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Core mechanisms in "theory of mind"   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
Our ability to understand the thoughts and feelings of other people does not initially develop as a theory but as a mechanism. The "theory of mind" mechanism (ToMM) is part of the core architecture of the human brain, and is specialized for learning about mental states. Impaired development of this mechanism can have drastic effects on social learning, seen most strikingly in the autistic spectrum disorders. ToMM kick-starts belief-desire attribution but effective reasoning about belief contents depends on a process of selection by inhibition. This selection process (SP) develops slowly through the preschool period and well beyond. By modeling the ToMM-SP as mechanisms of selective attention, we have uncovered new empirical phenomena. We propose that early "theory of mind" is a modular-heuristic process of domain-specific learning.  相似文献   

Solomon (1980) proposed an opponent process theory to account for motivational and affective dynamics. This theory asserts that the brain avoids extremes of emotional experience by countering the stimulation it receives with an opposite or opponent reaction. Opponent processes are thought to be responsible for the characteristic changes in affective experience that occur over time, and to account for the dynamics of affective response to such stimuli as skydiving and sauna bathing, which have heretofore been difficult to explain. However, the relevance of this theory for affective experiences in general (beyond physical stimuli and addictions) has yet to be demonstrated. The present paper examines opponent process theory predictions in two settings, involving affective responses to situation-scenarios and emotion-provoking slides. In each study, significant habituation to both positive and negative affective stimuli was found, as the opponent process theory would predict. Subjects also showed a reversal of affect when the stimuli were reversed from positive to negative or vice versa. However, contrary to opponent process theory predictions, there was no evidence that withdrawal responses were greater after habituation to the affective stimulus. The only instance of a significant difference in withdrawal responses was actually in a direction opposite to that which the opponent process theory predicts. All other predicted differences were not significant. The opponent process theory, therefore, was not supported in these data and appears to need revision or qualification as to its domains of application.  相似文献   

赵海丽  蔡先金 《管子学刊》2007,(2):86-89,111
“慎独”论来源于孔子及其儒门对《诗》之解读与阐发,然后由诗学话语转化为整个儒学的重要理论之一,即“慎独”儒学理论的形成经历了一个从无到有、从简单到复杂、从感性到理性、从诗学到哲学的渐次发展的过程,在这个“层累”递进的过程中,“慎独”被赋予了许多新的不同层次的内涵。  相似文献   

While Bion's group theory continues to inspire contemporary group psychotherapists, his theory of human emotion is not as well known. Bion also introduced a system of alphabetical and mathematic symbols to offer a shorthand for his epistemology in order to make his ideas accessible, flexible, and practical for the working clinician. This article presents aspects of Bion's theory and metapsychological shorthand to conceptualize effectual dimensions of group process, thinking operations, and countertransference. The constructs considered include Klein's paranoid-schizoid and depressive positions; manic defenses; basic assumptions; "proto-mental" and "pre-monitory" emotions; instinctive drives L, H, and K (plus or minus); beta elements; and alpha functioning. With these ideas, the author was able to work through aspects of a group experience in which, as leader, he unknowingly found himself at an opposite affective pole from the members.  相似文献   

J Feldman 《Acta psychologica》1999,102(2-3):137-163
Perceptual organization can be viewed as the selection of the best or "most reasonable" parse of a given scene. However, the principles that determine which interpretation is most reasonable have resisted most attempts to define them formally. This paper summarizes a formal theory of human perceptual organization, called minimal model theory, in which the best interpretation of a given scene is expressed as the formally minimal interpretation in a well-defined space of possible interpretations. We then focus specifically on the role of types of grouping units, in particular the difficult notion of "object". Although grouping is often thought of as the process of dividing the image into objects, most research in perceptual grouping actually focuses on simpler types of units, such as contours and surfaces. Minimal model theory characterizes grouping units at a logical level, demonstrating how formal assumptions about units induce the observer to place a certain preference ranking on interpretations. The theory is then applied to the more subtle problem of objects, culminating in a definition for objects that is formally rigorous but at the same time captures some of the flexibility of human intuitions about objects.  相似文献   

In this article, we have proposed a method for developing integrative psychiatric formulations based on process theory, as contrasted to eclectic attempts to combine separate, often disparate, theories. Congruent with chaos theory and "far from equilibrium" thermodynamics, process theory proposes that normal development and psychopathology are creative processes open to chance, choice, and meaningful coincidences and governed by harmonious and conflictual interactions between opposites. We have illustrated our method by discussing a case, previously described by Perry, Cooper, and Michels (1987) from three psychoanalytic perspectives. We interpret this case to result from a possible neuroamine depletion, poor family life, social defects, and habitual conflictual/depressive patterns of interaction.  相似文献   

