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生存论转向是在清理当代哲学的主题转换及其问题时,结合当代人类生存实践活动、社会结构以及文化传统的当代变迁与转型的剖析,进而形成的对当代哲学存在论转换及其方向的理论追求的创构努力。古希腊的存在(tobe)及存在论(Ontology)中所蕴含的生存及生存论的丰富内涵,被此后的实存(exsistere)及实存论取代生存主义哲学开启了生存论转向,但此转向作为一项历史性使命,绝不限于此。当代西方浓厚的语言哲学以及后现代相对主义背景表明,仅仅在西方范式下推展的生存论转向已走向终结。在这一情形下,内在地超越于西方并蕴含着人类性哲学方向的马克思的实践哲学在生存论转向中的重要意义将会彰显出来,马克思实践哲学以及其中蕴含的实践一生存论实际上有理由被看作“-3代哲学生存论转向的真正目标,只不过,在人类解放论的理论预设内,生存论转向作为人的不断生成、自我超越和创造的历史性的存在,本身就存在着一种未竟性与不可终结性。  相似文献   

中国哲学界对马克思辩证法的当代理解经历了四种范式 :“本体论的辩证法”、“认识论的辩证法”、“实践论的辩证法”和“生存论的辩证法”。我们要追问的是 :生存论转向作为现代西方哲学的一种趋向 ,为什么现代西方哲学在其中倾向于拒斥甚至否认辩证法 ,而我们却能够对马克思哲学作出生存论的辩证法解释 ?何以言说马克思哲学区别并超越于现代西方哲学 ?回答上述问题的关键是确认马克思视域中的“生活世界”概念 ,辨析马克思视域中的生活世界与现代西方哲学家视域中的生活世界的区别 ,澄清现实的生活世界与马克思辩证法的关系 ,追寻辩证法的…  相似文献   

马克思哲学与“生存论转向”   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
马克思哲学在哲学史上所造成的革命变革是从本体论层面上发动并展开的。这一变革的实质就在于 ,它使哲学发生了“生存论转向” ,即使哲学关注的焦点从超验世界转向“感性世界” ,从宇宙本体转向人的生存状态 ,从“寻求最高原因”转向探究人的生存实践活动。对于马克思哲学来说 ,“全部问题都在于使现存世界革命化” ,消除人的生存的异化状态 ,从而“把人的世界和人的关系还给人自己” (马克思语 )。这样 ,马克思哲学便终结了“形而上学” ,使西方哲学从知识论形态转向生存论形态 ,从而展示了一个新的思想地平线。我在这里所说的“形而上学”…  相似文献   

作为现实世界和人类精神活动之基础,"存在"是西方形而上学的最基本和最高的范畴。由于本质主义的发展,存在被看作具有某种一般形式的实体,"实体论"取代了存在论。在西方哲学近代的"认识论转向"中,主体在主客二分的模式内寻求和思考"实体"的根源,实体论转向了"认识论"。在现  相似文献   

海德格尔的幽灵——对所谓马克思生存论的一种批判   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近几年来,国内马克思主义哲学界各种新的思潮不断涌现,其中马克思的“生存论”研究颇为引人注目。围绕着能否将马克思哲学与生存论相联系的问题,哲学界基本上分成两派:一派认为马克思本人虽然没有提出这一思想,但“这一构想是我们结合整个当代哲学的本体论转换问题,从马克思哲学中解读出来的并且也属于马克思哲学的深层的理论结构”(邹诗鹏,2001年);马克思哲学对于当代哲学变革的最根本的方面,正在于启动并引导了当代哲学的“生存论转向”。另一派则认为,以生存论来解读马克思哲学,实际上“使对问题的讨论偏离历史的真相,把性质完全不同的东…  相似文献   

