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Muscle action potentials were recorded from lifting muscles during the foreperiod before lifts of large and small objects when the size-weight illusion occurred. There were increases in tension throughout the foreperiod of both lifts, culminating in a large increase following the instruction to lift. The increases were greater before lifts of the large can, supporting the peripheral theory of comparative weight judgment. The “set to lift” effect was shown to exist in the action potentials before the foreperiod of the second lift when compared to those just prior to the lift of the first can.  相似文献   

Numerous size-weight illusion models were classified in the present article according to general recognition theory (Ashby & Townsend, 1986), wherein the illusion results from a lack of perceptual separability, perceptual independence, decisional separability, or a combination of the three. These options were tested in two experiments in which a feature-complete factorial design and multidimensional signal detection analysis were used (Kadlec & Townsend, 1992a, 1992b). With haptic touch alone, the illusion was associated with a lack of perceptual and decisional separability. When the participant viewed the stimulus in his or her hand, the illusion was associated only with a lack of decisional separability. Visual input appeared to improve the discrimination of mass, leaving only the response bias due to expectation.  相似文献   

The occurrence of the size-weight illusion is related to the manner in which-objects are lifted. When the SWI occurs, the larger of two objects of equal objective weight is usually lifted with greater acceleration, deceleration, and maximum velocity than the smaller one, but to approximately the same height. These differences are not present when the cans feel equally heavy. The relationship of lifting movements to judgments is consistent with the known behavior of proprioceptors which provide sensory input about muscular and movement events.  相似文献   

When a hand-held object is lifted by wrist flexion, the lifting system composed of muscles, bones, and the object lifted constitutes a third-class lever. Therefore, objects require greater lifting force as they are supported further distally The small can of the DeMoors size-weight illusion cans is usually supported further distally than the large one, possibly influencing their relative perceived weight When Ss are required to lift the small can through a shorter lever than the large one, there is a significant shift of judgments toward a reversal of the SWI in a paired-comparison situation. It is concluded that mechanical advantage does influence weight judgments and that biomechanical factors should be considered whenever weight judgments are made.  相似文献   

An extension of unidimensional nonlinear psychophysics is postulated by using forms of cross-coupling between the parameters of the two single-channel recursions, which have already been shown to model some perceptual phenomena. The size-weight illusion is shown to be reproducible in the topology of its relations, and it is suggested that some so-called illusions are in fact the natural consequences of nonlinear cross-coupling. The conditions that produce the illusion involve partially compensating the cross-coupling of sensory dimensions, and a second equilibrium with no cross-coupling, resembling simpler veridical perception, also exists in the behavior of some subjects.  相似文献   

A theoretical model was given for the size-weight illusion based on a principle of information integration. Judged heaviness of lifted weights was assumed to be an average of two pieces of information, weight and size, with the latter receiving negative weighting in the model formulation. Two experiments based on a Weight by Size design gave fair support to the parallelism prediction of the integration model. The hypothesis that Ss were really judging density was shown to imply a divergence prediction, contrary to the data. The theoretical analysis was generalized to include negative, positive, and comparative illusions; these were differentiated according to whether the contextual information was integrated with negative weighting, positive weighting, or served as a yardstick of judgment.  相似文献   

The Bourdon illusion in haptic space   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A strong Bourdon illusion-the apparent bentness of a straight edge-in the active haptic mode was established in two experiments. Blindfolded subjects clasped the opposite surfaces of an object with the same frontal profile as the visual figure between thumb and forefinger and moved the latter together from end to end across the object. When the two triangular components of the objects were rotated through 180 degrees so that their bases instead of their apexes were contiguous, the illusion was reversed in direction and reduced by about half, as with the visual illusion. It was concluded that the active haptic Bourdon illusion is basically the same as the visual illusion and can be accounted for by a compromise in perception between the orientation of the test surface and that of the object of which it is an integral part.  相似文献   

The kinds of individual differences in perceptions permitted by the weighted euclidean model for multidimensional scaling (e.g., INDSCAL) are much more restricted than those allowed by Tucker's Three-mode Multidimensional Scaling (TMMDS) model or Carroll's Idiosyncratic Scaling (IDIOSCAL) model. Although, in some situations the more general models would seem desirable, investigators have been reluctant to use them because they are subject to transformational indeterminacies which complicate interpretation. In this article, we show how these indeterminacies can be removed by constructing specific models of the phenomenon under investigation. As an example of this approach, a model of the size-weight illusion is developed and applied to data from two experiments, with highly meaningful results. The same data are also analyzed using INDSCAL. Of the two solutions, only the one obtained by using the size-weight model allows examination of individual differences in the strength of the illusion; INDSCAL can not represent such differences. In this sample, however, individual differences in illusion strength turn out to be minor. Hence the INDSCAL solution, while less informative than the size-weight solution, is nonetheless easily interpretable.This paper is based on the first author's doctoral dissertation at the Department of Psychology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. The aid of Professor Ledyard R Tucker is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

An embodied approach to the perception of spatial layout contends that the body is used as a 'perceptual ruler' with which individuals scale the perceived environmental layout. In support of this notion, previous research has shown that the perceived size of objects can be influenced by changes in the apparent size of hand. The size-weight illusion is a well known phenomenon, which occurs when people lift two objects of equal weight but differing sizes and perceive that the larger object feels lighter. Therefore, if apparent hand size influences perceived object size, it should also influence the object's perceived weight. In this study, we investigated this possibility by using perceived weight as a measure and found that changes in the apparent size of the hand influence objects' perceived weight.  相似文献   

