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Each year, a large number of children change residence and school. This paper examines the social experience of being a newcomer at secondary school, with special reference to the process of adjustment. It is based on a detailed longitudinal case study of 45 newcomers. Each was followed for 12 months, with the main source of data being seven in-depth interviews with each student, backed up by unscheduled interviews, school reports, teacher and peer-group comments and observations. Because the data show extensive similarity in newcomers' experiences-all must deal with a different curriculum, new teachers and the social world of other students-it is possible to construct a general three-stage map of the process of adjustment. This map has important implications for the guidance and counselling of such students.  相似文献   

该研究探讨了亲子关系与青少年心理资本的关系,并提出一个有调节的中介模型,考察友谊质量的中介效应和学校联结对该效应的调节效应。研究采用问卷调查的方式,对732名青少年进行了研究,研究工具包括亲子关系量表、心理资本量表、友谊质量量表、学校联结量表。结果表明:(1)友谊质量在亲子关系与青少年心理资本之间起中介作用,即亲子关系通过友谊质量间接影响青少年的心理资本。(2)亲子关系通过友谊质量对青少年的心理资本的间接效应受学校联结的调节,且这种间接效应在低学校联结的青少年中更显著。本研究验证了家庭系统、同伴系统和学校系统对个人系统(心理资本)的联合作用,对青少年心理资本的提高有一定的指导意义。  相似文献   

We examined the impact of the transition from elementary to high school on the psychological adjustment of adolescents, and the effectiveness of an assessment procedure aimed at identifying adolescents experiencing emotional and behavioral problems. One hundred and ten children from 2 elementary schools within the greater Brisbane area were followed across the transition from elementary to high school and screened for emotional and behavioral problems in grade 7 and again in grade 8. It was found that, in general, the transition to high school did not coincide with a marked decrease in psychological adjustment. Structured clinical interviews with adolescents in grade 8 showed that 13% of boys and 15% of girls experienced a diagnosable DSM-IV psychological disorder and that a further 15% of boys and 15% of girls suffered from features of a psychological disorder. Furthermore, results of discriminant function analyses showed that a combination of self report of adjustment, teacher report of adjustment, and assessment of relevant family variables obtained in grade 7 predicted the absence or presence of emotional and behavioral problems, six months later, in up to 77% of children. Results are discussed in terms of the impact of the transition to high school, the effectiveness of community-based assessment programs for adolescents, and the stability of emotional and behavioral problems in childhood and adolescents.  相似文献   

It was the purpose of this study to compare the effects of counseling and selected guidance techniques upon 5th and 6th grade elementary school students' peer relationships. Sociometric status and teacher ratings of their students' social skills were selected as criteria. Subjects were selected from students who were in the lower half of their classes in sociometric status and who indicated that they wanted to get along better with their peers. From each of 7 classrooms an equal number of subjects was randomly assigned to each of 3 treatment conditions: (1) counseling, (2) teacher-guidance, and (3) control. When the treatment conditions were compared, no statistically significant differences were found among them.  相似文献   

The authors examined associations between different forms of children’s friendship nomination reciprocity (mutual, unilateral given, unilateral received) and other measures of children’s peer social competence (liking, loneliness, overt aggression, perceived popularity) for 501 Chinese third- to sixth-grade students. Using a multigroup path analysis (with gender as group), for both boys and girls, all three forms of friendship nominations were negatively related to self-reported loneliness. Mutual friendship nominations and unilateral received friendship nominations were positively related to peer nominations for liking and to peer nominations of perceived popularity. The path between unilateral received friendship nominations and perceived popularity was higher for boys than for girls. Also, for boys only, mutual friendship nominations and unilateral received friendship nominations were each negatively related to peer nominations of overt aggression. These patterns are somewhat different from research examining the association of forms of friendships to peer social competence for children in Western cultures. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of the relation of different forms of friendship nominations to children’s peer social competence as well as the broad association of culture for these relations.  相似文献   