Sigmund Freud wrote the "Project for a Scientific Psychology" in 1895. Although the "Project" is essential a neurological model of mind, it will be shown that major concepts in psychoanalytic theory can be traced to this work. These include libido, primary process and the pleasure principle, secondary process and the reality principle, wish fulfillment, the ego, consciousness, and repression. The "Project" signifies a transition in Freud's thinking from a neurological to a psychological realm of discourse.  相似文献   

The information one acquires in daily life concerns specific people and events about which one has prior knowledge. A theory of social cognition is proposed to account for the comprehension and verification of such information. The theory views comprehension as a process of constructing situation models of new information on the basis of previously formed models about its referents. The theory specifies the conditions in which statements about familiar people and events (e.g., "Jane Fonda does aerobics") are spontaneously recognized as true or false in the process of comprehending them. It further specifies the conditions in which these spontaneous validity judgments of a statement will influence perceptions of its implications when the statement is made in a social context. The comprehension of both single statements and multiple pieces of information in combination is considered.  相似文献   

Julius Sensat 《Synthese》1996,109(3):361-399
Marx criticized political economy for propounding an inverted, mystical view of economic reality. But he went beyond asserting the falsity and apologetic character of the doctrine to characterize it as reflecting a social practice of inversion or mystification — an inverted social world — in which individuals incorporate their own actions into a process whose dynamic lies beyond their control. Caught up in this process, individuals confront aspects of their own agency in the alien or reified form of a given, determining reality. Marx leaves unclear exactly how the process exerts and maintains its hold on agents, the nature of the reasons they might have for wanting to free themselves of it, and under what conditions they could do so. However, it is possible to abstract somewhat from Marx's specific concerns and to model a self-reproducing practice of reification that works through the informational environment of decision. Though of wider interest, this more general conception can shed light on the nature and critique of Marx's inverted world. It draws on conceptual resources from decision theory, game theory and general equilibrium theory.The author wishes to thank Christopher Ake, Daniel Hausman, Carl Hedman, Mark Kaplan, John Koethe, Marc Linder and an anonymous reviewer for helpful comments or suggestions. Work on this paper was supported by the National Science Foundation and by The Graduate School and The Center for Twentieth Century Studies of the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee.  相似文献   

Frank J. Tipler 《Zygon》1989,24(2):217-253
Abstract. I present an outline of the Omega Point theory, which is a model for an omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, evolving, personal God who is both transcendent to spacetime and immanent in it, and who exists necessarily. The model is a falsifiable physical theory, deriving its key concepts not from any religious tradition but from modern physical cosmology and computer science; from scientific materialism rather than revelation. Four testable predictions of the model are given. The theory assumes that thinking is a purely physical process of the brain, and that personality dies with the brain. Nevertheless, I show that the Omega Point theory suggests a future universal resurrection of the dead very similar to the one predicted in the Judeo-Christian-Islamic tradition. The notions of "grace" and the "beatific vision" appear naturally in the model.  相似文献   

Working through is centrally important to clinical psychoanalysis. It is inadequately explained in analytic theory. An artificial intelligence model of the process is proposed. Models of problem solving show that the complexity of necessary computation is an important determinant of how a problem is solved. Not optimal, but only good enough solutions are usually found. The quality of solutions depends on the time and resources available. Generally it is far easier to use existing methods than to develop new approaches. When problems must be solved in an emergency fashion, as in trauma, poor solutions are likely to emerge. In studying the annealing of metals and other complex optimization problems, a process, the Boltzman algorithm, was discovered, which continues the search for better solutions while gradually developing a coherent structure of the overall solution. The algorithm provides a model both for psychoanalytic working through and for the normally ongoing process of psychological development and reworking whose deficiency is characteristic of much psychopathology. Working through in the analytic situation is the reactivation of this normal process, and a good analytic outcome is achieved when the process can continue without the analyst. Properties of the Boltzman algorithm clarify such concepts as "optimal" frustration and anxiety which correspond to working in the area where the stable but not rigid structures emerge in the algorithms operation. These studies are an example of how computer science and artificial intelligence are a potentially rich source for psychoanalytic theory.  相似文献   

Abstract: In this article, I propose one way of understanding the expression "feminist epistemology." I begin from the premise that improper philosophical attention has been paid to the implications of what I call The Fact of Preconditions for Agency: that moral and rational agents become such only through a long, deliberate, and intensive process of intervention and teaching, a process that requires commitments of time, effort and emotion on the part of other agents. I contend that this is a sufficiently important aspect of what it is to be a person that accounting for its philosophical implications may have repercussions not only for moral and political theory, but for epistemology as well. I contend further that, given the current configuration of social possibilities, a theory that acknowledges this Fact might appropriately be deemed "feminist."
My argument is presented in four segments. In Section II, I show how such a theory could be feminist by providing a discussion of categories of social identity; in Section III, I show how such a theory could be epistemology by describing a strategy of argument from parity. In Section IV, I apply this strategy to a case from political philosophy to show why its counter-intuitive implications do not provide good grounds for rejecting the suggested redistricting. And in Section V, I apply the same strategy to a case from epistemology to bring out how it might lead to a theory that might legitimately claim to be feminist epistemology.  相似文献   

