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The cutaneous thermal stimulation that elicits behavioral thermoregulatory behavior was investigated in these experiments. In Experiment I, rats were placed in a cool environment and allowed to barpress for 3-sec bursts of radiant heat reinforcement. In various phases of the study, rats could earn different intensities of anterior, posterior, or whole-body radiation. Identical response rates were exhibited at each intensity for all exposure conditions; this information, when considered with existing literature on behavioral and neurophysiological studies, suggests that the rat’s thermoregulatory behavior depends on information carried by nonmyelinated fibers that supply thermoreceptors in the skin. Experiment II investigated the hypothesis that cooling of the skin is the stimulus that elicits each thermoregulatory response. Time series measures of skin temperature fluctuations and reaction times (RTs) were obtained. Tails of the RT distributions were shown to conform to exponential probability density functions, and mean RT varied linearly over the domain of reinforcement intensities used. A computer simulation model that describes temperature gradients across layers of skin was employed to estimate temperature fluctuations at the level of the cool receptors. Comparison of simulated skin temperatures with obtained RTs suggests that momentary thermoregulatory behavior is controlled mainly by cooling skin temperature.  相似文献   

To evaluate the contrasting dynamical and biomechanical interpretations of the 2:1 frequency coordination between arm and leg movements that occurs at low walking velocities and the 1:1 frequency coordination that occurs at higher walking velocities, the authors conducted an experiment in which they quantified the effect of walking velocity on the stability of the frequency and phase coordination between the individual limb movements. Spectral analyses revealed the presence of 2:1 frequency coordination as a constant feature of the data in only 3 out of 8 participants at walking velocities ranging from 1.0 to 2.0 km/h, in spite of the fact that the eigenfrequencies of the arms were rather similar across participants. The degree of interlimb coupling, as indexed by weighted coherence and variability of relative phase, was lower for the arm movements and for ipsilateral and diagonal combinations of arm and leg movements than for the leg movements. Furthermore, the coupling between all pairs of limb movements was found to increase with walking velocity, whereas no clear signs were observed that the switches from 2:1 to 1:1 frequency coordination and vice versa were preceded by loss of stability. Therefore, neither a purely biomechanical nor a purely dynamical model is optimally suited to explain these results. Instead, an integrative model involving elements of both approaches seems to be required.  相似文献   

When humans simultaneously perform different movements with both hands, each limb movement interferes with the contralateral limb movement (bimanual coupling). Previous studies on both healthy volunteers and patients with central or peripheral nervous lesions suggested that such motor constraints are tightly linked to intentional motor programs, rather than to movement execution. Here, we aim to investigate this phenomenon, by using a circles-lines task in which, when subjects simultaneously draw lines with the right hand and circles with the left hand, both the trajectories tend to become ovals (bimanual coupling effect). In a first group, we immobilized the subjects’ left arm with a cast and asked them to try to perform the bimanual task. In a second group, we passively moved the subjects’ left arm and asked them to perform voluntary movements with their right arm only. If the bimanual coupling arises from motor intention and planning rather than spatial movements, we would expect different results in the two groups. In the Blocked group, where motor intentionality was required but movements in space were prevented by immobilization of the arm, a significant coupling effect (i.e., a significant increase of the ovalization index for the right hand lines) was found. On the contrary, in the Passive group, where movements in space were present but motor intentionality was not required, no significant coupling effect was observed. Our results confirmed, in healthy subjects, the central role of the intentional and predictive operations, already evidenced in pathological conditions, for the occurrence of bimanual coupling.  相似文献   

This paper deals with the problem of the interpretation of response latencies in short-term memory. A paired-associate study using a probe technique was conducted with the main experimental variation the length of the recall interval (1, 2, or 4 sec.). While shortening the interval had a statistically significant effect on recall probability the interaction between recall interval and probe position was negligible. While traditionally response latency is considered a measure of associative strength, such an interpretation seems inappropriate here. As an alternative, latencies may reflect more criterion values than sensitivity as these measures are interpreted in signal-detection theory.  相似文献   

