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John M. Musalia 《Sex roles》2005,53(11-12):835-846
The social network approach has recently come to aid our understanding of the ongoing fertility transition in developing countries. This study adds to the growing literature in situating the role of geography and interaction with significant others—community and family members—in understanding Kenya's puzzling fertility transition. Findings indicate that, contrary to previous findings that kin networks are conservative and against innovative fertility behavior, the respondent families, especially in the more prosperous Central Province, are supportive of fertility innovation. Community wide networks are not as influential in directing fertility behavior as own family members are. Family members are the ones who bear the burden of raising children and, as such, are the ones on the forefront of encouraging behavior adjustment. Not all of the social networks significantly influenced use of contraception; however, interacting with healthcare and family-planning networks and friends and being advised to use contraception had a positive impact on using contraception in both regions.  相似文献   

The authors demonstrate use of couples' dreams in couple therapy for problems with intimacy, sexuality, and fidelity. Condensation, symbolization, and projective identification are mechanisms that result in the conversion of emotional and relational pain into sexual symptomatology. Dreams use similar processes to hide and at the same time convey emotional issues, and so dream analysis with couples is particularly useful in exploring and treating dysfunctional sexual relationships. As in individual psychoanalysis and psychotherapy, dreams in couple therapy express the transference. The authors show how dream analysis renders the couple's shared transference for resolution in the treatment process.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present research was to compare men's and women's perceptions of female contraceptive behavior and investigate the relationship between sexual experience and these perceptions. One hundred forty-six predominantly Caucasion males (n = 76) and females (n = 70) were randomly assigned to one of three sexual scenarios in which a male provided the condom in a sexual encounter, a female provided the condom, or no condom was used. They were then asked to rate the female on several behavioral and personality measures and to complete a sexual experience scale. Results showed differences in the way men and women perceived the female target. A positive correlation was also found between sexual experience and more favorable perceptions of the sexually-prepared female.  相似文献   

决策中的图形框架效应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙彦  黄莉  刘扬 《心理科学进展》2012,20(11):1718-1726
决策框架效应作为一种违背不变性原则的非理性偏差, 已经得到研究的广泛证实。本研究突破了传统研究中主要由语言描述引发框架效应的限制, 从图形表征这一新的视角对图形框架效应做了深入探讨。本研究共包括6个实验, 通过操纵选项在不同图形表征版本中物理属性差异的突出性, 发现在表达信息不变的情况下, 人们判断和决策的偏好会受到图形表征的影响, 即出现了图形框架效应。研究结果表明, 图形框架效应普遍存在于各种决策情境以及各种图形表征方式中。基于属性替代理论和齐当别原则, 我们提出了一种解释图形框架效应内部作用机制的两阶段心理加工模型--图形编辑的齐当别模型(The Graph-edited Equate-to-differentiate Model, GEM)。  相似文献   

Cognitive, socialization, and situational dimensions are embodied in both the concept of decision making and the concept of locus of control. This article examines these dimensions as they relate to six important sexual questions. The results of an empirical study investigating the relationship between factors that influence adolescent sexual decision making and internal-external locus of control are reported. The practical implications for practicing counselors are outlined.  相似文献   

How does the domain or subject matter of a decision problem affect the outcome of the decision? Although decision-making research typically dismisses content as merely a cover story, the present research shows that it plays a fundamental role in the decision process by influencing the information processing that underlies it. An experiment is reported in which the same basic decision problem was presented in several content domains (legal traffic tickets, academic course grades, stock investments, and casino gambling). The changes in content led to changes in both strategies and mental representations, which in turn led to changes in decision outcomes, even though measures of the subjective utilities of the options remained unchanged.  相似文献   

Parental gender expectations, which may be egalitarian or not, could vary by nativity and socioeconomic status. Parental gender expectations provide a model for children’s gender role attitudes and could also have effects on reproductive health over the life course, including women’s contraceptive choices. Yet, parental gender expectations are not often studied quantitatively. Using the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent to Adult Health, we examine how parental gender expectations in the United States vary by immigrant generation and socioeconomic status, whether parental gender expectations in adolescence are associated with young women’s contraceptive use, and if nativity moderates that relationship. Results show that parental gender expectations vary significantly by immigrant generation and parental socioeconomic status. Both first and second generation women are significantly less likely to have lived in households with equal gender expectations compared to the third generation. Higher socioeconomic status is associated with equal gender expectations. Among participants from households with equal gender expectations, the second generation is more likely than the third generation is to use a male-controlled contraceptive method versus no method. Using a nationally representative sample, our study demonstrates that parental gender expectations vary by nativity and by the socioeconomic context of the family in which they are embedded as well as have a unique effect on the contraceptive behavior of second generation women.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(2-3):265-276
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

