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The group beholds its leader: a looming figure of fantasy, an emerging figure of reality. Psychic patterns that play out in group cohesion, culture, conflicts, and process are rooted in interaction with this combined object. I describe a two-day conference on relational group psychotherapy. An assemblage had beheld “me,” a visitor with gifts of knowledge, initially welcomed with collective expectation. Rivalrous and acquisitive desire (Girard, 2004) set group process in motion, involving scapegoating and open conflict, but also, self discovery and mutual appreciation. Confronted with “me,” the representative, messenger, even embodiment of truth, the group had to deal with feelings, fantasies, and thoughts that were “not nice.” There were moments of fear for the safety and survival of our group, yet I did not comprehend the extent to which envy, in tooth and nail, with devouring hunger tore into every aspect of our mentalities. Under its catabolic force, I was captured and I could not articulate to myself the sense of what it was, until the group shifted and released me from envy’s intersubjective captivity.

In group, whatever is being talked about—whoever is reacting to whom or to what—the group’s focal conflict, predominating basic assumption, developmental level or stage, its regressions and progressions, dyadic interactions, subgroupings, and so forth, I now assume that on one level, it is all about “me.”  相似文献   

The figure of the "double" or the other self is an important topic in the history of literature. Many centuries before Jean Paul Richter coined the term, "doppelg?nger," at the beginning of the Romantic Movement in the year 1796, it is possible to find the figure of the double in myths and legends. The issue of the double emphaszses the contradictory character of the human being and invokes a sinister dimension of the psychological world, what has been called in German as "umheimlich." However, does multiciplicity always involve pathology? Related to this figure in literary history, a new perspective from clinical psychology called "dialogical self" defines the self as a multi-voice reality. Along the same line, postmodernist psychology considers the self a discursive construction. From these perspectives, the "self" is situated a long way away from the classical essential conception of the self. In this paper, we review briefly some important landmarks of the figure of the double in the literature, and we compare the coincidences of the "double" experiencies described in literature with the experiences of our patients. Finally, we discuss how this literary tradition can help us to understand new psychological perspectives.  相似文献   

Degree of commitment was explored in relation to core self and role-identity. Thirty-one American emergency medical technicians (EMTs) described themselves in the EMT role (EMT now) and the way they anticipated they would be in the future (EMT future) by selecting items from an adjective checklist. Participants also described "real me," "ideal me," and "ought me." Ratings of commitment and extranormative activity were also obtained. Finally, participants described a positive and a negative episode they had experienced as an EMT in an open-ended question that was coded for task and relational content. Each participant's checklist data set was individually analyzed using HICLAS, a clustering algorithm for binary data (P. DeBoeck, S. Rosenberg, & I. Van Mechelen, 1993). Results indicate that the similarity between EMT now and real me best predicted activity and the similarity between EMT future and real me best predicted commitment (positive correlations in both cases). Older, more experienced EMTs tended to describe positive episodes in relational terms, whereas younger, less experienced EMTs described positive experiences in task-oriented terms.  相似文献   

In this essay, I defend the following two claims: (1) reflective, critical reasoning is essential to the process of self-deception; and (2), the process of self-deception involves a certain characteristic error of self-knowledge. By appeal to (1) and (2). I hope to show that we can adjudicate the current dispute about the nature of self-deception between those we might term "traditionalists," and those we might term "deflationists."  相似文献   

Sandor Ferenczi wrote about a typical dream of the "Wise Baby" and later used this figure to represent the child who is traumatized into precocious wisdom, who becomes "the family psychiatrist." We discuss Ferenczi's theory of traumatization and the "split self," noting how it was taken up in D. W. Winnicott's "True Self/False Self" conceptualization. We then present three patients' wise baby dreams to show how these trauma theories can be used in dream interpretation and how dream interpretation can support them.  相似文献   

采用情境实验法和故事补全任务,考察双向偏见引发冲突情境下的自我归类对景颇族、傣族与汉族初中生的民族社会化觉察的影响。结果表明,作为冲突事件的当事者,景颇族学生和傣族学生觉察到的促进和睦、文化社会化及促使不信任等民族社会化信息存在差异;景颇族、傣族和汉族学生的自我归类存在差异;自我归类对促进和睦、文化社会化与报告权威等信息的觉察的影响亦存在民族差异。在双向偏见冲突情境下,三族学生的自我归类与民族社会化觉察有一定关系:无论是做当事者/内群体归类、旁观者/外群体归类,还是做调解者/群际归类,被试对促进和睦的觉察均最多。偏见准备主要与当事者归类有关,而进行调解者归类的被试更容易觉察到"报告权威"。  相似文献   

