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Although evidence for object-based attention has been reported in a variety of paradigms, few studies have examined directly the relationship between efficiency in the processing of targets and the number of intervening distractors. In five experiments, observers judged whether the vertices of two relevant shapes were of the same height. Experiments 1 and 2 manipulated observers' perceptual set so that identical stimulus displays were perceived as containing either intervening or flanking distractors. The observers were faster when the distractors were flanking rather than intervening between the targets. Experiments 3-5 varied the number of intervening distractors directly. The observers' response latencies correlated positively with the distractor set-size. Because the distractors were highly discriminable from the targets and the spatial separation between the targets and their interactions with the adjacent distractors were held constant, it was unlikely that the differential reaction times across the conditions were caused by lateral inhibition or response competitions from the distractors. The results suggest the existence of an object-based filtering cost. The implications of the present data for attentional selection over noncontiguous regions are also discussed.  相似文献   

过滤效能反映了视觉工作记忆的干扰抑制功能, 研究者可基于储存容量或表征精度对其进行测量, 其神经加工过程主要分为觉察分心项目、过滤启动、实现过滤或储存, 涉及前额叶皮层和基底核、后顶叶皮层的协同作用。过滤效能的变化方向受到年龄、特殊障碍、情绪、认知特点等因素的影响。未来研究仍需解决的问题包括厘清过滤效能与工作记忆容量的关系, 辨明过滤效能的心理实现过程, 探索不同年龄、特殊障碍和职业等群体过滤效能的脑机制以及提升基础研究范式的生态学效度。  相似文献   

The latency of reading a single word is increased by 20 to 40 msec if another object is present in the display. The delay is affected by the spatial organization of the display: a colored frame causes less delay when it surrounds the word than when it is shown on the opposite side of fixation. A small gap in the frame is also more efficiently detected as a secondary task when the frame is around the word than when the two are spatially separate. The advantage of integrated over separate presentation suggests that a “filtering cost” is incurred when two distinct perceptual objects compete for attention. Attention in filtering tasks operates on perceptually distinct objects rather than on nodes in a semantic network.  相似文献   

In three experiments we measured reaction times (RTs) and error rates in identifying the global structure of spatially filtered stimuli whose spatial-frequency content was selected by means of three types of 2-D isotropic filters (Butterworth of order 2, Butterworth of order 10, and a filters with total or partial Gaussian spectral profile). In each experiment, low-pass (LP), bandpass (BP), and high-pass (HP) filtered stimuli, with nine centre or cut-off spatial frequencies, were used. Irrespective of the type of filter, the experimental results showed that: (a) RTs to stimuli with low spatial frequencies were shorter than those to stimuli with medium or high spatial frequencies, (b) RTs to LP filtered stimuli were nearly constant, but they increased in a nonmonotonic way with the filter centre spatial frequency in BP filtered stimuli and with the filter cut-off frequency in HP filtered stimuli, and (c) the identification of the global pattern occurred with all visible stimuli used, including BP and HP images without low spatial frequencies. To remove the possible influence of the energy, a fourth experiment was conducted with Gaussian filtered stimuli of equal contrast power (c(rms) = 0.065). Similar results to those described above were found for stimuli with spatial-frequency content higher than 2 cycles deg(-1). A model of isotropic first-order visual channels collecting the stimulus spectral energy in all orientations explains the RT data. A subsequent second-order nonlinear amplitude demodulation process, applied to the output of the most energetic first-order channel, could explain the perception of global structure of each spatially filtered stimulus, including images lacking low spatial frequencies.  相似文献   

Psychonomic Bulletin & Review - Two studies tested whether a mindset manipulation would affect the filtering of distractors from entering visual working memory (VWM). In Study 1, participants...  相似文献   

A partial processing hypothesis is proposed to account for performance under a visual search condition where target and field items belong to the different conceptual categories, letter and digit (between-category search), as compared to a condition in which they belong to the same category (within-category search). This hypothesized mechanism implies that less information is registered and/or retained in between- than in within-category search. This prediction was tested and confirmed in three experiments. The results indicate that both targets and field items are processed less deeply in between- than in within-category search.  相似文献   

