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The study examined the attitudes of a sample of Zimbabwean teachers towards the inclusion of children with mild hearing impairments. Two hundred and forty-six primary school teachers participated in the study. The teachers completed the modified Attitude Toward Mainstreaming Questionnaire (ATMQ) (Larrivee & Cook, 1979). In addition, they also completed four measures on implementation concerns of inclusive education of children with mild hearing impairments (i.e., academic, management, social, and knowledge concerns). Analysis related the scores from these four measures to teachers' attitudes, school type, class sizes, professional qualifications and position in the school. Compared with teachers with lower professional qualifications, teachers with higher professional qualifications had more favourable attitudes towards children with hearing impairment. Teachers who taught at ordinary schools with special needs resource units had more favourable attitudes towards students with hearing impairment than those at schools without such units. Resource unit teachers welcomed social inclusion of children with mild hearing impairments. School administrators were concerned about the practice of including children with hearing impairments in regular school setting before inducting teachers.  相似文献   

采用Flanker实验范式与中国小学生数学基本能力测试量表,以97名听障儿童与97名健听儿童为被试,考察听障儿童抑制控制能力与其数学基本能力的关系。结果发现:(1)听障儿童抑制控制能力水平显著低于健听儿童;(2)听障儿童数学基本能力显著低于健听儿童;(3)听障儿童抑制控制能力与数学基本能力之间相关显著,且抑制控制能力能够预测听障儿童的逻辑思维与空间–视觉能力。  相似文献   


Empathy enables people to share, understand, and show concern for others’ emotions. However, this capacity may be more difficult to acquire for children with hearing loss, due to limited social access, and the effect of hearing on empathic maturation has been unexplored. This four-wave longitudinal study investigated the development of empathy in children with and without hearing loss, and how this development is associated with early symptoms of psychopathology. Seventy-one children with hearing loss and cochlear implants (CI), and 272 typically-hearing (TH) children, participated (aged 1–5 years at Time 1). Parents rated their children’s empathic skills (affective empathy, attention to others’ emotions, prosocial actions, and emotion acknowledgment) and psychopathological symptoms (internalizing and externalizing behaviors). Children with CI and TH children were rated similarly on most of the empathic skills. Yet, fewer prosocial actions were reported in children with CI than in TH children. In both groups, affective empathy decreased with age, while prosocial actions and emotion acknowledgment increased with age and stabilized when children entered primary schools. Attention to emotions increased with age in children with CI, yet remained stable in TH children. Moreover, higher levels of affective empathy, lower levels of emotion acknowledgment, and a larger increase in attention to emotions over time were associated with more psychopathological symptoms in both groups. These findings highlight the importance of social access from which children with CI can learn to process others’ emotions more adaptively. Notably, interventions for psychopathology that tackle empathic responses may be beneficial for both groups, alike.


We propose that researchers should utilize ratio scores when examining the response styles theory rather than examine each of the response styles separately. Higher ratio scores indicate a higher probability of engaging in ruminative, as opposed to distracting and problem solving, behaviors. In Phase One, we examined the factor structure and reliability of the Children's Response Styles Questionnaire (CRSQ) in a sample of 287 third through sixth grade schoolchildren. A two factor solution was obtained: (1) Rumination and (2) Distraction and Problem Solving. Both factors exhibited strong psychometric properties. In Phase Two, 140 children completed the CRSQ and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI). Six weeks later, children completed the CDI. Confirmatory factor analysis indicated that the two-factor solution fit the data well. In line with hypotheses, CRSQ ratio scores were more strongly associated with CDI residual change scores than were either CRSQ rumination or distraction and problem solving scores.  相似文献   


The aims of this study were to investigate the associations between impairments and imbalances in children’s mental state talk, attachment security and abuse/neglect experiences, and to study how much of the variance in internalizing and externalizing problems was explained by mentalization problems. The sample included 100 Turkish children (M Age = 7.00 (SD = 2.01), 38% girls) referred to a outpatient psychotherapy clinic. Children were administered an attachment-based story stem task in order to code attachment security and different categories of mental state talk, including the extent of their direction (self vs other), balance, and appropriateness. Parents and teachers filled out socio-behavioral function scales. Findings indicated a significant positive association between externalizing problems and impaired mentalization. Internalizing problems were associated with mentalizing the other at the expense of one’s own mental states and underusing emotions. Attachment insecurity and adverse experiences were associated with mentalization impairments and imbalances. Finally, underuse of emotions and self-focused mental state talk predicted internalizing problems and impaired mental state talk predicted externalizing problems at trend level of significance. Qualitative analyses supported the results, which suggest that whereas children with externalizing problems suffer from severe mentalization deficits, children with internalizing problems undermentalize about themselves and emotions.  相似文献   

