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Many students find it difficult to transform expository text and lectures into well-organized mental constructs. Studies show that learning of this type can be enhanced by the use of graphic organizers that depict relationships among concepts by diagramming them as a tree structure. In order to incorporate all concepts taught in a course into a single graphic organizer, a HyperCard authoring shell was developed to expedite drawing tree diagrams and linking each concept in the diagram to a definition. The authoring features of the stack and its application to an abnormal psychology course are discussed in this article.  相似文献   

Most researchers investigating the perceptual similarities between visual and auditory stimuli have used different presentation methods for the two stimulus modalities. In contrast, a HyperCard stack has been developed which provides an integrated, fully computerized method for examining the chromesthetic associations of auditory stimuli (both pure tones and musical excerpts) and visual stimuli (48 colored rectangles). Advantages of the stack include control over the presentation of stimuli, control for order effects, a user-friendly interface, limited opportunities for demand characteristics or procedural errors, and simplified data compilation. The multimedia capabilities of HyperCard make it an excellent platform for cross-modal research.  相似文献   

For researchers interested in exploring the cognitive and metacognitive processes involved in problem-solving, one obstacle has been the difficulty of creating engaging and ecologically valid situations in which to observe these skills in practice. Computer games can provide a rich environment for research on such skills. I present a HyperCard example of an adventure game that serves as an environment for research on analogy in problem-solving. The design of the game and interface is detailed, and initial results of and suggestions for extensions to this work are presented.  相似文献   

The DIAGNOSER is a HyperCard tutorial construction system based on a framework of naive physics conceptions and developed for high school classroom use. It assesses students’ conceptions in a domain, and prescribes a course of action on the basis of that assessment. In addition, it collects data for instructional enhancement and theoretical investigations. It is sufficiently general to allow tutorials to be developed in other knowledge domains, such as probability, economics, and psychology. An advanced version exploring naive conceptions of circuit electricity is also discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that misperceptions and illusory experiences can occur if sensory stimulation is withdrawn or becomes invariant even for short periods of time. Using a perceptual deprivation paradigm, we created a monotonous audiovisual environment and asked participants to verbally report any auditory, visual or body-related phenomena they experienced. The data (analysed using a variant of interpretative phenomenological analysis) revealed two main themes: (1) reported sensory phenomena have different spatial characteristics ranging from simple percepts to the feeling of immersion in a complex multisensory environment and (2) the active contribution of the perceiver where participants report engaging in exploratory processes even when there is nothing to find. Detailed analysis of the qualitative data further showed that participants who reported more perceptual phenomena were more likely to report internal bodily sensations, move more during the experiment and score higher on the Revised Hallucination Scale than those reporting fewer percepts explicitly linking perceptual deprivation to somatic phenomena. The results demonstrate how the variety of sensory experiences induced by perceptual deprivation can give further insight into the factors mediating conscious awareness and may suggest ways in which the brain imposes meaning on the environment under invariant sensory conditions.  相似文献   

A HyperCard tool has been designed to support research on human fetal heart rate responses to extrauterine auditory and tactile stimuli. This system allows an operator to digitize a standard graphic heart rate strip recording simply by tracing it. In our application, the software produces a listing of fetal heart rate in beats per minute at 1-sec intervals and a variety of summary statistics, which can be saved on disk and printed. This tool has the advantages that it permits rapid and accurate manual scoring and allows for operator judgments concerning artifacts, a flexibility missing from automated systems. This tool can be generalized to allow scoring of any graphic strip recording.  相似文献   

A context-induced “illusion” in visual judgments of temporal order, termed the induced asynchrony effect (IAE), is reported. It consists of an apparent ordering in time of two simultaneous light onsets, produced by the preceding, asynchronous offsets of two other lights. The joint effect of a real stimulus onset asynchrony and a preceding stimulus offset asynchrony bn judgments of onset order appears to be additive, given a Gaussian transformation of response probability. This result is shown to be consistent with a simple statistical decision model, which provides a conceptual framework for drawing inferences from temporal order judgment data. However, it is emphasized that certain interpretations of such models are not empirically testable on the basis of temporal order data alone. An attempt is made to relate the IAE to three other dynamic perceptual phenomena; all four effects may reflect a tendency of observers to perceive the velocity of apparent motion as being constant. Questions raised by the demonstration of the IAE are discussed, and directions for further research are suggested.  相似文献   

