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In a field study, models for magnitude estimation and for category ratings are applied to the scaling of occupational prestige. The two respective models provide sufficient conditions for magnitude estimates to yield logarithmic interval scales and for category ratings to lead to interval scales. Both models are found to hold reasonably well for the majority of respondents. As implied by a third model, the relation between magnitude estimation and category rating scales can well be described by a generalized power function. Although overall results do not favour one method over the other individual data analyses reveal substantial interindividual differences with respect to the capability of performing magnitude estimates and category ratings, respectively. The findings are compared to results recently found in psychophysical laboratory experiments, and it is concluded that the individual scale properties the two methods provide do not differ across the attitudinal and the sensory domains.  相似文献   

The direct methods of ratio estimation and magnitude estimation and the indirect method of pair comparison were used to construct scales of liberalism and conservatism. It was found ( a ) that the scales of conservatism are linearly related to each other and ( b ) those of liberalism are also linearly related to each other but with a discontinuity in the middle of the range; one linear function for the conservative statements and another for the liberal statements, with the discontinuity occurring in the middle of the subjective scale. Liberalism vs. conservatism was found to be reverse. The linear function between all kinds of scales as well as the reverse relation between liberalism vs. conservatism suggest that the continuum of political preferences is metathetic.  相似文献   

By spacing 10 stimuli (white noise) between 40 and 110 dB according to two criteria [equal response ambiguity (ERA) and equal discriminability (ED)], an attempt was made to construct an “ideal” case for magnitude estimation and category rating. The “ideal” case is defined by linear and constant Weber functions (SDs as a function of scale values) for the two scales, respectively. Altogether, three group and two individual magnitude and category rating experiments were run with these two spacings. It was found that the ERA spacing approximated the ideal case well for both Weber functions and the ED spacing only for the Weber function of the category scale. The general psychophysical differential equation that relates scale values and Weber functions for the two scales allowed good prediction of the category scales from the magnitude scales and the Weber functions. The data suggested a distinction between phenotypic (empirical) and genotypic Weber functions, analogous to “real” and “ideal” cases in physics.  相似文献   

Two experiments investigate the impact of the evaluative connotation of risk terms on the judgment of risk behaviour and on risk preference. In the first experiment we focus on (1) the evaluation congruence of the risk terms with a general risk norm and (2) with subjects' individual risk preference, and its effects on the extremity of judgments of risk behaviour. In the second experiment we address (3) the effects of evaluative connotation of risk terms on risk preference. In the first experiment subjects were presented with four decision problems, each with a risky and a cautious decision option, and were required to judge options. Results showed that the judged discrepancy between the risky and cautious option was larger on scales which were evaluatively congruent with the general risk norm for that specific decision problem or with subjects' individual preference. More specificly, in decision problems for which there was considerable consensus about the risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales which were congruent with the risk norm, in those problems lacking a clear-cut risk-norm judgments were more extreme on scales congruent with subjects' individual risk preference. In the second experiment we studied the reverse relation between the evaluative connotation of risk terms and risk preference. This experiment demonstrates that using evaluatively biased risk terms can affect risk preference. Using terms which imply a positive evaluation of risk-taking and a negative evaluation of risk avoidance led to increased risk preference, and vice versa. Results are discussed in the context of accentuation theory.  相似文献   

The experiments examined qualitative and quantitative changes in the dynamics of learning a novel motor skill (roller ball task) as a function of the manipulation of a control parameter (initial ball speed). The focus was on the relation between the rates of change in performance over practice time and the changing time scales of the evolving attractor dynamic. Results showed 3 different learning patterns to the changes in the dynamics as a function of practice that were mediated by the initial ball speed. Only participants who learned the task showed a bifurcation in coordination mode that was preceded by enhanced performance variability. The observed multiple time scales to motor learning are interpreted as the products of the dynamical stability and instability realized from (a) the continually evolving landscape dynamics due to bifurcations between attractor organization and (b) the transient phenomena associated with moving toward and away from fixed-point dynamics.  相似文献   

The relationship between personality and morningness-eveningness orientation is attracting a lot of attention. The relationship between morningness-eveningness orientation and personality related to self-regulation, however, remains unclear. The present research adopted a general American adult sample to investigate the relationship among morning and evening types and the individual self-regulatory trait. More important was that we used social jet lag theory to explain this relationship. According to the different scales that were used to measure self-regulatory trait, Study 1 obtained the convergent result that morningness is positively related to high self-regulation. In Study 2, we found that misalignment of rising time between free and work days (reflecting social jet lag) could partly explain the positive relationship between morningness and self-regulation. More specifically, because morning types can work in accordance with their natural clock, they have more resources for self-regulation; therefore, they have higher-self-regulation than intermediate types and evening types do.  相似文献   