Optimum characterization of individual information-processing skills requires isolation of assessable components. In matching-to-sample, three elementary processes might be separated if a proposed model of serial, selfterminating search were supported: registration of the stimulus in short-term memory, comparison of the two registered stimuli, and execution of the identifying response. Support for the model was obtained when response latencies were examined as a function of left-to-right position of the target stimulus in a display, but quantitative estimates of components could not be made because of interactions between tasks and the linearity of the scanning process. A second experiment, which varied the number of comparison stimuli, yielded highly linear functions whose slopes and intercepts violated certain aspects of the model. Data on eye movements obtained in a third experiment again supported the basic model but indicated that median response latencies represent a confounding of optimal and suboptimal performances.  相似文献   

Response latencies in naming objects   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
After some preliminary analysis of what is involved in naming objects, in which the possible role of classificatory systems in the memory store is discussed, it is shown experimentally that there are consistent differences between the times taken to respond to presented objects by uttering their names, variations between the performances of different individuals being outweighed by variations due to the different objects. Moreover, there is a high consistency between different individuals as to the ordering of objects in respect of their naming latencies. It is further shown that a high correlation exists between the time taken to name an object and the frequency with which its name occurs in the language as a whole, as estimated in the Thorndike-Lorge Word List. Some implications of these findings are discussed, especially with reference to possible mechanisms by which presented objects are visually identified, and the appropriate names retrieved from the “word-store.”  相似文献   

The motor programming of fast goal-directed arm movements was studied in a tracking task. A target jumped once or twice randomly to the left or right direction with an interstimulus interval (ISI) in a range between 50 and 125 msec. Double step stimuli were either two steps in the same direction (C-trial) or in opposite direction (R-trial). Tracking results show that at the beginning average EMG-activity is the same for responses to single step trials, R-trials and C-trials. Differences set in after some time equal to or somewhat shorter than ISI. It was concluded that muscle activation patterns of fast goal-directed movements are not preprogrammed but that they can be modified during the movement. The time interval between second target step and the moment when EMG activity of the double step response deviates from the EMG activity of a single step (RT2) could be smaller than the time interval between first target displacement and EMG onset. (RT1). If modification of the muscle activation pattern required a longer or larger activation of the active muscle, RT2 tended to be smaller than RT1, whereas RT2 was about equal to RT1 if the new muscle activation required a termination of the ongoing muscle activation pattern and the activation of another muscle.  相似文献   

Our recent work on the initial emergence of reaching identified a mosaic of developmental changes and consistencies within the hand and joint kinematics of arm movements across the pre-reaching period. The purpose of this study was to test hypotheses regarding the coordination of hand and joint kinematics over this same pre-reaching period. Principal component analysis (PCA) was conducted on hand, shoulder, and elbow kinematic data from 15 full-term infants observed biweekly from 8 weeks of age through the week of reach onset. Separate PCAs were calculated for spatial variables and for velocity variables in trials with a toy and without a toy. From the PCA results, we constructed ‘variance profiles’ to reflect the coordinative structure of the hand, shoulder, and elbow. By coordinative structure is meant here the relative contribution of each joint to the factors revealed by the PCA. Shifts in these profiles, which reflected coordination changes, were compared across the hand and joints within each pre-reaching phase (Early, Mid, Late) as well as across phases and trial conditions (no-toy and toy). Results identified both surprising consistencies and important developmental changes in coordination. First, over development, spatial coordination changed in different ways for the shoulder and elbow. Between the Early and Late phases, spatial coordination at the shoulder showed more adult-like coordination during both spontaneous movements and movements with a toy present. In contrast, elbow spatial coordination became more adult-like only during movements with a toy and less adult-like during spontaneous movements. Second, over development, velocity coordination became more adult-like at both joints in movements with and without a toy present. We propose that the features of coordination that changed over development suggest explanations for the differential roles and developmental trajectories of the control of arm movements between the shoulder and elbow. We propose that features that remained consistent over development suggest the presence of developmentally important constraints inherent in arm biomechanics, which may simplify arm control for reaching. Taken together, these findings highlight the critical role of spontaneous arm movements in the emergence of purposeful reaching.  相似文献   

Adaptations of goal-directed elbow movements of moderate speed, called "continuous" movements and recognized by their single-peaked velocity profiles, were studied for two monkeys that were learning to perform a motor task. The animals were rewarded for what they did, namely, to carry out a step-tracking and holding task by means of discrete elbow movements, but not for how they did it, that is, for any particular mode of movement execution. Yet, both animals increased the use of the programmed, continuous movements when they began to carry out the behavioral task requirements appropriately. Furthermore, continuous movements adapted with increases of peak and of average velocity such that the ratio of these parameters tended to be maintained or decreased. These velocity changes were incorporated into remembered movement programs late in motor learning when the animals approached their best performance proficiencies.  相似文献   

