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元伦理学和规范伦理学在现代西方进行了尖锐对峙与激烈争鸣,但在后现代西方进行了富有戏剧性的融合.分析西方元伦理学与规范伦理学之间的现代争鸣和后现代融合,不仅有助于我们了解西方伦理学在现代和后现代的发展轨迹,而且能够为我们认识伦理学的学科性质提供一些有益的启示.  相似文献   

《伦理学之后——现代西方元伦理学思想》(孙伟平著,江西教育出版社,2004)是一部系统研究元伦理学、特别是现代西方元伦理学思想的学术新著。该书运用哲学价值论的视角和方法,在对传统伦理学深刻反思的基础上,提出了关于元伦理学的一些新观点,特别是对现代西方元伦理学进行了系统的梳理和评析。  相似文献   

回归共同体主义与拯救德性——现代德性伦理学评介   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
回归共同体主义与拯救德性——现代德性伦理学评介龚群(中国人民大学哲学系100872)现代西方伦理学以元伦理学、规范伦理学和应用伦理学而三分天下。不过,随着近20年来规范伦理学理论的发展,前两者呈现一种融合的趋势。或者说,元伦理学和规范伦理学呈现一个此...  相似文献   

现代西方元伦理学的兴起有其深刻的理论背景及社会根源.梳理元伦理学的主要理论流派、观点、方法及其对后世的影响,揭示其理论贡献和局限,对于现代中国伦理学的建构,无疑是一项不可或缺、极有意义的工作.  相似文献   

20世纪80年代,伦理学研究恢复伊始,学者们的研究大都围绕道德的本质等伦理学的基本理论问题展开,80年代后期到90年代初期伦理学研究全面铺开,不仅关于伦理学基本理论取得了诸多成果,中国伦理思想史、西方伦理思想史、现代西方伦理学等多方面的研究都成果颇丰,同时,经济伦理、环境伦理、政治伦理等应用伦理研究也逐渐兴起,并迅速发展,乃至成为伦理学研究的主流。盘点以往三十多年的伦理学研究,我们不难发现,学  相似文献   

元伦理学在西方崛起的历史原因必须在垄断资本主义的社会现实、现代主义运动和“现代性”中寻找。垄断资本主义的出现是西方现代主义运动爆发的现实基础,而现代主义运动则为西方带来了以“反传统”为基本特征的“现代性”。元伦理学家既是现代主义运动的受影响者,也是该运动的直接参与者和推动者。元伦理学具有显而易见的现代性特征。  相似文献   

后现代西方伦理学代表西方伦理学史流变的最新动态,它对现代西方伦理学的超越既有突破后者的道德关怀和道德文化精神的一面,也有修正其伦理学方法论的一面.极端的后现代西方伦理学以批评和否定现代性和现代西方伦理学为主要品格,它侧重于否定和摧毁现代西方伦理学体系.温和的后现代西方伦理学以修正现代性和现代西方伦理学为主要品格,它试图重新确立西方伦理学的合理性和合法性地位.要保持旺盛的生命力,后现代西方伦理学必须兼有"批判性"和"建设性"这两翼.  相似文献   

<正>20世纪80年代,伦理学研究恢复伊始,学者们的研究大都围绕道德的本质等伦理学的基本理论问题展开,80年代后期到90年代初期伦理学研究全面铺开,不仅关于伦理学基本理论取得了诸多成果,中国伦理思想史、西方伦理思想史、现代西方伦理学等多方面的研究都成果颇丰,同时,经济伦理、环境伦理、政治伦理等应用伦理研究也逐渐兴起,并迅速发展,乃至成为伦理学研究的主流。盘点以往三十多年的伦理学研究,我们不难发现,学  相似文献   

四、流变Ⅲ:规定主义伦理学规定主义伦理学派的基本倾向是对情感主义伦理学的一种否定性反应。它在方法上坚持了现代西方整个元伦理学理论的基本方法论原则:这就是坚持以逻辑语言的分析方法来研究伦理学问题,甚至也坚持把伦理学视为“逻辑学研究的一个分支。”但在结论上却与情感主义伦理学大相经庭。第一,他们认为,道德命题、语言、判断等不是个人主观纯情感的表达,而是兼备情感调节和事实描述双重功能的,第二,伦理学不是纯非认知性的,而是认知与非认知双重因素的统一或混合,所以,伦理学与科学并不是完全对立或隔离的;第三,价值判断或伦理学命题决不能简单地归诸于非理性的情感主义范畴;此外,伦理学命题可以提供规定或规范。  相似文献   

虽然G.E.摩尔是现代西方元伦理学的开创者,但在他的伦理体系中包含了丰富的实践伦理学的内容。他的实践伦理学具有后果论的性质和明显的功利主义色彩;不仅如此,摩尔还试图在行为功利主义和准则功利主义之间进行折中;最后,摩尔的实践伦理学具有怀疑论、不可知论的性质。实际上他是以元伦理学(分析伦理学)的方式来研究这些内容的。  相似文献   

本文希望从认知伦理学的视角出发探讨伦理学的发展,以及人类对道德问题认知的过程与人类一般认知的逻辑之间的一致性。人类认知的逻辑是由概念到判断再到推论的过程,伦理学史由德性伦理学到规范伦理学再到话语伦理学、元伦理学和新德性伦理学的过程,实际上就是人类在道德认知上从概念伦理学到判断伦理学再到推论伦理学最后回归到概念伦理学的过程。  相似文献   

