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Building on recent research in the area of social judgment, this paper examines how persons with disability are evaluated in a professional context. In three studies, participants without disability had to rate persons with or without disability, with or without a job, on traits reflecting the fundamental dimensions of social judgment (social desirability and social utility). Our results showed that persons with disability were systematically judged more negatively on social utility, but more positively on social desirability than persons without disability. Focusing on social utility, persons with disability were perceived as less competent, but more courageous than persons without disability. These results are discussed with regard to chances of persons with disability to succeed in the workplace.  相似文献   

In the present French situation, there is an increase in inaptitudes and in the requests for occupational reclassifications. These are linked to the transformations that are affecting the world of work and have led to the undertaking of an action-research within a territorial community. The methodology is based on the analysis of the activity and the theoretical resources of the work clinical approach. The results enlight on one side, the « informal » reclassifications and their conditions, which is the sign of a relative plasticity of the work organisation, on the other one the reclassification as it is institutionalized. The action-research has allowed to discover unpredictable collective resources and to facilitate the work for all, whether healthy or unhealthy.  相似文献   

This study proposes to apply the paradigm of Churchill in the case of the adaptation in french and validation of the Maignan and Ferrell scale (1999) based on the model developed by Carroll (1979). This model proposes to distinguish four principles of social responsibility: economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility. Four factors were highlighted in a first exploratory study conducted among 320 workers. This structure was confirmed during a second confirmatory investigation among 287others workers. If the four identified factors do not match exactly to the theoretical chosen model, they bring value to support the differences in social responsibility between the internal actors and external actors.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe work presented in this paper comes from an industrial need for the development of new support tools for remote collaborative design. Within this framework, we present a literature review on this concept and propose the development of an online collaborative whiteboard.ObjectiveThis study aims to determine whether or not shared whiteboards can be used for remote design task collaboration, in conjunction with online chat interactions. It additionally seeks to discover if the organization of relationships and interactions within groups alter the structure of task completion.MethodThis tool was evaluated through the remote design task of a data structure diagram with data collected from 42 computer science students. This approach was carried out through students in triads, separated into different rooms who communicated via online chat and/or whiteboard. There were two variables in this experimental design, the presence or absence of a project leader and the sequencing of exchanges (each member asked permission to use the tool). This experiment aimed to determine whether the task requested could be performed and if similarities to a natural situation could be observed. Data was collected from actions performed on the whiteboard and chat interactions. The observations were conducted using a verbal interactions observation grid that was taken from a natural synchronous collaborative design situation. It included different dimensions such as cognitive synchronization, the proposal and evaluation of solutions and non-task oriented interactions.ResultsThe results show that the tool allows students to collaborate. A variety of behaviors can be observed in terms of whiteboard usage and chat interactions that depend on the experimental conditions. This study shows that the tool may be used in a natural situation and that group consciousness and coordination are very important factors in this type of task. It is clear that the nature of the chat interaction depends on the role of the subject within the group. We also observed a high level of non-task oriented communication, which was more than we expected.ConclusionThe shared online whiteboard designed in this study allows for the completion of a collaborative design task with different groups structures.  相似文献   

Spirituality has been an influential force for many people. Although often ignored in business settings, it has recently been a topic of heightened interest to managers and scholars worldwide. In Bahia, Brazil, the fundamentals of spirituality for some have existed through Candomblé and have been an integral part of the community including the workplace. Candomblé encompasses a variety of African religious traditions established in Brazil during the nineteenth century. This study examines the positive influences of the Brazilian Candomblé on workers and business life in Bahia. Through qualitative analysis, it offers organisational insights and managerial reflections that can be adapted and used in workplaces worldwide.  相似文献   

