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We analyzed alcohol involvement in 84,005 medically identified live discharges for self-inflicted intentional injuries (typically suicide acts) from hospitals in 20 U.S. states in 1997. Alcohol was involved in 27% of the discharges. Evidence of alcohol was significantly more prevalent in men than women, but generally men drink more than women. Blacks had the highest alcohol involvement in their suicide acts relative to their drinking patterns. Overall, alcohol involvement rose and subsequently fell with age, with involvement above 30% for ages 30-55. Lowering the minimum legal drinking age to 18 from 21 could potentially raise alcohol-involved suicide hospitalizations among youth by an estimated 27%.  相似文献   

The different abilities involved in artistic creativity may be mirrored by differences among mental disorders prevalent in each artistic profession, taking poets, painters, and composers as examples. Using suicide rates as a proxy for the prevalence of mental disorders in groups of artists, we investigated the percentage of deaths by suicide in a sample of 4,564 eminent artists who died in the 19th and 20th centuries. Of the sample, 2,259 were primarily involved in activities of a linguistic nature, e.g., poets and writers; 834 were primarily visual artists, such as painters and sculptors; and 1,471 were musicians (composers and instrumentalists). There were 63 suicides in the sample (1.3% of total deaths). Musicians as a group had lower suicide rates than literary and visual artists. Beyond socioeconomic reasons, which might favour interpretations based on effects of health selection, the lower rate of suicides among musicians may reflect some protective effect arising from music.  相似文献   

Of 778 gay and bisexual men (none with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome [AIDS]), 27% (n = 212) reported suicidal ideation over the previous 6 months. Covariance structure models were used to explore predictors of suicide intent among (n = 112) suicide ideators with (n = 100) and without (n = 112) human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Current AIDS-related stressors (deaths and illnesses and perceived AIDS risk) and past levels of adaptive functioning (social isolation and depression) were significantly more powerful predictors of suicide intent among HIV-positive than among HIV-negative ideators. Biological AIDS risk predicted neither suicide intent, current distress, nor perceived AIDS risk. Pathways to suicide intent appear to be psychologically, rather than biologically, mediated. Among HIV-positive ideators, AIDS-related death and illness events predicted suicide intent but not current distress symptoms. Some suicidal ideation in response to AIDS-related events may be an effort to cope rather than a manifestation of psychological distress.  相似文献   

Little is known about deaths resulting from self-inflicted violent behavior for Hispanic Americans. To learn more about suicide for Hispanics of Mexican origin (Mexican Americans) we focused on the five southwestern states (Arizona, California, Colorado, New Mexico, and Texas) in which more than 60% of all Hispanics in the United States reside (86% of whom are Mexican American). We obtained data on the number of suicide deaths in the white population, with Hispanics and Anglos (white, non-Hispanic) identified separately. Suicides of Anglos were used as a comparison group. Results show that the suicide rate for whites in the five southwestern states (15.6) was almost one-fourth higher than the rate for whites nationally (12.7). Suicide rates for the two ethnic groups, however, showed the rate for Hispanics (9.0) to be less than the national rates for whites (12.7) and one-half that of Anglos residing in the same area (17.3). The lower suicide rate for Hispanics relative to Anglos is seen for both males and females. The ratio of male and female suicides for Hispanics was almost twice that for Anglos (4.0 to 1 for Hispanics and 2.3 to 1 for Anglos). More than 1 in 3 Hispanic men who committed suicide and more than 1 in 4 Hispanic women who committed suicide are under the age of 25.  相似文献   

