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Based on a puzzling pattern in our judgements about intentional action, Knobe [(2003). “Intentional Action and Side-Effects in Ordinary Language.” Analysis 63: 190–194] has claimed that these judgements are shaped by our moral judgements and evaluations. However, this claim goes directly against a key conceptual intuition about intentional action – the “frame-of-mind condition”, according to which judgements about intentional action are about the agent’s frame-of-mind and not about the moral value of his action. To preserve this intuition Hindriks [(2008). “Intentional Action and the Praise-Blame Asymmetry.” The Philosophical Quarterly 58: 630–641; (2014). “Normativity in Action: How to Explain the Knobe Effect and its Relatives.” Mind & Language 29: 51–72] has proposed an alternate account of the Knobe Effect. According to his “Normative Reason account of Intentional Action”, a side-effect counts as intentional only when the agent thought it constituted a normative reason not to act but did not care. In this paper, I put Hindriks’ account to test through two new studies, the results of which suggest that Hindriks’ account should be rejected. However, I argue that the key conceptual insight behind Hindriks’ account can still be saved and integrated in future accounts of Knobe’s results.  相似文献   

主动动作的时间压缩效应指主动动作到动作结果之间存在时间上的主观压缩。基于动作的主动控制感和因果关系的主动控制感是该效应的两种理论解释。本文首先分别介绍动作的主动控制感和因果关系的主动控制感, 并从行为和脑机制角度提供相应的证据解释时间压缩效应的机制。同时, 本文提出了在主动动作时间压缩效应中动作的主动控制感与因果关系的主动控制感之间可能存在的序列加工和平行加工的关系。  相似文献   

行为抑制的"停止信号"多来自内生意图行为"是否做"决策过程最后时刻内生性否定指示(即内生意图性抑制),而非环境提前设定。因无法用行为指标(错误率、反应时)评估,需将"自由选择"范式结合f MRI、EEG等技术测量与之相关的脑神经、自主神经生理特点;此外,范式中加入的刺激阈下启动、情绪信息影响了内生意图性抑制的加工过程。未来从三个方面拓展研究:(1)明确背内侧额叶皮质的心理机制;(2)探索人格特质的影响;(3)"停止信号"内生日常化。  相似文献   

In acting intentionally, it is no accident that one is doing what one intends to do. In this paper, I ask how to account for this non-accidentality requirement on intentional action. I argue that, for systematic reasons, the currently prevailing view of intentional action – the Causal Theory of Action – is ill-equipped to account for it. I end by proposing an alternative account, according to which an intention is a special kind of cause, one to which it is essential that it represents its effect.  相似文献   

意向性自我调节是指个体以增强个体功能或优化自我发展为目标, 积极协调情境中的要求、资源与个人目标之间关系的一系列行动过程, 其主要理论基础是SOC(选择、优化和补偿)理论。研究发现青少年期是意向性自我调节发展的关键时期, 意向性自我调节既能直接影响青少年发展, 又能与家庭、社区等情境因素以及活动经验等近端过程交互作用, 从而间接影响青少年发展。未来研究应该在意向性自我调节的测量方法、过程观的研究范式、发展规律和培养途径等方面进一步深入。  相似文献   

情绪性记忆的主动遗忘, 是指人们有意识地主动地遗忘带有情绪色彩的记忆内容, 但更多的是那些带来痛苦的负性情绪性记忆。主动遗忘又分为定向遗忘和压抑遗忘, 项目法和字表法是实验室中研究定向遗忘的主要方法, 而白熊任务和TNT任务是研究压抑遗忘的主要范式, 研究者们围绕两种遗忘做了大量研究。未来的研究应更关注情绪性记忆遗忘的不同心理机制, 不同研究范式与心理机制的交互作用, 情绪性记忆遗忘的个体差异, 情绪性记忆遗忘中事件遗忘和情绪反应遗忘的分离等 问题。  相似文献   

有意遗忘是强调遗忘的有意性和指向性。对负性情绪的有意遗忘有利于个体的身心健康。本研究采用单字范式,实验一以正性、负性和中性情绪词为材料,探讨了情绪材料对有意遗忘的影响。结果发现,三类词语均表现出了显著的有意遗忘效应;实验二在实验一的基础上加入了情绪状态,探讨了情绪状态和情绪材料对有意遗忘的影响,结果发现,在积极情绪状态下,被试更多地遗忘负性情绪词;在消极情绪状态下,被试更多地遗忘中性词。表明个体对情绪信息的有意遗忘既受信息的情绪性影响,又受个体情绪状态的影响。  相似文献   

