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Recent studies have argued that Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) problems continue into emerging adulthood; however, few studies have examined ODD problems in this population. Moreover, previous studies have found that corporal punishment mediated the relationship between maternal anxiety/depression and child ODD problems in young children and that parental psychopathology is likely to affect child ODD. This study examined how maternal as well as paternal maltreatment (i.e., psychological and physical) mediated the relationship between parental anxiety/depressive problems and emerging adult ODD problems (i.e., irritability and defiance). Furthermore, child and parent gender were examined as moderators (i.e., moderated mediation). Participants included 1,012 emerging adults who completed questionnaires about parental psychological and physical maltreatment, parental anxiety and depression, and affective and behavioral ODD symptoms. Results suggested that mediation occurred for the father–daughter dyad along the perceived paternal depressive problems → psychological and physical maltreatment → irritability paths and for the mother–son dyad along the perceived maternal depressive and anxiety problems → psychological maltreatment → defiance paths. Given that mediation occurred for only these gender dyads, moderated mediation was suggested.  相似文献   

A child’s disclosure of sexual victimization is a difficult experience for parents and has been associated with traumatization, disbelief, denial, self-blame, and clinical difficulties. To date, most studies on parents’ responses have been quantitative assessments of the psychological impact of disclosure on parents. A paucity of research has qualitatively explored mothers’ experiences of their child’s disclosure of child sexual abuse (CSA) and fathers’ experiences have been even further neglected. The current study seeks to characterize parents’ experiences of their child’s disclosure of CSA and to uncover the process-oriented nature of parental responses. This qualitative study, using a grounded theory approach to analysis, involved interviews with 10 mothers and four fathers whose children (3–18 years) had experienced sexual abuse. Three themes emerged from the analysis. The first theme—making sense of the abuse in retrospect—captured the process through which parents sought to make sense of their child’s disclosure, focusing on why their child had not disclosed the abuse to them earlier, and how they had noticed something was wrong but misattributed their child’s behavior to other factors. The second theme—negotiating parental identity as protector—reflected how parents’ identity as a protector was challenged, their perception of their world had been forever altered, and they now experienced themselves as hypervigilant and overprotective. The final theme—navigating the services—pertained to parents’ struggle in navigating child protection and police services, and feelings of being isolated and alone. These findings highlight the need for empathy and parental support following child disclosure of sexual victimization.  相似文献   

Even though Parenting Capacity Assessments (PCAs) are essential for child protection services to support placement decisions for maltreating families, presently no evidence-based PCA protocols are available. In this randomized controlled trial, we tested the quality of an attachment-based PCA protocol based on Video-feedback Intervention to promote Positive Parenting and Sensitive Discipline (VIPP-SD). We recruited 56 parent-child dyads (Mage children = 3.48 years) in Dutch family residential clinics that conduct PCAs to support placement decisions. After pretest, families were randomized to receive the Regular Assessment Procedure (RAP) (n = 28), or an additional assessment based on VIPP-SD (n = 28). An immediate post-test and a 10-month follow-up were conducted. Multilevel models showed that therapists felt equally confident about their recommendations regarding child placement for both groups and that they equally often modified their initial placement recommendations. Moreover, children in the VIPP-SD group did not show fewer behavior problems and did not experience recurring child maltreatment less often than children in the RAP group. Thus, we found no evidence that PCAs incorporating the VIPP-SD protocol outperformed PCAs as usual. We discuss possible explanations why in the current study VIPP-SD did not seem to add to the quality of the RAP.  相似文献   


El objetivo de nuestra investigación es describir, analizar y optimizar el proceso de adaptación entre el menor y la familia acogedora en situaciones de acogimiento preadoptivo. Durante un período de dos años el equipo de investigadores ha realizado el seguimiento de un grupo de adopciones especiales de la provincia de Málaga en colaboración con el Servicio de Atención al Niño (Consejería de Asuntos Sociales de la Junta de Andalucía). En este artículo se presentan los datos relativos al curso temporal de la adaptación infantil durante el periodo preadoptivo. En concreto, se analiza la evolución que los niños han ido realizando en las diferentes áreas del desarrollo infantil (afectiva, social, cognitiva, etc.), los problemas que han ido presentando y la evolución o persistencia de estos conflictos a lo largo del periodo de la adaptación. Por último, se presentan las diferencias individuales encontradas en estos procesos de incorporación de los niños acogidos a sus familias adoptivas.