The suicide rate in Trinidad and Tobago is much greater than that of its English-speaking Caribbean neighbors. Many of these suicides are paraquat induced. This research reviewed the deaths due to suicide in the area with the greatest agricultural activity in Trinidad for 1996 and identified, for further demographic and etiological investigation, cases in which paraquat was ingested as the agent of suicide. Of 48 cases of suicide for the year, 39 (81.3%) were due to paraquat poisoning. The incidence of paraquat-induced suicide was 8.0 per 100,000. Among the males, 47.8% were in the age group 25-34 (p < 0.001), and among the females 50.0% were in the 15-24 age group (p < 0.05). Family-of-origin disputes were the most frequently cited precipitant, followed by marital problems. Individuals of East Indian origin accounted for 89% of the suicide victims (p < 0.001). When compared with suicide by other methods in the country, these findings confirm that paraquat poisoning is a significant means of suicide in Trinidad and that young East Indian individuals are particularly vulnerable.  相似文献   

Does the nature of the criminal charge or conviction influence whether a jail or prison inmate will take his life? In the United States several nationwide surveys provide relevant information for answering this question. Studies of jail suicides in 1979, 1985 and 1986 respectively indicated that most inmates who committed suicide were charged with nonviolent offenses including drug related or minor offenses. In more recent national surveys the rate of suicide among jail inmates charged with violent offenses was triple that for those charged with nonviolent offenses. Offenses with the highest rates of suicide were kidnapping, rape and homicide. In prisons, where the rate of suicide is much lower than in jails, the rate of suicide for violent prisoners was twice that for nonviolent prisoners. Violent offenses with the highest rates of suicide in prisons included kidnapping, homicide, sexual assault and assault. Discussion addresses the discrepant results between the early surveys of jail suicides and the more recent surveys of suicides in jails and prisons. Further explored are possible explanations for the earlier predominance of nonviolent offenses among suicide victims, the recently elevated rates among violent offenses, and the elevated rates among specific criminal offenses. Commentary is also given to the practical implications of these findings.  相似文献   

This exploratory study compares elderly suicides with (n=13) and without (n=72) family member suicide. Previous episodes of suicidal behavior were more common among suicides who lost first-degree relatives by suicide (100% vs. 65%, p = .009). Six persons had lost an offspring by suicide prior to their own deaths. Substance use disorder was more prevalent among those with offspring suicide than those without (100% vs. 25%, p = .000). While informants reported that offspring suicides played a central role in the suicide of the elderly study case, sibbling suicides were not considered precipitating factors.  相似文献   

National data on firearm suicides and accidental firearm deaths for persons aged 15-19 from 1955 to 1979 were examined to test hypotheses of increases in reported suicide rates as resulting from (1) improved accuracy in the determination and certification of suicide in equivocal firearm deaths; (2) actual increases in the rate of firearm suicides among teens; or (3) some combination of these factors. Data presented support the hypothesis of certification changes as the primary factor influencing suicide rates during the first 12-year segment, but suggest a period of actual growth combined with continued certification change from 1967 to 1979.  相似文献   

Suicide is the eleventh leading cause of death, accounting for almost 30,000 deaths each year in the United States. The loss of a patient to suicide is the most feared outcome among mental health professionals, while the fear of litigation and liability after such suicide may be a close second. This article will familiarize mental health professionals with the legal issues of professional negligence in suicide cases. We begin with an introduction to malpractice liability for suicidal patients, followed by an explanation of the essential elements of professional negligence and relevant legal terminology. We then discuss general theories of liability involving suicide, and provide illustrative legal case examples. We conclude with a discussion of risk management procedures that can substantially reduce one's exposure to malpractice liability.  相似文献   

Even though in Italy, as in the majority of Mediterranean countries, the increase in suicide rates is not among the highest in Europe, between 1969 and 1989 it showed a sharp upswing (+43% among males and +31% among females). In terms of geographical differences, the regions with the highest suicide rate are the northern ones (up to twice the national average). The age groups with the highest suicide risk are those over 74 years (in 1989 the rate among males over 65 was the highest of all: 31.3 per 100,000). The differences in the between-sexes distribution show that among females over 65 years old the suicide rate rose by 70% between 1974 and 1989, versus 77% for males of the same age. The preliminary epidemiological results of one of two Italian centers are presented. These centers are collaborating with the WHO/EURO Multicenter Study on Parasuicide; parasuicide rates are higher for females than for males (55.9 per 100,000, as against 38.1 for males), while the age group at highest risk is seen to be young women (15-24 years), with a specific rate of 115.6.  相似文献   