This study examined a widely held assumption concerning the development of visual attention, namely, that different aspects of visual selectivity depend on common processing resources. Observers aged 5, 7, 9, and 24 years participated in a speeded classification task designed to examine the relations between covert shifts of attention and filtering. There were three important findings: (1) covert orienting and filtering share processing resources, (2) the ability to orient covertly to a target location and to filter competing information on the same trial became more efficient with age, and (3) 5 year olds were able to filter as efficiently as adults when target location was precued. The implications of these results for theories of attentional development are discussed.  相似文献   

A forced-choice reaction time (RT) task was used to assess developmental changes in filtering and the concomitant ability to narrow the focus of the attentional lens. Participants included 20 children in each of four age groups (4, 5, 7, and 9 years), as well as 20 adults between the ages of 21 and 29 years. Conditions varied with regard to the presence or absence of distractors and their proximity to a target stimulus, and the presence or absence of a visual window within which the target stimulus was presented. Age-related differences in the ability to filter task-irrelevant stimuli were found. The performance of 4-year-old children was adversely affected with the presence of distractors located at both 5.7° and 0.95° of visual angle from target stimuli, whereas that of children aged 5, 7, and 9 was negatively affected only with distractors 0.95° of visual angle from the target. Adults' performance was not adversely affected by the presence of distractors. Developmental differences in focusing attention were further highlighted by the finding that the presence of a visual window cue was only associated with faster RTs among 4-year-old children. These results are discussed in terms of the zoom-lens metaphor of visual attention, and the development of the ability to vary the size of an attentive zoom-lens in response to task requirements.  相似文献   

Checkerboards contain fundamental two-dimensional Fourier components oriented 45° from the edges of individual checks. Previous studies have shown that contingent color aftereffects following adaptation to chromatic checkerboard stimuli were associated with the fundamental components rather than the edges, In the present experiments, we measured contingent color aftereffects, using the method of constant stimuli, after subjects adapted to unfiltered checkerboards and checkerboards with the fundamental Fourier components removed. The adaptation stimuli were magenta (or green) squares and green (or magenta) diamonds; the test stimuli were vertical or oblique sine-wave gratings with different saturations, After adaptation to unfiltered checkerboards, aftereffects contingent on the fundamental components were obtained. In contrast, after adaptation to filtered stimuli, aftereffects of smaller magnitude were found to be aligned with the edges. The data support the previous findings of spatial-frequency-contingent color after-effects with checkerboard adaptation stimuli and indicate that the aftereffects can be associated with edges if the fundamental components of adaptation stimuli are removed by spatial filtering. We reexamined the possibility of color aftereffects induced by imagery of checkerboards. Contrary to the previous reports, no significant aftereffects were obtained.  相似文献   

Quantitative data of Müller-Lyer illusions from the literature were analyzed according to three different models. All three models predict the illusion effect, although with different magnitude and different parameter dependency. First, a filter model describing a certain amount of blurring of the retinal picture seems partly responsible for the observed illusion. With reasonable estimation of the filter constants, however, a sufficient magnitude of illusion cannot be obtained. A second model of oriented line or bar receptors is even less effective in explaining the observed length illusions. A third model, consisting of a size-constancy operator triggered by depth cues, may predict effects larger than actually observed. It is concluded that figural aspects such as depth-inducing cues are mainly responsible for the illusion effects observed in Müller-Lyer figures.  相似文献   


Experiment 1 demonstrated a new kind of dual-task interference effect. The primary task was a speeded left-right discrimination of stimulus position (R1). The un speeded secondary task consisted of reporting verbally whether the stimuli were the same or different (R2). Stimulus exposure time was either 150 or 2000 msec. Two groups of subjects performed the primary task only, whereas two other groups performed both tasks and were instructed to emit R1 before R2. It was reasoned that the decision would be made to emit R1 before R2, and that this decision would produce a lengthening of R1. The results supported this prediction. Experiment 2 showed that the interference effect also occurred when the subjects were not explicitly instructed to emit R1 before R2, and was not due to either the mere presence of the second task or to response grouping. Experiments 3 and 4 compared two possible models for explaining the interference effect, i.e. the capacity-sharing model and the postponement model. As predicted by the postponement model, task difficulty did not interact, or interacted underadditively, with task overlap (Experiment 3), and the interference effect was not influenced by the amount of processing resources devoted to the primary task (Experiment 4). It was concluded that this new type of interference effect is best explained by the version of the postponement model that locates the bottleneck at the decision stage.  相似文献   

