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The COVID-19 pandemic has raged around the world over the recent years, raising the global community’s awareness of the interconnection of human civilizations and urging the reconsideration of the humannature relationship. The escalating worldwide ecological crises are putting human survival and development at risk. The phenomenon has aroused the awareness of “ecological rationality,” consciousness of “economic value” and appeal for “ecological justice” in the universal sense. The endeavor of promoting ecological civilization has been included as part of the fivesphere integrated plan for building socialism with Chinese characteristics since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC). General Secretary Xi Jinping’s thought on ecological civilization has fully manifested the value and goal of comprehensively promoting ecological civilization and adhering to the Chinese path to modernization. The Chinese path to modernization, which has reflected on and outclassed the Westernstyle logic for modernization, shows a unique horizon and independent wisdom. Focusing on addressing the uncertainties facing human survival in the New Era and aiming at embracing the future, the Chinese path to modernization has shifted the mindset from economic rationality to ecological rationality, abandoned anthropocentrism, and firmly upheld and fulfilled the code of conduct for rational “economic man.” The endeavor of building an eco-friendly society and an ecological community has showcased the favorable institutional practice in Chinese modernization and China’s wisdom, demonstrated rational planning, prudential design and effective implementation for the prospect of mankind and highlighted a progressive trend in human civilization.  相似文献   

The centennial exploration of the Chinese road started with the founding of the Communist Party of China (CPC). This road is essentially characterized by modernization and adapting Marxism to the Chinese context. The fundamental correlation between China’s modernization and Marxism lies in the fact that China must go through a thorough social revolution to lay the foundation for its modernization cause, which charted a historical course from new democracy to socialism. However, only adapting Marxism to the Chinese context can help China’s modernization, because it is this philosophy that is intrinsically related to China’s practice in revolution, construction and reform. The contemporary form of adapting Marxism to the Chinese context is socialism with Chinese characteristics, which holds great significance for both the Chinese nation and international socialism and the overall development of human society in the new historical phase. This is a kind of “significance for world history” because the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation lies not only in its own development into a modern power, but also in the fact that it is actively opening up the possibility of a new type of civilization besides completing the modernization mission and obtaining achievements from modern civilization.  相似文献   

中医现代化怎么走   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
中医学的发展史就是中国古代哲学思想史的发展史,中医学的各个组成部分都体现了辩证唯物主义的哲学观点;"中医现代化"口号的提出给中医的发展带来了契机,也带来了很多值得思考的问题.试从哲学角度来探讨、解决这些问题的思路和方法.  相似文献   

由于人类赖以存在的水资源、空气和土壤等受到严重污染,直接或间接地引发人类某些疾病的产生甚至爆发,对人类健康和生存发展构成了巨大的威胁。对此,一方面,需要对医学模式进行重新审视。生物心理社会医学模式的局限性逐渐突显,生物心理社会生态医学模式最终将成为引领未来医学发展的基本模式。另一方面,需要以人类健康为导向加强生态文明建设:转变思想观念,树立生态中心主义观;依靠科学技术,积极发展生态经济;完善国家健康发展战略,制定环境与健康行动计划;建设健康城市,营造生态优美的人居环境。  相似文献   

The Chinese path to modernization features socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics. It not only adheres to scientific socialism with Chinese characteristics but is also the Chinese road of development during global modernization, the path to realizing the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and the creation of a new model for human advancement. Through the Chinese path to modernization, Chinese civilization with a long history now displays a brand-new form and its unique values and significance on the global stage. This paper probes into the vicissitudes of the Chinese nation in modern times, and reveals the leapfrog development of the great national rejuvenation to highlight the significance of the Chinese modernization by solving the “mystery of figures” ; explores the Chinese nation’s ideological progress during modernization since modern times to show the thought development that Chinese modernization achieved by analyzing the “mystery of thought” ; elaborates on the value orientation of the great national rejuvenation to demonstrate the guidance on values provided by Chinese modernization by explaining the “mystery of values” ; and studies the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation from a strategic perspective to tap into the rich significance and institutional underpinnings of Chinese modernization by unraveling the “mystery of characteristics.” The Chinese Communists have conducted comprehensive theoretical explorations and pioneered practical innovations in the above aspects, which formed its powerful guidance in ideas and values, the underpinnings of the systematic structures and institutions, and created the Chinese path to modernization. The Chinese path to modernization pushes forward the leapfrog development of the Chinese nation towards modernization, advances the national rejuvenation along the right track, builds a new form of Chinese civilization, and shape the development course of contemporary human culture.  相似文献   

