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已婚育龄妇女的生殖健康水平影响家庭经济和后代素质,存在着民族差异.笔者调查少数民族已婚育龄妇女生殖健康现状,从社会、经济、文化等方面分析发现,民族、文化水平、经济状况、社会生殖保健服务体系是其影响因素.在生活方式、禁忌习俗与社会风尚方面,如何兴利除弊、因势利导和促进男女平等是改善各民族生殖健康状况的关键.  相似文献   

21世纪,是中华民族实现全面复兴,走向共同繁荣的世纪。在实施西部大开发的进程中,要繁荣和发展民族地区的经济和文化事业,要缩短东西部的发展差距,加快西部发展的进程,至关重要的一条就要从西部地区的民族文化教育入手。西部地区绝大部分是少数民族地区,民族地区的发展速度是由文化教育素质的高低来决定的,而民族地区的文化教育事业发展,又受制于民族地区语言文化障碍的大小,民族语言文化使用程度的高低和传播的效果,在很多时候依赖于妇女,也即是说她们发挥着极为重要的作用。因此,少数民族妇女在语言文化教育中的作用和地位绝不能忽视。  相似文献   

湖北省恩施州少数民族地区乡镇卫生院卫生资源现状调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过描述性统计方法对湖北省恩施土家族苗族自治州乡镇卫生院卫生资源配置现状进行调查与分析,发现该地区人力资源总体素质有待提高、物力资源分布不均、财力资源投入不足.建议其加强人才队伍建设、增加财政投入、优化卫生资源配置和提高卫生资源利用率.这一调查为该地区制定适宜政策提供了决策依据.  相似文献   

按照穆斯林的习俗,妇女出门要穿黑袍,黑纱蒙面,只露两眼。阿拉伯妇女,尤其是海湾妇女更是严守这一传统"清规戒律"。近几年,海湾国家,特别是卡塔尔、巴林、阿联酋和科威特不蒙面的妇女有所增加。今年4月30日,沙特几家主流报纸在头版刊登国王阿卜杜拉和王储苏尔坦置身一群露出面部的妇女中的照片。  相似文献   

西南少数民族教育价值观的调查研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在文献综述、开放式问卷和个别访谈的基础上,提出了西南少数民族教育价值观的理论构想,自编了西南少数民族教育价值观量表。约1,500名西南地区少数民族被试接受了测试。研究表明,该量表具有良好的信度和效度,西南少数民族的教育价值观包括教育效用、家族荣誉、个人发展、民族传承等四个维度,西南少数民族群众的教育价值观在性别和年龄不存在显著性差异,在民族和文化程度上存在着显著性差异。  相似文献   

职业和经济收入对乳腺癌妇女心理障碍影响的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
像乳腺癌这样疾病的诊断与治疗 ,无疑会使人产生负性心理应激反应和精神障碍 ,因为患了乳腺癌 ,不但生命受到了威胁 ,而且女性所具有的典型特征也遭到了损害[1 ] 。然而 ,乳腺癌所造成的心理影响和冲击 ,却因人而异。依患者年龄、疾病性质和经济收入、以及接受的治疗措施和受教育程度、婚姻状况及人格特征和实际生活经历、社会与家庭关系和患者的心理及精神历史的不同而各异[2 ] ;与个人的应对能力和方式的不同而差别很大[3] ;与个体所接受的社会支持网络系统和医疗服务水平的不同而不同[4 ] 。据研究 ,在乳癌诊断治疗的头两年内 ,约有 1 / …  相似文献   

本研究在文献综述、谈话、开放式问卷调查的基础上,提出自己关于南部沿海少数民族大学生文化疏离感的理论假设,并在此基础上编制了少数民族大学生文化疏离感的初测问卷,经过初测和相应统计分析,形成正式问卷。最后使用该问卷对八所大学的500名畲族、壮族及其他少数民族大学生的文化疏离感进行调查研究,回收有效问卷398份。探索性因素因素分析结果表明,高职高专学生表现出与本科大学生不同的文化疏离感维度,分别是:文化束缚感、言语疏离感、文化执着感、文化认同感。这表明出地区、民族因素外,被试所接受的教育可能也是影响其疏离感及文化疏离感的重要因素。高职高专学生与大学生所在社会环境,个人特质及心理素质还是有一定的差距。通过方差分析,结果表明,文化疏离感各维度在学历、民族、性别主效应上有显著差异。  相似文献   

