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Reaction time (RT) for two three-segment target-striking responses involving changes in direction of movement was studied as a function of differences in their additive index . . . index of difficulty (A-ID). In one condition the A-ID was 9.96 and in the other, 6.76. For 16 right-handed university students, mean RT was significantly faster for the condition in which the index was 6.76. Movement times were consistent with Fitts' Law. The data support Sidaway, Christina, and Shea's 1988 prediction that for target-striking movements with changes of direction, RT is a function of the cumulative series of movement constraints.  相似文献   

Research has indicated that the direction of motion and the speed of motion can influence the subjective estimates of temporal duration of two-dimensional (2-D) stimuli expanding and contracting within the picture plane. In this study, we investigated whether the contextual cues of stimulus/movement-plane dimensionality (2-D stimuli with implied movement in the picture plane or depth-rendered “3-D” stimuli with implied movement in the depth plane) influence and interact with speed and implied movement direction during interval estimation. Participants viewed a series of standard stimulus durations followed by a test stimulus duration and determined whether the test and standard durations differed. The results indicated that moving stimuli were overestimated relative to stationary stimuli, regardless of the direction of motion or dimensionality. Also, faster-moving stimuli were overestimated relative to slower-moving stimuli. Importantly, an interaction between movement direction and dimensional cues indicated that the loom/recede distinction occurs for 2-D but not for 3-D stimuli. It is possible that the loom/recede distinction for the 2-D condition may be an artifact arising from reduced or from a lack of perceived motion in 2-D “recede” conditions, rather than a specific overestimation for looming stimuli.  相似文献   

Speed discrimination tasks were used to examine the spatial and temporal characteristics of the integration mechanism involved when signals are extended in the direction of motion. We varied the aspect ratio of a signal patch whose speed differed from the background, while holding the area of the signal patch constant, so that the signal patch could be either extended in the direction of motion or extended orthogonal to the direction of motion. Speed discrimination thresholds decreased dramatically as the signal patch was extended in the direction of motion. The spatial and temporal integration regions were larger than would be expected if the integration mechanism were a low-level motion detector. The mechanism was tuned for direction of motion. The data are discussed with reference to two alternative integration mechanisms: a low-level detector that is elongated in the direction of motion and a higher level integration mechanism characterized by cooperative or facilitatory interactions between low-level detectors tuned to the same direction of motion. Our data are consistent with a second-level, direction-specific process that integrates the responses of low-level motion detectors.  相似文献   

Under some circumstances, moving objects capture attention. Whether a change in the direction of a moving object attracts attention is still unexplored. We investigated this using a continuous tracking task. In Experiment 1, four grating patches changed smoothly and semirandomly in their positions and orientations, and observers attempted to track the orientations of two of them. After the stimuli disappeared, one of the two target gratings was queried and observers reported its orientation; hence direction of the gratings' motion across the screen was an irrelevant feature. Despite the irrelevance of its motion, when the nonqueried grating had collided with an invisible boundary within the last 200 msec of the trial, accuracy reporting the queried grating was worse than when it had not. Attention was likely drawn by the unexpected nature of these changes in direction of motion, since the effect was eliminated when the boundaries were visible (Experiment 2). This tendency for unexpected motion changes to attract attention has important consequences for the monitoring of objects in everyday environments.  相似文献   

The effects of a background scene on the perception of the trajectory of an approaching object and its relation to changes in angular speed and angular size were examined in five experiments. Observers judged the direction (upward or downward) of two sequentially presented motion trajectories simulating a sphere traveling toward the observer at a constant 3-D speed from a fixed distance. In Experiments 14, we examined the effects of changes in angular speed and the presence of a scene background, with changes in angular size based either on the trajectories being discriminated or on an intermediate trajectory. In Experiment 5, we examined the effects of changes in angular speed and scene background, with angular size either constant or consistent with an intermediate 3-D trajectory. Overall, we found that (1) observers were able to judge the direction of object motion trajectories from angular speed changes; (2) observers were more accurate with a 3-D scene background, as compared with a uniform background, suggesting that scene information is important for recovering object motion trajectories; and (3) observers were more accurate in judging motion trajectories based on angular speed when the angular size function was consistent with motion in depth than when the angular size was constant.  相似文献   