刘怀玉 《哲学动态》2005,2(10):15-18
一作为现代性构成物的日常生活问题 讨论马克思主义哲学的当代意义是一个同现当代西方哲学进行比较对话的过程.大体上说,西方哲学的现代形态是后形而上学思想,其标志之一就是所谓反本质主义的"生活世界转向".但现代哲学的生活转向并不是说以往哲学"遗忘"了生活,而现在哲学总算回归了生活,找到了自己的家.现代哲学"面向生活"是因为生活本身成了问题,人类"无家可归"了.所以,现代的生活哲学都是对现代性危机与困境的一种反思.马克思主义哲学的当代形态是要"面向生活"的,但不会是就生活说生活,而是从历史角度反思生活.研究生活问题,是要说清楚生活的危机与困境的真实原因,而不仅仅说要关心生活回归生活.马克思哲学的"生活面向"就是"作为现代性危机诊治的历史现象学".  相似文献   

在海德格尔那里,现象学已从“先验现象学”转变为“存在论的现象学”,这就是现象学的“存在论转向”。这种转向最为突出地表现在海德格尔对胡塞尔现象学的“三个重要发现”的存在论意义的揭示和生存论根基的追问上:1.胡塞尔把意识的意向性作为最后的根据,海德格尔则强调此在的生存论结构的超越性对一切意识行为和实践行为的意向性的奠基作用;2.与胡塞尔把感性直观作为范畴直观的最后根据不同,海德格尔认为无论是感性直观还是范畴直观都不具有源始性,因为它们都奠基于此在的“存在之理解”,都只有在生存论的“理解”的基础上才是可能的;3.与胡塞尔强调本质或范畴的先天性不同,海德格尔把先天与后天的区别最终归结为存在与存在者的“存在论区别”。  相似文献   

长期以来,种族问题被错误地视为马克思思想的短板。实际上,早在1843年的《论犹太人问题》中,青年马克思就曾对19世纪最严重的种族问题——反犹主义——进行过非常深刻的讨论。马克思通过区分政治解放和人的解放,超越了鲍威尔从政治异化角度解读反犹主义的模式,真正揭示了犹太人乃至现代人的生存困境。可以说,这一论题构成马克思从人的自我解放视域转向新唯物主义哲学视域的隐含线索。从思想史关照现实,针对近年来西方尤其是美国越演越烈的种族矛盾,《论犹太人问题》中所蕴含的辩证方法,仍是我们认识和分析当代种族问题的理论利器。  相似文献   

从20世纪50、60年代开始,西方学术界出现了一股宗教语言研究热潮,综观当代西方宗教语言研究的现状,尽管研究者在理论立场和学术观点上尚存较大分歧,但也表现出一种相同的学术旨趣,即注重方法论的反思与构建.笔者认为,这种旨趣无论是对于我们寻求合理的哲学方法去解开宗教语言之谜,还是对历史唯物主义的宗教哲学研究来说,都有其值得借鉴的意义.当代西方宗教语言研究方法经历了语义分析、功能分析、生存论分析以及生存论-本体论分析的嬗变过程,这四种分析方法主要以分析哲学、存在主义现象学和解释学为方法论基础,是把现代西方哲学的"语言学转向"之后出现的语言哲学运用于宗教语言研究的逻辑产物.  相似文献   

对马克思新世界观的合理理解──《实践活动论》评介丛大川前不久,中国人民大学出版社出版了《实践活动论》一书,该书是王永昌博士从世界观高度系统地探讨实践活动的哲学专著。该书的前言和第一章的导语即引用马克思的话;"哲学家们只是用不同的方式解释世界,而问题在于改变世界。""对实践的唯物主义者即共产主义者来说,全部问题都在于使现存世界革命化,实际地反对并改变现存的事物。"作者认为,对人和现实世界关系的实践性把握和回答,是马克思新哲学的基本特征,而科学合理形态的实践观,则是马克思新哲学世界观的内在灵魂。马克思新哲学的崛起,开拓了一种新的哲学价值取向和思维方式,不了解马克思这一合理形态的实践观其及丰富的理论内容,就等于不了解马克思新世界观的灵魂和精髓。该书的第一章是"新世界观的崛起:马克思的实践理论";第二章是"人:本质上是实践创造着的存在物";第三章是"实践:主体和客体能动而现实的双向对象化"。这几章都力图从马克思的新世界观的文本出发,对上面所提的马克思主义世界观基本问题给出了新的解释。如第一章的第一节提出"自然界的先在性",肯定马克思的新世界观是建立在唯物主义的基础上。但作者在这里强调马克思的"新唯物主义"是"实践的  相似文献   