Age-, sex-, race-, and employment-adjusted standardized mortality ratios (SMRs) were calculated for sailors committing suicide between 1990 and 1996 and compared with adjusted SMRs for civilians. Cluster analyses were conducted on annual rates from 1983 through 1995 to examine differences between comparison groups across time and location. Results showed fewer than expected suicides for Caucasian and African American males and a somewhat higher than expected suicide rate among other ethnic group males and among Caucasian women. The suicide rate showed an increase during the study period, with some evidence toward a clustering effect in time and space.  相似文献   

A consideration of the validity and reliability of suicide mortality data   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The question of the validity and reliability of suicide statistics may be considered at three levels: (1) Are suicide deaths misidentified or differentially identified across jurisdictions or over time? (2) To what degree are suicide deaths misidentified? and (3) Is the degree to which suicides are misidentified sufficient to threaten the validity of research based on suicide statistics? There is general agreement that suicides are likely to be undercounted, both for structural reasons (the burden-of-proof issue, the requirement that the coroner or medical examiner suspect the possibility of suicide) and for sociocultural reasons. There is also substantial anecdotal and empirical evidence suggesting that the mode of death for some true suicides is in fact certified as other than suicide. Overall, it does not seem that very many true nonsuicides are incorrectly certified as suicides. There is not, however, much agreement as to the degree to which true suicides are undercounted. At least some of the inconsistencies in the findings of different investigators arise because the validity of suicide certification seems to vary from place to place. But the source of apparent conflicts in many of the findings is undoubtedly the lack of a "gold standard" against which the verdicts of any given death certification process can be measured. At best, we can estimate that the sensitivity with which coroners and medical examiners certify true suicides varies from approximately 55% to 99%. A central question in estimating the sensitivity of suicide certification is this: What proportion of true suicides are either equivocal or likely to go unsuspected by the coroner or medical examiner? Very little has been done to investigate this issue. Yet the sensitivity of suicide certification clearly varies for equivocal versus unequivocal suicides. As shown in Table 1.2, specificity is also at issue when it comes to certifying equivocal cases. The final question--whether the degree of undercounting of suicide deaths is so great that it threatens the validity of research based on official statistics--is at the crux of the general concern about suicide certification. There are examples of studies in which conclusions based on crude comparisons of reported suicide statistics appear to be invalid. For the most part, these are comparisons among nations with substantially differing death certification procedures. When official statistics are interpreted with a degree of caution and an understanding of the source and direction of biases likely to affect the published rates, however, it seems unlikely that major conclusions based on these statistics will be in error.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

From each of 15 health regions, potential years of life lost (PYLL) before age 75 for Status Indians is compared for select causes of death with all other residents. Mortality data from 1991 to 2001 for rates of PYLL (standardized to the 1991 population) are from tables of the British Columbia Vital Statistics Agency and First Nations and Inuit Health Branch in 2002. PYLL rate differences and rate ratios were compared for two groups with significance of the former indicated by the 95% confidence interval. Overall, the rates of PYLL for suicide, homicide, and deaths due to motor vehicle accidents were about 224%, 340%, and 248% higher among Status Indians than all other residents. Rates of PYLL for homicide and deaths from motor vehicle accidents among Status Indian women exceeded those of other residents who were men. For suicide, Status Indian men ranked first and all other male residents of British Columbia ranked second.  相似文献   