Manual reaction time (RT) and visual evoked potentials (VEP) were measured in motion onset and offset detection tasks. A considerable homology was observed between the temporal structure of RTs and VEP intervals, provided that the change in motion was detected as soon as the VEP signal has reached critical threshold amplitude. Both manual reactions and VEP rise in latency as the velocity of the onset or offset motion decreases and were well approximated by the same negative power function with the exponent close to −2/3. This indicates that motion processing is normalised by subtracting the initial motion vector from ongoing motion. A comparison of the motion onset VEP signals in two different conditions, in one of which the observer was instructed to abstain from the reaction and in the other to indicate as fast as possible the beginning of the motion, contained accurate information about the manual response.  相似文献   

Inattentional blindness is a striking phenomenon in which a salient object within the visual field goes unnoticed because it is unexpected, and attention is focused elsewhere. Several attributes of the unexpected object, such as size and animacy, have been shown to influence the probability of inattentional blindness. At present it is unclear whether or how the speed of a moving unexpected object influences inattentional blindness. We demonstrated that inattentional blindness rates are considerably lower if the unexpected object moves more slowly, suggesting that it is the mere exposure time of the object rather than a higher saliency potentially induced by higher speed that determines the likelihood of its detection. Alternative explanations could be ruled out: The effect is not based on a pop-out effect arising from different motion speeds in relation to the primary-task stimuli (Experiment 2), nor is it based on a higher saliency of slow-moving unexpected objects (Experiment 3).  相似文献   

In 6 experiments, incidental memory was tested for direction of motion in an old-new recognition paradigm. Ability to recognize previously shown directions depended greatly on motion type. Memory for translation and expansion-contraction direction was highly veridical, whereas memory for rotation direction was conspicuously absent. Similar results were obtained in conditions in which motions were illustrated with pictures. Results suggest that explicit representations of direction in long-term memory are not so much related to motion per se as to the consequences of motion, the displacements of objects. Memory for all motions following circular pathways was found to be corrupted by a generic bias to regard the clockwise direction as familiar. Assessment of memory in these cases required disentangling familiarity bias for the clockwise direction from explicit recognition of direction.  相似文献   

The starring point for this study was the rotating trapezoidal window. The aim was to reanalyze the problem of information about direction of rotation that is available in simplified proximal stimulations and to study empirically if the Ss utilized the possibilities demonstrated in the theoretical analyses. These analyses showed that a distal poin t moving in a horizontal circular path gives different proximal stimulations when moving clockwise and counterclockwise Further, a distal vertical line moving with its midpoint in the same path has a proximal change of length with different phase relations with the horizontal back-and-forth motion for the two directions. The proximal stimulation is ambiguous, however, unless some restrictions or “decoding principles” are introduced. In the first two experiments it was shown that the Ss could not report “correct” direction of motion of the point but were able to do so about the vertical line. In a third experiment a second vertical line was introduced. This necessitates a determination of relative distance to the two lines. It was shown that the proximally shorter line was usually perceived further away than the proximally longer one. The results are discussed with reference to the trapezoidal window. and some hypotheses are stated.  相似文献   

The question of whether changes seen in simple reaction time (SRT) as a function of response complexity (i.e., number of movement parts) should be considered as differences in the time needed to centrally program a motor response was addressed. Using a large-scale tapping response, 14 subjects contacted from one to five targets positioned in a straight line, while a second group of 14 subjects executed 90 degrees changes in direction in striking the targets. Results revealed that mean SRT and mean premotor time increased linearly as the number of movement parts increased, regardless of whether changes in movement direction had to be programmed, with the greatest increase occurring between one-, and two-part responses. Increases in motor time were not sufficient to account for the sizeable SRT effect. These findings support the position of increased central programming time for more complex responses, and also help establish some of the boundaries of the complexity effect.  相似文献   

Subjects observed a random-dot pattern moving uniformly in the vertical direction (vector V1). The motion vector abruptly changed to V2, both in speed and direction simultaneously. It was found that the time of simple reaction to such changes V1 --> V2 can be described by a function of a single variable, [w(V1 - V2c) + (1 - w) V2N], 0 < w < 0.5, where V2c and V2N are the components of V2 collinear with and normal to V1. The choice-reaction time for changes in direction that are accompanied by changes in speed can be described by a function solely of the absolute value of V2N. Unlike the simple-reaction time, the choice-reaction time was independent of the initial speed of motion. The processes that may be engaged in simple and choice reactions to motion are discussed.  相似文献   