The present experiment investigated whether subliminally exposed messages affect cognitive and motor performance and whether personality factors can explain interindividual differences in this respect. According to Silverman (1983), people have a symbiotic fantasy, that is, a need for symbiotic oneness with the mother figure. This need can temporarily be satisfied by a tachistoscopic exposure of the message "Mommy and I are one." By relieving the unconscious conflict, psychological tension is reduced. Using these notions, it was hypothesized that different measures of performance should be improved. The results indicate that both cognitive performance, in terms of the ability to interpret incomplete and fragmented pictures, and motor performance, in terms of the ability to follow a printed line with a stylus, is improved by this procedure compared to that of a control group exposed to the neutral message "People are walking." However, it was not possible to relate these changes to individual differences in terms of the individual's structure of his psychological defense system as measured by the Defense Mechanism Test (DMT). Other possible explanations are discussed.  相似文献   

At the phenomenological level, Sigmund Freud in the Traumdeutung presents dream speeches that are ubiquitous, and syntactically and pragmatically usually well-formed (despite occasional lexical anomalies), while at the generative level Freud maintains that these are playbacks, devoid of linguistic creativity, and as such do not violate the theoretically "primary-process," nondiscursive nature of the dreamwork. Neither anecdotal data nor recent systematic experimental evidence lend the "replay hypothesis" convincing support, however. This hypothesis may (like many other aspects of his dream theory) have its particular antecedents in the theoretical constraints of Freud's protopsychoanalytic "Project for a Scientific Psychology." In fact, the hypothesis can be reconciled with the neurological mechanisms of the "Project," though it cannot be specifically derived from them. Freud utilized the concept of functional retrogression from his still earlier, prepsychoanalytic work On Aphasia, thus effecting the best compromise he could between the constraints of his overall dream theory derived from the "Project" and his own observations on the phenomenology of dream speech.  相似文献   

This paper explores the relationship between Keats's ballad, "La Belle Dame sans Merci," and some of its precursors, including one of the poet's dreams and a sonnet titled "On a Dream." The process of creativity is examined.  相似文献   

Contemporary philosophy of mind is dominated by a conception of our propositional attitude concepts as comprising a proto-scientific causal-explanatory theory of behavior. This conception has given rise to a spate of recent worries about the prospects for "naturalizing" the theory. In this paper I return to the roots of the "theory-theory" of the attitudes in Wilfrid Sellars's classic "Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind." I present an alternative to the theory-theory's account of belief in the form of a parody of Sellars's "Myth of Jones," one that highlights the normative and pragmatic aspects of this concept and, hopefully, enables us to bypass questions about its physical "realization."  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relative contribution of personal (locus of control, extraversion-intraversion, neuroticism, psychoticism), interpersonal (control, nurture, and intimacy in relationships with parents and teacher), and demographic variables (family setting, family structure, school, educational level of mother and father) to the prediction of adolescents' problems in the following domains: "school," "after school," "myself," "me and others," and "general." The subjects were 391 adolescents of both sexes (mean age = 17.5 years). Regression analysis demonstrated that the personal and interpersonal variables were better predictors of adolescents' problems than were demographic variables. The best predictors were neuroticism (personal variable) and nurture of father (interpersonal variable).  相似文献   

Certain expositors of the Tractatus have tried to make sense of Wittegnstein's curious revocation of its propositions by suggesting that although they lack content, they nonetheless express ("show," but do not say) some ineffable truths about reality. Such a view Cora Dimaond labels "chickening out." I attempt to diagnose the lingering attraction of the 'chicken' (in this case an attraction to an illusion of sense) by condsidering a (false) parallel with the case of perceptual illusion. To this end, I make a brief excursion into the work of Gareth Evans in order to draw out what the parallel would look like and more specifically how the chicken might be tempted to think that there is indeed such a parallel. In this way, I hope to better 'understand' the chicken and her seduction, and in the process make a plea for not "chickening out." I then turn to a positive consideration of how we should in fact read this work. In particular, I consider Diamond's idea that the Tractatus requires an "imaginative understanding" of its reader, an ability to 'think' oneself into certain philosophical illusions of sense in order to dismantle them from within. I explore exactly what such an imagination involves. In particular, I suggest that it presupposes a kind of 'metaphysical' thesis of its own about the nature of human beings and their innermost tendencies, a position, I argue, that Wittegnstein held.  相似文献   

