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At SUNY-Plattsburgh, we are using the POISE-CIS course management and delivery software to teach one section of introductory psychology each semester. Although this course uses a traditional textbook and covers the same material as most introductory psychology courses, it uses a self-paced mastery-based approach to learning and is managed and delivered over the Plattsburgh computer network. Students receive assignments, take on-line diagnostic assessments, receive feedback, and communicate with the instructor over the campus network. In a departmental laboratory facility, students also work with a computerized tutorial, complete computerized learning activities, take supervised on-line exams, and consult with teaching assistants. The present paper describes the overall design of the course as well as the specific characteristics of the course as it was offered in the spring of 1995, at which time data were collected on student attitudes toward computers.  相似文献   

The Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs requires counselor training programs to undergo systematic evaluation of trainees. This evaluation can be challenging at times. The authors posit the use of dispositions as a tool for ongoing assessment of student development by detailing the process used to establish dispositions in a counselor training program. Using an N= 1 intensive case study approach, they provide information about the relevance of dispositions in counselor training, the origin of dispositions for the program, and ongoing efforts to evaluate the dispositions in terms of their relevance to student growth. Implications for counselor training and curriculum development are discussed.  相似文献   

In this article, I explore an ethical and pedagogical dilemma that I encounter each semester in my world religions courses: namely, that a great number of students enroll in the courses as part of their missionary training programs, and come to class understanding successful learning to mean gathering enough information about the world's religious “traditions” so as to effectively seduce people out of them. How should we teach world religions – in public university religious studies courses – with this student constituency? What are/ought to be our student learning goals? What can and should we expect to accomplish? How can we maximize student learning, while also maintaining our disciplinary integrity? In response to these questions, I propose a world religions course module, the goal of which is for students to examine – as objects of inquiry – the lenses through which they understand religion(s). With a recognition of their own lenses, I argue, missionary students become more aware of the biases and presumptions about others that they bring to the table, and they learn to see the ways in which these presumptions inform what they see and know about others, and also what they do not so easily see.  相似文献   

Abstract. This essay discusses an approach to teaching religious studies in a general education or core curriculum that I have experimented with for the last decade, which I call the “Learning Covenant.” The Learning Covenant brings together various pedagogical theories, including transformational, experiential, contract, and cooperative learning, in an attempt to address diverse learning styles, multiple intelligences, and student learning assessment. It has advantages over more traditional teacher‐directed approaches to teaching, including meeting student resistance to “required” courses head‐on by inviting them to identify learning needs regardless of chosen vocation and meeting them in the context of a religious studies course, recognizing the multiple ways in which students learn and providing a variety of opportunities for students to express their learning, and allowing students opportunity to take increased responsibility for their own learning. The essay will focus on the Learning Covenant's development, components, strengths, and drawbacks.  相似文献   

In this study, I reflect critically on my own experiences as a university teacher of students’ expressed knowledge about the academic subject of didactics at the beginning and end of their first semester as students in the Master’s Programme in Didactics. My reflections are made using a phenomenographic approach to learning, which regards learning as a qualitatively deeper and different way of understanding content. The results of the study are expected to deepen my understanding of knowledge expressed about didactics in two different student groups, and give insight on what is critical for knowledge development in higher education. The first course design consisted of 12 lectures in total by 12 different teachers representing different fields of didactics, such as general didactics and subject-based didactics in different specializations. The second course design consisted of eight seminars where course literature about didactics was discussed, together with three seminars in smaller groups wherein the students in each specialization of didactics met. A comparison between the groups is made, based on a qualitative analysis of the responses on an open question before and after the first semester forms the basis of my own reflections. The analysis aims to establish in what way the students’ explanations of didactics might have changed during the courses, and if there are differences in this development which could be explained by differences in course design. In the first student group, 10 students (in-service teachers) answered both questionnaires, and 11 students in the second group answered both questionnaires.  相似文献   

Teaching theology within academic institutions with confessional commitments and theologically conservative students requires holding together, in creative tension, two pedagogical goals. The challenge is to promote rigorous academic inquiry by encouraging student openness to engagement with perspectives that challenge their own beliefs while simultaneously constructing a course that is experienced as a safe space where students do not feel their personal faith is under attack. This essay presents the argument that a methodological framework for introductory theology courses informed by Alasdair MacIntyre's reflections on the nature of living traditions holds great promise for achieving these objectives. The essay will also describe how a creative extended analogy drawn from the game of basketball facilitates student comprehension of this initially abstract intellectual framework. Finally, the essay will offer some representative examples of student participation in course online discussion forums in order to illustrate the effectiveness of this approach for student learning.  相似文献   

