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《Médecine & Droit》2016,2016(140):125-129
Public hospitals in France are submitted to special rules different from those in private hospitals. Missions of judicial experts are quite similar but some differences may be found during expertal meetings.  相似文献   

By referring to the ergonomic analysis of work and to the management sciences, the authors propose an analysis model of the managers’ activity. Until then, few researchs were realized in ergonomics science with this population which has to prepare and to organize the works of other operators. According to the authors, it is possible to apply to this population the model of “the centre de décision”. It allows to understand how their activity is determined by “upstream” centres and then how it determines the activity of centres “approval”. Applied to the project and site managers, this model brings solutions to transform their work and the work of the workmen.  相似文献   

Our organisations have been severely shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic and the world of work has not been spared. Only essential activities continued in order to maintain a minimum level of functioning, just like in hospitals or in local authorities. During the first five months of the crisis in 2020 (from March to July), 34 interviews were conducted in these two public service entities in order to examine the management of urgent matters in the light of “activity” and at the heart of the crisis. The results show that while the emergency is mainly managed by an improvisation activity based on the intuition of the actors in the field, the crisis is managed by governance in a rational manner leading to the drafting of procedures after the event. This crisis situation pushed organisations to reconfigure themselves in an emergency, allowing the development of new professional practices. The strategies of damage control and proceduralization will be discussed. Perspectives are opened on the questions of training for these crisis situations against a background of developing presumption of ignorance.  相似文献   

The objective of this research is to show that, under usual conditions of interaction between an agent of health and of its public intervention, the individuals produce a “pro-health” speech which can lead astray this agent, concerning the representation which they have of alcohol. Students, producing verbal associations about this object, were confronted either with an agent of health or with a student, and were speaking either for themselves or as the students would do in general. The results show that the individuals, placed in front of an agent of health and directly implied in the beliefs that they express, tend to adopt the speech wished by this agent. However, this manifest adhesion only appears to be circumstantial, insofar as the speech of the individuals is different when they are expressed vis-a-vis a member of its group and in the name of this one. The implications of these results with regard to the interventions of prevention are discussed.  相似文献   

The Work Ability Index (Ilmarinen, Tuomi, & Klockars, 1997; Ilmarinen, 2007) is a validated tool extensively used in epidemiological studies to measure older workers work ability. The WAI is relatively focused on health. The VOW/QFT (Hellemans, 2010, 2011, 2013) proposes to expand the notion of work ability with these competences, beyond the issue of functional ability. This contribution aims to test convergences and divergences between the WAI and the two work ability indices of the VOW/QFT, and also their respective predictors. Analyzes, conducted with 254 workers subject to medical visits, have shown especially that WAI scores and evolution of ability scores from the VOW/QFT are highly correlated, generally and among laborers, but not among employees. The results highlight the interest accounting for perceived competence for assessing work capacity among employees.  相似文献   

Far from disappearing from the professional world, psychosocial risks remains a concern within organizations. Their rate is still high and their effects for the health are still deleterious (Eurofound and EU-OSHA, 2014). Nevertheless, it is possible to act in prevention to isolate these risks and reduce them. The analysis of several high emotional charged situations, based on workplace observations and interviews on work experience, lead to identify risky working conditions for the health, in terms of too much high work and emotional requests. This article exposes a research-action led in a small sized enterprise of home help. The aim was to analyze psychosocial risks factors and to reduce them. We made interviews with 25 home helps, 3 administrative staff, and the head of the service; then, we observed the activity of 13 employees. The video recording was used as an analysis vector, at first in the workplace, then in collective self-confrontations sessions. The feedback collected from these sessions, in addition to activity and emotions at work analyses, allowed to identify the noxious working conditions and to target potential or real psychosocial risks. The results show how much certain situations with high emotional labor echo in a negative way on the health of people having lived them. They also show that the implementation of preventive measures with regard to these risky situations facilitates the emotions regulation and are protective towards the health. Finally, this article highlights that the emotional component of work plays a fundamental role on the subjective relationship between employees, their work and their health, and shows that emotional component analysis can contribute to the psychosocial risks identification and their prevention.  相似文献   

This study aims to highlight the mediating role of burnout and psychological violence between objectification and its consequences on the perception of oneself as an object. In total, 180 professionals responded to an online questionnaire to measure these constructs. The results reveal a direct effect of objectification on self-objectification, this effect being mediated by both burnout and the level of psychological violence. This study invites to question dehumanizing relationships at work and their conditions of emergence as a framework for interpreting risks at the workplace.  相似文献   

Studies of psychology in the work place usually analyse job offers from an explicit and functional point of view, forgetting the more implicit and strategic dimensions associated with them. This activity of recruitment takes into account the understanding of the specific context of the job offer and of the structure of the organisation which is looking to recruit. The clinical case study described here takes into consideration these contextual elements of very small company and proposes recruitment methods which include a third party, emphasising the particular role of psychologists or consultancies as recruitment advisers.  相似文献   