Mahajan N  Wynn K 《Cognition》2012,124(2):227-233
A central feature of human psychology is our pervasive tendency to divide the social world into "us" and "them". We prefer to associate with those who are similar to us over those who are different, preferentially allocate resources to similar others, and hold more positive beliefs about similar others. Here we investigate the developmental origins of these biases, asking if preference for similar others occurs prior to language and extensive exposure to cultural norms. We demonstrate that, like adults, prelinguistic infants prefer those who share even trivial similarities with themselves, and these preferences appear to reflect a cognitive comparison process ("like me"/"not like me"). However, unlike adults, infants do not appear to prefer others with an utterly arbitrary similarity to themselves. Together, these findings suggest that the phenomena of ingroup bias, and enhanced interpersonal attraction toward those who resemble ourselves, may be rooted in an inherent preference for similarity to self, which itself may be enhanced during development by the influence of cultural values.  相似文献   

Gordon D. Kaufman 《Zygon》2003,38(1):95-100
This article has two parts, as the title suggests. The first sketches what I call biohistorical naturalism, a naturalistic position in which it is emphasized that the historicocultural development of our humanity, particularly our becoming linguistic/symbolical beings, is as central to our humanness as the biological evolutionary development that preceded (and continues to accompany) it. Apart from such a biohistorical emphasis (or its equivalent), naturalistic positions cannot give adequate accounts of human religiousness. The second part suggests that, although it would not be consistent with biohistorical naturalism to continue thinking of God in the traditional supernaturalistic way as "the Creator," it would be quite appropriate to understand God as the ongoing creativity (of truly novel realities) manifest in the long history of the universe, particularly in the evolution of life on Earth.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(3-4):19-27
This article describes the trauma and subsequent struggle of surviving a serious car accident. It deals with the physical efforts to keep me alive as well as the emotional impact and suffering. I was an "active sixty-three" when my life changed drastically. The car I drove en route to a vacation unexplainedly swerved, landed in a ditch and rolled over. I became QUADRIPLEGIC in one instant-paralyzed from the neck down, permanently confined to a wheelchair. I spend several unforgettable months in a Florida hospital, hooked up to life supports, hovering between life and death. I was then flown to New York for rehabilitation. A devoted medical team and supportive family taught be to become somewhat independent with the help of high-tech equipment, preparing me to face the world as a "QUAD." Six years have passed and I still mourn my "body beautiful," but I have accepted my limitations and found new challenges in life.  相似文献   

俞晓歆  耿文秀  姜永  张衍 《心理科学》2012,35(2):494-497
戒毒人员的心理干预与矫治正日益受到重视。积极心理学关注人们发掘自身的积极品质和积极力量,戒毒人员同样拥有的积极力量。本研究对上海市某强制隔离戒毒所的戒毒人员开展了以积极心理学为理论基础的团体心理辅导。团体辅导之后,实验组在正性情感和乐观上的得分都显著高于团体辅导前,对照组在团体辅导前后则没有显著变化。可见,将积极心理学应用于戒毒人员的团体辅导具有积极意义,团体辅导是一种有效的戒毒心理矫治方式。  相似文献   

Editor's Note: Because of the provocative and stimulating nature of the study reported on by Steven Kogan and Jerry Gale in their article "Decentering Therapy," I have invited one of our Advisory Editors, Chris Beels, to provide some comments about the study and its implications. However, rather than use the standard for mat of a formal "Commentary," followed by an "Authors' Response," Beels, Kogan, and Gale have instead carried out a series of e-mail exchanges, with reactions and responses going back and forth in the form of a dialogue. What follows is a slightly edited version of their conversation. As you will see, this exchange has afforded Beels, Kogan, and Gale the opportunity not only to critique each other's ideas, but also to raise questions and to puzzle together about the linkages that might be forged between the Kogan and Gale study and earlier therapy process research carried out by Beels using Scheflen's context analysis techniques. The use of a conversation format seemed more consonant with the research being discussed, research that urges a stance of openness and curiosity rather than formal hypothesis testing and closure. Hence my decision to endorse this experiment in "commentary as conversation," rather than "commentary as debate." What follows is the first three rounds of this "conversation," with the "roughess" of ordinary e-mail communications retained, but with some minor editing in order to facilitate clarity and narrative flow .  相似文献   

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