价值体系之间纷争的目的。  相似文献   

杨国荣 《哲学动态》2023,(2):5-12+126
“非常伦理”既与“应当做什么”和“应当如何做”的一般伦理问题相联系,也关乎“日常”与“非常”之辨。“非常伦理”和“日常伦理”都关涉伦理学的一般特点,包括德性与规范之间的统一。以“非常伦理”为关注之点,其意义不仅无法与一般的价值原则和普遍的道德规范相分离,而且涉及这些普遍原则的具体落实。在伦理学上,原则的普遍性和原则的落实,关乎形式与实质的关系问题。不管是日用常行,还是日常生活之外具有不确定性的生活领域,都需以普遍价值原则为引导。判断一种伦理原则的正当与否,不仅需要视其价值意义,而且应当同时关注其正面的价值意义是否得到具体落实。从行为过程和道德规范的互动来看,广义上的行为制约还关乎权力与权利之间的关系。不管是权力还是权利,都既与日用常行相关又超乎日用常行之外。以伦理学为视域,人类不仅需要约束权力,而且应当约束权利。在更广的意义上,“非常伦理”中的“非常”关乎科技领域,“非常伦理”则相应地需要讨论其中的伦理问题。科技活动既与人的日常存在相关,又不限于人的日用常行。通过对人体增强、人工智能的分析,可以更进一步理解“非常伦理”及其意义。  相似文献   

This paper is divided into six parts. The first presents a rudimentary definition of ethics based on Western philosophical theories, particularly their concern for articulating universal moral principles. The second examines the assumptions anchoring Western moral philosophies, and raises the question: are the philosophical presuppositions of modern Western philosophy consistent with the presuppositions of Hinduism? It concludes that the two are not entirely in agreement, particularly on the issue of personal and social identity. The third section locates areas in Hinduism that discursively concur with the concerns of Western ethicists, and explores the limits of the semblance. The fourth identifies problematic areas, and raises the question: should the idea of universal ethics be abandoned for Hinduism? The fifth section concludes that such abandonment would be hasty, and initiates a searching look into the Hindu epics for concepts that, while not identical with may still be parallel to some Western notions of ethics. The sixth looks at the content of normative Hindu morality, and generalizes on the basis of this content about the nature of “Hindu ethics”.  相似文献   

Working through the lens of Donna Haraway's cyborg theory and directed at the example of Prozac, I address the dramatic rise of new technoscience in medicine and psychiatry. Haraway's cyborg theory insists on a conceptualization and a politics of technoscience that does not rely on universal “Truths” or universal “Goods” and does not attempt to return to the “pure” or the “natural.” Instead, Haraway helps us mix politics, ethics, and aesthetics with science and scientific recommendations, and she helps us understand that (without recourse to universal truth or universal good) questions of legitimacy in science come down to local questions of effect and inclusion. What, in the case of my example, are the effects of Prozac? And for whom? Who is included and empowered to create legitimate psychiatric knowledge? Who is excluded and why? And, what political strategies will increase the democratic health of psychiatric science and practice?  相似文献   

Starting point The starting point of this paper is the following citation concerning the state of contemporary population ethics:

Most discussion in population ethics has concentrated on how to evaluate populations in regard to their goodness, that is, how to order populations by the relations ‘is better than’ and ‘is as good as’. This field has been riddled with paradoxes which purport to show that our considered beliefs are inconsistent in cases where the number of people and their welfare varies. (Arrhenius 2004, 201)

Type of problem The best known and most discussed example shattering our intuitions is Parfit's Mere Addition Paradox. This paper explores the potential of the Buddhist Truths to answer the following questions: What is at the source of the Mere Addition Paradox? and Why are paradoxes unavoidable in population ethics?

Results The comparison of classical utilitarian and Buddhist intuitions demonstrates the close tie between intuitions and interests. The perplexing Buddhist intuition about non-existence can be explained (except for metaphysical reasons) by a radically different priority given to survival. The method of measuring the quality of life is not decisive for the existence of paradoxes; the Buddhist axiology changes but does not remove counter-intuitive combinations. If the conflict of interest (quantity versus quality) is described within a two-parameter model, it causes conflicting intuitions; in axiologies that favour quantity (utilitarianism) or quality (perfectionism), the conflicting intuitions inevitably lead to paradoxes. In order to find a compromise, one would have to find a universal interest and a corresponding universal intuition; the obvious candidate to meet this request is sympathy but, since there is no universal consensus on the desirable degree of sympathy, the normative force of such an approach is limited. Breaking out of the two-parameter model and accepting the incommensurability of certain qualities threatens the normative claim of population ethics.  相似文献   

