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本文以香港新界地区的太平清醮庆典仪式的田野调查为基础,从道教教义、仪式理论以及太平清醮仪式的宗教意义等角度分析宗教信仰在中国人生活世界中的地位和功能,进而尝试说明不同的宗教信仰为什么可以在中国人的宗教生活中共存共生。作者试图说明,由于道教已经通过其仪法结构将教义和宗教思想传递出来,以道教仪式为基本形式的社区礼俗自然就可以包容其他异质的信仰。  相似文献   

弥勒信仰衰落原因简论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥勒净土信仰在南北朝时期非常兴盛,到隋唐以后逐渐衰落.其衰落的内在原因,主要是在弥勒净土和弥陀净土的选择上,信众更倾向于后者.其次·弥勒净土后继乏人而弥陀净土却人才辈出,以及以弥勒为号召的民众起义所带来的负面影响,是弥勒信仰衰落的另一在原因.  相似文献   

Suicide rates were highest among Service workers and the lowest in Agriculture workers and fisherfolk in Hong Kong.  相似文献   

No seasonality was discovered in homicide in Hong Kong. Weather variables were not associated with homicide rates.  相似文献   




The expansion of mental health services during the 1960s from a single remote mental hospital to centers and clinics in mainstream communities fostered the development of community psychology in Hong Kong. Few psychologists were initially involved in the local community mental health movement, but its momentum resulted in increasing numbers of practitioner psychologists working in community-based service settings. Community psychology in Hong Kong today consists primarily of service delivery, but also includes applied research, community organization/consultation, and community education. Despite having many parallels with the American situation, key concepts underpinning the practice of community psychology in the Territory possess their own character as a reflection of nuances in the local scene. Prospects for the continued development of community psychology in Hong Kong appear favorable. Of special relevance is the field's potential contribution to a better understanding of the psychological phenomena associated with the Territory's sociopolitical transformation in 1997.  相似文献   

一、港、澳、台穆斯林概况(一)香港穆斯林概况香港的穆斯林,主要包括外籍穆斯林和华人穆斯林两大群体。外籍穆斯林大多来自南亚和东南亚国家,其中印、巴穆斯林占多数;而华人穆斯林在早期多来自于广东、云南等东南、西南地区,后期逐渐又有来自内陆各地的穆斯林到港定居。据有关史料记载,最早来港的穆斯林并非华人,而是被英国殖民者奴役的印度穆斯林。  相似文献   

One of the alleged reasons that males report lower intimacy in same-sex friendships than females is that males tend to be more competitive than females, but this assumption has not been empirically tested. In the current study, 121 Hong Kong adolescents filled out Chinese versions of the Intimate Friendship Scale and the Competitiveness Index. As predicted, females reported having more intimate same-sex relationships than males, and they scored lower on competitiveness than males. However, the correlations between scores on the Competitiveness Index and the Intimate Friendship subscales were small and nonsignificant, suggesting that the sex difference in intimacy was not a function of competitiveness.  相似文献   

We examined the predictability of fathering self-efficacy and marital satisfaction on father involvement. The moderating effect of marital satisfaction on the relationship between father efficacy and father involvement was also explored. A cross-sectional survey was conducted using the convenience sampling method. A total of 2,029 valid questionnaires were collected from fathers with children aged 2–6 from 48 nurseries in Hong Kong. The fathers’ mean age is 39.1. 72.9 % of the fathers graduated from secondary school and 86 % had full-time jobs. Measures including self-efficacy subscale in the Parenting Sense of Competency Scale, the Index of Marital Satisfaction, the Inventory of Father Involvement were adopted in the present study. Hierarchical regression analyses showed that fathering self-efficacy and marital satisfaction were significant positive predictors of father involvement, whereas marital satisfaction moderated the effect of fathering self-efficacy on father involvement. It is thus important to improve martial satisfaction and enhance fathering self-efficacy for promoting father involvement. To gain a more comprehensive picture, future studies of father involvement may benefit by adopting a longitudinal research design, including the mothers and children as informants, and addressing other parenting correlates such as parenting stress and spousal support.  相似文献   

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