加强中西医药结合 促进中药现代化   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在21世纪生命科学的发展和回归自然的世界潮流中,中药走向世界面临大好机遇,同时也受到国际社会的严峻挑战。中药现代化,特别要充分认识中西医药结合的必要性和重要性。中西医药结合的关键在人才培养。通过规范化的教育,培养和造就新一代中西医药结合的高层次药学人才已刻不容缓地提上议事日程。  相似文献   

药物的安全性是药物评价的首要标准。《欧盟传统药品法案》对中药的技术壁垒和我国对某些中药的毒副作用的披露,使得中药的安全性问题日益突出,使得中药产业面临前所未有的危机。对中药安全性的理性认识是扩大其国内市场占有率、走向国际市场所必须突破的瓶颈,也是中药产业危机管理的必由通道。这是一场深刻的文化革命。  相似文献   




The building of a shared community requires enduring efforts. The human community with a shared future is the largest community of human society for nation-states so far, an inevitable result of globalization. In this era, globalization needs to be oriented at demolishing the false universality in the past and rebuild the genuine universality, which makes building a human community with a shared future constructively logical in contemporary globalization. The new universality is the shared values of humanity. In essence, the shared values of humanity are a “common good” formed by all nations for their common interests, common needs, and common development, which makes them a new universality. The emergence and formation of the shared values of humanity was developed naturally in the long term among the exchanges of all nations. From the perspective of the thinking mode, the shared values of humanity focus on the “communicative rationality” in the intersubjectivity of the countries and the nations instead of hegemonic rationality, while adhering to the consultative principle. From the perspective of the internal structure, the shared values of humanity unite the value of existence and development. Their fundamental connotation reveals that the shared values of humanity dialectically unite cultural commonness and particularity. Building a human community with a shared future and its core shared values has in fact proposed a new model for human advancement. The fundamental connotations of the new model for human advancement can be classified into three aspects: new cultural value, the new paradigm of civilization, and new cultural experience.  相似文献   

The concept of the shared values of humanity, embodying the spirit of putting people first and solving real-life problems, is of great significance for constructing a new global order and building a human community with a shared future. The shared values of humanity respect the differences in understanding and realization paths of different civilizations, and seek common grounds with an inclusive and open attitude. The core socialist values are an embodiment and an extension of the shared values of humanity. The fine traditional Chinese culture has also laid a profound cultural basis for the pursuit of the shared values of humanity, enabling us to make up a better scheme for building a human community with a shared future from the perspective of civilization.  相似文献   

中药有效成分的提取可以看作是炮制方法的延伸,有效成分的研究是中药现代化的关键,有助于探索中医理论的实质,可望为中医现代化打开缺口。  相似文献   

马皑  宋业臻 《心理科学》2018,(4):770-775
摘 要 中国特色社会心理学应当对在中国社会转型的独特过程中所产生的有别于欧美的社会问题进行回应,对从改革发展过程中所产生的种种具体社会问题进行解决,以此建立中国特色心理学研究。应当从中国社会转型过程中的现实、具体问题出发,提出具有现实关怀、解决社会发展中具体困难的学术问题;应当具有更深层的人文关怀、精神关怀,从心理学的角度回应中国社会转型与社会变迁形成的当代中国人精神层面的巨大变化所产生的社会问题。中国特色心理学研究应当在借鉴西方心理学研究方法的基础上,根据问题的特征选择适合的研究方法。研究中国特色心理学对中国心理学发展与中国社会发展均有巨大的积极意义。  相似文献   

倏忽与浑沌和中医与西医   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中医“科学化”和“现代化”是西方医学传入我国一百多年来几代中医人的夙愿和奋斗目标,但在以感染和传染性疾病为主要矛盾的生物医学模式阶段,却一直难以取得突破性的进展。随着各种慢性疾病发病率的逐年增加、医疗重点的转移和生物-心理-社会医学模式的确立,中医的现代化发展正在面临着前所未有的机遇和挑战。借助《庄子》“倏忽为浑沌开窍”的故事,重点就新的医学模式下的中医现代化发展进行了一些方法论的探讨。  相似文献   