对不同社会背景的城市妇女进行深入访谈发现,其赋予丈夫吸烟行为的人类学意义为:成瘾,坏毛病,缺乏责任感,减压,小事情,男人社交方式和男性特征.由此得出结论,就女性而言,开展预防来自于其丈夫的二手烟的健康教育,应在传播吸烟和被动吸烟危害知识的基础上,设法改变其对丈夫吸烟行为的价值判断.  相似文献   

对不同社会背景的城市妇女进行深入访谈发现,其赋予丈夫吸烟行为的人类学意义为:成瘾,坏毛病,缺乏责任感,减压,小事情,男人社交方式和男性特征。由此得出结论,就女性而言,开展预防来自于其丈夫的二手烟的健康教育,应在传播吸烟和被动吸烟危害知识的基础上,设法改变其对丈夫吸烟行为的价值判断。  相似文献   

目的:探究贵州少数民族地区隔代教养对儿童人际和谐的关系。方法:采用祖父母隔代教养问卷和自编的少数民族地区儿童人际和谐问卷对贵州省都匀市6~14岁的儿童进行调查,并使用Spss15.0和Amos7.0对调查数据进行统计分析。结果:发现女生在家人和谐与传统型教养方式上得分显著高于男生,在族际和谐上与父母同住的儿童要显著高于与祖父母同住以及与父母、祖父母同住的儿童;各种隔代教养类型与儿童人际和谐均有显著的相关关系。结论:贵州少数民族地区隔代教养对儿童人际和谐具有显著的正向影响作用。  相似文献   

The present study investigated the predictive power of employment status, husband's and friends' social support and number of life-events on the levels of depressive symptomatology as measured by the Beck Depression Inventory among married Turkish women. Husband's support and number of life-events appeared as significant predictors of depression, whereas employment status did not. The results also showed that subjects reporting negative life-events rated by external judges to be relatively independent of individual perception had higher depression scores than subjects not reporting any of these events. The results were discussed with reference to the status of women in Turkey and the possible socio-cultural variables that might have contributed to the differences between the results obtained from Turkish and Western samples.  相似文献   

This article investigates the sexual relationships of dissatisfied couples from the viewpoint of the female spouse. There are two basic approaches toward sexual dissatisfaction: the first regards sexual dissatisfaction as the cause of marital dissatisfaction; the second asserts that marital dissatisfaction leads to sexual dissatisfaction. This study aims at an understanding of the causes and mechanisms of women’s sexual dissatisfaction and its relationship to marital dissatisfaction. The research was organized using the Grounded theory for a holistic and deep understanding of the phenomenon. Findings drawn from the interviews with 20 severely sexually dissatisfied women indicated a discrepancy between the attitudes of men and women toward sexual relationships. This difference builds a sense of sexual inequality amongst women. This is accompanied by an increased importance of sexual satisfaction compared to the past, or “sexualization” of marital relationships and the resulting sexual dissatisfaction within women. Our study suggests that marital dissatisfaction may precede and cause sexual dissatisfaction and that this link ultimately becomes reciprocal.  相似文献   

Risky and precautionary sexual behaviors were examined in a community sample of 260 single and married/cohabitating White women. Structural equation modeling was used to assess the ability of age, socioeconomic status (SES), marital status, religiosity, and 9 health belief constructs to predict risky sexual behavior with one's partner, using a barrier method of birth control, unintended pregnancies, and number of sexual partners in the past year. The pattern of results suggests that single White women appear to feel more vulnerable to HIV and STD infection and more likely to engage in risky sexual behavior than do married White women. The discussion focuses on the importance of sociocultural factors in understanding risk behaviors within the social context of relationship status, the complexity of the concept of risk reduction, and the need for going beyond the health belief model in order to develop different HIV prevention strategies for single and married White women.  相似文献   

