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形式逻辑中的概念表达,是医学文章写作的基本方面,概念表达不明确,就不能清晰地表达出文章的内容,因此,枚举了医学文章中某些概念表达不明确的现象,并提出了应对措施,意在建议医学文章的写作者,加强医学文章写作中明确表达概念的意识,努力提高写作质量.  相似文献   

在一些<医学伦理学>教材中,对医学道德的基本原则表述不规范,对两套医学道德的基本原则要么在概念上认知模糊,要么在内容上表达不准确.而且对两套医学道德基本原则之间的内在关系难以辩证统一.导致医学生在学习的过程中对其概念认知混乱,找不到自己医疗行为的准确定位.通过对医学道德基本原则的论证,对医学道德基本原则概念认知达成共识.  相似文献   

古人写作,强调“意在笔先”。所谓“意在笔先”,就是在动笔写作之前,先要分析材料,形成明确的思想,确立起所要表达的文意。然后再按文意表达的需要进行写作。“意在笔先”不同于“主题先行”。“主题先行”是根据予先拟定的“主题”去凑材料,编瞎话。“意在笔先”。则是先根据真实的材料确定文意,然后写作。“意在笔先”,精辟地总结出一条基本原则,阐明了写作中一种规律性的认识。文章写作,从来就是有计划、有目的的表述活动。作者的政治倾向、感情爱增,都要在文章中表现出来。因此,作者只有把“立意”放在首位,做到“意在笔先”,写作才会笔随意走,文从意生,使  相似文献   

英语书面表达能力差是大多数学生普遍存在的问题,现在已是初三年级的学生,不少学生不仅不喜欢写作,而且将写作看成负担,写出来的文章错误百出、言不对文,词不答意,老师花费时间批改的作文也很少有学生仔细阅读,更别说仔细揣摩了,这离《中学英语教学大纲》所规定写作能力的要求差距甚远。在应试中落后于市区学生也是必然,但这种能力在日益激烈的竞争中尤为重要。  相似文献   

O 引言语言表达指利用语言发表看法、观点或论述某个问题,它包括书面形式和口语形式两种。下定义是解释一个概念的意义或厘清一个概念的不同意义的活动,这种活动是凭借语言进行的。语言表达和下定义具有不可分的关系,在语言表达中必须使所论述的问题先有一个清楚明确的定义,使语言的接收者对表达者所论述的问题先有一个明确的理解,避免理解上的误差。对于下定义在语言表达中的作用,有部修辞专著说得很明白:“在写作中,定义不总是需要具有科学的准确性,它要能帮助读者理解术语,概念在具体语境中的含义。”(罗伯特等《现代英语修辞》,第283页,Prentice Hall,1988) 下定义有各种方法,本文只谈在语言表达中,如何根据不同的对象而经常采用的几种方法。  相似文献   

就医学论文标题的英译句式和书写,医学文摘的规格和动词时态的应用,常用句型的表达等等作了一一概述。说明医学标题和文摘的英译不是简单的单词与短语的对应堆积,而是按一定的句式、结构、语法特点,按照医学文摘写作的一些规律组织起来的。  相似文献   

就医学论文标题的英译句式和书写,医学文摘的规格和动词时态的应用,常用句型的表达等等作了一一概述.说明医学标题和文摘的英译不是简单的单词与短语的对应堆积,而是按一定的句式、结构、语法特点,按照医学文摘写作的一些规律组织起来的.  相似文献   

明确医学人文与人文医学,医学伦理学与生命伦理学,医学人文精神与医学人文素养,医学人文与医师专业精神等概念的内涵及彼此间的关系,是当前医学人文教学的需要;分清事物(问题)的本质和它的外在或特殊情境下的表现形式,区别事物(问题)终极价值与工具价值,是厘清这些概念内涵和外在形式的关键。只有从具体情境出发,才能将这些概念运用到它应当用的处所。  相似文献   

什么是好医学?很难下定义.从什么角度看不一样.有几个要素不好确定,边界在何处感觉模糊.反之,什么是不好的医学?似乎有许多话要说,尽管也不能清晰表达一个概念,但能比较充分描述一些特征,让人们看到一个轮廓.  相似文献   

文楠 《四川心理科学》2014,(24):111-112
写作是人类有意识地使用语言和文字来记录信息,倾诉情感,表达自我的重要手段。中专生的课程设计和学习是以就业为指向的。在现实教学中,对中专生的写作水平要求并不高,只要求他们具有一定的文字表达能力,能写出文意通顺的文章,并在写作实践中获取知识信息、表达交流的语文基本能力就可以。但中专生由于其底子薄弱大多对写作充满恐惧,常常感到难于下笔。而语文老师则普遍认为写作教学难度大,见效慢,写作教学质量低下,有待进一步提高。本文就如何提升初中语文写作教学质量的问题进行了深入探讨。  相似文献   

A randomized, controlled trial compared writing about emotional topics (EMO) to writing about goals as the "best possible self" (BPS; after King, 2001) and evaluated emotional approach coping, i.e., efforts to cope through processing and expressing emotion, as a moderator of writing effects on psychological and physical health in 64 third-year medical students. In participants with higher baseline hostility, the EMO condition was associated with less hostility at 3 months compared to the BPS and control conditions. Emotional processing (EP) and emotional expression (EE) moderated the effect of experimental condition on depressive symptoms at 3 months; high EP/EE participants reported fewer depressive symptoms in the EMO condition, whereas low EP/EE individuals reported fewer depressive symptoms in the BPS condition compared to the EMO and control conditions. A moderating effect of EP on physical health was also identified, such that low EP individuals who wrote about goals (BPS) had fewer health care visits at 3 months compared to low EP participants in the EMO and control conditions.  相似文献   

