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胡锐 《中国道教》2010,(1):15-18
一、道教宫观的内涵和外延道教的宫观是道教神圣宗教理念的屋化空间,集中反映了道教的神学思维和理念;它随着道教的发展而日臻完善。可以这样说,宫观是道教的重要构成元素之一,也是道教文化的最重要载体之一。  相似文献   

身处城镇化进程中的苏州道教,面临着神灵信仰体系、斋醮科仪等信仰结构发生变化;道教教职人员在量和质上都无法满足现实需要;宫观内外部环境发生变化、宫观的宗教氛围遭到破坏等一系列的挑战。同时,面对城镇化进程,道教在发挥宗教固有的功能之外,还能在整合民间信仰,安置农村拆迁小庙;帮助拆迁民众获得归属感和丰富民众精神生活等方面发挥积极作用。面对城镇化带来的挑战,道教只有充分发挥其积极作用,与时迁移,应物变化,做好宫观布局和人才培养,才能适应挑战,发展自己。  相似文献   

道教科仪是体现道教信仰内容的行为方式,俗话称“道场”。它是道教信仰者接受道教教化、加强道教信仰、培养道教情感、以及交流思想见解的重要手段。它随着历史的发展,在不同的地区,和不同的宗派,形成了具有地方特色的道教科仪。信众邀请道士为他们举行消灾延生或超度道场,我们道士要为他们念经拜忏,举行步罡踏斗、破狱冲表等科仪,从而,使信众的心灵得到慰藉,愿望得到满足,但从一个道教徒的角度来看,我们的宗教科仪有些什么功能、有些什么作用呢?值得我们深思。一、通神和济度功能道教信众来到宫观做道场,或为了祈求自己和家人的健康和平安,…  相似文献   

引言宫观,是当今道教的重要体现形式,也是道教文化的主要载体。人们要了解道教,信仰道教,甚或学道、修道,往往先从接触宫观开始。因此,宫观是人们了解道教、认识道教的主要窗口。宫观管理质量的优劣,直接影响着道教的前途和发展。  相似文献   

今天,举行中国道教学院的成立开学典礼,我代表国务院宗教事务局向道教界的朋友们表示祝贺。道教是我国五大宗教之一,历史悠久,至今还有许多群众信仰。近年来,全同陆续开放了一批道教宫观,成立了几十个道教协会,需要有一批政治上爱国、拥护党的领导和社会主义制度。  相似文献   

汤慧 《中国宗教》2023,(1):66-67
<正>“宫观造像”是指道教宫观殿堂中供奉的神像。(陈耀庭:《道教礼仪》、王朝闻主编:《中国美术史》)不同于个人以造功德为目的的造像,宫观造像的制作通常遵照官方规定的形制,因此具有制度化、规范化、程式化的特点。道教宫观造像是道教文化传承的重要载体,由于具有相对清晰、系统的发展脉络,因此成为研究道教艺术的优秀样本。  相似文献   

本文根据清末、民国时期以及新中国成立以后出版的武当山和丹江口方志等文字资料,结合武当山现存的历史碑刻、道教宫观帐册等实物资料,考证阐释近、现代武当山道教宫观拥有田地的变化和田地租稞的征收情况。  相似文献   

前些年还没有出家时,也曾到过几所道教宫观参观游览。当走进殿堂、见到那千姿百态、栩栩如生的神像、威严庄重、道气凛然的值殿道士,便油然产生一种既好奇又神秘的感觉,好似走进了另一个世界。而现在,我也成了一名终日出入庙观的道士。在专修班学习时期,到白云观殿堂值殿,每次都要接待很多香客、游客以及港澳同胞和外宾,慢慢地懂得了值殿是道教宫观一项必不可少的重要工作,是搞好宫观开放的重要环节,从这里可以反映出中国道教的面貌。因此,要求值殿道教徒不但要有一定的道德修养,同时还要有一定的道教知识,随时解答人们提出的各种问题,通过自己的仪表言谈。让人们更好地了解和认识道教,  相似文献   

正《中国道教文化之旅》大型系列丛书以100所正式开放的道教宫观为对象,每册介绍一个宫观。向社会人群提供优秀的道教文化"产品",有利于提升道教形象、扩大道教影响。为打造道教文化精品,满足信教群众及道教文化爱好者需求,中国道协研究室以道教宫观为研究对象,推出《中国道教文化发现之旅》大型系列丛书,并在近日由华夏出版社出版发行,向社会大众提供了一系列优秀的道教文化  相似文献   

众所周知 ,道教名山宫观历史上就遍布全国各地 ,如三山五岳 ,三十六洞天 ,七十二福地等均为道教徒修炼之所 ,这些道教宫观历史悠久 ,如陕西周至县的楼观台 ,相传始建于周康王时代 ,北京白云观始建于唐开元年间等。这些历史悠久的道观 ,留下了许多宝贵的文化遗产 ,尤其是现存保留的大量古代碑文石刻 ,这些石刻碑文特殊的载体形式 ,对研究我国金石学和探究古代文化 ,历史和民俗学提供了重要的历史证据。现将古代道教碑文 (主要以北京白云观为例 )署时方法略述如下 :一、年份的标署方法 :道教碑文年份的标署方法比较简单 ,一般采用 (1 )“朝代…  相似文献   