Counselor educators, while conscientiously preparing students to be sensitive to others through traditional courses and examinations, also communicate an important set of informal, covert attitudes—the silent curriculum. Rapid changes in our social system and in student attitudes are altering one source of this silent curriculum, the teaching-learning relationship. This article suggests possible changes in the counselor education process to encourage individualized instruction, experimentation, and student involvement in departmental decisions, field work, and teaching.  相似文献   

Training in the responsible conduct of research (RCR) is required for many research trainees nationwide, but little is known about its effectiveness. For a preliminary assessment of the effectiveness of a short-term course in RCR, medical students participating in an NIH-funded summer research program at the University of California, San Diego (UCSD) were surveyed using an instrument developed through focus group discussions. In the summer of 2003, surveys were administered before and after a short-term RCR course, as well as to alumni of the courses given in the summers of 2002 and 2001. Survey responses were analyzed in the areas of knowledge, ethical decision-making skills, attitudes about responsible conduct of research, and frequency of discussions about RCR outside of class. The only statistically significant improvement associated with the course was an increase in knowledge, while there was a non-significant tendency toward improvements in ethical decision-making skills and attitudes about the importance of RCR training. The nominal impact of a short-term training course should not be surprising, but it does raise the possibility that other options for delivering information only, such as an Internet-based tutorial, might be considered as comparable alternatives when longer courses are not possible.  相似文献   

The author adds to the limited literature on counselor education courses that are based on the spiritual aspects of counseling by identifying the need for such course work, comparing and contrasting 3 previously published articles on such courses, and introducing a 4th such course in detail. Novel aspects of this newly introduced course and student assessment of various course activities and assignments are highlighted. The article concludes with questions that suggest future research directions.  相似文献   

A decision analytic approach for use by multidisciplinary teams (MDTs) in planning special service programs is described, and formative evaluation information on its application by MDTs in planning individualized education programs (IEPs) is presented. Decision analysis is applied following initial determination of program goals and objectives. In using the approach, an MDT engages in a six-step process: (a) delineation of program alternatives, (b) determination of program outcomes, (c) assessment of probabilities, (d) assessment of utilities, (e) determination of overall program values, and (f) selection of the program to be developed. Utilization of the approach allows a complex program planning situation to be disaggregated into its essential elements, with discussion of program alternatives occurring relative to specific decision criteria. Strengths and limitations of the approach also are discussed, and future directions for research are briefly noted.  相似文献   

During the late 1990s, the psychology department of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis made investments in its undergraduate advising program in terms of additional professional personnel, a new orientation course, an experimental intrusive advising track, innovative peer activities, and expanded physical facilities. Against this backdrop of innovations, from 1995 to 2001 an exit survey of graduating seniors (N=311) showed improved evaluations of departmental counseling services. Ratings of the obtainability of advising on courses and the quality of course and career advising all showed significant upward shifts over the seven years of study. Regarding a specific innovation, students who completed a 1-hr. orientation course gave higher mean counseling ratings than those not enrolled.  相似文献   

This research article explores the active use of cognitive‐developmental or mediated cognitive learning strategies in undergraduate online courses. Examples and applications are drawn from two online sessions integrating online interaction, essay and discussion assignments, as well as a variety of multimedia components conducted during the spring of 2008. While focus on the interaction among students remains an important aspect of the online discussion environment, particular attention is given to the interaction between the student and the instructor. This paper argues that while online learning environments are ultimately student‐controlled, they should be teacher‐centered. The findings of this research suggest that students are more directly influenced by an instructor's intentional effort to mediate the learning process than by the course objectives, material, or subject matter. Successful use of online technologies requires deliberate action on the part of the instructor to integrate various mediated cognitive learning strategies: (a) student participation and response is significantly increased, and (b) student motivation and morale is dramatically influenced.  相似文献   