In a contemporary context of major health challenges, the market of digital technologies has increasingly developed in past years. This article aims to explore main profiles of use in relation to connected objects and health apps, as well as attitudes related to uses, non-uses and contexts of use. Therefore, our objective is to contribute to the scientific debate by proposing an empirical study in psychology that focusses on the perspectives of consumers and non-consumers of these technologies in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. To do this, a survey was conducted among participants of a large public health exhibition (n = 760). According to our results, the majority of respondents declare not having a connected object/health app and a third of non-users does not intend to acquire such technologies. Also, there is a trend among younger generations to have a connected object/health app. Concerning the contexts of use, such technologies are employed to self-track physical activity and eating practices. The degree of satisfaction of such use is rather high. Given these results, our analyses point out a divide within our sample, between individuals who seem resistant and declare not willing to have this kind of technology and those who use it in the long run. These results cast new light upon concrete uses and contexts of use among consumers and non-consumers of connected objects/health apps beyond techno-scientific promises that prevail today in our societies.  相似文献   

The number of workers with weakened health is increasing and situations combining poor health and work/job search are multiplying due to a combination of factors: changes in work, therapeutic treatments, greater attention to mental disorders, a rise in the retirement age and the ageing of the “active” population. Understanding the relationship between health and work through infra-pathological disorders and chronic diseases leads to several decompartments: temporal, disciplinary, of actors and spaces. This dossier aims to give visibility to these renewed approaches from a multi-disciplinary, theoretical and practical perspective.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the second volume of Pullman's trilogy in which the quests of the two children to establish the nature of their link to parental objects intersect across time and space. They enter an imaginary world on their journey, and we observe their relationship develop into one of friendship and psychological interdependence. There is a shift from dominant persecutory anxieties towards depressive concern, alongside an increasing capacity to differentiate between hubris and courage, and to depend on the protection and love of surrogate parental figures. Cet article explore le deuxième tome de la trilogie de P. Pullman, dans lequel il décrit l'entrecroisement dans le temps et dans l'espace de la quête menée par chacun des deux enfants pour comprendre la nature de sa relation à ses objets parentaux. Au cours de leur voyage, ils entrent dans un monde imaginaire; nous voyons comment leur relation se mue en amitié et en dépendance psychologique réciproque. Les angoisses persécutrices, auparavant prédominantes, se transforment en souci dépressif pour l'autre; en méme temps, ayant acquis une capacité de plus en plus affinée à distinguer entre orgueil prétentieux et courage véritable, ils se montrent davantage aptes à s'en remettre à la protection et à l'amour de figures parentales de substitution. Questo articolo discute il secondo volume della trilogia di Pullman, nel quale la ricerca di due bambini per scoprire la natura del loro legame con le figure genitoriali si interseca nel tempo e nello spazio. Essi entrano in un mondo immaginario nel loro viaggio e noi osserviamo lo svilupparsi della loro relazione di amicizia e interdipendenza psicologica. Si vede uno spostamento dalle ansie persecutorie dominanti verso un tipo di preoccupazione depressiva, e allo stesso tempo una crescente capacita' di differenziare l'arroganza dal coraggio ed essere dipendenti dalla protezione e amore di figure parentali sostitutive. Dieser Artikel diskutiert den zweiten Band der Pullman Trilogie, in der die Suche der zwei Kinder, die Art ihrer Verbindung zu elterlichen Objekten zu etablieren, sich über Zeit und Raum erstreckt. Sie betreten auf ihrer Reise eine imaginäre Welt und wir beobachten, wie sich ihre Beziehung zu der einer Freundschaft und psychologischen gegenseitigen Abhängigkeit entwickelt. Es findet eine Veränderung von den dominierenden Verfolgungsängsten zu depressiven Sorgen statt, gleichzeitig mit einer wachsenden Fähigkeit, zwischen Anmassung und Mut zu unterscheiden und vom Schutz und der Liebe von Ersatzelternfiguren abzuhängen.  相似文献   

