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Case formulation in TADS CBT   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

This investigation evaluates the structure and correlates of lower order traits related to approach, specifically, facets of extraversion and behavioral activation system (BAS) sensitivity. A 3-factor structure of approach was derived in community and clinical samples: assertiveness, enthusiasm, and sensation seeking. All factors were positively associated with Openness/Intellect scores. Enthusiasm and assertiveness were both negatively associated with Neuroticism scores, but were distinguished by associations with Agreeableness and Conscientiousness. Sensation seeking was negatively associated with Conscientiousness scores. The 3 factors demonstrated a unique profile of association with components of impulsivity. Enthusiasm and assertiveness were negatively related to psychopathological symptoms, whereas sensation seeking was largely independent of psychopathology. Results suggest that approach is associated with 3 subfactors, which differ in their pattern or magnitude of associations with other variables, thus underscoring the importance of distinguishing among them. Further, results support the construct validity of the Assertiveness and Enthusiasm aspect scales of the Big Five Aspect Scales to assess traits at this level of the personality hierarchy.  相似文献   

Humans have evolved adaptations for infidelity, as well defenses against a partner’s betrayal—centrally the emotion of jealousy. Both create problems that bring couples to therapy. Diagnosing jealousy as pathological versus normal turns out to be difficult, in part because infidelity has evolved to be concealed from the betrayed mate, which creates a signal detection problem. Because missing an infidelity committed by a mate has been more costly in evolutionary currencies than falsely suspecting a partner of cheating, selection has created an error management cognitive bias to over-infer a partner’s betrayal. Moreover, adaptations for jealousy become activated by predictors of infidelity, such as mate value discrepancies, when no actual infidelities have occurred. Cognitive-behavior therapy (CBT) offers several ways to deal with these complexities. One way is to highlight potential mismatches, distinguishing between jealous emotions that were functional in ancestral environments but are less so in modern environments. A second is to distinguish between the goal of personal well-being and reproductive outcomes. Understanding the evolutionary logic of jealousy, in short, provides patients with conceptual tools for cognitively reframing jealousy and infidelity.  相似文献   

The present article illustrates how cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) was adapted for an adolescent Turkish population with mood and anxiety disorders. The resulting 10-session treatment—based on multiplex CBT—was efficacious in a treatment trial, showing large effect sizes (Acarturk et al., 2018). This paper discusses the cultural grounding of CBT, which increases effectiveness by such means as increasing acceptability and positive expectancy. We describe a culturally sensitive assessment measure of somatic complaints and cultural syndromes, the Turkish Symptom and Syndrome Addendum. We discuss how, in a culturally sensitive way, we normalized symptoms, conducted interoceptive exposure, and created positive reassociations to sensations. We describe how we used Turkish metaphors and religious ideas to teach CBT principles. We show how we adapted mindfulness and “loving kindness” for a Turkish population, and how we utilized transition “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. Two case examples are provided to further illustrate how we adapted multiplex CBT to a Turkish adolescent population.  相似文献   

Empirically supported psychological treatments have been developed for a range of psychiatric disorders but there is evidence that patients are not receiving them in routine clinical care. Furthermore, even when patients do receive these treatments there is evidence that they are often not well delivered. The aim of this paper is to identify the barriers to the dissemination of evidence-based psychological treatments and then propose ways of overcoming them, hence potentially bridging the gap between research findings and clinical practice.  相似文献   

小学生课堂参与结构及特点的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曾琦 《心理科学》2001,24(2):160-162,174
本研究运用课堂观察、访谈和问卷调查法,以267名小学一~六年级学生为被试,考察了小学生课堂参与的结构及特点。结果表明:1)学生的课堂参与主要包含了:主动参与、非参与、负向参与、自控下的被动参与和他控下的被动参与五种成分;2)总体而言,课堂上,学生的积极参与多于消极参与,被动参与多于主动参与;3)在小学阶段,学生的课堂参与没有明显的变化,特别是学生主动参与的水平并没有随年级的升高而增长。  相似文献   

In this article we illustrate how CBT can be adapted to a traumatized Egyptian population with Islamic beliefs, giving examples from our adaptation of Culturally Adapted–CBT (CA-CBT) for this cultural group. We discuss a culturally sensitive assessment measure of local somatic complaints and cultural syndromes that was devised based on clinical experience with traumatized Egyptians. We also demonstrate how to normalize symptoms, create positive expectancy about the treatment, and educate about trauma. We give examples of how mindfulness can be adapted for an Egyptian Islamic population, and we describe local religious strategies, such as dhikr (religious chanting), salah (ritualistic prayer), and dua (supplication), that may be used to promote attentional shift from rumination topics and to teach attentional control. We describe how “loving kindness” can be adapted for this group. We outline how to modify culturally generated catastrophic cognitions and how to conduct interoceptive exposure and to create positive re-associations in a culturally sensitive manner. We describe how worry themes are explored and addressed based on a heuristic panic attack–PTSD model; how to teach anger management in a culturally sensitive way; and how to address sleep-related problems in this population. We suggest using cultural transitional “rituals” at the end of the treatment to give patients a sense of closure and a positive feeling of transformation. A case example is presented to illustrate cultural challenges associated with delivering CA-CBT to an Egyptian population. We introduce certain concepts such as cultural grounding and explanatory model bridging, both therapeutic techniques that increase adherence, positive expectancy, and cultural consonance.  相似文献   