In response to a survey of faculty regarding their commercial software preferences for advanced analysis of variance courses, it was found that the most frequently used packages were SAS, SPSSx, and BMDP, all originally mainframe packages. The fourth choice, SYSTAT, was written for microcomputers but is currently also available for other host computers. Difficulty for students was the most frequently cited reason fornot using one of these four packages. The most important criteria for choosing software packages were variety of designs, accuracy, and ease of use. Cost was a factor only for microcomputer licenses. Packages using the general linear model approach were paramount to some, while others would not consider such packages. Instructors decried the lack of the “ideal program,” but the diversity of their desires makes it clear that no program could be ideal for all of them. Many faculty seemed unaware of newer software packages or of the extent to which older packages (particularly Minitab) have been modified; some had their choices constrained by departmental limitations. Better dissemination of information about statistical software is needed, whether it be from software publishers or through the professional literature.  相似文献   

Needs assessment activities are presented as a basis for gathering information essential to program development, revision, and evaluation. Needs assessment activities include surveys of trends advocated by national authorities and consumers and identification of needs of students and local school systems. These data form the basis for developing program objectives in a sequentially ordered multilevel program.  相似文献   

In this article, consideration is given to a problem often experienced in relation to courses offering psychodynamic understanding to front-line workers with troubled clients – the complexity for the student in taking the learning ‘home’ in a productive manner and the potential isolation of the student in, or alienation from, their workplace. A model of course delivery is described in which an active three-way partnership between student, course and workplace is fostered which enhances the students' learning, enables the workplace to benefit more fully from the course and enhances the effectiveness of the course in improving service to the ultimate client – the service user.  相似文献   

Objective Structured Clinical Examinations (OSCEs) are a well‐known, reliable, and valid assessment method used across the healthcare sector. In the present study, we applied OSCEs in three units within professional postgraduate psychology courses, with the broad aims of identifying staff and student perceptions of the assessment. At the conclusion of each OSCE, staff and students completed a feedback questionnaire that contained both scaled and open‐ended questions. Results suggest that clinical psychology OSCEs can be stressful for students, but are also well regarded. Both staff and students felt that the OSCEs were realistic, valid, and aligned well with professional practice. Students reported differences in the way in which they prepared for the OSCEs compared with a written exam or other form of assessment, while staff noted that models of OSCE development must be flexible, to adequately assess the objectives of individual units. Further, because they can be a costly exercise, OSCEs need to be applied judiciously within the tertiary sector.  相似文献   

Although data about personality assessment training in clinical psychology programs have often been gathered, little comparable data have been collected about assessment training in counseling psychology programs. To collect such information, we conducted a survey of all programs identified as part of the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs. A two-page questionnaire was sent out to the 64 program directors, with 56 (88%) of the questionnaires being returned. Information about availability of required personality assessment courses, availability of elective assessment courses, and types of personality tests covered in the counseling curriculum is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

随着高等教育规模的扩大,学业表现不良逐渐成为一个不容忽视的现象,对学业表现不良的学生进行预测并提早给予干预可降低退学率并减少教育资源的损失。由于导致学业表现不良的因素众多且关系复杂,传统的基于相关分析的研究方法很难建立早期预测模型并进行应用。本研究旨在利用机器学习算法,对数据进行挖掘,并建立学业表现预测模型。研究对653名大一新生的心理健康状况、应对方式、人格、内外控倾向和相关人口统计学信息进行了收集,并在一年后采集了其学业成绩,利用随机森林(RF)、K邻近(KNN)、支持向量机(SVM)、决策树(DT)、朴素贝叶斯(NB)等机器学习算法建立了分类模型。结果显示,随机森林算法在识别学业表现不良学生时有最好的表现,其中准确率95.86%, 召回率91.83%,f1分数为93.80%。特征重要性分析显示,前10个对模型有最高贡献度的特征包括:年龄、性别、是否为独生子、内外控倾向、神经质倾向、积极应对倾向、宜人性倾向、一般症状指数、开放性倾向和焦虑水平。为避免过度拟合问题,本研究在一年后收集的166名新生样本中进行了模型验证,结果显示模型在新数据集上有较好的泛化表现,其中f1分数90.90%,准确率92.60%,召回率89.26%。研究提示基于人口统计学和心理测评信息,机器学习算法有助于及早识别学业表现不良学生并为开展早期干预提供启示。  相似文献   

Although data about personality assessment training in clinical psychology programs have often been gathered, little comparable data have been collected about assessment training in counseling psychology programs. To collect such information, we conducted a survey of all programs identified as part of the Council of Counseling Psychology Training Programs. A two-page questionnaire was sent out to the 64 program directors, with 56 (88%) of the questionnaires being returned. Information about availability of required personality assessment courses, availability of elective assessment courses, and types of personality tests covered in the counseling curriculum is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

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