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E Greene  G Pavlov 《Perception》1989,18(2):143-154
The Poggendorff effect is seen as misalignment of two obliques, or misprojection of one, when the obliques are placed outside a set of parallel lines. To understand better the mechanisms behind this effect, the orientation of the lines which are normally parallel was systematically manipulated. The results indicate that projection bias is affected by the orientation of either line, is at a minimum where the line is orthogonal to the oblique, and is maximal at small angles. This is in line with classic theories which attribute the illusion to misperception of angular size. However, such explanations presuppose that in order to be effective the induction line must be proximal to the oblique so that an angle can be formed. Results are reported which show that the angle formed by the oblique and a line placed at a distance from the oblique, serving as the target of the projection, follows an angular rule of effectiveness similar to what is seen when the line is placed directly in contact with the oblique. The underlying process is described as 'angular induction'.  相似文献   

Three experiments are reported that focused on the grammatical and associative relationship between a single-word context and a to-be-named target in the Serbo-Croatian language. Unlike in studies using the English language, word class need not be violated in order to obtain grammatical incongruency: all word pairs, therefore, can be semantically plausible. Experiment 1 contrasted naming with lexical decision using associative and grammatical priming, a replication of Seidenberg, Waters, Sanders, and Langer’s (1984) study. With associative priming, both lexical decision and naming were facilitated significantly, but with grammatical priming, only lexical decision was affected significantly. Heeding observations of West and Stanovich (1986), in Experiment 2 we used stimuli known to produce a robust grammatical congruency effect on lexical decision (130 msec) and a procedure designed to slow naming latencies. Again, no grammatical congruency effect for naming was obtained. Finally, because Experiment 1, which used a row of Xs as the neutral context, showed an associative priming effect on naming pseudowords, Experiment 3 used a neutral context that was linguistic. An associative priming effect was found for words but not for pseudowords. Results were discussed in terms of pre- and postlexical loci of contextual effects.  相似文献   

An eye-movement study examined the processing of expressions requiring complement coercion (J. Pustejovsky, 1995), in which a noun phrase that does not denote an event (e.g., the book) appears as the complement of an event-selecting verb (e.g., began the book). Previous studies demonstrated that these expressions are more costly to process than are control expressions that can be processed with basic compositional operations (L. Pylkkanen & B. McElree, 2006). Complement coercion is thought to be costly because comprehenders need to construct an event sense of the complement to satisfy the semantic restrictions of the verb (e.g., began writing the book). The reported experiment tests the alternative hypotheses that the cost arises from the need to select 1 interpretation from several or from competition between alternative interpretations. Expressions with weakly constrained interpretations (no dominant interpretation and several alternative interpretations) were not more costly to process than expressions with a strongly constrained interpretation (1 dominant interpretation and few alternative interpretations). These results are consistent with the hypothesis that the cost reflects the on-line construction of an event sense for the complement.  相似文献   

Moores, Laiti, and Chelazzi (2003) found semantic interference from associate competitors during visual object search, demonstrating the existence of top-down semantic influences on the deployment of attention to objects. We examined whether effects of semantically related competitors (same-category members or associates) interacted with the effects of perceptual or cognitive load. We failed to find any interaction between competitor effects and perceptual load. However, the competitor effects increased significantly when participants were asked to retain one or five digits in memory throughout the search task. Analyses of eye movements and viewing times showed that a cognitive load did not affect the initial allocation of attention but rather the time it took participants to accept or reject an object as the target. We discuss the implications of our findings for theories of conceptual short-term memory and visual attention.  相似文献   

This study tries to shed light on the paradoxical finding that two inbred strains of mice C57BL/6 (C57) and DBA/2 (DBA), with differences in hippocampal function, perform similarly in the water maze (WM). Mice from both strains were trained on WM protocols permitting or preventing the use of vestibular signals. Hippocampal involvement in performance was then assessed by estimation of post-training mossy fiber (MF) synaptogenesis. We found that C57 and DBA mice performed similarly when both visual and vestibular information were available but only C57 mice exhibited new MF synapses. Disruption of vestibular inputs impaired performance in DBA mice but not in C57 mice which still exhibited a post-training increase of hippocampal MF synaptic terminals. This strain-specific dissociation indicates that DBA mice can navigate successfully by relying on vestibular signals without engaging their hippocampus. In contrast, vestibular signals are irrelevant for C57 mice since their suppression neither disrupts their behavior nor prevents the formation of new hippocampal synapses. These findings suggest some caution is required in considering performance on standard WM protocols as an index of hippocampus-based learning. Estimating the extent of post-training mossy fiber synaptogenesis would be helpful in solving this issue.  相似文献   

