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The influx of women into the work force, especially into nontraditional jobs, has facilitated interest in the topic of sexual harassment and, more generally, sexuality at work. Survey research data show disagreement about the interpretation of interactions between the sexes at work. This study was designed to learn more about the way people interpret ambiguous, but potentially sexual, interactions between the sexes in a work setting. Respondents were asked to evaluate a vignette depicting such an interaction. The vignettes were composed so that three dimensions were manipulated: the sex of the initiator of the behavior, the status of the initiator relative to the target, and the type of behavior. These manipulated dimensions, along with the sex of the respondent, were used as variables to examine the respondent's interpretation of the vignettes. Four-way ANOVAs showed that the independent variables were related to the evaluation of the relationship between the initiator and the target, the evaluation of the behavior, the appropriateness of the behavior, and the likelihood of the behavior. Men interpreted the vignettes more positively than did women. Incidents initiated by women were viewed more positively. Those initiated by persons with higher status than the target were seen less positively. Respondents, especially women, considered incidents that included touching to be negative. This was especially so when the touching was combined with a comment on work, and this effect was exacerbated when the behavior was initiated by a male and/or higher status person.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the effects of response prevention procedures on the extinction of escape behavior following the reinstatement of shock-escape training prior to the start of extinction. Female hooded rats were assigned to four groups (N = 10) in a factorial design which orthogonally combined response prevention or pseudo-prevention procedures with escape retraining or no retraining procedures. Results showed that prevention reliably impaired shock-escape behavior on early retraining trials; but this effect dissipated completely by the end of retraining. In extinction, prevention reliably facilitated the extinction of escape behavior relative to that of pseudo-prevention controls; but the degree of facilitation was reliably attenuated by retraining procedures. These findings were related to the competing response interpretation of prevention effects.  相似文献   

This study examined several behaviors claimed to reflect curiosity in order to determine whether there are one or more types of curiosity. A secondary purpose was to examine the relations between the one or more types of curiosity and sex, social class, intelligence, achievement level, and ratings of personality traits. In two individual sessions 84 American first-grade boys and girls were administered five tasks which measured observation of complex and simple stimuli, preference of complex and simple stimuli, preference for the unknown, structure of meaning, and object exploration. A normalized Varimax factor analysis allowed the extraction of five factors: manipulatory curiosity, perceptual curiosity, conceptual curiosity, curiosity about the complex, and adjustive-reactive curiosity. Only the first factor was related to a demographic variable, sex. The nature of the factors and their theoretical and practical significance are discussed.  相似文献   

In order to compare the relative effects of observation of performance and recording of information about performance on social facilitation/inhibition, 256 college students solved three concept-attainment problems in an orthogonal design. The variables were (a) number of observers (an additional observer or the experimenter alone), (b) videorecording (yes or no), (c) audiorecording (yes or no), (d) task complexity (four, six, eight, or ten total attributes in the problems). Each of videotaping, filming, and audiotaping resulted in poorer performance than the control condition, with no differences between these three recording conditions. The presence of an additional observer had no effect on performance. Pulse measures indicated that the presence of an additional observer increased arousal, but covariance analysis indicated no association between differences in performance and arousal.  相似文献   

The Teacher-Pupil Interaction Scale was developed for use by educational consultants to provide teachers with systematic data for analyzing and improving the learning of pupils. The scoring protocol provides for the simultaneous rating of sequential teacher-pupil interactions; a single mark is used to designate both teacher and pupil behavior at each five-second interval. Observations of a target pupil are alternated with other pupils in the classroom to serve as a point of comparison with the target pupil and to provide a general assessment of the classroom climate. Using the sequential record of their verbal and nonverbal interactions with students, teachers can pinpoint conditions serving both as antecedents and consequents of current student behavior. Armed with this information, teachers can effect changes in their instructional program to increase the rate of desired behaviors and eliminate or reduce unwanted responses.  相似文献   