《Acta psychologica》1985,59(3):227-269
A general model for choice reaction time (RT) is presented which is based on a theory that describes the operational characteristics of a problem solving subject. The model is not a stage model neither in the way envisioned by Donders nor in the sense proposed by Sternberg. Rather, it is based on the assumption that RT is the result of an underlying process that continually switches between two states: a state of processing and a state of non-processing. In the state of processing the subject executes the so-called operations that are needed to solve a problem. However, from time to time the subject enters a state of non-processing. During the latter state, the subject either processes those operations that are not directly related to the execution of the task or uses this time to recover in order to prevent the system from becoming overloaded. It is shown that the model successfully describes the RT data of three different tasks: a simple choice task, a mental addition task and a mental rotation task. The model provides a means to study individual differences not only in cognitive psychology but also in the realm of mental testing. Special attention is given to the problem of parameter estimation and the statistical properties of the estimators.  相似文献   

It has long been thought (e.g., Cavanagh & Mather, 1989) that first-order motion-energy extraction via space-time comparator-type models (e.g., the elaborated Reichardt detector) is sufficient to account for human performance in the short-range motion paradigm (Braddick, 1974), including the perception of reverse-phi motion when the luminance polarity of the visual elements is inverted during successive frames. Human observers’ ability to discriminate motion direction and use coherent motion information to segregate a region of a random cinematogram and determine its shape was tested; they performed better in the same-, as compared with the inverted-, polarity condition. Computational analyses of short-range motion perception based on the elaborated Reichardt motion energy detector (van Santen & Sperling, 1985) predict, incorrectly, that symmetrical results will be obtained for the same- and inverted-polarity conditions. In contrast, the counterchange detector (Hock, Schöner, & Gilroy, 2009) predicts an asymmetry quite similar to that of human observers in both motion direction and shape discrimination. The further advantage of counterchange, as compared with motion energy, detection for the perception of spatial shape- and depth-from-motion is discussed.  相似文献   

Since 1994, group reaction time (RT) distribution analyses of spatial correspondence effects have been used to evaluate the dynamics of the spatial Simon effect, a benefit of correspondence of stimulus location information with response location for tasks in which stimulus location is irrelevant. We review the history and justification for analyzing group RT distributions and clarify which conditions result in the Simon effect decreasing across the distribution and which lead to flat or increasing functions. Although the standard left-right Simon effect typically yields a function for which the effect decreases as RT increases, in most other task variations, the Simon effect remains stable or increases across the RT distribution. Studies that have used other means of evaluating the temporal dynamics of the Simon effect provide converging evidence that the changes in the Simon effect across the distribution are due mainly to temporal activation properties, an issue that has been a matter of some dispute.  相似文献   

Participants made decisions between two road improvements to increase mean speed. Time saved when speed increased from a higher driving speed was overestimated in relation to time saved from increases from lower speeds. In Study 2, participants matched pairs of speed increases so that they would give the same time saving and repeated the bias. The increase in risk of an accident with person injury was underestimated and the increase in risk of a fatal accident grossly underestimated when speed increased. The increase of stopping distance when speed increased was systematically underestimated. In Study 3, the tasks and results of Study 2 were repeated with engineering students. When forming opinions about speed limits and traffic planning, drivers, the public, politicians and others who do not collect the proper facts are liable to the same biases as those demonstrated in the present study. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Frank Arntzenius 《Topoi》1995,14(1):67-81
Many phenomena in the world display a striking time-asymmetry: the forwards transition frequencies are approximately invariant while the backwards ones are not. I argue in this paper that theories of such phenomena will entail that time has a direction, and that quantum mechanics in particular entails that the future is objectively different from the past.  相似文献   

Features that we have recently attended to strongly influence how we allocate visual attention across a subsequently viewed visual scene. Here, we investigate the characteristics of any such repetition effects during visual search for Gabor patch targets drifting in the odd direction relative to a set of distractors. The results indicate that repetition of motion direction has a strong effect upon subsequent allocation of attention. This was the case for judgments of a target’s presence or absence, of a target’s location, and of the color of a target drifting in the odd direction. Furthermore, distractor repetition on its own can facilitate search performance on subsequent trials, indicating that the benefits of repetition of motion direction are not confined to repetition of target features. We also show that motion direction need not be the target-defining dimension throughout a trial block for motion priming to occur, but that priming can build up with only one presentation of a given target direction, even within blocks of trials where the target may, unpredictably, be defined by a different feature (color, in this case), showing that dimensional-weighting accounts cannot, on their own, account for motion direction priming patterns. Finally, we show by randomizing the set size between trials that priming of motion direction can decrease search rates in visual search.  相似文献   

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