Applying the framework of ecological rationality, the authors studied the adaptivity of group decision making. In detail, they investigated whether groups apply decision strategies conditional on their composition in terms of task‐relevant features. The authors focused on the recognition heuristic, so the task‐relevant features were the validity of the group members' recognition and knowledge, which influenced the potential performance of group strategies. Forty‐three three‐member groups performed an inference task in which they had to infer which of two German companies had the higher market capitalization. Results based on the choice data support the hypothesis that groups adaptively apply the strategy that leads to the highest theoretically achievable performance. Time constraints had no effect on strategy use but did have an effect on the proportions of different types of arguments. Possible mechanisms underlying the adaptive use of recognition in group decision making are discussed.  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of framing on group decision-making. Decisions involving risk were posed in terms of either gains or losses to individual subjects. Subsequently, subjects were divided into groups and the decisions were presented again in either the same frame or the opposite frame. As hypothesized, when the same frame was presented to subjects both individually and in groups, individual-level framing effects became larger in groups; when the opposite frame was presented to groups, initial framing effects were reduced. However, these results were observed on only two of the four decision cases. On the other two cases, significant choice shifts occurred independently of the framing manipulations. Implications of these results for decision making groups in applied settings are discussed.  相似文献   

Jennifer Pearson 《Sex roles》2006,54(9-10):615-625
Adolescents’ sexual decision making is shaped by normative ideas about “appropriate” sexual roles for women and men; consequently, the motivation and ability to engage in safer sex may be different for adolescent girls and boys. The aim of this study was to explore how social–psychological resources influence the behavior of girls and boys within the highly gendered and inequitable domain of sexual relationships. I used data from the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health) to examine whether personal control and self-efficacy in sexual negotiation are associated with contraceptive risk (engaging in sexual intercourse or not using condoms) among adolescents and whether these associations differ for adolescent boys and girls. Results indicate that personal control and self-efficacy in sexual negotiation are significantly associated with safer sex behavior, and are often more important for girls than for boys in predicting contraceptive risk.  相似文献   

One of several general rules suggested by past work is that it is advantageous to exhibit remorse when one has committed a transgression. A pair of experiments searched for the boundary conditions of this rule. In Experiment 1, mock jurors rated a remorseful defendant as more guilty when the law was fair than when the law was unfair. In contrast, an unremorseful defendant was viewed as equally guilty under both fairness levels. Study 2 conceptually replicated this result, and revealed a 3‐way interaction among remorse, status, and gender. It is argued that these findings illustrate the importance of violation of expectations on evaluation and judgment, inside the courtroom and elsewhere.  相似文献   

This study manipulated the graphical representation of options by framing the physical characters in figures and found that preferences could be affected even when the words and numbers of the problem were constant. Based on attribute substitution theory and an equate‐to‐differentiate approach, we proposed a two‐process model of graph‐framing effects. In the first mental process, the graph‐editing process, the physical features (e.g., distance, size) represented in the graph are visually edited, and the perceived numerical difference between the options is judged based on its physical features. The second mental process, the preferential choice process, occurs by an equate‐to‐differentiate approach in which people seek to equate the difference between options on the dimension on which the difference is smaller, thus leaving the greater other‐dimensional difference to be the determinant of the final choice. Four experiments were tested for graph‐framing effects. Experiment 1 found a graph‐framing effect in coordinate graphs resting on the (de)compression of the scales employed in the figures. Experiment 2 revealed additional graph‐framing effects in other question scenarios and showed that preference changes were mediated by perceived numerical distances. Experiment 3 further confirmed the presence of graph‐framing effects in sector graphs similar to those found in coordinate ones. Experiment 4 suggested that such graph‐framing effects could be eliminated when logical processing (e.g., introducing a mathematical operation before a choice task) was encouraged. This paper discusses related research and a possible substrate basis for graph‐framing effects. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


The effects of varying decision outcome dispersion on organizational decision making were investigated under individual and group decision making conditions. Thirty-six female and pg]36 male subjects made decisions for organizational decision scenarios in which outcomes affected primarily the decision maker, people other than the decision maker, or a group of which the decision maker was a member. Subjects rated their levels of perceived risk and confidence in their decisions and made decisions within a simulated context of either a small or a large organization. Results indicated that subjects perceived significantly less risk and more confidence in their decisions when outcomes affected primarily themselves rather than others regardless of whether the decisions were made individually or by a group. Males perceived their decisions as significantly more risky than females. Induced organizational size did not significantly influence decision making.