The present study examines both the unique and the combined role of best friends' delinquency and perceived friendship quality in the development of adolescent delinquency. Questionnaire data were gathered from 435 Dutch adolescent best friends (mean age at first wave = 12.97) over a period of 5 years with annual assessments. Results showed that mean levels of delinquency and perceived friendship quality increased over time. Adolescent best friends were highly similar in both mean levels and changes in delinquency over time. For boys, similarity in mean level delinquency between best friends was higher than for girls. In addition, only for boys, friends' delinquency is associated with increases in adolescent delinquency over time, and adolescents' delinquency is associated with increases in friends' delinquency over time. No bidirectional longitudinal associations were found between perceived friendship quality and adolescent delinquency. No interaction effects between friendship quality and friends' delinquency on adolescent delinquency were found. Thus, findings were more in support of the differential association theory than of the social control theory.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to replicate and extend the work of Glenn and Horn (1993) Glenn, S. D. and Horn, T. S. 1993. Psychological and personal predictors of leadership behavior in female soccer athletes. Journal of Applied Sport Psychology, 5: 1734. [CSA][Taylor & Francis Online] [Google Scholar] by examining relationships between peer leadership in sport and social, psychological, and ability characteristics. The sample consisted of 71 female and 67 male high-school soccer players and their coaches. Players completed questionnaires measuring social (peer acceptance and friendship quality) and psychological (perceived competence, instrumentality, and expressiveness) variables, and leadership behavior for self and teammates. Coaches assessed each player on leadership behavior and soccer ability. For female athletes, all psychosocial variables were predictive of self-ratings of leadership, while coach and teammate ratings were related to ability only. For male athletes, all psychosocial variables and ability were related to self-ratings and teammate ratings of peer leadership, while coaches' ratings were related primarily to ability. These results are discussed with regard to social exchange theory and commonalities among peer relationship variables (acceptance, friendship, leadership).  相似文献   

Research on adolescent best friendships typically focuses on school-based friendships, ignoring important differences between classroom-based and out-of-school friendships. With data from 156 ninth-grade students, many of whom named more than 1 best friend across the 14-day period, the authors examined associations between the daily school context of one's best friendship and adjustment. Benefits of in-grade best friendships were found in academic engagement when a composite was assessed across the 2-week period. Daily findings were more complex and were different between weekends and school days. Out-of-grade best friends were named more frequently on weekends, and on weekend days in which they named an out-of-school best friend participants spent more time with that friend but felt like less of a good student. Implications for our understanding of friendship context and for the measurement of friendship itself are discussed.  相似文献   


The linkages between parents’ report of marital quality and parental well-being and children’s report ofparent-child relational quality and adolescent psychological well-being in 378 Chinese families over 2 years were examined. Results revealed that (a) marital quality predicted parental well-being; (b) fathers’ marital quality and well-being predicted parent-child relational quality but mothers’ did not; (c) paternal influence appeared to be stronger than maternal influence on adolescent adjustment; and (d) both direct and indirect paths were found for the linkages between parental marital quality and well-being and adolescent psychological well-being.  相似文献   

This study examined the longitudinal relationship between friendship quality (positive and negative) and school achievement among 228 school-age children (51% girls, M = 8.09, SD = 0.41). A three-wave cross-lagged analysis was used to determine the direction of influence between these domains across school years. Findings revealed that: (a) school achievement in second grade decreased negative friendship quality in third grade; (b) school achievement in second grade predicted positive friendship quality in third grade; (c) positive friendship quality in third grade predicted school achievement in fourth grade. The protective role of school achievement against peer relationship impairment and the reciprocal relationship between positive friendship quality and school achievement were underlined. Implications for educational practices for Italian primary schools are discussed.  相似文献   

在中国改革开放和社会变迁的新时代背景下,分析青少年价值观构成特征,形成有效的测量工具,并对初、高中共780名学生的价值观结构及价值观的学校和社会适应功能进行调查。结果发现:中国青少年价值观由社会平等、集体取向 、遵纪守则、亲情、友情、上进竞争、时尚、享受快乐 8个维度构成,问卷具有良好的信、效度;男生相对女生更认同友情,初中生相比高中生更认同社会公平和亲情,高中生更认同享受快乐;青少年价值观各维度对学校和社会适应的某些指标具有预测作用:对上进竞争的认同可以正向预测学业成绩和学校能力;对时尚的认同负向预测学业成绩和亲社会行为,正向预测学习问题;对亲情的认同正向预测社会能力和亲社会行为;对友情的认同正向预测同伴偏好。总体而言,新时代青少年价值观构成特征受到自身发展阶段、社会经济文化等因素的影响,研究结果有助于理解现阶段青少年健康心理发展与价值观教育之间的关系,对未来的青少年价值观教育提供了心理学的实证依据。  相似文献   

This study examined associations of peer socialization and selection, over time, with nonsuicidal self-injury (NSSI) among 5,787 (54.2 % females) Chinese community adolescents. Both effects were tested using two aspects of adolescents’ friendship networks: the best friend and the friendship group. Participants completed questionnaires assessing NSSI, depressive symptoms and maladaptive impulsive behaviors at two waves of time over a 6-month period. Results showed that even after controlling for the effects of depressive symptoms and maladaptive impulsive behaviors, the best friends’ engagement in NSSI still significantly predicted adolescents’ own engagement in NSSI. Adolescents’ friendship groups’ NSSI status also significantly predicted their own NSSI status and frequency. Additionally, adolescents with NSSI tended to join peer groups with other members also engaging in NSSI.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - Parental psychological control (PC) is an emotionally manipulative parenting behavior that is used to control adolescents’ thoughts, feelings, and...  相似文献   