We studied recruiters’ representations of the structured interview. In Study 1, 90 recruiters were interviewed. They define “structure” mainly as a schema or list of questions. The terms “structured” and “unstructured” also have different connotations. This can create a social desirability bias in surveys on selection practices, causing an overestimation of the real prevalence of structured interviewing. In Study 2, 59 recruiters responded to a questionnaire. Attitudes towards structured interviews are positive, but representations diverge from scientific definitions, especially regarding unstructured interviews. Recruiters’ representations allow flexibility in practice while maintaining a positive self-image.  相似文献   

This article aims to show how the relationship between gestures and speech can help understand mechanisms of activity's development. In situation of self-confrontation work analysis between two workers, we study more precisely the repetition of a sweep gesture made by one of the two professionals and repeated by the other one. We argue that this type of repetition highlights development of activities mechanisms. From two extracts from a cross self-confrontation, we analyze the coordination between speech and gestures. We finally show that mismatches between gestures and speech make possible to understand development of activity of these professionals in this particular context. As a conclusion, the hypothesis that this development may be one of the origins of the transformation of action in ordinary work situations is advanced.  相似文献   

In an unpacified and somehow violent world, the judge is more and more advised to handle technical and often urgent cases. Committed to judge, the magistrate fulfilled its own mission disregarding the tempo of the uncommon life-threatening emergency. Considering the acute stroke for being one of the most important complications of atrial fibrillation shows how frail and uneasy is for the judge to build its decisions over a large amount of laws. In the case of an anticoagulated patient suffering an ischemic stroke, the practitioner is able to embrace a wide bunch of treatments leading to myriads of effects and modulating the medical responsibility. Adding up deontological aspects, ethics, scientific data (techniques and technology) to summarize medical engagement which stands just aside new patients’ rights leads to consider further the particular functional link between the patient, his disease, his physician and their judge.  相似文献   

IntroductionCurrently, international recommendations for obese and overweight people that explicitly target weight loss and are based on qualitative and/or quantitative nutritional counseling and increased physical activity do not appear to be effective in the long term. In contrast, intuitive eating seems to be an interesting alternative to dieting. The G.R.O.S., a French non-profit organization, offers tri-axial management that would enable overweight or obese individuals to acquire this flexible and adaptive behavior that consists of eating naturally according to one's physiological and emotional needs.ObjectiveAfter describing the three axes of management by G.R.O.S., a pilot study is presented to evaluate the efficacy of this management type in overweight or obese subjects compared to a standard diet (DIET).MethodThirty-five subjects were divided into two groups (G.R.O.S. and DIET), and their weight, body mass index, cognitive restraint scores, emotional eating, intuitive eating, and depressive symptomatology were measured at the beginning of the study and three months later.ResultsThis pilot study showed the positive effect of weight management, body mass index, intuitive eating, and emotional eating compared with standard dietary management, which only affects the depressive symptomatology.ConclusionsThe G.R.O.S. management style seems to be an interesting and effective alternative to slimming diets. However, this study presented a number of limitations, including the sample size, nonrandomization of subjects in groups, and non-standardization of care.  相似文献   

In this article we analyse the effects of an innovative approach adopted in a hospital institution. Using a specific framework, this approach consists of placing staff into a department other than their own. The objectives of this approach relate to cognition, identity and organisational behaviour. Based on thematic and structural analysis of 25 interviews, this evaluation shows that the effects of the intervention are consistent with the anticipated objectives on several levels: (1) learning about ways of functioning and working in the host department, (2) growth of co-operation between departments, (3) the development of a feeling of organisational belonging.  相似文献   