“Learning to be Human” is the theme of the 24th World Congress of Philosophy, to be held in Beijing in 2018, and also an important topic in traditional Chinese Confucian philosophy. Different interpretations of this theme, however, directly determine how to understand the study of Chinese philosophy in the context of world philosophy today. Changes in contemporary philosophy urge us to reconsider philosophical research in today’s China. Reflecting on the status quo of research on Chinese philosophy and finding a method for solving certain existing difficulties will ultimately enhance the study of Chinese philosophy.  相似文献   

在中印两大古老的医学体系中,存在着两种极为相似的肢体运动疗法,它们都通过运动形体、控制呼吸、修持内心来达到运行气血、舒展筋骨、通利积滞的养生效果。二者性质均为康复医学与运动健身的结合,为各民族的身心健康和繁衍不息做出了巨大贡献。通过对瑜伽文化和导引养生文化的历史渊源、思想理论和运动特点分析,透过养生文化视角进行类比,探讨瑜伽与导引的异与同。研究意义在于通过两种养生方式的比较,可使印度瑜伽和中国导引的优秀文化互为有益补充,同时也有利于弘扬中国优秀的传统文化,增强民族文化自信。  相似文献   

多元智能理论的神经心理学基础   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
香港和澳门地区近年积极提倡素质教育 ,美国学者加德纳 (HowardGardner)的多元智能理论 (TheoryofMultipleIntellgences)逐渐受到教育工作者的重视 ,期望这理论可以作为适性教育的指导思想。本文旨在阐释人类心灵的生物构造 ,以及从神经心理学 (neuropsychology)角度分析心灵 (mind)发展的三个层面 (感知的、创意的、统整的 ) ;继而介绍加德纳如何通过介定智能的八项基准 ,来建立至目前为止关于人类认知发展最完整的理论 ;最后尝试根据心灵发展的三个层面 ,辨别“智能”和“智慧”的涵意  相似文献   

On Chimeras     
Bernard E. Rollin 《Zygon》2007,42(3):643-648
This essay is a critical response to Neville Cobbe's article “Cross‐Species Chimeras: Exploring a Possible Christian Perspective.” New technologies, particularly biotechnologies, raise major concerns in society. In the absence of good ethical thinking on these issues, bad ethical thinking becomes regnant. Two common types of bad ethical thinking are (1) confusing whatever disturbs people with genuine ethical issues and (2) confusing religious issues with ethical ones. Cobbe's article commits the former type of error with regard to the possibility of a mouse created with human brain neurons. I analyze and discuss that error and also raise questions about Cobbe's attempt to analyze the creation of chimeras from a Christian perspective.  相似文献   

从科学认识的过程看中药指纹图谱技术的发展历程   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中药指纹图谱是一种通过色谱峰反映中药成分和综合效应的分析手段,具有整体性和稳定性的特点,能较全面地反映中药的质量,现已成为现代中药质控的发展趋势。但其研究仍属初级阶段,如何准确地解析“谱”与“效”的关系及减少中药质量的不稳定性对图谱构建的影响,尚待进一步探索与研究。  相似文献   

语言学:医者的利器   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在古代和中世纪,语言学是哲学的一部分,那时语言学还不是独立的科学.当今这两门学问都有了同样发展,对于医者的作用都很大[1].  相似文献   

基因技术在医学领域的应用使原有的生命伦理学面临极大张力。危及人性、人的尊严与自由是以哈贝马斯为首的反对基因强化和自由优生人士的主要关切;而支持者却以人性并不固定而且人性也应进化为自己辩护。基因伦理学实体论和主观论哲学观都面临着理论失灵的困境。前瞻性新型基因伦理学应该直面基因技术的挑战, 从全人类福祉出发, 努力促成基因伦理学普适性规范的制定, 加强对基因技术的国际监管, 并对基因技术进行全人类、全局性、全过程的伦理审查。  相似文献   

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