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《周立昇文集——谈道录》(山东大学出版社2011年10月出版,以下简称《谈道录》)收录了山东大学周立昇教授从20世纪80年代初至现在30多年间所发表的有关道家、道教研究的文章共24篇,其中前12篇是有关道家研究方面的文章,后12篇则是关于道教研究方面的成果.如赵卫东先生在该书序中所评价的:"周先生学识渊博,兴趣广泛,在中国哲学的诸多方面都取得了丰硕的成果."  相似文献   

奠基“泰山学”,开拓“齐鲁学”——《徐北文文集》读后张华松徐北文先生兼治文史,多有建树,在最近出版的《徐北文文集》(济南出版社版)中有将近一半的篇幅是专论泰山文化和齐鲁文化的,现将先生这两方面的研究成果略作介绍,兼谈个人的几点心得体会。北文先生研治泰...  相似文献   

溶今铸古叹奇峰,意从容,笔如龙。慧心妙语,常在笑谈中。墨苑骚坛崇朴老,迎旭日,仰高松。读来遗卷月当空,豁心胸,若闻钟。壮行千里,山海忆云踪。弘愿重兴天下寺,辉北斗,贯长虹。江城子·《赵朴初韵文集》读后@秋绚  相似文献   

作为当代儒家型的公众知识分子 ,杜维明无疑坚信“儒家思想作为中国主要思想力量再度出现的真实可能性是存在的。”(《杜维明文集》第四卷第 10页 )抱着此种信念 ,他全身心地致力于儒学的创造性诠释和现代化转换工作。由郭齐勇、郑文龙编 ,武汉出版社2 0 0 2年出版的《杜维明文集》 ,集中了杜先生已发表的主要论著。全集共五卷 ,涵盖了杜维明学术生涯的三个阶段。集中不仅收录了其学术论文、论文集、演讲、访谈录、讲义等类型的文本 ,亦收录了其带有心灵感受的随笔、杂感式的文本 ,是“迄今为止第一部相对完整的杜维明论著的结集。”(郭齐勇…  相似文献   

由章沛同志任主编,广东社会科学院、华南师范学院、广西社会科学院、湖南师范学院、湖南省委党校、湘潭大学、江西大学、广西民族学院、福建师范大学等单位的同志们集体编写的《辩证逻辑基础》一书,已由湖南人民出版社出版。这是一件十分值得庆贺的事情! 辩证逻辑是一个有待开发的新兴学科。  相似文献   

由华东师大思想政治教研室副教授刘美一主编的《青年伦理学》(华东师大出版社出版)是一本供高等学校思想品德课使用的伦理学教材。该书把马克思主义伦理学的基本原理与青年的实际结合起来,在伦理学教材建设方面作了可贵的探索。该书主要有以下几个特点。 第一,紧密结合青年实际,着重论述了与青年关系比较密切的一些伦理道德问题。该书除了每一章都注意结合青年特点外,还专门论述了青春期与道德,自我意识发展与道德,个性发展与道德,情绪、情感的调节、控制与道德,道德与成才,道德与生活方式等青年比较关心的问题。这样就可以使大学生感到伦理学并不是什么与己无关的空洞理论,而是与自己的身心发展和成长有着紧密关系的学问,有助于提高他们学习伦理学的自觉性。  相似文献   

马劲 《法音》2022,(6):73-76
<正>近来因为直接从事佛教工作,我再次拜读了《赵朴初文集》(以下简称《文集》),受益匪浅,收获良多。赵朴初先生是我国著名佛教界人士,曾长期担任中国佛教协会的领导人,该《文集》收录了赵朴初先生从事佛教事业的重要报告、讲话、谈话、文章及著作等,反映了他的主要思想和重要成就,从中可以比较全面地了解他为中国佛教摆脱旧社会羁绊、自立求新、服务社会、奉献国家所作出的不懈努力,感悟到他的信念信仰、责任担当、奋斗精神和崇高风范,  相似文献   

中国工业心理学的飞速发展以及当代国际工业心理学科的研究成果,迫切需要一本有代表性的辞典来加以展示。朱祖祥先生主持其事的《工业心理学大辞典》(以下通称《辞典》)的编纂出版,适时地填补了这一空白,是我国工业心理学第一次以辞典的形式反映该领域的研究成果,  相似文献   

“成家立业”这则民间格言揭明了,爱情和事业是人生的两大支柱;深沉而执著的爱情对事业又不无促进之功。于是,千百年来,爱情成为哲学、道德、文化艺术等精神领域中的不朽主题。今天,在中国,跨世纪的一代青年在追求爱情,创造爱情,  相似文献   

Using nationally-representative, longitudinal data on a cohort of Spanish-speaking English language learners in the U.S., this study investigated the extent to which early oral language proficiency in Spanish and English predicts later levels and rates of growth in English reading. Latent growth models indicated that both Spanish and English proficiency in kindergarten predicted levels of English reading in third through eighth grade, but that only English proficiency was uniquely predictive. English productive vocabulary was found to be a better predictor of later English reading than more complex measures, i.e., listening comprehension and story retell, contrary to findings for native English speakers. Oral language did not predict later growth rates. Findings suggest the need for educational efforts to develop oral language during early childhood for this underserved population. Findings further suggest that such early efforts may be necessary, but insufficient to accelerate ELLs' reading trajectories as they move into adolescence.  相似文献   