To further understanding regarding the selection of teacher consultees, 15 mental health consultants completed a questionnaire. Consultants ranked teachers in their school consultation placements on ability to meet academic and socioemotional needs of children, receptivity to change, and likability. Next, after indicating which teachers they would most and least like to work with, consultants rated the teachers on nine 5-point rating scales. In general, results indicate that most preferred consultees, in comparison to least preferred consultees, are perceived as less needy of assistance around issues concerning children and lessons, more responsive to consultation, and more likable. It appears that teachers most in need of assistance are not selected for consultation.  相似文献   

To further understanding regarding how content of change, degree of change, and initial level of functioning influence consultants' evaluation of consulation outcome, 14 mental health consultants completed a questionnaire. For each of the 18 prepost consultation ratings on the questionnaire (2 context × 3 degrees of change × 3 initial levels = 18), consultants rated the success of consultation and the degree to which they would like to have been the consultant. Analysis of variance results for both dependent measures indicate main effects for degree of change and initial level. Neither main effects for content nor interaction effects are indicated. It appears that consultants perceive consultation as more successful with and prefer working with consultees who improve the most and who function at a higher initial level.  相似文献   

This paper reports the validation of brief, self-report measures of intrinsic enjoyment and boredom coping. Intrinsic enjoyment is characterized by intense involvement, interest and absorbed concentration; boredom coping is designed to reflect the disposition to restructure one's perceptions and participation in potentially boring activities so as to decrease boredom. Both traits are hypothesized to reflect the capacity for good attentional control across a variety of situations. Reliability was established by test-retest correlation and by an inter-item consistency measurement. Construct validity was established by comparison with previously-validated personality tests, real-life measures (such as Random Activities Experiential Sampling, which involves repeated self-report measures in daily life), as well as with laboratory measures of attention (including the averaged visual evoked potential (EP) and the Continuous Performance Test). Intrinsic enjoyment is significantly correlated with an independent measure of intrinsic involvement (low wish to be elsewhere in one's daily life), the affective experience of potency, self-reports of concentrating well with ease, high ego development, an internal locus of control, lack of boredom susceptibility and certain EP indices of attentional change and ‘cortical’ augmenting. Boredom coping is associated with a higher percent of time actually spent alone, high continuous performance task measures of attentional capacity, and low MMPI and Research Diagnostic Criteria indices of psychopathology.  相似文献   

EEG alpha activity and skin potential were monitored during word presentation in a single trial free recall task. Phasic changes in EEG alpha and skin potential, co-occurring with word onset, were positively related to recall at an immediate retention interval (2 min) but not after a delay (45 min). The results were interpreted as supporting the extension of Routtenberg's (1968) two-arousal system hypothesis to human memory. Arousal was viewed as affecting memory during the attribute encoding stage of memory storage.  相似文献   

Sixteen subjects from the Naval Submarine Medical Research Laboratory participated in a dual-task study designed to measure processing requirements of a choice reaction time (RT) task. Two levels of choice RT stimulus-response (S-R)compatibility were tested with each of two tracking tasks to provide different levels of dual-task loading. In one tracking task, the target's temporal-spatial pattern was fixed; in the other, the target's path was a function of the subject's performance. In the choice RT task, compatibility was treated as a between-subjects factor, while the number of alternatives (set size) within a sequence was a within-subjects variable. Choice RT results indicated that compatibility and set size interacted; the increase in response latency as a function of set size was much greater when compatibility was low. An increase in choice RT response latency occurred when the secondary tracking task was added. Within a given compatibility level, this dual-task decrement was constant for all levels of set size; however, the magnitude of the dual-task decrement varied as a function of S-R compatibility, being greater when compatibility was low than when it was high. For these data, a model like Sternberg's (1969) stages model is seen to have more explanatory value than a pooled processing capacity model (e.g., Norman and Bobrow 1975).  相似文献   

Within the framework of the Bransford-Franks paradigm, variations of two memory models and a guessing strategy hypothesis were evaluated using concepts that differed in the number of atomic units each contained (‘concept size’). Results showed that, though the precise patterns of recognition for concept size were not completely consistent with any of the explanations, the changes in the patterns across concept size agreed with the guessing strategy hypothesis. It was argued that the subject's interpretation of the guessing strategy is likely to be a similar but simpler version of the experimenter-theorist's formal model, with the consequence that, while less sensitive to the finer details of the formal model, it will still reflect coarser differences.  相似文献   

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