This study investigated the effects of expressing through writing either positive feelings, negative feelings, or both about an upsetting event in order to assess which mode of expression facilitated greater emotional and cognitive processing. Undergraduate student participants with self-reported unresolved upsetting experiences were randomly assigned to one of three writing groups. After completing three writing sessions, they were evaluated at baseline, postexperimentally, and at 1-month follow-up. All groups experienced positive benefits; however, participants in the positive writing group showed greater adaptive cognitive changes than the other groups. Thus it appears that the written expression of positive feelings is as therapeutic as the written expression of negative emotions, which may prompt increased cognitive reorganization or benefit finding among a nonclinical sample.  相似文献   

This article discusses the various labels and definitions given for texts used for informational reading and writing and the confusion caused by the inconsistency of terms. An EBSCO search on articles published from 2006 to 2011 in the three largest literacy-related professional organizations' journals produced a total of 59 articles. Nonfiction was the most frequent label used; the term “informational text” had the greatest number of definitions and disparity in use. The authors discuss the implications of these disparities in labels and definitions for both researchers and teachers.  相似文献   

Notwithstanding the general accepted understanding that Rousseau is the master of modern education reflecting the progress by enlightenment this articles suggests that Rousseau??s Emile is??as most of Rousseau??s other writings are, too??testimony to a brilliant and passionate writer expressing thoughts about his concern how to deal with passions??passion being one of the most disputed concepts in late seventeenth and in eighteenth century. The reading of Emile has therefore take into account polemic as a literary trope in Rousseau??s style of writing.  相似文献   

In an earlier article, Lamb (1991) showed that journal authors, when writing about men battering women, wrote in a way that avoided assigning responsibility to men as perpetrators, and that this kind of writing was more common among male authors as well as female authors who wrote with men. This study examines first whether this kind of writing occurs in newspaper articles on men battering women, and whether two problematic styles of writing have an effect on the reader. Three versions of a newspaper article were developed to differentiate active voice, passive voice, and writing that implies shared responsibility for a man's violence. One hundred and eighty subjects read one of the three versions and endorsed one of five possible punishments for the man in the story who had been violent. Results showed that subjects did not differ in their selection of punishments for the active voice versus the passive voice version, but were much more lenient towards the man after reading the shared responsibility version.  相似文献   

Personal, creative writing as a process for reflection on patient care and socialization into medicine ("reflective writing") has important potential uses in educating medical students and residents. Based on the authors' experiences with a range of writing activities in academic medical settings, this article sets forth a conceptual model for considering the processes and effects of such writing. The first phase (writing) is individual and solitary, consisting of personal reflection and creation. Here, introspection and imagination guide learners from loss of certainty to reclaiming a personal voice; identifying the patient's voice; acknowledging simultaneously valid yet often conflicting perspectives; and recognizing and responding to the range of emotions triggered in patient care. The next phase (small-group reading and discussion) is public and communal, where sharing one's writing results in acknowledging vulnerability, risk-taking, and self-disclosure. Listening to others' writing becomes an exercise in mindfulness and presence, including witnessing suffering and confusion experienced by others. Specific pedagogical goals in three arenas-professional development, patient care and practitioner well-being - are linked to the writing/reading/listening process. The intent of presenting this model is to help frame future intellectual inquiry and investigation into this innovative pedagogical modality.  相似文献   

The notion of ‘fluency’ is most often associated with spoken-language phenomena such as stuttering. The present article investigates the relevance of considering fluency in writing. The basic argument for raising this question is empirical—it follows from a focus on difficulties in written and spoken language as manifestations of different problems which should be investigated separately on the basis of their symptoms. Key-logging instruments provide new possibilities for the study of writing. The obvious use of this new technology is to study writing as it unfolds in real time, instead of focusing only on aspects of the end product. A more sophisticated application is to exploit the key-logging instrument in order to test basic assumptions of contemporary theories of spelling. The present study is a dictation task involving words and ‘non-words’, intended to investigate spelling in nine-year-old pupils with regard to their mastery of the doubling of consonants in Norwegian. In this study, we report on differences with regard to temporal measures between a group of strong writers and a group of poor ones. On the basis of these pupils’ writing behavior, the relevance of the concept of ‘fluency’ in writing is highlighted. The interpretation of the results questions basic assumptions of the cognitive hypothesis about spelling; the article concludes by hypothesizing a different conception of spelling.  相似文献   

This article examines how social scientists presented their views on immigration to readers of popular magazines from 1920 to 1930, a period of public debate on the merits of immigration restriction. By comparing the content of these magazine articles with professional journal articles on immigration, the representativeness of the social scientific material presented to the public can be assessed. While similar issues were discussed in popular and professional articles, social scientists writing popular articles were more likely to support an outmoded racial interpretation of immigration. Their resulting support of immigration restriction was not representative of the dominant cultural perspective held by most social scientists. Thus, readers looking to social scientists for an “informed opinion” were not given an accurate impression of social scientific thought on immigration.  相似文献   

The health care professional must be aware of the potential hazards in writing or disclosing information about a patient or a non-patient. Two important interests are pitted against each other: dissemination of scientific information versus confidentiality. Presented is a discussion of the legal and ethical issues involved in (1) writing an article or book about a patient, (2) writing about a research subject, (3) writing about a subject of a forensic examination on behalf of the court or attorney, and (4) writing in a medical record.  相似文献   

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