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当我们断言中国古代没有逻辑学的时候,并不否认中国古代有逻辑思维。问题就在于:为什么中国古代的逻辑思维不能发展为逻辑学?通过文化比较可以发现,文化的终极关怀对逻辑学的命运有决定性影响。何以希腊文化能完成从逻辑思维到逻辑学的发展,希伯来文化却不能?根本原因在于希腊文化以知识作为终极关怀,使认知主义成为主流,而希伯来文化以宗教信仰作为终极关怀,使反智主义成为主流。中国文化不能产生逻辑学的根本原因在于以"内圣外王之道"作为终极关怀:一、在"内圣外王之道"的支配下,由道德与政治结成的价值体系的霸权与逻辑学的价值中立的本性不相容;二、在"内圣外王之道"的支配下,逻辑思维没有充分发展的余地。  相似文献   

当我们断言中国古代没有逻辑学的时候,并不否认中国古代有逻辑思维.问题就在于:为什么中国古代的逻辑思维不能发展为逻辑学?通过文化比较可以发现,文化的终极关怀对逻辑学的命运有决定性影响.何以希腊文化能完成从逻辑思维到逻辑学的发展,希伯来文化却不能?根本原因在于希腊文化以知识作为终极关怀,使认知主义成为主流,而希伯来文化以宗教信仰作为终极关怀,使反智主义成为主流.中国文化不能产生逻辑学的根本原因在于以"内圣外王之道"作为终极关怀:一、在"内圣外王之道"的支配下,由道德与政治结成的价值体系的霸权与逻辑学的价值中立的本性不相容;二、在"内圣外王之道"的支配下,逻辑思维没有充分发展的余地.  相似文献   

中国传统终极价值观辨析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国传统终极价值观辨析王宏维中国的传统终极价值观发端于儒家的精神价值追求,具有鲜明的人世性,并在现实和超越之间保持了必要的张力,所致力维护的是封建时代的人间秩序。承担体现这一终极价值观的主要是中国的士大夫阶层,由于他们特定的社会地位,即其在精神上的至上性和在经济上的附属性所构成的矛盾,使得中国传统终极价值观在实际指导社会运作和文化传承中陷入一种两难的境地,对中国人的精神塑造也有一定的局限。今天,在历史和文化的长河中审视传统终极价值观,不仅有助于了解这一观念本身,亦具有一定的现实意义。(一)传统对…  相似文献   

社会主义核心价值观以人的自由全面发展为终极价值目标和根本价值取向,具有人民性;社会主义核心价值观以马克思主义、中国优秀传统文化与世界文明成果为借鉴,反思社会主义五百年历史并观照当代社会主义运动,是理论逻辑与实践逻辑的统一,具有科学性和合理性;社会主义核心价值观涉及和兼顾了国家、社会、个人三个层面的价值愿景和价值追求,具有整体性。  相似文献   

中国共产党成立百年以来,在特定的时代主题和历史任务下,党的道德教育先后经历了认识与曲折发展、探索与拓展、恢复与提升、丰富与创新等阶段,呈现出党的道德教育以先进的道德思想指导为起点、以对人的全面自由发展的终极道德关怀为旨归、以教育和治理有机融合为进路的科学逻辑.总结中国共产党百年道德教育的经验,对于新时代的社会主义道德教育具有重要的理论价值和借鉴意义.  相似文献   

<正>陈泽环著《未来属于孔子:核心价值与文化传统之思》已于2015年5月由上海人民出版社出版。全书共六部分二十二章,围绕"核心价值与文化传统"的关系问题,以对梁启超的考察为中心,从中国新民、国权民权、儒家哲学、道德传统、核心价值五个方面,就"培育和弘扬社会主义核心价值观必须立足中华优秀传统文化"的思想,展开初步的探讨,着重发挥了坚持核心价值观的文化自主性与根基性的观点。  相似文献   

宪政的伦理基础及其社会价值追求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
宪政伦理是指宪政的正当性及其道德意蕴.宪政的正当性来源于人类个体固有的最高价值--人的尊严,宪政制度生存的正当性基础即在于它是保障人有尊严地生活.人的尊严和价值的实现,是人的各种本质力量的全面发挥,是人之生存所内在的终极关怀的理性表达.终极关怀是人类最终获得全面自由的发展和彻底解放所需要的最高关怀.因此,在这个意义上可以说,宪政伦理在社会雏度所具有的道德意蕴就是人的解放,而在社会中保障人的应有权利则是人的解放的具体途径.  相似文献   

古今中外,关于终极关怀的思想可以说有三种类型:(1)归依上帝的终极关怀,(2)返归本原的终极关怀,(3)人生之道的终极关怀。归依上帝是宗教有神论的终极关怀。基督教以上帝为世界的最高主宰,信仰基督教的思想家也以上帝为最后的精神寄托。佛教把佛置于天帝之上,但其对于群众的宣传,仍然是“惧以阿鼻之苦,欣以兜率之  相似文献   