威廉·詹姆斯是美国心理学的创始人,被世人称为"美国心理学之父"。他创造了一整套的心理学理论,包括在具身认知兴起的过程中,他也发挥了重要的、不可替代的作用。而具身认知主要指在人们的认知过程中身体发挥着重要的关键作用,亦即认知是人们通过身体的具体体验及其活动方式而产生的。文章主要通过具身认知的兴起来了解在詹姆斯的一整套心理学理论中所包含的具身认知思想以及探究詹姆斯在其中发挥的重大作用。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with formal aspects of the logic of theory change, and in particular with the process of shrinking or contracting a theory to eliminate a proposition. It continues work in the area by the authors and Peter Gärdenfors. The paper defines a notion of safe contraction of a set of propositions, shows that it satisfies the Gärdenfors postulates for contraction and thus can be represented as a partial meet contraction, and studies its properties both in general and under various natural constraints.  相似文献   

This article surveys Freud's various versions of the seduction theory, from 1896 to 1933. It is concluded that the seduction theory had never been based on the patients' direct statements and conscious recall of seduction by the father in early childhood--unlike what Freud was to state much later (1933). This early seduction was mostly reconstructed by Freud from the patient's verbal material and behavior in treatment (including memories of sexual experiences from later childhood) which he interpreted as disguised and incomplete "reproductions" and reenactments of the original seduction trauma. Further, the external trauma was never meant to account by itself for the later neurotic symptoms. The "delayed action" of its unconscious memory, producing the repression of an event from the time of puberty, was a necessary part of the process. Thus internal psychic transformations and conflicts, anticipating Freud's later emphasis on fantasy and psychic reality, were already an intrinsic part of the seduction etiology of 1896. It is also noted that the father played no central role in the original theory as presented in 1896; it is only in the letters to Fliess that the father emerged as the prime seducer. The implications of this clarification of the seduction theory for the understanding of the changes and continuity in the development of Freud's theories are highlighted; their relevance to ongoing issues in psychoanalysis about the role of external trauma, fantasy, and reconstruction are briefly examined.  相似文献   

Although therapy is a misnomer for consciousness-raising ( CR ) groups, some criterion for "therapeutic" or desirable outcome is necessary for evaluating clinical and social psychological change in the CR format. Quantitative and non-quantitative process and outcome findings are reviewed, and implications for theory, research and practice are discussed. Women in CR groups give testimony to their global effectiveness in fostering personal development as well as political awareness. Empirical findings likewise support the notion of the CR group as a potentiator of pro-feminist attitudes. However, those data are equivocal with regard to the formulation that any such liberalization of sociopolitical beliefs promotes personal growth and self-esteem.  相似文献   

越轨创新行为是破除创新瓶颈, 摆脱“创新者的窘境”的有效手段, 是新时代创新的重要途径。目的的合理性和行为的偏离性, 使越轨创新行为同时具有了“忠诚”和“叛逆”的色彩。以越轨创新究竟是“忠诚”还是“叛逆”这一问题作为切入点, 分别从越轨创新行为的测量、形成机制和影响效能角度构建了一个围绕越轨创新行为的系统性研究。子研究1:基于创新过程视角, 探讨中国组织情境下越轨创新行为的结构维度, 开发本土化量表。子研究2:分别从个体、领导和组织三个层次、动态探讨越轨创新行为的形成机制。子研究3:基于事件系统理论, 从越轨创新成功/失败两方面, 构建和验证越轨创新行为对组织效能的影响机制。三个子研究相互联系并逐步递进。理论贡献在于深化学术界对越轨创新行为的理解, 推动越轨创新理论的构建, 并且拓展越轨理论、创新理论、积极组织行为学理论及事件系统理论的应用。  相似文献   

《Pratiques Psychologiques》2007,13(3):327-335
The article recounts an uncommon experience in which analysis of clinical situations in a group setting is led and animated by a psychologist who is a member of the same institution as the group of personnel requesting the clinical analysis. Due to the fact that the psychologist is also a member of the institution, this setting seems to go against the psychoanalytical theory, which serves as the main reference for this type of analysis. However, the author hypothesizes that this type of setting may allow a genuine process of subjective elaboration, provided that certain conditions are established in order to respect the principles of "transitional analysis" as defined by D. Anzieu. In this way, it is possible to respond to certain situations, which are organized by experiences or impressions of the "basic default" as theorized by M. Balint, and presented as very little differentiated request.  相似文献   

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