Global ethics is an emerging discipline which has not yet reached maturity. The main tasks before it to gain maturity are: first, to achieve a greater integration of various domains of enquiry all of which are concerned with global normative issues. At a general level this includes integrating global ethics with cosmopolitanism, global justice and human right discourse. At the level of areas of concern, there needs to be greater integration of various areas such as development, trade, environment and climate change. And it must grapple with the question of diversity within universality: how far can diversity of practices be accommodated within a culturally sensitive universal framework? Second, there is the question of finding a shared normative framework with respect to the diverse worldviews that may lie behind this: what degree and kind of convergence/consensus are worth working for? Third, there is the task of creating the conditions for its own wider acceptance, which should include taking the idea of global citizenship seriously.  相似文献   

这是一篇回应性的文章。作者在简要介绍了文章的由来以后,首先借用万俊人教授《现代西方伦理学史》一书中的材料阐述了西方宗教伦理思潮与西方社会的关系;然后指出在中国学界展开宗教伦理学研究的必要性,并论述了作者对建构中国宗教伦理学的一些想法;在文章的最后一部分,作者对万俊人教授《普世伦理如何可能》中的三个问题作出了回应:第一,关于“强伦理模式”;第二,有关世界宗教信仰现状的问题;第三,关于普世伦理以什么为基础的问题。  相似文献   

The authors of the Samnyāsa Upanisads, manuals of ascetic lifestyle and practice, recommend that wanderers renounce behavioral standards of their formerly Brahmin householder life, including ritual purity and familial duties. Patrick Olivelle argues that these ascetics are thereafter considered impure and corpse– or ghoul–like, clearly lacking in dharma. However, these Upanisads counsel pursuing mental purity and moral behavior, and modeling oneself after the perfection of the Absolute. This essay investigates ascetic notions of purity and identity, and virtues such as non–violence and kindness cultivated in forest isolation. Is ascetic dharma universal in intent, and is it conceptually opposed to householder dharma? What type of ethics is admired by the authors, what type deprecated? Olivelle’s position is reevaluated, as is Jeffrey Kripal’s notion that monistic mysticism does not support ethics adequately.  相似文献   

父子互隐的言论表明,孔子主张伦理的有限性或"消极伦理"。这种"消极伦理"否定特定情况下的伦理原则,给予诸如基于亲情和友情的行为以优先权。从古希腊悲剧《安提戈涅》看,作为伦理学两种最重要替代品的"爱"与"法律"是两种"非道德"(amoral)状态。在谈论儿子对待偷羊的父亲的态度时,孔子的道德不是道德主义意义上的道德,而正是这种非道德。在儒家看来,所有美德都根植于孝弟之类的非道德因素,即根植于一种情感。儒家"有限的"或"消极的伦理"不仅适用于中国,而且具有普世性。  相似文献   

With the passing of disputations between Jewish and Christian thinkers as to whose tradition has a more universal ethics, the task of Jewish and Christian ethicists is to constitute a universal horizon for their respective bodies of ethics, both of which are essentially particularistic being rooted in special revelation. This parallel project must avoid relativism that is essentially anti‐ethical, and triumphalism that proposes an imperialist ethos. A retrieval of the idea of natural law in each respective tradition enables the constitution of some intelligent common ground for ethical cooperation in both theory and practice between the traditions. This essay also suggests how the constitution of this common ground could include Muslims as well. The constitution of this common ground enables religious ethicists to present more cogent ethical arguments in secular space, but only of course, when those who now control secular space are open to arguments from members of any religious tradition.  相似文献   

I aim to show how Confucian philosophy can contribute to the contemporary resurgence of virtue ethics education by arguing that it has the resource to address a lacuna in Aristotelian ethics. Aristotelian ethics, which is arguably the main resource of contemporary virtue ethics, lacks a virtue that corresponds to the notion of loving each person as one’s self or the Golden Rule. To be more precise, Aristotelian ethics has no virtue about loving all people as one’s self, although philia comes close but is precisely limited because it lacks universality. However, I believe that Dai Zhen’s interpretation of the Confucian virtues of shu and zhong does have this universal scope which philia lacks. For Dai, the ground for loving another is not any characteristic that a particular group of people have in common, such as, in the case of philia, being virtuous. Rather, the ground is universal human nature itself.  相似文献   

Although there are enormous differences between humans, it is also the case that they are fundamentally alike in certain ways. As a prelude to universal ethics, this paper enumerates many commonalities among humans.  相似文献   

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