Bell  Nancy J.  O'Neal  Keri K.  Feng  Du  Schoenrock  Carol J. 《Sex roles》1999,41(5-6):313-332
Two hypotheses are evaluated in thisinvestigation of gender differences in the attitudinaland behavioral correlates of sexual risk. Thedifference in magnitude hypothesispredicts that the same factors are implicated for women and men butdifferences occur in the strength of correlates.Alternatively, women may engage in sexual risk fordifferent reasons than do men, leading to adifference in pattern hypothesis. We compared these possibilitieswith a sample of 576 primarily White, middle-class,never-married college students, most of whom werebetween 17 and 25 years of age. Analyses of loveattitudes, risk perception, sensation seeking, and riskbehaviors in other domains in relation to sexual riskbehavior showed some gender similarities as well asdifferences. Findings were more consistent with the difference in pattern hypothesis than with thedifference in magnitude hypothesis.  相似文献   

采用情境回忆任务启动被试的权力,并引入收益和损失两种任务框架,综合考察权力高低、任务框架对自我决策和为他人决策时风险偏好的影响。结果表明:(1)在为他人决策中,启动高权力被试有更强的风险偏好,而自我决策中,高、低权力启动组被试风险偏好上无显著差异;(2)在为他人决策中,被试在收益框架和损失框架下的风险偏好差异不显著,而在自我决策中,损失框架下的风险偏好显著高于收益框架;(3)低权力启动的被试,在损失框架下,为他人决策的风险偏好要小于自我决策,而在收益框架下差异不显著;高权力启动的被试无论在收益框架还是损失框架,自我-他人风险决策都不存在显著差异。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a model of the mediating processes whereby performance-contingent financial incentives influence decision quality and provides empirical evidence relevant to assessing the model. We hypothesize that performance-contingent incentives impact both cognitions and emotions, and that these cognitive and affective changes mediate the relationship between incentives and decision quality. To test these hypotheses, 84 undergraduate students were randomly assigned to conditions in which financial incentives were either performance contingent or randomly distributed. Participants used software that collected data on their information processing behavior to make choices from multiattribute choice information displays. After completing their choices, participants′ level of negative affect was assessed. Consistent with the predictions of the model, participants offered performance-contingent incentives took longer to choose, examined more information, had higher levels of negative affect, and used decision strategies that led to more accurate choices than participants offered randomly distributed incentives. Path analyses using structural equations modeling indicated that the changes in information processing behavior induced by financial incentives increased decision quality, while the increased levels of negative affect associated with incentives decreased decision quality. The paper concludes that identifying and measuring mediating variables is an important component of a research agenda designed to generate predictive theory of the relationship between financial incentives and decision quality.  相似文献   

This article provides a model for developing a career portfolio process for use with high school students and adults functioning in various types of learning endeavors as they seek credentials or licenses for various careers.  相似文献   

Prior research shows people suffer from misperceptions of feedback, generating systematic dysfunctional behavior in the presence of dynamic complexity - settings with multiple feedback loops, time delays, and nonlinearities. However, prior work has not adequately mapped the effect of these elements of complexity on performance. We report an experiment where subjects managed an inventory in the face of stochastic sales, a classic dynamic decision task. We vary the time delays and strength of the feedback loops to explore the impact of these elements of dynamic complexity on behavior. Subjects faced financial incentives and had opportunities to learn. Yet performance was significantly worse than optimal across all conditions. Subjects outperformed a naive "do-nothing" rule in the simple conditions, but performance deteriorated dramatically with increasing time delays and feedback effects, and most were outperformed by the do-nothing rule in the complex conditions. Regression analysis of subjects′ decisions showed most ignored the supply line of pending production and undercontrolled the system. Undercontrol increased significantly with growing time delays and feedback strength, showing subjects were insufficiently adaptive despite perfect knowledge of system structure and parameters. Subjects′ understanding of complex feedback settings declines as delays between cause and effect increase and as actions have stronger side effects. Few indications were found of active experimentation or learning: the need to control seemed to override the ability to learn.  相似文献   

Many of us believe that, after writing about a subject, we understand it more deeply. Studies in education indicate that writing does indeed enhance comprehension. Three experiments examined whether similar “exposition effects” exist for decision making. In these experiments, subjects were confronted with standard framing problems. Positive exposition effects would require that the influence of alternative frames on subjects' choices be diminished by exposition demands. Control subjects made choices under customary, non-exposition instructions. Others chose after writing rationales for their selections (exposition), after explicitly planning to write such rationales, or merely in anticipation of writing the rationales. Exposition reduced framing effects in each of the experiments. The magnitudes of the effects were greatest for subjects who wrote before choosing. Also, exposition markedly increased subjects' confidence that their choices were appropriate. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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