To read this article in Spanish, please see this article's Supporting Information on Wiley InterScience (http://interscience.wiley.com/journal/famp). To read this article's abstract in both Spanish and Mandarin Chinese, please visit the article's full‐text page on Wiley InterScience ( http://interscience.wiley.com/journal/famp ). The aim of the study is to explore the process of microtransitions in families with adolescent children. Original methodological procedures were designed in order to have families as the objects of study and to analyze data with particular attention to the family process of change. A family interview focused on the adolescent and family change was conducted with 12 families having an adolescent child. As indicators of change, we used coordination and oscillation. Our results highlight different patterns of family interactions, illustrating various ways through which families deal with change. Conclusive remarks focus on the theoretical relevance of the study, the method and the implications for family practice and policy.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the presence of specific cognitive impairments and the diagnostic utility of the WISC-III in children with ADHD. Ninety-eight children with ADHD and 81 children without ADHD matched by age and gender (control group), between the ages of 6 and 12?years, participated in the study. Children with ADHD revealed the most pronounced deficits in the subtests tapping working memory and processing speed. Freedom from Distractibility was the cognitive profile most impaired and that showed the highest diagnostic accuracy to discriminate children with ADHD. The optimal cutoff scores of the most common WISC-III cognitive profiles revealed greater diagnostic accuracy than the traditional approach of full or partial profiles. Taken together, these results suggested that in the context of a comprehensive psychological assessment, the WISC may provide knowledge about the specific cognitive strengths and weaknesses that characterize this disorder and may be useful in the decision-making process relative to ADHD diagnosis.  相似文献   

Previous research has clearly demonstrated that autism spectrum disorder (ASD) involves deficits in multiple neuropsychological functions, such as executive function (EF) and theory of mind (ToM). A conceptual distinction is commonly made between cool and hot EF. In ASD, continued attention has been paid to the cool areas of executive dysfunction. Cool EF has been strongly related to ToM, but research has not taken into account the association between hot EF and ToM in ASD. The present study investigated the associations between hot and cool EF and ToM in 56 school-aged children with ASD and 69 controls on tasks tapping cool EF (i.e., working memory, inhibition, planning), hot EF (i.e., affective decision making, delay discounting), and ToM (i.e., mental state/emotion recognition and false belief). Significant group differences in each EF measure support an executive dysfunction in both domains in ASD. Strong associations between delay discounting and ToM mental state/emotion recognition were found, suggesting that hot EF makes a unique contribution to ToM above and beyond cool EF in typical development and ASD. This study improves understanding of the profile of higher-order cognitive deficits in children with ASD, which may inform diagnosis and intervention.  相似文献   

本研究主要讨论幼儿自我调节能力的发展及与气质的关系。研究从执行功能的角度入手,采用实验法和问卷法对90名3~5岁的幼儿进行研究,通过创设难度递进的冲突情境来考察儿童在两种不一致规则中的转换能力。结果表明,幼儿自我调节能力的发展随年龄增长而提高,并存在显著的年龄差异;幼儿气质与自我调节能力的发展有着密切的关系,特别是专注性和社会抑制性维度对不同水平的幼儿自我调节能力的方差检验都达到了显著,二者与年龄一起,能够对幼儿自我调节能力进行一定程度的预测。  相似文献   

The current study presents a 1-year follow-up investigation of the development of executive functions (i.e., inhibition, updating, and shifting) in children with motor coordination impairments. Cognitive and motor coordination skills of children (N = 94) aged between 5 and 7 years with and without motor coordination impairments were compared. A second focus of the study was on pre-academic skills. The results indicate marked stability of motor coordination impairments and persistent executive functioning deficits in motor-impaired children. Inhibition and shifting performance was consistently lower, compared to the children without motor coordination impairments. Moreover, children with motor coordination impairments showed lower pre-academic skills, facing a substantial disadvantage at the beginning of formal schooling. The combined cognitive and motor problems may be the result of an underlying inhibition deficit or a general automation deficit. Implications for intervention are discussed.  相似文献   

Visuospatial working memory (VSWM) and visual perception were examined in two groups aged 11–13, one with children displaying symptoms of nonverbal learning disability (NLD) (n = 18) and the other a control group without learning disabilities (n = 18). The two groups were matched for general verbal abilities, age, gender, and socioeconomic level. The children were presented with VSWM tests involving visual and spatial-simultaneous processes, and also with a classical visual illusion, a classical ambiguous figure, as well as visual perception tests specifically devised for the present study. Results revealed that performance of children at risk of NLD was worse than controls in some VSWM and in visual perception tests without memory involvement; these latter required comparisons of visual stimuli and locations in space with distractors. Moreover, the two groups differed in perceiving the classical ambiguous figure. Findings are discussed in the light of both theoretical and clinical implications.  相似文献   

The Psychological Record - The current study comprised 2 experiments to generate relational responding in typically developing children and children with autism. In Study 1, the children were...  相似文献   

研究旨在考察汉语学龄前儿童正字法意识的发展情况。在某中等城市一所幼儿园随机选择4岁、5岁、6岁三个年龄段的儿童各31、37、34名。实验一使用汉字、韩文和日文(平假名)作为实验材料探查学龄前儿童的汉字特异性意识;实验二使用上下结构、左右结构的真字、假字和非字考察学龄前儿童的部件位置意识。实验结果显示:(1)三组儿童都能区分日文和汉字,5岁左右儿童这种能力达到成熟。4岁儿童不能区分汉字和韩文,直到6岁,辨别汉字和韩文的能力也没有发展成熟。(2)三组儿童都能意识到假字符合正字法规则,但拒绝非字的能力在学前期尚未发展成熟,儿童在学前期不具备部件位置意识;6岁儿童更容易拒绝上下部件位置颠倒的非字。  相似文献   