IntroductionWork engagement is a positive state of mind related to work, characterized by vigor, dedication, and absorption. It is measured through the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES), which has shown good psychometric properties across occupational types and languages. Besides, some individuals may more easily experience work engagement than others, suggesting that individual stable tendencies could predict this state of mind.ObjectivesIn this article, we aim to: (1) present the psychometric properties of the French versions of the Utrecht Work Engagement Scale (UWES-9 and UWES-17), and (2) assess whether work engagement can be associated with personality traits and impulsivity.MethodFor this purpose, 661 French-speaking workers (Mage = 40.86, SDage = 12.35) were recruited in the French-speaking part of Switzerland. Two hundred and eleven subjects responded to the UWES-17, the Zuckerman-Kuhlman-Aluja Personality Questionnaire (ZKA-PQ) and the UPPS Impulsive Behaviour Scale (UPPS), and 450 subjects responded to the UWES-9 and the NEO-Five-Factor Inventory Revised (NEO-FFI-R).ResultsResults showed that UWES-9 reached better psychometric properties than UWES-17. Moreover, it appeared that individuals who were active, conscientious, emotionally stable, and extroverted were more prone to experience work engagement than others.DiscussionThus, the path to experiencing work engagement seems to differ as a function of personal stable characteristics. Further studies should analyse how personal characteristics interact with working conditions in determining work engagement.  相似文献   

IntroductionSpeeding represents one of the main causes of road crashes worldwide, particularly among young drivers who are over-represented in road-crash statistics. For promoting road safety in France, an automatic speed enforcement (ASE) system was introduced late 2002.ObjectiveIn order to examine its efficiency on speeding and its motivations, we compared young drivers’ intentions and beliefs about speeding between the introduction of ASE (T1) and its completion in 2005 (T2) via a large survey based on the extended Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB). We assumed the introduction of the ASE would covariate with a reduction in intention to speeding between T1 and T2 and a change in the extended TPB factors according to gender and driving experience.MethodOne thousand one hundred and ninety-two young participants (49.7% men) divided into novice, beginner, and more-experienced drivers filled in a questionnaire based on the extended TPB about their driving behaviour and history at T1 and 24 months later (T2).ResultsMen, beginner and more-experienced drivers expressed more intention to speeding within the next 12 months at T1 and showed a higher decrease in intention between T1 and T2 as compared to women and novice drivers. The extended TPB accounted for 59% of the variance in the decrease of the intention to speeding. Its main predictors were: lower perceived behavioural control over speeding, less social pressure, lower perceived similarity with the prototypical deviant driver, and higher comparative optimism. Secondly, slightly more positive behavioural beliefs and more negative outcome evaluations predicted this decrease.ConclusionPractical implications of the findings for road safety are discussed.  相似文献   

This study intends (1) to investigate the predictive validity of clinical (integrative) judgement based on personality data collected in psychological assessment and (2) to verify the capacity of assessors to formalize their judgment in a standardised algorithm. Three psychologists had the task to predict results of 78 managers on multisource assessment measuring two performance criteria (results orientation and relationship building). Results show that the psychologists’ integrative judgement predicts one of performance criteria up to .39. However, it appears that the standardisation of their judgment in mechanic decision rules was less predictive of performance criteria than their global clinical judgement. Overall, this research suggests there is still much to understand in the interpretative process.  相似文献   



The relationship between role personality consistency and well-being is somewhat ambiguous, with past research relying on methods confounded by social desirability or role stereotypes, or conflating consistency with authenticity.


This study uses a robust mixed method approach to establish the distinct impacts of authenticity and personality consistency on well-being.


In the quantitative phase, 191 participants completed questionnaires assessing contextualised personality, well-being and authenticity. In the subsequent qualitative phase, a stratified sample of 22 participants completed a series of six open-ended reflective questions.


Findings demonstrated significant work-home personality differences at the individual, but not group, level and revealed that authenticity, but not personality consistency, predicted well-being. Thematic analysis demonstrated that authenticity was understood as acting in line with personal values rather than demonstrating behavioural consistency across situations. In addition, while both personality differentiation and inauthenticity were seen as functional, their associations with well-being were substantially different: differentiation was associated with both positive and negative feelings and interpretations, while authenticity was exclusively a positive experience.


Authenticity, not personality consistency, is the key contributing factor to well-being. People who feel authentic, regardless of the extent of their contextual personality differentiation, are less stressed and more satisfied.  相似文献   

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