We have previously identified categorical individual differences in the occurrence of temporal brightness enhancement (TBE) by using a simultaneous brightness discrimination paradigm (Bowen & Markell, 1980).TBE is a nonmonotonic relation between brightness and pulse duration, pulses of intermediate duration (75–125 msec) can appear brighter than longer or shorter pulses of the same luminance. Three classes of observers can be defined based on whether they perceive TBE under one of two conditions of temporal asynchrony between a short test pulse and a longer (500 msec) comparison pulse:simultaneous onset of the pulses orsimultaneous offset. Type A observers show TBE for both asynchrony conditions; Type B observers show the effect for simultaneous offset but not simultaneous onset; Type C observers do not show TBE for either asynchrony. In the present study, we show that Type A and Type C observers maintain a constant brightness-duration relation as the asynchrony between test and comparison pulses is varied from simultaneous onset to simultaneous offset. Type B observers show a gradual shift in the brightness-duration relation as asynchrony changes. In a separate experiment, we find that practice has little effect on Type A and Type B observers but that Type C observers may change in classification to Types A and B over as few as five experimental sessions. The hypothesis that individual differences are due to differential “weighting” of chromatic (sustained) and achromatic (transient) visual channels is discussed.  相似文献   

A deterministic perspective, believing choices are a function of hereditary and environmental factors, could theoretically impact perceived moral responsibility and lead to decreased blame in judging others. However, little consistent support has been found relating individual differences in deterministic attitudes to blame/tolerance for others. Perhaps, though, providing information regarding past background hardships affecting an individual's current lifestyle could potentially mediate harsh moralistic judgments of that individual. In the two studies reported here, we further explored the relation of free will/determinism scales to attitudes toward others as well as the effect of manipulating background information on the assignment of blame. As in previous research, little support was found for the relation of deterministic attitudes to tolerance toward others. However, judgments following manipulated information about hypothetical target persons supported the conclusion that target individuals are blamed less and given more sympathy if more information related to previous hardships is provided. In addition, in the second study perceived similarity to a target individual was associated with decreased blame/greater sympathy for a target with alcohol abuse problems.  相似文献   

The way in which the apparent magnitude of numbers grows with their absolute magnitude was measured with a modified version of the direct technique Marks and Slawson (1966) used to determine the psychophysical exponent for loudness. This modified technique required subjects to estimate how evenly and randomly a sequence of integers appeared to sample the numerical continuum. The results indicate that the apparent magnitude of numbers increases with a decelerated power function of their arithmetic magnitude when a series samples from an open-ended range. However, when an upper boundary of the range is specified, the subjective scale seems to be linear. Random productions of numbers parallel the results found with judgments of presented sequences. The two scales of number provide the basis for an interpretation of the difference between magnitude and category scales: that subjects use numbers differently when the response scale is open-ended Imagnitude estimation than when it has a fixed upper limit tcategory scale. Given the assumption that subjects use numbers in this way in the two tasks, the qualitative relation between magnitude and category scales is predicted.  相似文献   

变革型领导风格的实证研究   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
孟慧 《应用心理学》2004,10(2):18-22
以72家企业的193名管理者为被试,通过多来源评估法收集数据,采用因素分析、信度分析和回归分析等方法对变革型领导的理论结构及其与领导有效性的关系进行了深入研究。结果表明,变革型领导具有二阶单因素结构。即四个独立子因素为领导魅力、感召力、智力激发和个性化关怀,这些子因素归属于一个单一二阶因素;研究所使用的《变革型领导问卷》具有良好的构想效度和信度,适用于中国文化;变革型领导及其子维度对领导有效性有一定的预测力。  相似文献   

This article examines the methodology from recent item subtlety research with the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI). The Christian, Burkhart, and Gynther (1978) ratings, used in this research, define item subtlety as the perceived degree of psychopathology associated with individual items rather than specifying subtlety in relation to qualities characteristic of individual scales. Consequently, the ratings often violate commonsense notions of subtlety, and the results of research with the ratings are difficult to interpret. Studies with the ratings also contain procedural defects which limit generality. It is recommended that future investigators give greater consideration to the operational definition of item subtlety, to the intended applications of the MMPI, and to item properties other than simple correlations with criteria that can enhance the predictive and discriminative powers of MMPI scales.  相似文献   

Several aspects of the Gender Diagnosticity (GD) approach of Lippa (1995) to measuring the psychological trait of masculinity-femininity within sexes were explored in four samples ranging from 363 to 5,859 individuals, including Swedish and Australian adults, U.S. elderly, and Australian adolescents. Two ways of deriving GD scales yielded highly similar results. Moderate stability of individual differences was found across ages 12 to 16 among adolescents, but substantial shifts over age occurred in relationships with Eysenck scales. Considerable generality of GD scales was obtained across languages and populations. Substantial heritabilities (about 40%) and minimal effects of shared family environments suggest that within-sex masculinity-femininity behaves as a fairly typical personality trait. Cross-age continuity appeared mainly to reflect the influence of the genes.  相似文献   