A partir de los resultados se intenta responder a algunas de las preguntas que se hace la literatura especializada en este tema como, por ejemplo: ¿la adaptación familiar en una adopción especial es una sucesión de periodos de luna de miel y periodos de crisis?, ¿la cantidad y gravedad de los problemas que los niños presentan en los primeros momentos predice las dificultades de adaptación y el fracaso de la adopción? o ¿qué variables tienen más poder explicativo en el resultado del proceso de adaptación: las del hijo adoptado, las de los padres adoptivos?  相似文献   

The effect of group assertion training was assessed with junior high school boys and girls. Adolescents identifies as unassertive were divided into treatment, placebo, and control groups. The assertion training occurred over a period of two weeks. Compared with placebo and assessment-only groups, the assertion-training group showed increased assertiveness in a role-play situation. The increased assertiveness and generalization of skills were maintained two weeks later.  相似文献   


En este trabajo Francisco Valle cuestiona el enfoque de la literatura americana sobre el lenguaje de los niños, en la que se considera el orden de las palabras como el medio estructural básico para transmitir significados y comunicar diferentes intenciones. Fundamenta sus críticas desde cuatro vertientes: datos provenientes de otras lenguas, algunas excepciones en niños angloparlantes o anglodiscentes, resultados de estudios de aceptabilidad gramatical y la nueva orientación de la lingüística y la psicología del lenguaje, para las que el componente semántico se ha convertido en el núcleo mismo del lenguaje. El autor coincide con Howe en el peligro del adultomorfismo, sugiriendo que tal vez la única manera de comprobar la presencia de intenciones semánticas en las expresiones lingüísticas infantiles sea comparar nuestras interpretaciones con las supuestas intenciones reales de los niños, retomando para ello el método de las expansiones inadecuadas. En la última parte se aclaran algunas confusiones cometidas por Bushnell y Aslin al aplicar este método y se explican las diferencias entre significado referencial y relacional, finalizando con un resumen de los puntos básicos que hay que tener en cuenta al hacer expansiones inadecuadas.  相似文献   

We examined the prevalence and age of onset of physical and sexual abuse in a clinic-referred sample of adolescent girls, as well as differences in diagnoses and symptoms among abused and non-abused girls. Forty-nine girls (aged 13–17 years) with disruptive behavior were interviewed along with their primary caretaker. Data were gathered through both a structured interview with the girl and her parent, as well as self and parent-report questionnaires. Findings indicated that the prevalence of Conduct Disorder (CD) and Major Depression were higher for abused girls. Somatoform Pain Disorder was significantly less likely for physically abused girls, compared to girls who were both physically and sexually abused. Of CD symptoms, truancy was twice as high for the physically and sexually abused group, compared to the prevalence for non-abused girls. Internalizing symptoms were also highest for the dual abuse group. Onset graphs show that the onset of sexual abuse usually occurred at an earlier age than the onset of physical abuse. Abused girls showed an earlier age of onset of CD symptoms. Results indicated that the experience of combined types of abuse is associated with a poorer psychiatric prognosis.  相似文献   

Background/Objective: The study evaluated two variations of Parent Management Training (PMT) for children referred to treatment for oppositional, aggressive, and antisocial behavior. The goal was to evaluate the impact of multiple enhancements to optimize common and placebo factors to augment therapeutic change. Method: The families of all children (N=138, 39 girls and 99 boys, ages 6-13) received PMT. One half of the families were assigned to receive an enhanced version with multiple additions designed to increase bonding of the parent to the therapist, professionalism of treatment and setting, credibility of the intervention, and expectancies for therapeutic change. Assessment included multiple treatment outcome measures of the child (problem behaviors, psychiatric symptoms, social competence, and adaptive functioning) and parents (depression, stress, and family relations) showed marked improvements over the course of treatment, and several process measures (therapeutic alliance, credibility of the procedures, expectancy for change). Results: The results indicated that children and parents made marked improvement in all the treatment outcome measures. The vast majority of children fell within the normative range at posttreatment on problem and prosocial behaviors. The two treatment conditions were no different in outcomes for children or parents. Conclusion: PMT led to marked changes in treatment outcome.  相似文献   