Our shared moral framework is negotiated as part of the social contract. Some elements of that framework are established (tell the truth under oath), but other elements lack an overlapping consensus (just when can an individual lie to protect his or her privacy?). The tidy bits of our accepted moral framework have been codified, becoming the subject of legal rather than ethical consideration. Those elements remaining in the realm of ethics seem fragmented and inconsistent.Yet, our engineering students will need to navigate the broken ground of this complex moral landscape. A minimalist approach would leave our students with formulated dogma—principles of right and wrong such as the National Society for Professional Engineers (NSPE) Code of Ethics for Engineers—but without any insight into the genesis of these principles. A slightly deeper, micro-ethics approach would teach our students to solve ethical problems by applying heuristics—giving our students a rational process to manipulate ethical dilemmas using the same principles simply referenced a priori by dogma. A macro-ethics approach—helping students to inductively construct a posteriori principles from case studies—goes beyond the simple statement or manipulation of principles, but falls short of linking personal moral principles to the larger, social context. Ultimately, it is this social context that requires both the application of ethical principles, and the negotiation of moral values—from an understanding of meta-ethics.The approaches to engineering ethics instruction (dogma, heuristics, case studies, and meta-ethics) can be associated with stages of moral development. If we leave our students with only a dogmatic reaction to ethical dilemmas, they will be dependent on the ethical decisions of others (a denial of their fundamental potential for moral autonomy). Heuristics offers a tool to deal independently with moral questions, but a tool that too frequently reduces to casuistry when rigidly applied to “simplified” dilemmas. Case studies, while providing a context for engineering ethics, can encourage the premature analysis of specific moral conduct rather than the development of broad moral principles—stifling our students’ facility with meta-ethics. Clearly, if a moral sense is developmental, ethics instruction should lead our students from lower to higher stages of moral development.  相似文献   

In this article, I am concerned with the ethical foundations of behavior therapy, that is, with the normative ethics and the meta-ethics underlying behavior therapy. In particular, I am concerned with questions concerning the very possibilty of providing an ethical justification for things done in the context of therapy. Because behavior therapists must be able to provide an ethical justification for various actions (if the need arises), certain meta-ethical views widely accepted by behavior therapists must be abandoned; in particular, one must give up ethical subjectivism, ethical skepticism, and ethical relativism. An additional task is to show how it is possible to provide a nonsubjective, nonskeptical, and nonrelativistic moral justification for an ethical statement. Although this is a monumental task, I provide a rough sketch of such a model, one that is congenial to the value judgments underlying behavior therapy.  相似文献   

《Ethics & behavior》2013,23(4):221-238
In this article, I am concerned with the ethical foundations of behavior therapy, that is, with the normative ethics and the meta-ethics underlying behavior therapy. In particular, I am concerned with questions concerning the very possibility of providing an ethical justification for things done in the context of therapy. Because behavior therapists must be able to provide an ethical justification for various actions (if the need arises), certain meta-ethical views widely accepted by behavior therapists must be abandoned: in particular, one must give up ethical subjectivism, ethical skepticism, and ethical relativism. An additional task is to show how it is possible to provide a nonsubjective, nonskeptical, and nonrelativistic moral justification for an ethical statement. Although this is a monumental task, I provide a rough sketch of such a model, one that is congenial to the value judgments underlying behavior therapy.  相似文献   

自古至今,西哲们紧跟时代的脚步,不断把西方的政治伦理观推陈出新:美德政治伦理、神性政治伦理、非道德主义的政治伦理、权利政治伦理。全面、系统地梳理和展现西方政治伦理思想的演变及其价值诉求,对于理解和把握政治伦理学中的一些重要理论问题具有重大的启迪意义。  相似文献   

由于文化的差异,西方伦理学在发展路径上表现出明显的科学化倾向:一方面,与中国伦理学认为通达道德境界的道路只能是修身养性不同,西方伦理学却主张科学的理性有助于达到道德的理想目标;另一方面,与中国伦理学甚至认为为道与为学在根本上是对抗的相反,西方伦理学却断言美德本身就是知识。  相似文献   

Since existentialism lost its influence in philosophy in the 1960s, postmodern theory has taken over criticizing basic concepts of western thought. From a postmodern point of view, the main shortcomings of existentialism is that it criticizes traditional unitarian concepts, while re-inventing new unitarian models. Against these unitarian approaches postmodernism holds that the world can only be described in terms of difference. In this article the postmodern program and its differences from existentialism are explained in reference to three concepts of western philosophy: subject, truth, and ethics. Applying these concepts, the relevance of postmodernism for medical theory is illustrated.  相似文献   

"伦理"与"道德"辨析   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
在日常使用中,"伦理"与"道德"往往被当作同义词或近义词使用,这种现象已经引起了学术理论的混乱,本文归纳了学术界目前现存的几种有代表性的理论观点,并对"伦理"与"道德"的东西方涵义及二者的相互关系进行了辨析与梳理。笔者认为,西方的伦理与道德的涵义相近,但与中文里伦理与道德的涵义有别;中文里伦理与道德的涵义存在着本质的区别。东西方的词源词义不可能完全对应,更不能以西方文化中伦理与道德的词源学涵义来取代中国文化里伦理与道德的基本涵义。对二者的正确理解必须依赖于相应的文化背景。  相似文献   

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