This study examined media use and psychological adjustment (as indicated by depression and anxiety symptomatology) in a sample of 328 14- to 16-year-old adolescents. Primary goals of the study were to explore whether media use differs by gender, whether media use is related to adolescent psychological problems, and whether media use moderates the relationship between parental alcoholism and adolescent psychological adjustment. Adolescents were surveyed in the spring of 2006, and again one year later. Gender differences in media use were observed with boys spending more time playing video games than girls and girls spending more time talking on the phone than boys. Strikingly, none of the types of media examined was associated with depression or anxiety. Moreover, media use acted as a protective factor for boys. Boys who spent relatively more time playing video games and watching television had the lowest levels of anxiety, especially those from alcoholic homes. The opposite pattern emerged for girls.  相似文献   

以班级为单位选取1-6年级23个班级的小学生,通过最好朋友提名法,得到有互选朋友有效被试700人,采用同伴提名法、小学生友谊质量问卷、小学生人格发展教师评定问卷,运用多层线性模型(HLM)考察个体和班级两个水平上的同伴接纳、友谊质量对人格的影响,并在两个水平上检验友谊质量在同伴接纳对人格的影响上的多层中介效应。结果表明:(1)班级水平:班级平均友谊质量对外倾性、亲社会性、认真自控、情绪稳定性有预测作用;班级平均同伴接纳对情绪稳定性有预测作用。(2)个体水平:同伴接纳对人格5个维度均有直接影响;除情绪稳定性,友谊质量分别在同伴接纳对智能特征、外倾性、亲社会性、认真自控影响上有部分中介效应。  相似文献   

许多研究表明,青少年感知的校园氛围对其问题行为有重要影响。但是,校园氛围起作用的中介机制仍有待进一步探讨。本研究旨在考察青少年感知的校园氛围与其问题行为(行为不良、抑郁)的关系,以及同伴侵害在其中的中介作用。采用分层整群抽样的方法,选取广东省10所学校2758名初中生作为被试,匿名填写社会经济地位问卷、家庭功能问卷、校园氛围感知问卷、青少年同伴侵害问卷、儿童抑郁调查表、青少年行为不良指数问卷。结果表明:(1)在控制了性别、年龄、社会经济地位和家庭功能后,积极的校园氛围显著负向预测青少年的行为不良和抑郁。(2)同伴侵害在校园氛围与青少年行为不良和抑郁之间具有中介作用。  相似文献   

The purpose of these studies was to examine the frequency and stability of relational and physical aggression and their associations with social-psychological adjustment or peer victimization, and how friendships are involved in the relations between forms of aggression and peer victimization in Japanese children. The sample consisted of 452 (Study 1) and 138 (Study 2) children who were in the fourth and fifth grades. Results of Study 1 demonstrated that relational aggression was uniquely and more strongly associated with internalizing adjustment problems than physical aggression. Moreover, Study 2 revealed that relational aggression and physical aggression were stable over a 6-month period and the stability of relational aggression was reinforced by negative friendships (i.e., high levels of exclusivity and friend victimization). Further, the association between relational aggression and relative increases in relational victimization was attenuated by positive friendships (i.e., high levels of intimacy, companionship, and friendship satisfaction). Interestingly, friendships were unrelated to physical aggression and its relation to physical victimization. The age and gender of the children in the two studies were also examined. Cultural and developmental processes involving forms of aggression, friendships, social-psychological adjustment, and peer victimization were discussed.  相似文献   

Journal of Child and Family Studies - The experience of residential relocation can affect children and adolescents in various ways. It often affects their close social relationships, and this is...  相似文献   

通过对709名青少年进行追踪研究,分别以青少年自我报告与教师评价的方式测查了学校氛围与学校适应,主要探讨学校氛围与青少年学校适应的长期预测关系,以及性别在二者间的调节效应.结果表明:(1)青少年第一年感知到的学校氛围能预测其第二年、第三年的适应问题和适应能力,第二年感知到的学校氛围能预测其第三年的适应能力和学业成绩;(2)青少年感知到的自主机会对其学校适应有负面作用;(3)教师支持和同学支持对青少年学校适应具有积极作用,但同学支持的作用会随着在校时间的增加而发生逆转,即第一年的同学支持负向预测第二年的学习问题和第三年的学业成绩,正向预测第三年的适应能力,而第二年的同学支持则对第三年的适应能力和学业成绩均有负向预测作用;(4)女生的学校适应普遍好于男生,性别对学校氛围与青少年学校适应之间的关系具有部分调节作用.  相似文献   

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