Studies were made of rapid error correction movements in eight subjects performing a visually guided tracking task involving flexion-extension movements about the elbow. Subjects were required to minimize reaction times in this two-choice task. Errors in initial movement direction occurred in about 3% of the trials. Error correction times (time from initiation to reversal of movement in incorrect direction) ranged from 30-150 ms. The first sing of correction of the error movement was a suppression of the electromyographic (EMG) activity in the muscle producing the error movement. This suppression started as early as 20-40 ms after the initiation of the error-related EMG activity and as much as 50 ms before any overt sign of limb movement. The correction of the error movement was also accompanied by an increase in the drive to the muscle which moved the arm in the correct direction. This increased activity always occurred after the initiation of the error movement. it is concluded that the first step in the error correction, suppression of drive to the muscle producing the error movement, cannot be based on information from the moving limb. It is thus suggested that this earliest response to the error movement is based on central monitoring of the commands for movement.  相似文献   

Voluntary adduction-abduction movements of one arm in the horizontal plane discharge a reaction torque which would rotate the trunk in the direction opposite to arm acceleration. Rotation is impeded by muscular fixation chains that exert forces counterbalancing the reaction torque. We examined how two different fixation chains cooperate in stabilising the trunk during the above movements. Standing subjects (n = 6), with shoulders ante-flexed, performed cyclic adductions-abductions of the right arm (1.5 Hz) while grasping a fixed handle with the left hand. In this set-up, reaction torque is contrasted by: (1) a leg fixation chain, exerting on the ground a torque around the vertical axis (Tz), recorded by a force platform; and (2) a left arm fixation chain, exerting on the handle a force in the medial-lateral direction (Fh), recorded by a load cell. Subjects performed 20 trials (15 cycles each). It was found that Tz and Fh underwent sinusoidal changes at the same frequency as arm movements and contributed in counteracting the reaction torque. The intensity of the handle grip, monitored by EMG activity in the left Flexor Digitorum Superficialis, was changed from trial to trial and kept constant during each trial. As grip strength increased, Fh amplitude increased linearly while amplitude of Tz linearly decreased. In conclusion, voluntarily strengthening the handle grip progressively deviates the postural actions from the legs to the left arm.  相似文献   

Summary Two experiments on duration programming of a discrete sliding movement in choice reactions are reported. In the first experiment it was examined whether duration of movement might be preprogrammed when varied across sessions. The result suggested that programming of movement duration is dependent on direction uncertainty. Experiment 2 used the movement precue technique in an attempt to further examine programming of movement duration and direction. Movement duration, movement direction, movement form and foreperiod duration were manipulated. When duration was not precued, a duration effect was found, while precueing resulted in disappearance of the duration effect, demonstrating that duration of sliding movements can be preprogrammed. Moreover, (pre)programming duration was independent of direction uncertainty, supporting an independent order notion of programming of these response variables. Evidence that motor preparation comprises different processing stages was derived from the additive effects of foreperiod duration and of the movement variables duration and direction.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigated the aftereffects of pointing with passive movements during exposure to 15-deg laterally displacing wedge pnsms. Experiment 1 compared exposure with passive and active supported movements when the aftereffects were measured with the arm still in the passive movement device. Following passive exposure and active supported exposure, 5.6 and 7.9 deg, respectively, of arm-body adaptation were measured. In Experiment 2, the passive and active supported exposure tasks were compared with a third task in which similar movements were made with the arm fully supported by the muscles. Aftereffects were measured with active test movements. The amount of arm-body adaptation measured following passive exposure was decreased to 2.8 deg, and following active supported exposure it was decreased to 2.8 deg, while following exposure with normal active movements, 5.3 deg of arm-body adaptation was found. The results suggest that when the arm remains outstretched during prism exposure, adaptation is specific to this extended posture.  相似文献   

The present paper reports a double-step analysis of a discrete aiming movement. A second target step was presented during the trajectory of the response to an initial step and represented an artificially induced movement error signal. Two stimulus patterns involving steps in the same direction (an undershoot error signal) and opposite direction (an overshoot error signal) to the initial step were examined. Moreover, in a random error condition the subject had no advance information regarding the direction of the error. In a deliberate error condition the subject knew in advance whether any subsequent error would be an undershoot or overshoot. Response parameters were considered as a function of the interstep interval which was randomly varied across trials. In terms of movement time, the standard deviations and a constant amendments score of double-step trials, subjects could respond more appropriately and effectively to a deliberate rather than a random error, and an undershoot error rather than an overshoot error. These results are discussed in terms of a mixed-mode of visuo-spatial error updating and related to the generalized motor program hypothesis.  相似文献   