A perceiver's actions, although based upon initially erroneous beliefs about a target individual may channel social interaction in ways that cause the behavior of the target to confirm the perceiver's beliefs. To chart this process of behavioral confirmation, we observed successive interactions between one target and two perceivers. In the first interaction, targets who interacted with perceivers who anticipated hostile partners displayed greater behavioral hostility than targets whose perceivers expected nonhostile partners. Only when targets regarded their actions as reflections of personal dispositions did these behavioral differences in hostility persevere into their subsequent interactions with naive perceivers who had no prior knowledge about them. Theoretical implications of the behavioral confirmation construct for social perception processes are discussed.  相似文献   

Patients with generalized social phobia (GSP, N=33) and matched community controls (N=31) engaged in a social interaction that was constructed to go well, and then received feedback that framed social cues reflecting either the absence of negative outcomes or the presence of positive outcomes. Following feedback that framed positive social cues, the GSP group predicted they would experience more anxiety in a subsequent interaction than did non-phobic controls. In contrast, following feedback framing the absence of negative outcomes, the GSP group did not differ from controls in their anxiety predictions. The results demonstrated that framing paradigms and methods can be usefully applied to the study of cognitive processes in social phobia and indicated that research to examine how GSP patients process specific types of social information is needed.  相似文献   

Recent research examining infants' understanding of intentional action claims to be studying the early origins or precursors of children's later theories of mind If these infant understandings are continuous with later preschool achievements, there should be empirical connections between the two. We provide initial evidence that infants' social attention predicts later social cognition. Specifically, 14-month-olds' habituation to human intentional action significantly predicts later preschool mentalistic construal of persons, as measured on a Theory of Mind Scale.  相似文献   

The theoretical, procedural, analytic, and interpretive components of Poulson's (1983, Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 36, 471–489) study were considered in an effort to clarify the distinction between social reinforcement and social elicitation. Contrary to Poulson's contention, DRO was not, and cannot by definition be, a control for reinforcement. More importantly, the speciestypical, social nature of the infant probably reflects the collaborative influence of elicitation and reinforcement. By carefully unravelling these two interacting processes, future conditioning studies might specially enhance our knowledge of early social development.  相似文献   

本研究的目的是探讨社交退缩与儿童的社会适应之间的关系。 共有145名11岁儿童(M=129个月,SD=6.5个月,60名男孩,85名女孩)参与了本研究。本研究运用实验室观察程序,采用儿童游戏观察量表(Play Observation Scale)对儿童在两个自由游戏情景中的社交退缩行为进行编码,采用教师报告法和儿童自我报告法测量了儿童的适应情况。研究结果发现,焦虑退缩行为更多的与男孩的适应问题有关,而安静退缩更多的与女孩的适应问题如孤独感、抑郁等有关。结果表明社交退缩的各个亚型与其社会适应之间的关系是不同的,且性别在其中起着调节作用。  相似文献   

Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences - How could the paradigm shift towards enactive embodied cognitive science have implications for society and politics? Translating insights form enactive...  相似文献   

The relationship between children's social status/sex and their moral judgements was examined. Sixty-four second- and third-grade children (33 boys, 31 girls) who were identified as popular or rejected by peer sociometric measures were shown pictures of children engaged in moral and second-order transgressions. The children were asked to rate each event on (a) the degree of seriousness for other and self, (b) the amount of punishment for other and self, and (c) rule alterability. The children were also asked for justification of the transgressions (why they thought the transgressions were wrong). The popular and rejected children differentiated between moral and second-order transgressions based upon criterion ratings and justifications. Differences emerged between the popular and the rejected children's ratings and justifications for moral transgressions, suggesting that children's moral judgements are related to social experiences associated with peer acceptance and rejection.  相似文献   

Patients with social phobia report experiencing negative images of themselves performing poorly when in feared social situations. The present study investigates whether such negative self-imagery (based on memory of past social situations) contaminates social interactions. High socially anxious volunteers participated in two conversations with another volunteer (conversational partner). During one conversation, the socially anxious volunteers held in mind a negative self-image, and during the other they held in mind a less negative (control) self-image. As predicted, when holding the negative image the socially anxious volunteers felt more anxious, reported using more safety behaviours, believed that they performed more poorly, and showed greater overestimation of how poorly they came across (relative to ratings by the conversational partner). Conversational partners rated the socially anxious volunteers' performance as poorer in the negative image condition. Furthermore, the conversation was contaminated since both groups of participants rated its quality as poorer in the negative image condition.  相似文献   

Seemingly trivial social talk provides fertile ground for emotion sharing (a narrator and audience's realization that they experience the same emotional response toward a target), which in turn creates a coalition between the narrator and the audience, configures the narrator and audience's relationship with the target, and coordinates their target-directed action. In this article, the authors use 4 studies to investigate this thesis. In Studies 1 and 2--where participants rated scenarios in which narrators told them anecdotes--the authors found that when there was emotion sharing (a) participants were more bonded with narrators, (b) the narrator and audience's relationship with the target (as reflected in action tendencies) was determined by the emotionality of the anecdotes, and (c) they coordinated their target-directed actions. Study 3 demonstrated that this effect was indeed due to emotion sharing. Study 4 provided behavioral evidence for the effects of emotion sharing using a 2-person trust game. Together, these studies reveal that the everyday act of social talk is a powerful act that is able to shape the social triad of the narrator, the audience, and the social target, with powerful consequences for social structure and group action.  相似文献   

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