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目前在智力研究领域出现了一种新的研究趋势,研究者开始关注心理计量学智力与认知或生理心理学变量的相关,考察的重点是心理速度,相应的测量指标主要有检测时(IT)、反应时、ERP或神经传导速度,等等。在运用IT任务进行的ERP研究中发现,ERP波幅和潜伏期的不同往往能够反映出智力上的差异。信息加工速度和神经传导速度均与一般智力因素(g因素)存在较高的相关。上述研究发现促进了智力与心理速度关系的跨学科研究,成为智力研究领域中的热点  相似文献   

A test of productive thinking was taken by 265 university freshmen by mail during the summer prior to their matriculation and by 89 other freshmen, members of a subject pool, during the academic year. Although no time limits were made explicit in either case, the subject pool group reported significantly less time spent on the questionnaire. Apparently implicit time constraints differed for the two groups. Nevertheless, the relationship between ability and productive thinking was not different in the two groups.  相似文献   

This study examined the mediating role of emotional intelligence between spiritual intelligence and mental health. The participants in the study were 247 high school Iranian students, (124 male and 123 female, in the age range between 15 and 17 years old). The results showed that spiritual and emotional intelligences explained mental health problems differently. Structural equation modelling revealed that spiritual intelligence had indirect effect on mental health problems, via emotional intelligence. These findings have implications for prevention of mental health problems among adolescent.  相似文献   

力理论进行评述.心理旋转能力的发展性及其   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
蔡华俭  陈权 《心理科学》2000,23(3):363-365
1 引言心理旋转作为人类空间认知的一种基本操作、空间能力的一个基本方面,与其它基本空间能力之间有着较高的相关,对个体的某些方面的成长及未来成就有较好的预测效度.国外学者对此已作过许多研究,但就国内而言,此方面的研究却鲜有报道.本研究试图对心理旋转能力的发展性及其与智力的相关作一初步研究.  相似文献   

As is true for its predecessors, the recently published DSM-5 uses arbitrary criteria and cutoffs to define categories of mental disorders that are of questionable validity and that provide no guidance for treatment. Recently, the NIMH introduced an alternative classification system, the Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Both the DSM-5 and the RDoC initiative make the strong assumption that psychological problems are expressions of specific latent disease entities. In contrast, the complex causal network approach conceptualizes psychological problems as mutually interacting, often reciprocally reinforcing, elements of a complex causal network. The cognitive behavioral model offers a classification framework that is compatible with the complex causal network approach and provides a treatment-relevant alternative to the latent disease model that is the basis for the DSM-5 and the RDoC initiative.  相似文献   

区域卫生规划与卫生资源配置   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
最近 ,国务院办公厅转发的卫生部等八部委《关于城镇医药卫生体制改革的指导意见》 ,对区域卫生规划和卫生资源配置作了重要阐述。提出要实行卫生工作全行业管理 ,积极实施区域卫生规划 ,用法律、行政、经济等手段加强宏观管理 ;并提出要加强卫生资源配置的宏观管理。国务院在决定建立城镇职工基本医疗保险制度的同时 ,提出进行城镇医药卫生体制的改革 ,不仅指明了未来若干年医药卫生体制改革的方向和指导原则 ,同时也将推动多年来卫生发展与改革难点的有所突破和深层次问题的彻底解决。因此 ,我们应该抓住这一促进卫生改革与发展的大好机遇…  相似文献   

Disability evaluation in mental retardation, which is done through assessment of intelligence, has certain inherent problems. The situation gets more complex if the person has additional disabilities, which is very likely in mental retardation. As an initiative, this study aims to study problems faced in intelligence testing in persons with mental retardation. The study included 88 randomly selected files of the individuals with mental retardation registered at the National Institute for the Mentally Handicapped (NIMH) Regional Centre, Kolkata during 2007-08. Each file was reviewed for information on diagnosis mental retardation, associated conditions and the intelligence testing reports. The results indicated that specific factors including both the characteristics of mental retardation and the nature of the tests available were interfering with intelligence testing. The problems are discussed in the context of current constructs related to mental retardation, diagnostic systems and legislation.  相似文献   




本研究使用元分析的方法探讨了情绪智力与心理健康的关系(包括心理健康症状学指标、感知到的压力、应对方式、社会适应及主观幸福感),共纳入104篇文献,151个独立样本和75754名被试。结果发现,个体情绪智力与积极应对、社会适应以及主观幸福感呈现显著正相关,与心理健康症状学指标、感知到的压力以及消极应对呈现显著负相关。此外,情绪智力与心理健康的关系受到出版年代、被试年龄、情绪智力理论模型和测量工具的调节作用。结论表明,情绪智力与积极心理健康变量的联系强于与消极心理健康变量的联系,且存在较长时期的稳定性。  相似文献   

智力落后的成因--当代智力理论新解   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
钱文 《心理科学》2004,27(6):1438-1441
智力落后的成因历来存在争论。本文在当代复杂系统智力理论的视野之下.从Sternberg的三元智力理论和Das的PASS模型入手,分析了智力落后本质及成因的新解.揭示了智力落后理论研究的认知心理学新走向。  相似文献   

Mental Exercise and Mental Aging   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ABSTRACT— It is widely believed that keeping mentally active will prevent age-related mental decline. The primary prediction of this mental-exercise hypothesis is that the rate of age-related decline in measures of cognitive functioning will be less pronounced for people who are more mentally active, or, equivalently, that the cognitive differences among people who vary in level of mental activity will be greater with increased age. Although many training studies, and comparisons involving experts, people in specific occupations, and people whose mental activity levels are determined by their self-reports, have found a positive relation between level of activity and level of cognitive functioning, very few studies have found an interactive effect of age and mental activity on measures of cognitive functioning. Despite the current lack of empirical evidence for the idea that the rate of mental aging is moderated by amount of mental activity, there may be personal benefits to assuming that the mental-exercise hypothesis is true.  相似文献   

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