探究麻醉诱导期右美托咪定滴鼻对患儿术中及术后的镇静效果。择期手术患儿60例,随机分为3组,D1组、D2组和C组,麻醉诱导期分别给予1.0μg/kg右美托咪定滴鼻,2.0μg/kg右美托咪定滴鼻和等量生理盐水滴鼻。结果三组滴鼻前时刻T0血流动力学无差异(P〉0.05),滴鼻后45min时刻(T1)和拔出导管或喉罩时刻(T2)D1组与D2组较C组心率和血压低(P〈0.05),但在允许范围内;T1、T2时刻,D1组与D2组差异不明显(P〉0.05);术后躁动评分,D1组与D2组较C组低(P〈0.05),D2组较D1组低(P〈0.05);术后疼痛评分,D1组与D2组较C组低(P〈0.05),D1组与D2组差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05);术后镇痛需求,D1组与D2组较C组少(P〈0.05);不良反应无差异(P〉0.05)。麻醉诱导期右美托咪定滴鼻起到有效镇静作用,减少麻醉苏醒期躁动,减轻疼痛。2.0μg/kg的右美托咪定剂量麻醉诱导期滴鼻减少术后躁动效果更明显,不增加不良反应的发生。  相似文献   

本追踪研究从发展的角度探讨了焦虑退缩行为与儿童的社会适应之间的关系, 并探讨了气质对焦虑退缩行为的影响。共132名儿童参与了本研究, 2岁时测查了儿童气质, 7岁和11岁时测查了儿童的焦虑退缩行为和社会适应。结果发现, 7岁时焦虑退缩行为与社会适应之间的相关不显著, 11岁时焦虑退缩与积极的适应结果呈负相关, 与消极的适应结果呈正相关; 儿童2岁时的行为接近显著预测儿童7岁和11岁时的焦虑退缩行为, 且儿童2岁时的自我调节能力能够调节行为接近与11岁时的焦虑退缩之间的关系。研究表明, 从7岁到11岁, 焦虑退缩行为对社会适应的影响变得消极, 在对焦虑退缩行为的预测中, 存在不同气质特质之间的交互作用。  相似文献   

Research on Child and Adolescent Psychopathology - Difficulties with emotion regulation affect the majority of youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and predict greater...  相似文献   

The purpose of the proposed study was to replicate and extend prior research on intraverbal training by evaluating whether teaching sets of original and reverse intraverbals from the same category (e.g., animal sounds) would result in the emergence of novel, reverse intraverbals. Three children with autism spectrum disorder participated in the study. We used a multiple baseline across categories design with a constant‐series control to evaluate the effects of training original and reverse intraverbals on subsequent trained and untrained reverse intraverbals. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Fifteen children with ADHD aged 8 to 12 years and age and gender matched controls performed two different stopping tasks to examine response performance and inhibition and their respective moment-to-moment variability. One task was the well-established stop-signal task, while the other was a novel tracking task where the children tracked a spaceship on the screen until an alarm indicated they should stop. Although performance was discrete in the stop signal task and continuous in the tracking task, in both tasks latencies to the stop signal were significantly slowed in children with ADHD. Go performance and variability did not significantly differ between ADHD and control children in either task. Importantly, stopping latency in the novel spaceship tracking task also was more variable in children with ADHD. As stopping variability cannot be measured using the standard stop signal task, the new task offers compelling support for the heretofore untested prediction that stopping is both slowed and more variable in children with ADHD. The results support a response inhibition impairment in ADHD, whilst limiting the extent of an intra-trial variability deficit.
Sharon Morein-ZamirEmail:

After its foundation, the Laboratory for Experimental Psychology at Leipzig University became an international center for psychological research, attracting students from all over the world. The Russian physiologist and psychiatrist Vladimir Bekhterev (1857–1927) was one of Wilhelm Wundt's students in 1885, and after returning to Russia he continued enthusiastically his experimental research on mental phenomena. However, he gradually distanced himself from Wundt's psychological project and developed a new concept of psychology: the so‐called Objective Psychology or Psychoreflexology. The goal of this paper is to analyze Bekhterev's position in relation to Wundt's experimental psychology, by showing how the former came to reject the latter's conception of psychology. The results indicate that Bekhterev's development of a philosophical program, including his growing interest in establishing a new Weltanschauung is the main reason behind his divergence with Wundt, which is reflected in his conception of scientific psychology. Despite this, Wundt remained alive in Bekhterev's mind as an ideal counterpoint.  相似文献   

Although response blocking can decrease problem behavior, one potential adverse side effect is the induction of aggression. In the current study, we report on a young adult who engaged in high rates of pica maintained by automatic reinforcement. Blocking pica, however, led to aggression. When redirection to an alternative preferred food item was added to an intervention consisting of response blocking, pica was effectively treated without increasing aggression.  相似文献   

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