Work on visual perceptual learning for contrast detection has shown that reliable decreases in detection thresholds are accompanied by reliable increases in false alarm rates (Wenger & Rasche, 2006). The present study assesses the robustness and replicability of these changes, demonstrating that they are independent of a variety of task demands (i.e., the specific method used for perceptual practice and threshold estimation) and the presence or absence of trial-by-trial feedback and that the source of the increases can be found in shifts in changes in sensitivity and in bias for detection, identification, or both. Although the increase in false alarm rates suggests a strategic shift in response criteria for detection, we demonstrate that there are multiple potential explanations, including explanations that do not require strategic shifts on the part of the observer. The empirical evidence and analysis of alternative explanations reinforce the inference that visual perceptual learning may involve more than changes in perceptual sensitivity and that cortical circuits beyond the primary visual areas may be involved.  相似文献   

Multielement visual tracking: attention and perceptual organization.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Two types of theories have been advanced to account for how attention is allocated in performing goal-directed visual tasks. According to location-based theories, visual attention is allocated to spatial locations in the image; according to object-based theories, attention is allocated to perceptual objects. Evidence for the latter view comes from experiments demonstrating the importance of perceptual grouping in selective-attention tasks. This article provides further evidence concerning the importance of perceptual organization in attending to objects. In seven experiments, observers tracked multiple randomly moving visual elements under a variety of conditions. Ten elements moved continuously about the display for several seconds; one to five of them were designated as targets before movement initiation. At the end of movement, one element was highlighted, and subjects indicated whether or not it was a target. The ease with which the elements in the target set could be perceptually grouped was systematically manipulated. In Experiments 1-3, factors that influenced the initial formation of a perceptual group were manipulated; this affected performance, but only early in practice. In Experiments 4-7, factors that influenced the maintenance of a perceptual group during motion were manipulated; this affected performance throughout practice. The results suggest that observers spontaneously grouped the target elements and directed attention toward this coherent but nonrigid virtual object. This supports object-based theories of attention and demonstrates that perceptual grouping, which is usually conceived of as a purely stimulus-driven process, can also be governed by goal-directed mechanisms.  相似文献   

We describe a program using HyperCard for the Macintosh that allows the collection of several different types of text processing data in a realistic, natural, and unobtrusive experimental setting. The program allows a sentence-by-sentence presentation of text and allows unconstrained movement forward and backward through the text. Subjects can, at any point during reading, look back at individual sentences presented previously, or review all previously presented sentences at once. All sentence readings and rereadings are timed, and the sequence of readings, rereadings, and reviews is recorded. Following passage reading, questions are asked to examine comprehension and memory of the passage. The program is well suited for the examination of comprehension evaluation and regulation in readers, as well as for the examination of other comprehension and memory processes.  相似文献   

Summary The subjective visual vertical (SV) has been investigated in centrifugation experiments in order to test the hypothesis, that changes in the SV are proportional to changes in the shear force acting on the utricles. The results deviate from those predicted from the shear hypothesis. This deviation can be accounted for by assuming that the SV is determined by the average of utricular and somaesthetic inputs.Thanks are due to A. Stein for performing some of the experiments of series d and e. N.J. Wade was supported by a Forschungsstipendium from the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung. Renate Alton skillfully assisted with the drawings.  相似文献   

Two experiments examined the impact of task-set on people's use of the visual and semantic features of words during visual search. Participants' eye movements were recorded while the distractor words were manipulated. In both experiments, the target word was either given literally (literal task) or defined by a semantic clue (categorical task). According to Kiefer and Martens, participants should preferentially use either the visual or semantic features of words depending on their relevance for the task. This assumption was partially supported. As expected, orthographic neighbours of the target word attracted participants' attention more and took longer to reject, once fixated, during the literal task. Conversely, semantic associates of the target word took longer to reject during the categorical task. However, they did not attract participants' attention more than in the literal task. This unexpected finding is discussed in relation to the processing of words in the peripheral visual field.  相似文献   

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