This paper offers background for an English translation of an article originally published in 1891 by Augustin Charpentier (1852-1916), as well as a summary of it. The article is frequently described as providing the first experimental evidence for the size-weight illusion. A comparison of experiments on the judged heaviness of lifted weights carried out by Weber (1834) and by Charpentier (1891) supports the view that Charpentier's work deserves priority; review of other experimental studies on the size-weight illusion in the 1890s suggests that the idea that the illusion depended on "disappointed expectations," especially with respect to speed of lift, became dominant almost immediately following the publication of Charpentier's paper. The fate of this and other ideas, including "motor energy," in 20th-century research on the illusion is briefly described.  相似文献   

Gallace A  Auvray M  Spence C 《Perception》2007,36(7):1003-1018
Research has shown that a variety of different sensory manipulations, including visual illusions, transcutaneous nerve stimulation, vestibular caloric stimulation, optokinetic stimulation, and prism adaptation, can all influence people's performance on spatial tasks such as line bisection. It has been suggested that these manipulations may act upon the 'higher-order' levels of representation used to code spatial information. We investigated whether we could influence haptic line bisection in normal participants crossmodally by varying the visual background that participants viewed. In experiment 1, participants haptically bisected wooden rods while looking at a variant of the Oppel - Kundt visual illusion. Haptic-bisection judgments were influenced by the orientation of the visual illusion (in line with previous unimodal visual findings). In experiment 2, haptic-bisection judgments were also influenced by the presence of a leftward or rightward moving visual background. In experiments 3 and 4, the position of the to-be-bisected stimuli was varied with respect to the participant's body midline. The results confirmed an effect of optokinetic stimulation, but not of the Oppel -Kundt illusion, on participants' tactile-bisection errors, suggesting that the two manipulations might differentially affect haptic processing. Taken together, these results suggest that the 'higher-order' levels of spatial representation upon which perceptual judgments and/or motor responses are made may have multisensory or amodal characteristics.  相似文献   

The apparent heaviness of a set of 40 cylindrical objects was scaled by the method of magnitude estimation. The objects varied in weight, volume. and density. There were three main conclusions: (1) For any constant volume, heaviness grows as a power function of weight; the larger the volume. the larger the exponent of the power function. The family of such power functions converge at a common point in the vicinity of the heaviest weight that can be lifted. (2) For any constant density (i:e., weight proportional to volume), heaviness does not grow as a power function of weight. (3) For any constant weight, heaviness decreases approximately as a logarithmic function of volume; the constants of the log function depend systematically on the weight of the object. The outcome furnishes a broad quantitative picture of apparent heaviness and of the size-weight illusion (Charpentier’s illusion).  相似文献   

Mapping of arbitrary color cues onto object properties such as mass can influence the control of fingertip forces. One can view the development of that mapping as a motor learning issue, and its development should therefore be influenced by practice schedule. During an acquisition phase, 24 participants lifted color-cued objects that differed in mass. The masses were presented in either blocked or random orders. A test phase consisted of lifts of a midmass object; on some lifts, the object's mass was unexpectedly changed. The change was either accurately color cued or miscued. Only blocked practice led to visually mediated scaling of fingertip forces to object mass. During the test phase, previous blocked practice resulted in reliance on visual cues, and random practice led to a reliance on haptics (sense of touch). Those findings suggest that the integration of arbitrary color cues and haptic information is dependent on practice conditions.  相似文献   

Blindfolded right-handed participants were asked to position, with the right hand, a frontoparallel rod to one of three orientations: vertical (0°) and left 45° and right 45° obliques. Simultaneously, three different backgrounds were explored with the left hand: smooth, congruent stripes (parallel to the orientation to be produced), or incongruent stripes (tilted relative to the orientation to be produced). The analysis of variable errors showed that the oblique effect (higher precision for the vertical orientation than for the oblique orientations) was weakened in the presence of contextual cues, because of an improvement in oblique precision. Moreover, the analysis of constant errors revealed that the perception of orientations erred in the direction of the stripes, similar to the effect that has been found with vision, where visual contextual cues (tilted frame or lines) divert the perception of the vertical. These results are discussed in relation to a patterncentric frame of reference hypothesis or as a congruency effect.  相似文献   

The size–weight illusion (SWI) refers to the phenomenon that objects that are objectively equal in weight but different in size or volume are perceived to differ in weight, such that smaller objects feel heavier than larger ones. This article reviews studies trying to support three different viewpoints with respect to the role of expectancies in causing the SWI. The first viewpoint argues for a crucial role; the second admits a role, yet without seeing consequences for sensorimotor processes; and the third denies any causal role for expectancies at all. A new explanation of the SWI is proposed that can integrate the different arguments. A distinctive feature of the new explanation is that it recognizes the causal influence of expectancies, yet combines this with certain reactive and direct behavioral consequences of perceiving size differences that are independent of experience-based expectancies, and that normally result in the adaptive application of forces to lift or handle differently sized objects. The new account explains why the illusion is associated with the repeated generation of inappropriate lifting forces (which can, however, be modified through extensive training), as well as why it depends on continuous visual exposure to size cues, appears at an early age, and is cognitively impenetrable.  相似文献   

Summary The method of fixed set (Uznadze, 1966) was applied to the size-weight illusion. After the repeated lifting of a small, heavy stimulus and a large, light one with both hands simultaneously, the size-weight illusion diminished. It increased after lifting a small, light stimulus and a large, heavy one. These changes in perception were explained as contrast effects caused by the sets which were fixed during the preceding lifts. The same method was applied to the weight-size illusion and the contrast effect was observed in some cases. The results of the application of the fixed-set method to the size-weight illusion and to the visual size perception were compared. All the results showed analogous patterns of conflicting states between the temporarily fixed set and the set that the subject prepares naturally for perception, such as the size-weight illusion. By way of conclusion, the size-weight illusion was assumed to be a kind of contrast effect in the light of Uznadze's theory of set.  相似文献   

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