S N Watamaniuk 《Perception》1992,21(6):791-802
Despite the sluggish temporal response of the human visual system, moving objects appear clear and without blur, which suggests that visible persistence is reduced when objects move. It has been argued that spatiotemporal proximity alone can account for this modulation of visible persistence and that activation of a motion mechanism per se is not necessary. Experiments are reported which demonstrate that there is a motion-specific influence on visible persistence. Specifically, points moving in constant directions, or fixed trajectories, show less persistence than points moving with the same spatial and temporal displacements but taking random walks, randomly changing direction each frame. Subjects estimated the number of points present in the display for these two types of motion conditions. Under conditions chosen to produce 'good' apparent motion, ie small temporal and spatial increments, the apparent number of points for the fixed-trajectory condition was significantly lower than the apparent number in the random-walk condition. The traditional explanation of the suppression of persistence based on the spatiotemporal proximity of objects cannot account for these results. The enhanced suppression of persistence observed for a target moving in a consistent direction depends upon the activation of a directionally tuned motion mechanism extended over space and time.  相似文献   

Liu CH  Ward J 《Perception》2006,35(12):1637-1650
Recognition of unfamiliar faces is susceptible to image differences caused by angular sizes subtended from the face to the camera. Research on perception of cubes suggests that apparent distortions of a shape due to large camera angle are correctable by placing the observer at the centre of projection, especially when visibility of the picture surface is low (Yang and Kubovy, 1999 Perception & Psychophysics 61 456-467). To explore the implication of this finding for face perception, observers performed recognition and matching tasks where face images with reduced visibility of picture surface were shown with observers either at the centre of projection or at other viewpoints. The results show that, unlike perception of cubes, the effect of perspective transformation on face recognition is largely unaffected by the centre of projection. Furthermore, the use of perspective cues is not affected by textured surfaces. The limitation of perspective in restoring 3-D information of faces suggests a stronger role for image-based, rather than model-based, processes in recognition of unfamiliar faces.  相似文献   

We examined age-related differences in memory for identity and emotional expression of unfamiliar faces. Younger and older adults were presented with happy and angry faces and were later asked to recognise the same faces displaying a neutral expression. When a face was recognised, they also had to remember what the initial expression of the face had been. In addition, states of awareness associated with both identity and expression memory were assessed with the remember/know/guess paradigm. Older adults showed less recollective experience than younger adults for identity but not for emotional expressions of the faces. This evidence indicates that age-related differences in memory may depend on the nature of the to-be-remembered information, with emotional/social information being remembered as well in older as in younger adults.  相似文献   

We examined age‐related differences in memory for identity and emotional expression of unfamiliar faces. Younger and older adults were presented with happy and angry faces and were later asked to recognise the same faces displaying a neutral expression. When a face was recognised, they also had to remember what the initial expression of the face had been. In addition, states of awareness associated with both identity and expression memory were assessed with the remember/know/guess paradigm. Older adults showed less recollective experience than younger adults for identity but not for emotional expressions of the faces. This evidence indicates that age‐related differences in memory may depend on the nature of the to‐be‐remembered information, with emotional/social information being remembered as well in older as in younger adults.  相似文献   

The authors studied the effect of morphological complexity on working memory in list recall tasks with base words (boy), inflected words (boy + 's) and derived words (boy + hood) in a morphologically rich language: Finnish. Simple serial recall was compared to complex working memory tasks, combining word recall with sentence verification in 8-year-old normally reading participants, dyslexic children, and adults. The normally reading children performed better than dyslexic children on both memory tasks and a test of morphology. Base words were better recalled than morphologically complex words. Memory was better for derived than inflected words in simple but not complex span tasks. There was no interaction between word type and reading group and thus no suggestion of dyslexia being associated with specific problems to represent complex morphology in working memory. Morphological processing in working memory appeared to depend on the task.  相似文献   

Visual attention can be directed immediately, as a spoken word unfolds, towards conceptually related but nonassociated objects, even if they mismatch on other dimensions that would normally determine which objects in the scene were appropriate referents for the unfolding word (Huettig & Altmann, 2005 Huettig, F. and Altmann, G. T. M. 2005. Word meaning and the control of eye fixation: Semantic competitor effects and the visual world paradigm. Cognition, 96: B23B32. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]). Here we demonstrate that the mapping between language and concurrent visual objects can also be mediated by visual-shape relations. On hearing “snake”, participants directed overt attention immediately, within a visual display depicting four objects, to a picture of an electric cable, although participants had viewed the visual display with four objects for approximately 5 s before hearing the target word—sufficient time to recognize the objects for what they were. The time spent fixating the cable correlated significantly with ratings of the visual similarity between snakes in general and this particular cable. Importantly, with sentences contextually biased towards the concept snake, participants looked at the snake well before the onset of “snake”, but they did not look at the visually similar cable until hearing “snake”. Finally, we demonstrate that such activation can, under certain circumstances (e.g., during the processing of dominant meanings of homonyms), constrain the direction of visual attention even when it is clearly contextually inappropriate. We conclude that language-mediated attention can be guided by a visual match between spoken words and visual objects, but that such a match is based on lexical input and may not be modulated by contextual appropriateness.  相似文献   