Scientific research has shown the influence of norms and of gender and beauty stereotypes on evaluations and hiring decisions. Recent studies (Desrumaux, 2005; Jawahar & Mattson, 2005) have shown an evolution of the lack of Fit model (Heilman, 1983). The objective of this research is to test the effects of physical appearance, GMA and normative pieces of information (internality/externality) related to the candidate on the candidates’ recrutabilty. This study has also taken into account hierarchy level and sexual connotation of the job. We have tested its effects on medical jobs, of higher level (surgeon, doctor nutritionist) or subordinate (ambulance man and dental assistant). The results indicate that an attractive candidate is judged more recrutable for a subordinate job than a superior one. Moreover, for a subordinate job, the effect of the attractiveness was more important for male target than for feminine target. Results show also that men are judged less hirable than the women for female type jobs. Moreover, the effect of the aptitude is more discriminating for the external ones than for the internals. Results were discussed on the line of the lack of fit correspondence model.  相似文献   

A proportion of 55 % of school administrators experience a high level of job stress mainly caused by relationship conflicts and overwork. According to the demands and resources of employment model, having personal resources would protect against the harmful effect of the difficulties experienced and the more specific a resource, the more it can counter the effect. Thus, political skills (HP) would decrease the effect of demands related to relationship conflicts, while the sense of self-efficacy (PES) decreases the negative impact of the workload on the PES. The objective of this study is to verify the effect of personal resources, HP and MS, on the relationship between job demands and job psychological health. A total of 232 school administrators from Quebec participated in the study. Job demands, as well as personal resources, are linked to anxiety and serenity according to Bakker and Demerouti (2007). Nevertheless, the SEP does not interact with the relationship of demands and psychological health in employment (PES). In addition, only the social astuteness dimension of HP moderates the relationship of demands and anxiety.  相似文献   

Based on data gathered from naturalistic observation, the article analyses the communicative activity implemented by postmen involved in tutoring users and their apprentices. The occupational situation observed is that of mail distribution, and the critical moments selected are those which bring customer relations into play. We examine the role of the other in the way three tutors pass on their customer relations skills. We show that their means of interaction and understanding situations differ widely.  相似文献   

Accessing to a management position for the first time implies, for professionals, reflecting on their commitments in different fields and times of their socialization, on their articulation, and on their compatibilities. Referring to the model of an active socialization – active because plural and then conflicting – which rejects a dichotomous approach of the “work/non work” relations, the meaning people give to the relations between their different life spheres, communicating with others, orientates the organization of exchanges between life domains. Content analysis of interviews conducted with new social work managers brought us to distinguish six types of exchanges: temporal, informational, relational, emotional, axiological, ideological and symbolic.  相似文献   

A large body of research has investigated the psycho-organizational variables predicting satisfaction at work, but few studies have so far examined variables in the field of environmental psychology. Our study aims first to identify the impact of variables evaluating comfort at work (satisfaction with the work environment, attachment to the workplace) by comparing them with organizational variables known to be related to job satisfaction, and then to rank the relationships between these variables in a pseudo- implication sequence, based on statistical implicative analysis. The study involved 105 bank employees and confirms our theoretical model, showing that job satisfaction can be explained implicatively by the three other variables [(Comfort/Functionality => Control/privacy) => Workplace attachment] => job satisfaction.  相似文献   

《Médecine & Droit》2014,2014(124):3-8
The conceptualization of conflicts of interests and deployment of their regulatory systems are primarily modes of economic and managerial health control. When did the legal regime of conflicts of interests, which formalizes the process, clash with the conditions of professional practice? Not all assumptions of friction or opposition of interests necessarily constitute a conflict of interests. All public sector professionals have interests but not all their interests generate conflicts. The aim of public declaration of interests is to reveal the relations of interest in order to allay suspicion. Most frequently in the form of soft law system, the declaration of interests is a way of warning about the existence of a “grey zone” or time of deontological risk. It was changed by the law of 29 December 2011  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2023,29(3):159-174
This contribution is based on a research-intervention contracted by a team of researchers in social psychology with a local authority. It focuses on the support of public sector workers, declared medically inapt to occupy their current position, during the transition that is redeployment period. The contributions of two theoretical approaches allowing to understand this question are first crossed: existential psychology relative to the life-span career counseling on the one hand, and psychology of the socialization, underlied by the activities of personalization mobilized in the construction of meaning on the other hand. Secondly, these approaches are discussed in the light of the experience of support workshops developed and implemented in the field of this research. These workshops, organized in four sessions, aim to help participants to objectify the questions inherent in this professional transition and to give meaning to their life course and their experience of the situation. The exchanges made it possible for the participants to share views on issues such as the situation of inaptitude, their relationships to work or the redeployment package itself. These workshops give evidence of the possibility of supporting subjects, concerned by ruptures in their life, towards the development of a capacity to act and to transform their environment and highlight the psychosocial effects of a support designed as a social support for the change of professional activities.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to obtain validity estimates for a role-play test. Participants were 125 french Navy officers who were rated by a pool of professional assessors and psychologists. All the assessors received reccurring training sessions, focusing on the behavioral checklist, on rating errors, and on share frame of reference. The assessment procedure included role play exercise, cognitive ability scale (g factor) and personality scale (big five factors). First, exploratory factor analyses were conducted on the data gathered, and four factors were identified (authoritarianism, oral communication, consideration with others and frankness). In a nomological perspective, we also analysed the links between the exercises dimensions, personality inventorie and intelligence scale. The findings suggest that role play dimension, personality and intelligence seem to measure different thinks.  相似文献   

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