Clinicians working with Early Head Start (EHS) families consider family well-being and positive parent–child relationships as foundational to school readiness. Understanding the links between risk factors and these dimensions of family engagement can inform clinical decision-making, as risk assessments are used to tailoring program services. The current study examined the associations between high risk, or potential, for child physical abuse and both parenting quality and children's emotion regulation (ER) during toddlerhood; EHS participation was examined as a buffer. The sample included EHS-eligible mothers of infants (N = 80) drawn from one site of the EHS Research and Evaluation Project. Associations were tested between mothers’ potential for child physical abuse, measured during infancy, and observed maternal sensitivity, positive regard, harshness, and children's ER skills at child ages 1 and 2 years. Results indicated that high potential for child physical abuse was associated with lower positive regard at age 1 and lower ER skills at age 2. EHS participation operated as a buffer on each of these associations. Implications for screening for child physical abuse potential and the constructs it represents in clinical settings as well as how EHS can promote family engagement are discussed.  相似文献   

This investigation explored patterns of blame attributions in 128 youth, primarily (87%) female, with maltreatment histories. Second, the study also evaluated the relative variance in posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) symptom severity, emotional distress, and interpersonal functioning outcomes, accounted for by age, abuse characteristics, and blame attribution patterns. Cluster analyses revealed distinctive blame profiles: high perpetrator blame, moderate perpetrator blame, high self-blame, high perpetrator/high self-blame, and low perpetrator/low self-blame. Regression analyses yielded significant models, accounting for 15% to 34% of the variance of outcomes. Most notably, youth endorsing a high perpetrator/high self-blame (i.e., compounded blame) attribution pattern reported poorer outcomes as compared to youth presenting with other blame profiles. Maltreatment type and age differences were not demonstrated across clusters. Implications and limitations are discussed.  相似文献   

《Estudios de Psicología》2013,34(2):261-280

En el contexto de la antropología lingüística y el folklore encontramos distintas propuestas analíticas sobre el texto, convergentes en dos dimensiones de la actividad narrativa (Bauman, 1986; Young, 1984 y Butler, 1992) que plantean categorías analíticas y permiten identificar diferentes planos, elementos y estructuras del discurso. Estas orientaciones pueden formar parte de los repertorios de los hablantes, ser estratégicamente manipuladas y ser producto de diferentes condiciones e ideologías sociales sobre el discurso (Briggs y Bauman, 1992). Un elemento teóricamente relevante, en este contexto, tiene que ver con desentrañar qué concepciones sobre la intersubjetividad (Crossley, 1996) se constituyen en la interrelación de los dos planos del discurso narrativo. En este trabajo realizamos un análisis de las ideologías y actuaciones de los cuentacuentos a través de la relación entre las concepciones del texto y las estructuras intersubjetivas que se presentan en el discurso que los cuentacuentos organizan sobre su actividad narrativa. El objetivo de este análisis es explorar el papel que otorgan a la audiencia en esa práctica de socialización literaria (Poveda, 2003).  相似文献   


The purpose of the present study was to identify the long-term impacts of different types of child abuse and to assess differential effects of single versus multi-type maltreatment. Three hundred and eighty-four college students completed measures of child abuse history (neglect, emotional, physical, and sexual abuse), depression, suicidality, self-esteem, sexual behavior, drug and alcohol use, and delinquent behavior. The results demonstrate the high rates of co-occurrence of different types of abuse, with few differential effects identified. Rather, all types of abuse were associated with symptoms. Experiencing multiple types of abuse was associated with greater symptoms than experiencing no abuse or a single type of abuse. The results highlight the importance of considering all types of abuse when studying child maltreatment.  相似文献   