Forbes  Gordon B.  Adams-Curtis  Leah E.  White  Kay B.  Hamm  Nicole R. 《Sex roles》2002,46(5-6):167-175
A predominately European American sample of 197 middle-class college students rated married women and men with hyphenated surnames on the Big Five personality factors (R. Lippa, 1991), the Personal Attributes Questionnaire (J. T. Spence & R. L. Helmreich, 1978), the adjectives masculine and feminine, and 12 adjective phrases reflecting different aspects of marriage. Both men and women perceived women and men with hyphenated last names as different from other married people. In comparison with the average married woman, the woman with a hyphenated name was perceived as more friendly, good-natured, industrious, and intellectually curious. She was also perceived as well educated and as more likely to have a career. Men with hyphenated surnames were also perceived as accommodating and good-natured, and viewed as being both nurturing and committed to their marriage. Women and men with hyphenated names were generally perceived as having higher levels of both instrumental and expressive traits than other married people. Women appear to have more positive perceptions than men, particularly of the man with a hyphenated name. The results suggest that college students have generally positive perceptions of married people with hyphenated names.  相似文献   


Bisexual women report more physical and psychological health problems than lesbian women do, which may be attributed to greater sexual minority stress and less social support. However, many studies combine lesbian and bisexual women into a single group. The current study examined if sexual minority stress and social support mediated the association between women’s sexual identity (lesbian or bisexual) and health-related outcomes. A total of 650 U.S. young adult lesbian (n?=?227) and bisexual (n?=?423) women completed an online survey about sexual minority stress, social support, and physical and mental health problems. Bisexual women reported more physical and mental health problems. A sequential mediation model showed that bisexual women reported greater sexual minority stress than lesbian women, which in turn was associated with less social support, which was associated with more physical and mental health problems. Greater sexual minority stress and lower social support may help explain why bisexual women report more health-related problems than lesbian women. The results of the present study support the importance of examining risk and protective factors for health problems separately for lesbian and bisexual women. Health-related intervention programs that target sexual minority women may need to be tailored differently for lesbian and bisexual women.


Immigration can have powerful effects on gender roles and family relationships. In the present study, 102 Pakistani married immigrant women in Canada completed questionnaires on recalled pre-migration, and perceptions of current post-migration, personal autonomy in their family; life satisfaction; living arrangements (i.e., whether with in-laws) in both countries; income and employment in Canada; and their expectations of, and willingness to, immigrate. The women reported significantly higher personal autonomy and life satisfaction while living in Canada relative to Pakistan. Linear regression analyses indicated that living with in-laws was associated with lower life satisfaction in Pakistan but this was fully mediated by autonomy. More autonomy was also related to higher life satisfaction in Canada, but not to living arrangements or any other measured variable. The results suggest that, for these women, immigration was associated with more personal autonomy and life satisfaction, but determinants of women’s autonomy differed in Pakistan and Canada.  相似文献   

Data from a recent national opinion survey were used to evaluate an array of work and nonwork variables in terms of their relationships to reported job satisfaction of married working women. Women's job satisfaction was found to be related to such variables as life satisfaction, age, and importance of job income but unrelated to such indices as race, educational level, occupational prestige, income level, and attitude toward women working.  相似文献   

Kathryn M. Yount  Li Li 《Sex roles》2010,63(5-6):332-347
We estimated the associations of social learning in childhood, marital resources and constraints, and community gender stratification and norms with women’s risk of physical domestic violence in a national sample of 5,272 married Egyptian women. Women who experienced corporal punishment or maltreatment as children had higher odds of such violence. An increase in women’s household-standard-of-living was associated with lower odds of such violence. Wives with unusually less and unusually more schooling than their spouse had higher odds of such violence, and the wives of paternal cousins had lower odds of such violence. Measures of community gender stratification and norms were inconsistently and weakly associated with such violence. Women’s marital resources and constraints accounted for most of their risk of experiencing physical domestic violence.  相似文献   

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