The relationship between leadership behaviors and team cohesion among baseball and softball players at two school levels was analyzed in relation to predictions based on Chelladurai and Carron's (1978) Multidimensional Model of Leadership (MML). Athletes (n = 307) completed the perceived and preferred versions of the Leadership Scale for Sports (LSS) and the Group Environment Questionnaire (GEQ). Athletes' coaches (n = 23) completed the self-perceived version of the LSS. Task and social cohesion were assessed in relation to the scales of the three individual versions of the LSS and in relation to two types of discrepancy scores: value and perceptual. Although the concept of discrepancy is prominent in MML theory, the perceptual discrepancy score represents an innovation. Results indicated that, in general, team cohesion was most strongly related to the perceived LSS version and the perceptual discrepancy scores.  相似文献   

Investigations addressing the match between vocational interests and satisfaction have emphasized higher-order dimensions (e.g., Holland themes) and specific occupational scales. Although support exists at these levels of analysis for the hypothesis that congruence between interests and work environments yields satisfaction, limitations of these perspectives frequently result in small effect sizes or inconclusive results. This study examined the capacity of content scales of the 2005 Strong Interest Inventory, including the General Occupational Themes (GOTs) and Basic Interest Scales (BISs), in predicting job satisfaction across 22 samples comprising 9647 working adults. Hypothesized multivariate sets of content scales, and predicted individual GOTs and BISs demonstrated significant group differences. Sequential discriminant function analyses demonstrated that sets of hypothesized BISs significantly distinguished between satisfied and dissatisfied workers beyond the six Holland themes in 17 of the 22 occupational samples. The authors discuss practical implications of interpreting BISs to augment Holland themes related to job satisfaction.  相似文献   

The MMPI-2 Restructured Clinical (RC; Tellegen et al., 2003) scales were developed to remove common factor variance that saturates the clinical scales and create a more distinct set of measures, yielding a new set of scales with improved convergent and discriminant validity. In this study, we examined the relation between RC scale scores and scores on the Multidimensional Personality Questionnaire (MPQ; Tellegen, in press), a measure of normal personality, using a sample of 811 college students. The results indicate strong convergence between the RC scales and expected MPQ higher order factors and primary scales. The RC scales also demonstrated expected improved convergent and discriminant validity over the clinical scales.  相似文献   

J unge , K. The problem of magnitude and category scales: interpretation of results. Scand. J. Psychol ., 1962, 3 , 215–218.—It is proposed that three main factors are responsible for the relation between magnitude and category scales: (1) ratio judgments on a transformed category scale, (2) interval judgments, and (3) hybrid judgments. The last term refers to the tentative explanation that magnitude judgments are a cross between pure ratio and interval judgments.  相似文献   

In the present study, the specificity of repetition priming between semantic classification tasks was examined using Osgood's (Osgood, Suci, & Tannenbaum, 1957) semantic space as a heuristic for determining the similarity between classifications. The classification tasks involved judging the meaning of words on semantic scales, such as pleasant/unpleasant. The amount of priming across classifications was hypothesized to decrease with increasing distance (decreasing similarity) between semantic scales in connotative semantic space. The results showed maximum repetition priming when the study and the test classifications were the same, intermediate degrees of priming when the study and the test classification scales shared loadings on semantic factors, and little priming when the study and the test classification scales loaded primarily on orthogonal semantic factors--that is, when the distance between scales was maximized. Consistent with the transfer-appropriate processing framework, repetition priming in semantic classifications was highly task specific, decreasing with increasing distance between classification scales.  相似文献   

The perceived loudness of a 1000 c/s tone was measured by a direct scaling method under different conditions of intensity (19–35 db) and duration (50–500 msec) of stimulation. It was found that loudness grows as a logarithmic function of stimulus duration; the relation was verified for ten individual subjects and four levels of intensity. In addition, the relation between temporal threshold and level of intensity was tentatively described.  相似文献   

The study concerns the relation of saturation to the purity and luminance of aperture colors viewed in a dark surround. For the primary hues, red, yellow, green, and blue, and the intermediate hues, orange and yellowish green, the saturations increased as power functions of colorimetric purity. An IS-dB increase in luminance caused a threefold increase in the exponent for yellow, but luminance had little effect on the exponents of the other colors. The direct heterochromatic matching of saturation to saturation confirmed the validity of the scales determined by magnitude estimation and led to the construction of families of saturation scales based on a common unit called a crome. Equisection and jnd scales were also determined. Their nonlinearity suggests that saturation is a prothetic continuum. It was found that mixing red or green with yellow behaves much the same as mixing red or green with achromatic light. The changes in hue behave as prothetic continua, for the equisection and jnd scales are nonlinearly related to the power-function scales obtained by magnitude estimation and matching.  相似文献   

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