A Multifactorial Approach to the Study of Gender Characteristics   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT The present article reviews some of the central conceptual issues confronted by gender researchers as they have tried to forge a theory of gender identity that can account for the complexity and diversity of gender-related characteristics displayed by women and men. An emerging consensus suggests that gender is incorporated into an individual's self-concept in multiple and loosely connected ways. We review one example of this emerging multiplicity perspective, Spence's (1993) multifactorial gender identity theory, and describe three recent studies testing its usefulness. We also discuss ways in which multiplicity models of gender could benefit from considering parallel developments in the general personality literature regarding the problem of levels or domains. In particular, it is argued that Me Adams's (this issue) integrative three-level model of the structure of personality offers a helpful framework for guiding future test construction and theory development in gender research.  相似文献   

This article describes how Culturally Adapted Multiplex CBT, a treatment that emphasizes somatic processing and emotion regulation, was adapted for a traumatized South African indigenous group, the Sepedi. A model of psychopathology is presented, the Multiplex Model of Trauma-Related Disorder, which depicts the processes that generate multiple comorbidities and prominent somatization in minority, refugee, and other non-Western populations. The nine dimensions of Culturally Adapted Multiplex CBT are discussed, and so too the “cultural adaptation diamond.” Concepts such as “explanatory model bridging” are presented. A culturally sensitive assessment measure of local somatic complaints and cultural syndromes (the Sepedi Symptom and Syndrome Addendum, or Sepedi SSA) is detailed, as well as how CBT techniques were implemented with this group—for example, modification of culturally specific catastrophic cognitions, doing exposure (e.g., interoceptive exposure), teaching attentional control and mindfulness techniques, and teaching “loving kindness.” Case examples with clinical outcomes are provided to further illustrate how Multiplex CBT was adapted for the South African indigenous group.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Although peer raters of personality traits do tend to agree, the strength of their consensus is often modest. This article focuses on methods for analyzing determinants of consensus. Variance components methods adapted from generalizability theory have some untapped potential for understanding gradations in consensus. The methods allow explicit analysis of how social categories of targets might affect judgments of raters from the same or different social categories. Limitations of the variance components approach are also discussed. The methods are illustrated with artificial data.  相似文献   

One tends to think of stress counselling in the workplace as providing a useful, therapeutic aid to enhancing the psychological well-being of the employee. However recent, successful litigation in the UK against 'stress-inducing' employers suggests that therapists need to be aware of the possible pitfalls of providing such a service. Employers and insurers facing large compensation claims are likely to try and reduce their liability by apportioning some 'blame' to the employee. Some therapeutic approaches, for example, cognitive therapy, may be efficacious but provide a perspective that can be given a different interpretation in court. For example, developing 'insight' into one's own contribution to stress may, legally, be construed as contributing to culpability or blame. Recommendations for reducing that likelihood are provided.  相似文献   

In cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT), a black or white perception of the world is generally considered to be a distortion of reality. This paper addresses the issue of bipolar or categorical thinking and its role in creating disturbance. It introduces a new quantitative methodology known as fuzzy logic (FL) and shows its potential in developing new effective CBT strategies to address bipolar thinking. The paper maintains that the roots of such thinking can be traced back to the Aristotelian logic which posits a 'black or white' view of the world. It is argued that a bipolar perspective is no longer defendable given recent developments in the field of literature, physics and logic. Moreover CBT can derive significant benefits by embracing the fuzzy logic paradigm. In particular it can, first, benefit by improving the degree of precision of its diagnostic tools and, second, by applying the FL principles to derive alternative strategies for inducing healthy changes in clients. Such improvements are believed to enhance CBT profile in terms of the degree of realism, flexibility and efficiency of its methods. The illustrations offered throughout this paper are based on the two main CBT perspectives; rational emotive behaviour therapy (REBT) and cognitive therapy (CT).  相似文献   

The cutting edge of psychotherapy research today is primarily cross‐cultural and includes two main areas of work. The first area consists of helping/healing approaches that originate within specific cultures, for example, Naikon therapy in Japan, ho'oponopono among Native Hawaiians, curanderismo among Latino people, and many of the specific practices within the world's major religions (e.g., meditation, prayer, recognising blessings, practising compassion, and helping others). The second area involves exploring whether, and if so how, the evidence‐based practices (EBPs) are relevant to the needs of cultures that were not originally in the minds of the EBPs developers. The preceding study by Bennett‐Levy and colleagues is an excellent example of the kind of research needed in this second area: participatory action research that intentionally seeks the expertise of within‐culture members, ideally the counsellors and researchers themselves. The authors ask exactly the kinds of questions that will move the entire psychotherapy field forward towards applications that are helpful to a much wider range of people.  相似文献   

Mathews A 《Behavior Therapy》2006,37(3):314-318
The increasing focus on cognitive processes as therapeutic targets has not yet been matched by a cognitive science base sufficiently developed to guide clinical practice. It is argued that the papers in this special issue represent evidence of progress towards this desirable goal. Collectively, they illustrate research techniques aimed at specifying the nature of cognitive operations likely to increase the risk of emotional disorders, and the introduction of experimental methods for their modification. Emergent themes include the suggestion that negative thought content, such as that experienced in rumination, is an unintended but maladaptive product of underlying biases in selective processing. Despite often operating outside awareness, this biased processing can be changed, for example by strengthening incompatible alternatives. Beyond providing evidence for the causal role of selective cognitive processes, this approach offers a potentially powerful method for investigating and developing new therapeutic tools.  相似文献   

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