According to truthmaker theory, particular truths are true in virtue of the existence of particular entities. Truthmaker maximalism holds that this is so for all truths. Negative existential and other ‘negative’ truths threaten the position. Despite this, maximalism is an appealing thesis for truthmaker theorists. This motivates interest in parsimonious maximalist theories, which do not posit extra entities for truthmaker duty. Such theories have been offered by David Lewis and Gideon Rosen, Ross Cameron, and Jonathan Schaffer. However, it will be argued here that these theories cannot be sustained, and hence maximalism comes with a serious ontological cost. Neither Armstrong's invocation of totality facts nor the Martin-Kukso line on absences can meet this cost satisfactorily. I'll claim that negative facts are the best (and perhaps only) way out of the problem for the truthmaker maximalist.  相似文献   

The study of any problem involving waiting situations invariably assumes that people dislike having to wait. The analysis of queueing problems usually prescribes that some costs should be associated with the time people spend waiting to be served. These are usually considered to be of an economic nature, though the existence of other costs of a psychological nature is accepted. It is generally accepted that after having to wait for a certain amount of time, anxiety and stress start to build up in an individual, due both to the sense of waste and the uncertainty involved in a waiting situation. This work provides a theoretical basis for analysing this building up process as it occurs during the waiting period. It is proved that, under very general conditions, the resulting psychological stress accumulated during the process is a marginal increasing function of the waiting time, and some strategies to minimise it are developed. The results obtained give theoretical support to the usual assumptions underlying the development of systems to provide “real time” information to people in waiting situations. This is especially important in the operation of public transportation systems. The results also provide theoretical support to the “convex” treatment usually given to the waiting cost function in queueing problems.  相似文献   

As the number of instrtumental responses required to procure access to food is increased, animals decrease the frequency of initiating meals and increase meal size, conserving total intake while limiting the increase in the overall cost of feeding. In two studies, one using wheel turns and one using bar presses as the instrumental response, we asked whether freely feeding laboratory rats measure cost according to the energy or the time they expend. In each study we varied both the price (i.e., number of wheel turns or bar presses) and the force required to make a response (i.e., torque on the wheel or weight of the bar). Price affected both procurement time (from the first to the last procurement response) and procurement work, whereas torque and bar weight affected work without altering time in most cases. Meal patterns were altered by all manipulations of price, but changes in torque and bar weight had little effect on meal patterns, except in the conditions in which they altered procurement time. These results suggest that time is a critical currency of procurement cost in rats.  相似文献   

Previous studies of visual attention in children have used a wide variety of tasks to demonstrate that visual selectivity improves with age. A guiding assumption (often implicit) of this work is the existence of a single attentional resource that increases in capacity with development. The present study examined the relations between three components of tasks that are often used in developmental studies of attention: search, filtering, and priming. Additive factors logic was applied to a simple speeded classification task performed by subjects aged 4, 7, and 24 years. The results showed (1) improvements with age occurred in each of the three task components, (2) visual search was unrelated to filtering and priming, and (3) filtering and priming were related to one another in a capacity-sharing fashion. Implications of these results for developmental studies of attention and for theories of attention are discussed.  相似文献   

The influence of visual experience on visual and spatial imagery   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Differences are reported between blind and sighted participants on a visual-imagery and a spatial-imagery task, but not on an auditory-imagery task. For the visual-imagery task, participants had to compare object forms on the basis of a (verbally presented) object name. In the spatial-imagery task, they had to compare angular differences on the basis of the position of clock hands on two clock faces, again only on the basis of verbally presented clock times. Interestingly, there was a difference between early-blind and late-blind participants on the visual-imagery and the spatial-imagery tasks: late-blind participants made more errors than sighted people on the visual-imagery task, while early-blind participants made more errors than sighted people on the spatial-imagery task. This difference suggests that, for visual (form) imagery, people use the channel currently available (haptic for the blind; visual for the sighted). For the spatial-imagery task in this study reliance on haptic processing did not seem to suffice, and people benefited from visual experience and ability. However, the difference on the spatial-imagery task between early-blind and sighted people in this study might also be caused by differences in experience with the analogue clock faces that formed the basis for the spatial judgments.  相似文献   

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