A study was undertaken to examine the relationship between response latencies to verbal ability test items administered by computer and overall verbal intelligence test scores. Sixty-four undergraduate students responded to a test of verbal ability under four conditions of alternate test forms (A or B) and modes of administration (computerized vs paper-and-pencil). The response latencies recorded during computerized testing, averaged for each subject, showed a negative correlation with overall test scores as would be predicted from a speed-of-information-processing perspective of human intelligence (Jensen, 1982a, b; Vernon, 1983). This inverse relationship was evident in every condition of test form and mode of administration, thereby demonstrating the generalizability of these findings. Discussion considered the implications of test speededness for the results of this study and provided suggestions for future research employing response latency data as a means for studying the cognitive processes underlying intelligent behaviour.  相似文献   

Although a great deal of experimental attention has been directed at understanding Fitts' law, only a limited number of experiments have attempted to determine if performance differs across effectors for a given movement difficulty. In three experiments reciprocal wrist and arm movements were compared at IDs of 1.5, 3, 4.5 and 6. When absolute movement requirements and visual display were constant, participants' movement times and response characteristics for the arm and wrist were remarkably similar (Experiment 1). However, when amplitude for wrist movements was reduced to 8° and the gain (4×) for the visual display increased participants' movement time, defined on the basis of kinematic markers (movement onset − movement termination), was increasingly shorter relative to arm movements as movement difficulty was increased (Experiment 2). Experiment 3 where the arm was tested at 32° and 8° with the 8° movements provided the same gain (4×) that was used for the 8° wrist movements in Experiment 2, no advantage was observed for the arm at the shorter amplitude. The results are interpreted in terms of the advantages afforded by the increased gain of the visual display, which permitted the wrist, but not the arm, to more effectively preplan and/or correct ongoing movements to achieve the required accuracy demands. It was also noted that while the wrist was more effective during the actual movement production this was accompanied by an offsetting increase in dwell time which presumably is utilized to dissipate the forces accrued during movement production and plan the subsequent movement segment.  相似文献   

It has been found that the estimate of relative target direction is consistently biased. Relative target direction refers to the direction in which a target is located relative to another location in space (e.g., a starting position in the case of goal-directed movements). In this study, we have tested two models that could underlie this biased estimate. The first proposed model is based on a distorted internal representation of locations (i.e., we perceive a target at the “wrong” location). We call this thedistorted location model. The second model is based on the idea that the derivation of target direction from spatial information about starting and target position is biased. We call this thebiased direction model. These two models lead to different predictions of the deviations that occur when the distance between the starting position and the target position is increased. Since we know from previous studies that the initial direction of slow arm movements reflects the target direction estimate, we tested the two models by analyzing the initial direction of slow arm movements. The results show that the biased direction model can account for the biases we find in the target direction estimate for various target distances, whereas the distorted location model cannot. In two additional experiments, we explored this model further. The results show that the biases depend only on the orientation of the line through starting position and target position relative to the plane through longitudinal head or body axis and starting position. We conclude that the initial part of (slow) goal-directed arm movements is planned on the basis of a (biased) target direction estimate and not on the basis of a wrong internal representation of target location. This supports the hypothesis that we code displacements of our limbs in space as a vector.  相似文献   

Visual control of discrete aiming movements   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An experiment is reported which investigated the visual control of discrete rapid arm movements. Subjects were required to move as rapidly as possible to several target width-movement distance combinations under both visual and non-visual conditions. The movement time (MT) data were supportive of Fitts' Law in that MT was linearly related and highly correlated to the Index of Difficulty (ID). MT was also similar for different target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID value. The error rate analysis, which compared visual to non-visual perfromance, indicated that vision was only used, and to varying degrees, when MT exceeded 200 ms (3.58 ID level). There was some evidence that vision was differentially used within target width-distance combinations sharing the same ID. Estimates of endpoint variability generally reflected the results of the error rate analysis. These results do not support the discrete correction model of Fitts' Law proposed by Keele (1968).  相似文献   

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