A review of 19 studies suggests that it may be feasible to identify prisoners with suicide risk on the basis of demographic, psychiatric, and criminal characteristics. The present study aimed to identify combinations of characteristics that are capable of identifying potential suicide victims. Characteristics of 95 suicide victims in the Dutch prison system were compared with those of a random sample of 247 inmates in ten jails. Combinations of indicators for suicide risk were also tested for their capability of identifying 209 suicides in U.S. jails and 279 prison suicides in England and Wales. A combination of six characteristics (age 40+, homelessness, history of psychiatric care, history of drug abuse, one prior incarceration, violent offence) was capable of correctly classifying 82% of the Dutch suicide victims (82% specificity). Less powerful combinations correctly classified 53% of the U.S. suicides and 47% of the U.K. suicides. It is concluded that a set of demographic and criminal characteristics and indicators of psychiatric problems is useful for the identification of suicide risk in jails and prisons.  相似文献   

A meta-analysis was conducted on all studies of suicide mortality in follow-up studies of schizophrenic patients that presented data for male and female patients separately. The percentage of deaths from suicide was significantly greater for the male schizophrenic patients than for the female schizophrenic patients in studies where both sexes were included. Regression equations devised to predict the percentage of deaths from suicide after all of the sample had died estimated that 0.50% of male schizophrenic patients would die from suicide as compared to 0.20% of female schizophrenic patients. Suggestions are made for future research.  相似文献   

M Males 《Suicide & life-threatening behavior》1991,21(3):245-59; discussion 260-2
This study examines whether the purported tripling in teenage suicides since the 1950s represents a real increase or is simply an artifact of the increased skill of medical examiners in distinguishing youth suicides from fatal accidents. This study examines firearms and poisoning deaths, which together account for 75% of all certified youth suicides, from 1953 through 1987, and concludes: (a) a past undercount of youth suicides is likely, (b) the increase in youth suicide that has occurred is less dramatic than reported and resembles increases in adult suicide, and (c) the suicide increase indicated among youths and adults occurred from 1964 to 1971 and has since stabilized.  相似文献   

This report examines the changing role of social supports in the bereavement of spouses of elderly suicide and natural deaths, focusing on differences and similarities in relation to gender, time, and mode of death. Measurements were obtained 4 times after death (within 2 months, at 6 months, at 12 months, and at 2 to 2 1/2 years) on 79% of the 108 survivors of elderly suicide, 89% of the 199 natural death survivors, and 79% of the nonbereaved controls. The results indicated that the suicide survivors received significantly less emotional support for their feelings of depression and grief than the natural death survivors, and that they did not confide in the persons in their network any more than the nonbereaved controls did. Women report receiving more support overall than men. A low spot in social supports occurred at the 6-month point after loss for both bereaved groups, but primarily in practical help received by natural death survivors. By the end of the second year, both practical and emotional supports had increased to at least the same level as immediately after death.  相似文献   

The use of firearms is a common means of suicide. We examined the effect of a policy change in the Israeli Defense Forces reducing adolescents' access to firearms on rates of suicide. Following the policy change, suicide rates decreased significantly by 40%. Most of this decrease was due to decrease in suicide using firearms over the weekend. There were no significant changes in rates of suicide during weekdays. Decreasing access to firearms significantly decreases rates of suicide among adolescents. The results of this study illustrate the ability of a relatively simple change in policy to have a major impact on suicide rates.  相似文献   

The marked variation regarding the suicide rate in 34 European countries is well described by regressing the national suicide rate on the capital cities' latitudes and on an interaction term of squared latitude multiplied with longitude. The interaction term explains 40.8% and 29.1% of men's and women's suicide rate, respectively, and latitude explains a further significant increment of 10.9% and 10.6% variance of men's and women's suicide rate, respectively. This regression model quantifies the Finno-Ugrian suicide hypothesis of Kondrichin and of Marusic and Farmer. The European countries highest in suicide rate constitute a contiguous, J-shaped belt, spanning from Finland to Austria. This area maps onto the second principal component identified for European gene distribution, representing ancestral adaptation to cold climates and the Uralic language dispersion. Thus, population differences in genetic risk factors may account for the spatial pattern in European suicide rates.  相似文献   

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