Importance of contemporary political philosophy has increased in recent decades. Since the 1970s, studies of Marx’s theories have become an important part of the discussion within contemporary theories of justice. More extensive studies concerning Marxist political philosophy from multiple perspectives are becoming a focal point in other fields of academic research. “How to understand Marx’s political philosophy?” has been a classic question for over a hundred years. Not an academic philosopher himself, Marx seems not to have issued a complete or consistent political philosophy by today’s standards, so it is only natural that his views would be interpreted differently by different scholars. While it is justifiable for us to construct Marx’s political philosophy, we must do it through a comprehensive theoretical reflection, and our construction must take full account of the history of the interpretations of Marx’s political philosophy. This applies especially of his theory of justice—a history which has lasted for more than a century. It is even more important for us to reread the original texts, particularly Marx’s early philosophical writings, and take them as the textual foundation for Marx’s political philosophy.  相似文献   

Chinese philosophy of value arose from reflection on the Cultural Revolution and an inherent need amidst the implementation of reform and opening up, and it was directly triggered by extensive discussions about the standard of truth. The development of the philosophy of value over the past forty years shifted from value to evaluation before moving on to the research topics of values, in particular core socialist values. Currently, its major characteristics are the unity of theoretical logic and practical logic, the mutual interaction between and enhancement of the study of the philosophy of value and research on Marxist philosophy, and exchanges and dialogues with foreign philosophies of value. Its main achievements in the philosophy of value include the implementation of a subjective paradigm based on the theory of practice and the theoretical construction and clarification of core socialist values. Future directions for the development of the philosophy of value include improving subjective interpretation on the basis of the theory of practice, deeply exploring value concepts and value principles in the new form of civilization, and bringing the philosophy of value into interaction with multidisciplinary research.  相似文献   

Contemporary Chinese ethics faces two theoretical tasks: expansion in breadth and exploration in depth. The former refers to the opening of the problem area, and the latter refers to the deepening of ethics itself. To get out of the dilemma that academic results in the area are abundant in quantity but low in quality, contemporary Chinese ethics should expand and deepen in the three dimensions, namely, “no longer,” “being” and “not yet.” Within the framework of “no longer,” efforts should be made to deepen the studies of the history of moral concept and practice, and the ethics of culture from the perspective of genetics; with regard to the perspective of “being,” the ethical reflection on public crisis, system and Lnstitutional ethics, the dilemma of virtue theory and normative theory, and the conflicts and generalization between different moral paradigms will become the difficulties that require in-depth analysis and demonstration. As for the contemporary Chinese ethics towards “not yet,” attention must be paid to the duality of modern technology, the origin of human ethics based on building a community with a shared future for mankind and the moral philosophy that goes deep into people’s minds. To complete the above theoretical tasks, one must have judgment, thinking, and willingness, which can only be cultivated in the experience and thinking of “practical” life.  相似文献   

徐素华先生文章把我提出的“中国马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“党的指导思想形态”,“在中国的马克思主义哲学”等同于他所说的“学术研究形态”,这不符合我的本意。“马克思主义哲学合法性问题”的讨论确实存在。“中国马克思主义哲学”是在中国实践中学习、运用,在总结实践经验、发扬中国优秀哲学文化、升华人民群众智慧的基础上发展了的马克思主义哲学。它是中国哲学的一个现代形态。它既是一个创新的哲学理论体系,又是党的指导思想的哲学基础。  相似文献   

At the present time, Europe, particularly eastern Europe, is still immersed in a major political transformation, the most significant such change since the Second World War, arising out of the rejection of official Marxism. This unforeseen rejection requires meditation by all those concerned with the relation of philosophy to the historical context. Marxism, that follows Marx’s insistence on the link between a theory and the context in which it arises, cannot be indifferent to the rejection of Marxist theory in practice. In respect to the usual tendency to pass rapidly over practice for a theoretical analysis of social theory, Merleau-Ponty stands out for his concern to evaluate the theoretical claims of Marx and Marxism against practice.  相似文献   