小学生有意遗忘中认知抑制能力发展的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
宋耀武  白学军 《心理科学》2002,25(2):184-186,183
有意遗忘是一种新的关于记忆研究的实验范式.主要探讨个体抑制能力的发展。研究使用的实验材料分为单字和双字词.被试为小学二、四、六年级共90名学生。实验结果发现:①对于两种实验材料单字和双字词,小学生有意遗忘中的认知抑制能力随年级而提高;②小学生对两种材料的抑制能力存在差异,表明小学生在有意遗忘中的抑制能力受材料的意义性和材料难度的影响。  相似文献   

有意遗忘是指个体主动忘记无用和过时的信息,本质是记忆的主动抑制,包括定向遗忘和压抑遗忘。在定向遗忘中,记忆抑制既发生在编码阶段也发生在提取阶段,脑机制研究支持编码抑制理论和提取抑制理论;在压抑遗忘中,think和No-think所激活的脑区不同,No-think引起前额区域的激活增强和海马的激活减弱。未来应开展定向遗忘和压抑遗忘的脑机制差异研究,注重记忆抑制和其他心理活动抑制之间的差异研究,关注创伤个体的有意遗忘研究,拓展记忆控制神经网络的可塑性研究。  相似文献   

COVID-19 has abruptly and unexpectedly transformed nearly every aspect of work, including but not limited to increased unemployment rates and uncertainty regarding future job prospects. Response distortion has always been a concern given that many organizations rely on information that is self-reported by applicants regarding their potential employability (e.g., responses to self-reported personality instruments, resumes, interview responses). Drawing from the Valence-Instrumentality-Expectancy (VIE) theory of motivation, we propose that the uncertainty surrounding jobs may lead to amplified distorted responses on these measures in areas where COVID-19 was most salient. In a sample of 213 working adults [~50% female, age M = 38.48], the present study shows that increases in response distortion on a measure of conscientiousness were more pronounced as a function of (a) local COVID positivity rates and (b) job type, such that frontline workers distorted their responses the most. Findings are discussed in the context of VIE theory, personality measurement, and challenges with maintaining effective selection procedures.  相似文献   

模拟员工招聘过程中的有意遗忘效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以隐私信息和非隐私信息为目标信息,以66名大学生为被试,采用类似字表范式,探讨了模拟员工招聘过程中三种提示条件下的有意遗忘效应。结果发现:①在模拟员工招聘过程中,有意遗忘效应显著,不同的提示会影响决策的结果;②简历上的与工作无关的个人隐私信息对招聘者的决策过程有一定的消极影响;③一定的干预手段可以部分消除个人隐私信息对聘用决策的消极影响,但不能完全消除。  相似文献   

It is well established that the temporal proximity of two events is a fundamental cue to causality. Recent research with adults has shown that this relation is bidirectional: events that are believed to be causally related are perceived as occurring closer together in time—the so‐called temporal binding effect. Here, we examined the developmental origins of temporal binding. Participants predicted when an event that was either caused by a button press, or preceded by a non‐causal signal, would occur. We demonstrate for the first time that children as young as 4 years are susceptible to temporal binding. Binding occurred both when the button press was executed via intentional action, and when a machine caused it. These results suggest binding is a fundamental, early developing property of perception and grounded in causal knowledge. A video abstract of this article can be viewed at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EQC_MqjxZQQ  相似文献   

E. Husserl’s reflections in Logical Investigations on “intentional feelings” and “non-intentional feelings” are significant in both his later ethical explorations and M. Scheler’s thought on ethics. Through the incorporation of the views of Husserl and Scheler, we find that the phenomenology of the intentional feeling-acts is not only the foundation of the non-formal ethics of values in Scheler’s phenomenology, but also at least the constitutive foundation of the ethics of Husserl’s first orientation. Translated by Yu Xin and Zhang Wei from Huazhong keji daxue xuebao 华中科技大学学报 (Journal of Huazhong University of Science and Technology), 2007, (6): 14–20  相似文献   

Markos Valaris 《Ratio》2020,33(2):97-105
Almost everything that we do, we do by doing other things. Even actions we perform without deliberation or conscious planning are composed of ‘smaller’, subsidiary actions. But how should we think of such subsidiary actions? Are they fully-fledged intentional actions (in the sense of things that we do for reasons) in their own right? In this paper I defend an affirmative answer to this question, against a recently influential form of scepticism. Drawing on a distinctive kind of ‘action-demonstrative’ representation, I show that the sceptic's arguments do not go through.  相似文献   

