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对父母教养方式和青少年问题行为之间关系的研究主要集中在西方心理学和社会学界,国内在此领域内的理论探讨和经验性研究都很缺乏。本文对近五十年来西方在父母教养方式和青少年问题行为发展之间的关系上的几种主要理论模型及部分经验性研究进行了客观的回顾,简要介绍了双因素论(危险性因素与保护性因素)、社会控制理论、社会背景模型和强制模型。  相似文献   

The correlations and comorbidities of a series of adolescent problem behaviors were studied in a sample of 739 New Zealand 15-year-olds. This analysis revealed the presence of strong comorbidities between different problem behaviors. The data were modeled using methods of unrestricted latent class analysis and this suggested that the best fitting model to describe the data was one which assumed that adolescent problem behaviors were described by four general classes of children. While the same general four-class model applied to males and females, there were marked gender differences in the rates of problems. Specifically, the predominant problem behaviors in females were those relating to an accelerated transition to adulthood marked by early sexual activity, alcohol abuse, and cannabis use whereas the predominant problems for boys were related to antisocial and law-breaking behaviors. Rates of children with no problems (85%) and with multiple problems (3%) were similar for boys and girls.This research was funded by grants from the Health Research Council of New Zealand, the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation, and the National Child Health Research Foundation.  相似文献   

The current study examined the mediating role of adolescents' personal values on the relation between maternal and peer expectations for prosocial behaviors and adolescents' self-reported prosocial and antisocial behaviors. One hundred thirty-four adolescents (mean age = 16.22 years, 54% girls) completed measures of their own values and behaviors, as well as their perceptions of the positive expectations that their mother and their best friend(s) had for their (the adolescents') prosocial behaviors. Stepwise regression analyses suggested that adolescents' personal prosocial values mediated the relation between adolescents' perceptions of both maternal and peer expectations and adolescents' prosocial behaviors. In addition, for boys, perceptions of positive peer expectations were directly and negatively related to antisocial behaviors. The current study has important implications for parents, educators, and practitioners who are concerned about promoting adolescents' positive behaviors and discouraging negative behaviors.  相似文献   

The adolescent suicide problem   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ABSTRACT: The suicide rate of young people in the United States rose 237 percent between 1960 and 1980. This paper addresses three related issues. First, is this change an epidemic or an artifact? Second, what is there about adolescence as a life-stage in modern society that makes it stressful, even suicide producing? Finally, what are the distinctive traits of the lifestyles or careers of a random sample of young Chicago suicides?  相似文献   

Following a summary of the relevant divorce research, this article examines possible long-term influences of both divorce and living with a single mother on the development of adolescents' values and plans. We examine how divorce affects children both directly and indirectly through its impact on the mother's resources, attitudes, and socialization goals. Particular focus is placed on those aspects of family interaction that impact on identity formation as it is linked to educational and occupational goals and to gender-role related behaviors associated with marriage, family, and job plans. Possible benefits as well as potential costs of living with a single mother are discussed.  相似文献   

This study investigated relationships between workplace factors and family dinners. We examined two aspects of the family dinner, the frequency that the entire family typically has dinner together each week and the frequency that children eat fast food for dinner. Participants were 220 parents who worked at least 20 h a week and had at least one child living at home. Results indicated that work interference with family (WIF) mediated the relationship between family-supportive supervision and family dinner frequency. Greater flexplace (i.e., telecommuting) availability was associated with less frequent use of fast food for children’s dinner.  相似文献   

Among the issues faced by adolescents are problems relating to alcohol consumption, drug use, and sexual behavior. A survey of 813 adolescents found that adolescents are most likely to discuss these problems with peers and least likely to discuss them with parents, especially fathers. However, father absence from the home resulted in greater use of and problems with alcohol, marijuana, and sexual activity. This was the case especially for boys. The results obtained underscore the significance of the father as a key figure in the transmission of values and as a deterrent to certain behaviors. The results point to adolescents from fatherless homes, especially boys, as being at risk for problems in the areas noted. This suggests that community agencies providing services to adolescents should make special efforts to incorporate into their programs specially designed services to meet the particular needs of this group. Aspects of such programs are discussed.  相似文献   