蒙文通先生(1894-1968,字尔达,四川盐亭人)被誉为现代学术史上由经学向史学过渡之典范.根据这种看法,蒙先生以自己先经学而后史学之成学经历,向我们展演了从传统学术向现代学术转变的一个典型过程.不过,用"从经学向史学的过渡"或者"经学到边缘,史学到中心"来界定蒙文通学术之意义,似乎有失笼统.  相似文献   

The effect of spacing in relation to word segmentation was examined for four groups of non-native Chinese speakers (American, Korean, Japanese, and Thai) who were learning Chinese as second language. Chinese sentences with four types of spacing information were used: unspaced text, word-spaced text, character-spaced text, and nonword-spaced text. Also, participants' native languages were different in terms of their basic characteristics: English and Korean are spaced, whereas the other two are unspaced; Japanese is character based whereas the other three are alphabetic. Thus, we assessed whether any spacing effects were modulated by native language characteristics. Eye movement measures showed least disruption to reading for word-spaced text and longer reading times for unspaced than character-spaced text, with nonword-spaced text yielding the most disruption. These effects were uninfluenced by native language (though reading times differed between groups as a result of Chinese reading experience). Demarcation of word boundaries through spacing reduces non-native readers' uncertainty about the characters that constitute a word, thereby speeding lexical identification, and in turn, reading. More generally, the results indicate that words have psychological reality for those who are learning to read Chinese as a second language, and that segmentation of text into words is more beneficial to successful comprehension than is separating individual Chinese characters with spaces.  相似文献   

Background: A previous study (Stuart, 1999) showed that early phoneme awareness and phonics teaching improved reading and spelling ability in inner‐city schoolchildren in Key Stage 1, most of whom were learning English as a second language. Aims: The present study, a follow‐up of these children at the end of Key Stage 1, addresses four main questions: (1) Are these improvements maintained to the end of Key Stage 1? (2) Are different patterns of cognitive process evident in the word recognition skills of phonics trained versus untrained children? (3) Do the phonics trained children now also show a significant advantage in reading comprehension? (4) Are there differences in amount of reading, in self‐concept as readers and in oral vocabulary development between phonics trained and untrained children? Relationships between reading and spelling ages and Key Stage 1 SATs levels are also explored. Sample: Data are reported from 101 seven‐year‐olds (85 of whom were second language learners) remaining from the original 112 children reported on previously. Method: Children were tested on four standardized tests of reading, spelling and vocabulary, and on a further six experimental tests of phoneme segmentation, grapheme‐phoneme correspondence knowledge, regular, exception and nonword reading, author recognition and reading self‐concept. Results: Lasting influences of early phoneme awareness and phonics teaching on phoneme awareness, grapheme‐phoneme correspondence knowledge, word reading and spelling were found. Part of the previously untrained group had now received structured phonics teaching, and were therefore treated as a third (late trained) group. Early and late‐trained groups showed similar levels of attainment and similar cognitive processing patterns, which were different from the untrained group. However, there were no influences of training on reading comprehension, self‐concept or oral vocabulary. Conclusions: Early phoneme awareness and phonics training efficiently accelerates the word recognition and spelling skills of first and second language learners alike. However, this is not sufficient to bootstrap the development of language comprehension in the second language learners. Further research is needed into the kinds of language teaching that will best develop their oral and written language comprehension.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that reading to preschool children promotes their language and literacy skills. Yet, whether early parent–child book reading is an index of generally rich linguistic input or a unique predictor of later outcomes remains unclear. To address this question, we asked whether naturally occurring parent–child book reading interactions between 1 and 2.5 years‐of‐age predict elementary school language and literacy outcomes, controlling for the quantity of other talk parents provide their children, family socioeconomic status, and children's own early language skill. We find that the quantity of parent–child book reading interactions predicts children's later receptive vocabulary, reading comprehension, and internal motivation to read (but not decoding, external motivation to read, or math skill), controlling for these other factors. Importantly, we also find that parent language that occurs during book reading interactions is more sophisticated than parent language outside book reading interactions in terms of vocabulary diversity and syntactic complexity.  相似文献   

This study examined, via structural equation modeling, early predictors of children's 8 year reading decoding and 10 year comprehension at later school age. Maternal verbal scaffolding indirectly influenced both decoding and comprehension, through its support of children's language abilities at 3 and 4 years of age. Additionally, there was a trend for a direct effect of 4 year child language on reading comprehension at 10 years. As maternal verbal scaffolding was assessed during every day routines, this suggests that rich language input in the broad social context of the home promotes language and, in turn, later reading skills. Given that maternal verbal scaffolding can be enhanced through interventions, these results have important educational implications.  相似文献   

It has been repeatedly shown that the left hemisphere (right visual field) is superior to the right hemisphere (LVF) in reading English, a bias possibly due to any or all of three confounded factors: (1) the symbolic nature of the coding system; (2) the analytic requirements of the decoding process; and (3) the phonological associations of the elements. Recent work on reading Japanese ideograms (Kanji) disentangles (1) from (2) and (3), but leaves the latter two confounded. We further disentangle (2) and (3) by examining visual field preference for reading musical chords, representatives of an analytic, nonphonological symbol system. The strong RVF advantage is interpreted as indicating that the left hemisphere is dominant for reading an analytic symbol system that is not phonologically based. We conclude that the left-hemisphere advantage traditionally found for reading phonological symbols is due to their analytic nature in addition to any effect due to their linguistic association.  相似文献   

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