A gist retrieval-orientation decreases one’s ability to remember objective details from past experiences. Here, we examined whether a gist retrieval-orientation manipulation can impact both the objective and subjective aspects of remembering. Young participants took part in two cued-recollection tasks in which they studied pictures associated with labels; at retrieval, from the labels, they evaluated the vividness of their memories of the corresponding pictures, and recalled picture details. Before retrieval, participants were submitted either to a gist or a control retrieval-orientation (one per task). Results revealed that the amount of recalled details was lower following the gist condition while vividness ratings did not differ between the two retrieval orientations. Critically, the amount of recalled details predicted the corresponding vividness ratings to a similar extent in the gist and control conditions, thus suggesting that recollected memory traces in the gist condition were still rich enough to be judged as subjectively vivid.  相似文献   

Stimulus-driven preferential attention to threat can be modulated by goal-driven attention. However, it remains unclear how this goal-driven modulation affects specific attentional components implied in threat interference. We hypothesise that goal-driven modulation most strongly impacts delayed disengagement from threat. A spatial cueing task was used that disentangles delayed disengagement from attentional capture by tightly manipulating the locus of attention at the time of target onset. Different top-down goals were induced by instructing participants to identify bird/fish targets (Experiment 1) or spider/cat targets (Experiment 2) among animal non-targets. Delayed disengagement from a non-target spider was observed only when the spider was part of the target set, not when it was task-irrelevant. This corroborates evidence that threat stimuli do not necessarily override goal-driven attentional control and that extended processing of threatening distractors is not obligatory.  相似文献   

Facial attractiveness is an important source of social affective information. Here, we studied the time course and task dependence of evaluating attractive faces from a viewer’s perspective. Event-related brain potentials (ERPs) were recorded while participants classified color portraits of unfamiliar persons according to gender and facial attractiveness. During attractiveness classification, enhanced ERP amplitudes for attractive and nonattractive faces relative to faces of intermediate attractiveness were found for an early component around 150 msec and for the late positive complex (LPC). Whereas LPC enhancement conforms to previous studies employing various types of affective stimuli, the finding of an early effect extends earlier research on rapid emotion processing to the dimension of facial attractiveness. Dipole source localization of this early ERP effect revealed a scalp distribution suggesting activation of posterior extrastriate areas. Importantly, attractiveness-related modulations of brain responses were only marginal during the gender decision task, arguing against the automaticity of attractiveness appraisal.  相似文献   

When attention is oriented to an object it is inhibited from returning to the same object following a short delay. This inhibition-of-return (IOR) effect is modulated by an edge discontinuity presented between cue and target—an effect referred to as structure-based modulation of IOR. Here we examined two alternative accounts for the structure-based modulation effect. On one account the modulation is caused by the presence of any intervening feature between cue and target. On another account the modulation is caused by edge-bounded (i.e., closed) regions of space, on which space-based selection mechanisms operate. We presented cues and targets on unsegmented and internally or externally segmented rectangles to examine the two alternative accounts for the effect. Contrary to the predictions of the two alternative accounts, structure-based modulation of IOR was found with the internally but not with the externally segmented displays. This supports our hypothesis that object-based IOR arises from perceptually complete and internally structured object representations.  相似文献   

When attention is oriented to an object it is inhibited from returning to the same object following a short delay. This inhibition-of-return (IOR) effect is modulated by an edge discontinuity presented between cue and target—an effect referred to as structure-based modulation of IOR. Here we examined two alternative accounts for the structure-based modulation effect. On one account the modulation is caused by the presence of any intervening feature between cue and target. On another account the modulation is caused by edge-bounded (i.e., closed) regions of space, on which space-based selection mechanisms operate. We presented cues and targets on unsegmented and internally or externally segmented rectangles to examine the two alternative accounts for the effect. Contrary to the predictions of the two alternative accounts, structure-based modulation of IOR was found with the internally but not with the externally segmented displays. This supports our hypothesis that object-based IOR arises from perceptually complete and internally structured object representations.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that `aromas have distinctive effects on the allocation of attention in space: Arousing olfactory fragrances (e.g., peppermint) are supposed to induce a more focused state, and calming olfactory fragrances (e.g., lavender) a broader attentional state. Here, we investigate whether odors have similar effects on the allocation of attention in time. Participants performed the attentional blink (AB) task, known to produce a deficit in reporting the second of two target stimuli presented in close succession in a rapid sequence of distractors, while being exposed to either a peppermint or a lavender aroma. In two experiments using a between-subjects and a within-subjects design, respectively, we show that the two odors have specific effects on attentional control: As compared with the calming lavender aroma, the arousing peppermint condition yielded a larger AB. Our results demonstrate that attentional control is systematically modulated by factors that induce a more or a less distributed state of mind.  相似文献   

Musculoskeletal disorders account for a higher proportion of sickness absence from work in the European Union than any other health condition. The present study examined the associations between work environment, dispositional optimism/pessimism and medically certified sickness absence caused by musculoskeletal complaints in a sample of employees from the Norwegian Armed Forces (N = 1190, 77.5% men). Dispositional pessimism, but not optimism, predicted the amount of absence also when taking into account the effects of age and the work environment. Overall, our results support previous studies suggesting that pessimism is a more salient predictor of physical health than optimism. Our results also suggest that it may be beneficial for employers to combine medical treatment of musculoskeletal symptoms with psychological treatment targeting pessimistic outcome expectancies in order to reduce the amount of sickness absence.  相似文献   

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