Richard A. Young 《Sex roles》1984,10(7-8):485-492
The study investigated the relationship of values, internal-external locus of control, and two career maturity variables — career planning orientation and knowledge and use of resources for planning — and the occupational aspiration of 590 adolescent women. Significant value differences were found among females who chose innovative, moderately innovative, or traditional occupations for women. The values clean, forgiving, and helpful were ranked as more important by females aspiring to traditional occupations, while the values courageous, imaginative, and independent were ranked as more important by women aspiring to innovative occupations. No significant differences were found among the three groups on locus of control and career planning orientation. The mean of knowledge and use of resources for planning was found to be significantly higher for the moderately innovative group than the traditional group. The findings of this study are used to propose the utility of values as a representation of sex-role beliefs and the use of values in self-confrontation procedures to change occupational aspirations.The author gratefully acknowledges the comments of Milton Rokeach and Robert Tolsma on an earlier draft of this article.  相似文献   

We replicated a method for clarifying inconclusive functional analysis outcomes via an extinction analysis of separate topographies of problem behavior with 2 participants. Results suggested that both mild and severe problem behaviors belonged to the same response class. An analysis of response latency was consistent with a response class hierarchy hypothesis, indicating that mild problem behavior nearly always occurred prior to severe topographies of problem behavior.  相似文献   

Using a sample of 556 adolescents from a suburban community, patterns of various adolescent problem behaviors (e.g., delinquent behavior, smoking, use of alcohol or drugs) and their links to self-efficacy, social competence, and life events were examined. Cluster analysis was conducted to identify four subgroups of adolescents who showed distinct patterns of problem behaviors. These clusters were compared on the measures of self-efficacy, social competence, and life events. Overall results suggest there are meaningful links between adolescents’ problem behavior patterns and self-efficacy, the amount and quality of participation in various after school activities, and life events. For example, a subgroup of adolescents who showed uniformly low prevalence of all problem behaviors reported more positive academic self-efficacy, more active participation in sports and nonsports activities, more positive life events, and fewer negative events than adolescents who were involved in multiple problem behaviors. Implications for prevention and future research on adolescent problem behaviors are discussed.  相似文献   

Factors associated with erection in adolescent sex offenders   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A majority of adult child molesters report that their deviant interest began prior to the age of 18. This illustrates the need to evaluate adolescents who have molested children. Since self-report of deviant interest is rare in adolescent offenders, psychophysiologic assessment is necessary to help to determine the extent for a deviant interest pattern. The current study was designed to determine what factors are associated with erectile responding to age-inappropriate stimuli in an adolescent sex offender population. Factors studied were (a) admit/deny, (b) history of physical abuse, (c) history of sexual abuse, (d) history of nonsex arrests, and (e) incest/nonincest. The dependent variables were two pedophile indices, a relative measure of deviant to nondeviant arousal. Results indicated that history of sexual abuse was associated with more deviant erectile responding in those adolescents who had molested young boys. The possibility of adolescents modeling their own victimization is discussed.  相似文献   

This study examined the saving and spending behaviors of 1,619 employed high school seniors from over 1,000 private and public schools across the United States. Students were categorized as savers, necessity spenders, and discretionary spenders based on their responses to the question, "How do you spend the money that you earn?" Associations of student spending and saving patterns with individual and family factors were analyzed. Student savers were from families who saved and planned money use. Students who spent more for necessities were from families with fewer resources and greater financial difficulties. Discretionary spenders felt that money was important and were from families with higher income and socioeconomic status. Findings are discussed in light of the importance of families as socializing agents of their children.  相似文献   