A con-reason is a reason which plays a role in motivating and explaining an agent's behaviour, but which the agent takes to count against the course of action taken. Most accounts of motivating reasons in the philosophy of action do not allow such things to exist. In this essay, I pursue two aims. First, I argue that, whatever metaphysical story we tell about the relation between motivating reasons and action, con-reasons need to be acknowledged, as they play an explanatory role not played by pro-reasons (the reason the agent takes to count in favour of the action taken). Second, I respond to an argument recently developed by David-Hillel Ruben to the effect that a causal theory of action – still known as ‘the standard story’ – cannot account for con-reasons. His argument attempts to show that a fundamental principle of the causal theory cannot be reconciled with the role con-reasons play in a certain kind of imagined case. I first argue that a causal theorist is not, in fact, committed to the problematic principle; this argument has an added benefit, since the principle has been taken by many to show that the causal theory generates a puzzle about the possibility of weak-willed action. I then argue that a causal theorist has good reason to reject the possibility of Ruben's imagined cases. If successful, my arguments make clearer the commitments of the causal theory and show that it can accommodate con-reasons in the way I think they ought to be accommodated.  相似文献   

蓄意创伤受害者的创伤后应激障碍症状及影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:研究蓄意创伤受害者的PTSD症状及影响因素。方法:采用事件冲击问卷、创伤经历揭露问卷、受害人认可问卷和攻击描述问卷等测查工具对163名蓄意创伤受害者进行调查。结果:(1)蓄意创伤受害者的PTSD三大症状之间相关显著,且方差分析结果差异显著,闯入性症状>回避症状>高警觉症状;(2)创伤严重程度与PTSD三大症状的相关显著;(3)创伤揭露中情绪反应对PTSD三大症状都有显著的预测作用;(4)社会认可度中的一般性排斥对PTSD三大症状都有显著的预测作用。结论:蓄意创伤受害者有着较强的PTSD症状,且以闯入性症状最为严重,回避和高警觉症状次之;创伤的严重程度、揭露时的情绪反应和社会认可度中的一般性排斥等都对蓄意创伤受害者的PTSD症状有影响作用。  相似文献   

两种范式下有意遗忘的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以英语词汇为材料,采用自由回忆和再认测验作为外显记忆测验,词干补笔测验作为内隐记忆测验,探讨小学五年级学生在单字范式与字表范式下的有意遗忘效应及其机制。结果发现:(1)单字范式下,三种测验中都存在有意遗忘效应;而字表范式下,只有词干补笔和自由回忆测验中存在有意遗忘效应;(2)三种测验中,单字范式下记忆项与遗忘项的差异显著高于字表范式下二者的差异。这表明,两种范式下有意遗忘效应产生的机制是不一致的,且相较于字表范式,单字范式下有意遗忘效应更显著。  相似文献   

Voluntary sector low and no cost counselling services very often find themselves overwhelmed by clients. This paper describes how one agency decided to deal with this problem by introducing a system of assessment for differential contracts. A piece of action research enabled the development and introduction of a model of assessment that reflected the values of the agency. The guiding principle of the assessment was that the client's way of managing in the world was the best guide to clinical need. The different lengths of contract are described, together with the criteria for deciding which might be appropriate for a client. The model was introduced on the understanding that it could and would be continuously monitored. The reactions of counsellors and clients that were gathered in a review of the working of the model a year later are described.  相似文献   

不同程度隐私信息有意遗忘效应的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
白学军  杨海波  沈德立 《心理科学》2005,28(6):1301-1305
以三种不同水平的隐私信息为目标信息,模拟员工招聘情境,采用类似字表的研究范式,探讨了大学生被试对不同程度隐私信息的有意遗忘特点。结果发现:①在模拟员工招聘过程中,实验条件效应显著;②被试对高隐私信息的编码比低隐私信息编码更为精细;③在信息提取时,抑制只能对编码不精细的信息起作用,而对编码精细的信息无明显作用。④与个人有关的某些信息,特别是隐私信息在员工选择的决策中有负面的影响。  相似文献   

本研究以6所初中、高中和大学1597名青少年为被试,一方面考察了社交焦虑、意向性自我调节和学习投入在青少年发展中的特点;另一方面考察了青少年社交焦虑与学习投入之间的关系,以及意向性自我调节在两者关系的中介作用及其不同青少年期之间的差异。结果发现:(1)随着青少年年龄增长其社交焦虑水平降低,相对于青少年中晚期,青少年中期学习投入水平较低;(2)社交焦虑可以显著负向预测青少年的学习投入;(3)意向性自我调节在社交焦虑与青少年学习投入之间起中介作用;(4)青少年中晚期群体意向性自我调节的中介作用显著,但是青少年早期意向性自我调节的中介作用不显著。结果表明:首先,青少年随着年龄的增长可以减缓社交焦虑水平;其次,青少年中期面临复杂的发展任务,这样不利于其学习投入;最后,社交焦虑可以显著预测青少年学习投入,并且在青少年中晚期意向性自我调节是两者关系的中介桥梁。  相似文献   

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