Defining disease and delineating its boundaries is a contested area in contemporary philosophy of medicine. The leading naturalistic theory faces a new round of difficulties related to defining a normal environment alongside normal organismic functioning and to delineating a discrete boundary between risk factors and disease. Normative theories face ongoing and seemingly intractable difficulties related to value pluralism and the problematic relation between theory and practice. In this article, I argue for an integral—as opposed to a hybrid—philosophy of health based on Bernard Lonergan’s notion of generalized empirical method that provides a way to settle these difficulties dynamically and comprehensively, both in theory, by orienting functional and statistical investigation toward an explanatory ecological viewpoint, and in practice, by framing critiques in relation to the normativity intrinsic to all human inquiry.  相似文献   

实践的逻辑与哲学终结论的困境   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
以实践是一种具体、历史的现实生活为基础,把马克思意义上的哲学终结论解释为以具体、历史的分析取代抽象、超历史的形而上分析这种愈来愈被认可的说法,由于马克思仍然把需要、经济、理性、发展视为一般性、永恒性的东西,而需要重思。实际上,马克思在反旧形而上学之路上前进的距离不能过高估计。对实践的自悖性估计过低是马克思未能继续前进的根源。同时,在马克思主义理论中反对过分的专门化富有意义,但把哲学终结于社会批判理论中的马尔库塞式见解也会造成某种漠视。  相似文献   

What is the fate of philosophy as the spiritual weapon of the proletariat in changing reality when it is clear that the communist experiment has failed? The question pertains above all to the heritage of Marx's theory, not to Marxism and Marxism-Leninism. The latter are party-inspired and -dominated and aspire to be schools of philosophy, whereas Marx did not seek to create a philosophy but to realize philosophy in the material world. For Marx, philosophy and emancipation go hand in hand: man is emancipated when philosophy is realized in the world. The fate of the Marxian idea is set off against the development of dialectical materialist philosophy and Marxist social theory. In this way, the ground is laid for the conclusion that what is properly philosophical in Marx is restricted to a philosophy of history attendant on a theory of economic development. The conclusion is subject to the caveat that as yet unpublished notes by Marx about the true nature of dialectic may in fact reveal a more far-reaching philosophical conception. The realization of philosophy seems like a romantic illusion against the background of the events in Germany in autumn 1989. The working masses have elected capital as the basis of their future social existence, thus putting paid to the Marxian theme of class struggle. The fundamental conclusion is that Marx's vision of the task of philosophy is vitiated by a deep-rooted ambivalence: on one hand it is the ‘head’ of emancipation but on the other hand it neglects, indeed supresses, historical details, as shown by the example of the dialectic of class struggle and class exchange. This kind of suppression, neglect, comes to the fore in Marx's writing whenever he substitutes his romantic vision of the deprived proletariat for social science. This blind eye to detail is at the root of the later ideologization of Marxist theory and its subordination to local party interests.  相似文献   

宫腔镜技术是现代妇科微创技术,宫腔镜技术的产生和发展是技术目的和技术手段矛盾发展的结果,宫腔镜技术的具体应用过程体现了马克思主义哲学原理的作用。以马克思主义哲学为指导,可使我们在对待宫腔镜应用中的具体问题时,高瞻远瞩,安全、有效地对患者实施诊治,同时,提高自己的综合素质。  相似文献   

Globalization was just emerging but did not really take shape during Karl Marx’s time. In fact, both Karl Marx and Engels predicted the trend of globalization but did not really live in such a time. Therefore, globalization is still a new issue and a new research area for Marxist philosophy today. Based on the distinctions between some important concepts such as globalization and modernization, this paper probes the problems concerning the development of modernity theory, social morphology and civilization theory, and the Marxist theory of values raised in the process of globalization. The paper also explores some theoretical issues concerning the socialist modernization with Chinese characteristics in the Marxist philosophy, and contemplates possible research areas, angles and methods of Marxist philosophical research in the global era. __________ Translated from Zhexue Yanjiu 哲学研究 (Philosophical Studies), 2005 (9) by Ouyang Kang, Liu Yumei, Zhu Lingling  相似文献   

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