R E Isralowitz  M Singer 《Adolescence》1986,21(81):145-158
This study examines the impact of unemployment on the work values orientation of adolescents. Using Super's (1970) Work Values Inventory, data were collected from 187 youths residing in a large midwestern city in the United States. Youths from families where the head of household had been unemployed for more than one year prior to the time of the study were compared to youths from a working-family environment. The findings of this study show little difference between work values orientation of youths from unemployed and employed families. The only variable which did prove to be significantly different settings appear to is "esthetics" (p less than .05), i.e., youths from unemployed settings appear to value new experiences and outlets for their abilities more than do youths of the comparison group.  相似文献   

Borders A  Earleywine M  Huey SJ 《Adolescence》2004,39(155):539-550
Expectancy-value theory emphasizes the importance of outcome expectancies for behavioral decisions, but most tests of the theory focus on a single behavior and a single expectancy. However, the matching law suggests that individuals consider expected outcomes for both the target behavior and alternative behaviors when making decisions. In this study, we expanded expectancy-value theory to evaluate the contributions of two competing expectancies to adolescent behavior problems. One hundred twenty-one high school students completed measures of behavior problems, expectancies for both acting out and academic effort, and perceived academic competence. Students' self-reported behavior problems covaried mostly with perceived competence and academic expectancies and only nominally with problem behavior expectancies. We suggest that behavior problems may result from students perceiving a lack of valued or feasible alternative behaviors, such as studying. We discuss implications for interventions and suggest that future research continue to investigate the contribution of alternative expectancies to behavioral decisions.  相似文献   

Compton WC 《The American psychologist》2001,56(1):84; discussion 89-84; discussion 90

Although many studies have investigated individual differences in online social networking, few have examined the recent and rapidly popularized social phenomenon of the “selfie” (a selfportrait photograph of oneself). In two studies with a pooled sample of 1296 men and women, we tested the prediction that individuals who score high on four narcissism sub-scales (Self-sufficiency, Vanity, Leadership, and Admiration Demand) will be more likely to post selfies to social media sites than will individuals who exhibit low narcissism. We examined three categories of selfies: own selfies; selfies with a romantic partner; and group selfies, controlling for non-selfie photographs. Women posted more selfies of all types than did men. However, women’s selfie-posting behavior was generally unrelated to their narcissism scores. In contrast, men’s overall narcissism scores positively predicted posting own selfies, selfies with a partner, and group selfies. Moreover, men’s Vanity, Leadership, and Admiration Demand scores each independently predicted the posting of one or more types of selfies. Our findings provide the first evidence that the link between narcissism and selfie-posting behavior is comparatively weak among women than men, and provide novel insight into the social motivations and functions of online social networking.  相似文献   

A selected number of lifestyle and risk behaviors of adolescents in relation to their smoking were studied using both longitudinal and cross-sectional analyses. Data of a national sample of 4,431 nonsmoking adolescents who participated in the 1989 Teenage Attitudes and Practices Survey and were re-interviewed in 1993 were analyzed. Adolescents who engaged in physical fights, engaged in drunk driving, and were risk-takers were more likely to be regular experimental smokers than adolescents who did not exhibit these behaviors. The data suggest that high-risk behaviors may cluster. Interventions may be necessary to target multiple risk behaviors and be more effective in changing adolescents' risk behaviors associated with smoking.  相似文献   

The present study examined some previously reported relationships between drug use by adolescents and perceived attitudes and behaviors of their parents. An anonymous questionnaire was administered to the student body of an inner-city secondary school for difficult students. Relationships between parental use of drugs and adolescent use of the same drugs were moderate and roughly equivalent across drugs. However, parental use of marijuana was strongly related to the adolescent's use of other, harder drugs such as opiates, cocaine, amphetamines, and barbiturates. This finding is explained within the framework of Kandel's postulated stages of drug initiation. It points to a need for further study of parental influences, which may be increasingly problematic as more individuals who have grown up in our marijuana-accepting society become parents of adolescents.  相似文献   

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