人无德不立,国无德不兴。一个人、一个民族能不能把握自己,很大程度上取决于道德价值。从道德基础来看,社会主义核心价值观有其深厚的道德根基;从道德价值来看,社会主义核心价值观蕴含着丰富的道德内涵及道德价值。首先,从理论观念的角度看,社会主义核心价值观有利于提高道德判断力、调节道德关系、规范道德行为。其次,从实践观念的角度看,社会主义核心价值观的道德价值主要表现为:培养道德信念、提升文化品质、构建道德理想。  相似文献   

中国文化的人学思想,具体展示了中华民族对于人的存在的自觉认识和主动构建的历史演进轨迹,就其所探讨和阐发的理论而言,它主要包括人的存在的本质属性、人的存在的行为方式、人的存在的价值完善等方面的内容。由于人学思想是以人类自觉认识到了人的存在的主体地位和自我价值为其核心特征的,依据这一特征来审视中国文化演变发展的历史过程,可以说,西周宗法礼乐文化的建构形成,标志着中国文化的人学思想已经上升到了初具系统的理论形态。虽然西周文化的人学思想,在其外在表层特征上还依旧笼罩于天命神学的束缚制约,但在其内在本质特征上则鲜明地体现出了对于人的存在的主体地位和自我价值的觉醒发现。这种觉醒发现是以西周文化所彰显的道德精神为其标帜的,而道德精神由此发展成为中国传统文化的显著特征。因此,深入揭示西周  相似文献   

Apperly IA  Back E  Samson D  France L 《Cognition》2008,106(3):1093-1108
Much of what we know about other people's beliefs comes non-inferentially from what people tell us. Developmental research suggests that 3-year-olds have difficulty processing such information: they suffer interference from their own knowledge of reality when told about someone's false belief (e.g., [Wellman, H. M., & Bartsch, K. (1988). Young children's reasoning about beliefs. Cognition, 30, 239-277.]). The current studies examined for the first time whether similar interference occurs in adult participants. In two experiments participants read sentences describing the real colour of an object and a man's false belief about the colour of the object, then judged the accuracy of a picture probe depicting either reality or the man's belief. Processing costs for picture probes depicting reality were consistently greater in this false belief condition than in a matched control condition in which the sentences described the real colour of one object and a man's unrelated belief about the colour of another object. A similar pattern was observed for picture probes depicting the man's belief in most cases. Processing costs were not sensitive to the time available for encoding the information presented in the sentences: costs were observed when participants read the sentences at their own pace (Experiment 1) or at a faster or a slower pace (Experiment 2). This suggests that adults' difficulty was not with encoding information about reality and a conflicting false belief, but with holding this information in mind and using it to inform a subsequent judgement.  相似文献   

林桂榛 《周易研究》2005,19(2):52-57
近代科学在欧洲的产生,乃得益于"文艺复兴"以来欧洲学术上"形而上"与"形而下"的大规模分离.而汉以来"独尊儒术"的实现,<易>作为儒家主要经籍以其"仰观天文,俯察地理,中知人事"的宏大叙事与终极关怀,影响了经学时代中国学者的学术兴趣,导致他们将绝大多数精力投入到了以史学为主的"人事"中而非自然事物的研究对象与形而下的研究路径.两个相对独立的历史进程与历史体系或无何可比性:近代科学在欧洲产生只有在产生近代科学的欧洲自我历史进程与历史体系中才能得到解释,中国没有产生近代科学亦复如此.至于将中国科学落后的原由单一性地归结于<易>或儒家经学,这未必符合历史的因果真相与思维的有效推理.  相似文献   

道德信仰危机的成因及其克服   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
道德信仰是对道德的终极关怀,是理性的非理性存在方式,是人的精神支柱。道德理想主义,制度安排不尽合理,市场经济负面效应以及社会主义低谷是道德信仰危机的重要根源。发展经济,加强制度伦理建设,强化规则意识等克服道德信仰危机的主要措施。  相似文献   

This paper is a historical study of stage hypnotism from the early nineteenth through the early twentieth centuries. The hypnotists' stage performances over this period reveal cultural tensions related to modernization. Public responses to these shows also indicate the shifting dynamics of reform. When mesmerists first toured the U.S. in the early nineteenth century, the hypnotic trance confirmed popular belief in the ultimate perfectibility of the individual and society. By the late nineteenth century, however, hypnotic shows seemed more a model for human enslavement than liberation. Medical experts also began to express concern at the possible health damage hypnotism might inflict. Despite stage hypnotists' efforts to defend their art, hypnotism became increasingly marginalized as the growth of the middle class and of mass culture dictated an increasingly sanitized popular culture.  相似文献   