Behavioral health and substance use centers have started focusing efforts on creating, adopting, and implementing evidence-based practices and programs that effectively address the needs of women and, particularly, mothers entering treatment with children. However, women with substance use disorders (SUDs) remain an underserved and understudied population; even less studied are the complexities and unique SUD treatment needs of women who have children. Family therapists' systemic training is a valued approach in conceptualizing and implementing treatment for mothers with SUDs and their families. This study explored the construct of mothering children during family-centered substance use treatment using a transcendental phenomenological approach. Analysis revealed themes related to motherhood, parenting, and support for mothers and children. Two themes emerged from the data: (a) grappling with motherhood and addiction leading to the decision for treatment and (b) specific aspects of the treatment program conducive to motherhood. Results indicated the positive impact of mothers' experiences in family-centered substance use treatment, aligning with previous literature that suggests mothers are more engaged in treatment when their children remain in their care. The insights gleaned from the participants in this study provide suggestions for further improving programming that supports mothers and their children during the recovery process. Treatment considerations are offered for family therapists working with mothers with SUDs and their families.  相似文献   

《Women & Therapy》2013,36(4):17-31
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

We investigated the relationships between child, familial, and case characteristics and mental health and medical health care service utilization by physically abused children. Participants included 26 parents or caregivers of 37 Medicaid-eligible children who had substantiated cases of physical abuse. Children whose female caregivers reported a greater number of stressors were more likely to receive mental health care. Furthermore, children not living with the maltreating caregiver were more likely to receive medical health care services. Results are discussed in terms of factors that may account for these links, and the similarities of these findings with those of service utilization in general and clinical child samples.  相似文献   


Se analizan primeramente algunos invariantes cognitivos precoces en el desarrollo (la constancia visual del tamaño y la permanencia del objeto), para facilitar el estudio de las conservaciones en un marco conceptual y evolutivo apropiado. La dicotomía de tendencias existente entre los autores sobre esta noción de conservación se refleja igualmente en los invariantes cognitivos anteriores, debido principalmente a la presencia de determinados presupuestos epistemológicos. Concluye el trabajo defendiendo la tesis de que las discrepancias son, en principio, de carácter semántico, en el sentido de que los mismos invariantes recubrirían, según los autores, procesos cognitivos diferentes, implicando niveles distintos de procesamiento de información.  相似文献   

Originating in the Italian and French courts, ballet is an age-old art that fuses aesthetics and athleticism (Wulff, 2008). Despite changing times, ballet masters and mistresses tenaciously hold on to a sense of deep traditionalism. However, some scholars suggest that unwavering devotion to the art may conceal troubled embodied relations and oppressive practices (Gvion, 2008). In this study, we drew on the phenomenological research tradition in an effort to further examine the power relations that play out on the body in the world of Canadian professional ballet (Papaefstathiou, Rhind, & Brakenridge, 2013). Twenty past professional female ballet dancers from across Canada participated in this study. Our dedicated dancers were relentless. They sacrificed body and mind in the pursuit of excellence in a broader cultural context that expected nothing less. The dancers normalized harmful emotional experiences, inappropriate sexual transgressions, and chronic injury (Gvion, 2008). They also described experiences of neglect—and feeling replaceable—after the onset of injury. We have attempted to theorize our findings within the context of embodiment literature and the work of gender theorists. Emboldened by our dancers’ voices, we have shed light—and broken secrets—regarding some of the harmful practices that still characterize professional ballet in Canada. We hope that our work might further continue efforts to democratize power imbalances in professional ballet and ultimately enhance holistic dancer development and health.  相似文献   

People with severe mental illness (SMI) report high rates of traumatic experiences. This study analyzes data collected from 183 people diagnosed with SMI on reports of childhood trauma, head injuries, and emergency room (ER) services. More than half the cohort (56.7%) reported 3 to 7 cooccurring categories of childhood abuse (CAB). People who reported 6 and 7 categories of CAB had a 5-fold risk of experiencing a head injury. If they have used the ER for reasons other than psychiatric illness they endorse more traumatic experiences in their childhood when compared to those who did not. People with SMI and cooccurring CAB experiences might be predisposed to a higher risk of head injuries and more frequent use of the ER.  相似文献   

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