干宝易学蕴涵的总体宇宙关怀和终极人文关切主要包括:理想礼法秩序的构建、圣人君子的人格期冀、天人合一的价值诉求三个方面.具体表现为:各安其位、各正性命的合理社会秩序建设;圣人君子家国天下的责任担当与深挚的忧患意识期许;天人相应、应天顺民的天人有序而和谐的价值追求.干宝易学思想终极价值的内容是其易学思想人文精神的集中体现和形上学维度的积极展开,这三个组成部分无不彰显干宝对于现实的关切并积极面对的态度,是其儒家价值理想与人生追求的集中体现.在对于现实问题的解读以及解决的内容和方式中,干宝既有对于传统的继承,又有其无可替代的个人观解.而面对所遭遇到的时代性问题,干宝尽力给出了一位真正儒者的解答.  相似文献   

雅斯贝尔斯对“轴心时代”文明之梳理,在很大程度上是考察在人类历史上中国、印度和希腊三种文明是以何种方式达到“统摄”(das Umgreifende)的。而孔子和老子的思想在达至终极真理的方式方面,给予了雅斯贝尔斯以极大的启发。本文考察了中国资源在雅斯贝尔斯“轴心时代”观念形成过程中所起的作用,并进而指出,如果没有中国思想参与的话,“轴心时代”这一概念会不会出现,都是值得考虑的。反过来,正是借助于作为存在哲学大师的雅斯贝尔斯的复述,孔子和老子的思想变得鲜活起来,从而更符合时代的要求。实际上,中国只是雅斯贝尔斯寻求世界文明历史发展进程的一个重要组成部分,他希望通过对世界不同文明发展进程的探寻,来思考和揭示人性存在的现状,进一步发现共同的起源和未来,从而为他的世界哲学理念提供一个更加广泛的基础。  相似文献   

A cross-sectional study examined the relationship between three dimensions of the belief in a just world and the subjective well-being of Pakistani mothers of normal and Down syndrome children (n = 100 each). Personal belief in a just world and two dimensions of general belief in a just world-beliefs in immanent and ultimate justice-were assessed along with four dimensions of subjective well-being: life satisfaction, mood, state anxiety, and depression. It was hypothesized that personal belief in a just world and belief in ultimate justice would be positively associated with subjective well-being for both groups of mothers. Results were obtained through moderated regression analyses. In line with our hypothesis, personal belief in a just world positively predicted life satisfaction and mood level and negatively predicted state anxiety and depression in both groups of mothers. In contrast, beliefs in immanent and ultimate justice were not consistently adaptive. In particular, the more the mothers of a Down syndrome child believed in immanent justice, the more anxiety they experienced the previous week. In addition, the more the mothers of normal children believed in ultimate justice, the more they experienced anxiety. The pattern of results persisted when controlled for mothers' education, the total number of their children and marital status. Overall, the results support the role of personal belief in a just world as a personal resource in adverse as well as normal life circumstances.  相似文献   

Why have humans, throughout history and across cultures, shown a strong tendency to believe in the existence of superhuman intentional agents and attached this belief to notions of morality, misfortune, and the creation of the world? The answer emerging from the cognitive science of religion appears to be that explicit beliefs are informed and constrained by the natural and cross-culturally recurrent operation of implicit cognitive systems. Successful god concepts resonate with the expectations of these implicit systems but also have attention-demanding and inferentially-rich properties that allow their integration into various areas of human concern. Theological concepts may deviate from these natural cognitive moorings but require special cultural scaffolding, such as Whitehouse's two Modes of Religiosity, to do so and constitute additions to, rather than replacements of the religious beliefs supported by implicit cognitive systems.  相似文献   

Fung Yu-lan has suggested that Chinese philosophers have been unreceptive to modern science. This suggestion, however, has not been substantiated. This essay is an attempt to provide a justification of Fung's assertion through an existential analysis of the Chinese concepts of nature. The essay will examine Chinese existential concerns prevailing in Daoism and Confucianism, and these systems' distaste for the type of scientific study which has become prevalent in the modern world. I also intend to defend the claim that the ultimate concern of the Zhuangzi and the Zhongyong is completely contrary to the one that sustains modern science. A brief comparative discussion between Xu Guangqi and Galileo Galilei will be used to support this claim. My discussion will raise the contention that, to have a better understanding of the development of modern science in China, we have to understand the attitude toward religion that has underpinned modern science.  相似文献   

启蒙就是要促使人类摆脱“不成熟状态”,激发人的无穷想象力和无限创造力,真正确立起独立人格和主体意识。目前中国的现代性启蒙就是要在扬弃传统的基础上,参照西方社会的现代化模式,确立社会成员个体独立的法权状态,促使传统伦理社会向现代市民社会转变,从而为人的进一步发展与完善创造条件。  相似文献   

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