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La psycholinguistique comparée et l'étude de la culture. — l'A. décrit une série de recherches interculturelles qui ont été réalisées au Centre de Psycholinguistique comparée de l'Université de l'lllinois. Le but de ces recherches était de trouver une forme polyculturelle du différentiateur sémantique pour plus de 20 communautés qui different par la culture et la langue. Dans chacune d'elles, les données ont été recueillies par des moyens standardisés et par des procédés propres au groupe linguistique (sans recours à une traduction). l'analyse factorielle des données ainsi obtenues montre que les systémes affectifs présentent une généralité universelle, indépendante de la culture et de la langue, et qui consiste en une structure tri-dimensionnelle dont les facteurs indépendants peuvent être facilement identifiês comme Valeur, Puissance et Activité. Le différentiateur sémantique polyculturel consiste, dans chaque langue, en 12 échelles bipolaires sur lesquelles un individu peut attribuer une valeur à un stimulus quelconque, par exemple un mot. Cet instrument permet de faire des comparaisons interculturelles dans le domaine affectif en fournissant un moyen de mesure standardisé et commun. En outre, les procédés employés dans la construction de cet instrument nous fournissent des mesures psycholinguistiques qui peuvent être utiles dans I'étude comparative des aspects subjectifs de la culture.  相似文献   

字频在直接和间接记忆测验中的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
李娟  林仲贤 《心理科学》1998,21(3):196-200
本研究通过3×2×2混合设计实验,比较了字频在即刻和第5天两种施测时间下的两类记忆测验中的不同作用。本研究支持了词汇通达搜索模型对宇频作用机制的分析及传输适当认知程序观点对实验性分离现象的解释,并发现外显记忆与内隐记忆都会发生遗忘,但原因可能并不相同,而且字频影响两类记忆的遗忘进程。  相似文献   

Abstract— We contrasted several ways that an individual's judgments of learning (JOLs) can be utilized when allocating additional study ("restudy") during the learning of Swahilt-English translation equivalents The findings demonstrate how metacognitive monitoring can be utilized to benefit multitrial learning Computer-controlled allocation of restudy based on people's JOLs was equivalent to most people's own allocation of restudy (indicating that the computer algorithm can provide a sufficient account of people's allocation of restudy) and was more effective than a computer-controlled allocation based on normative performance (indicating that people's metacognitive monitoring of idiosyncratic knowledge has functional utility in causal chains for learning)  相似文献   

We compared the subtlety of four measures of sexism and sources of variation in male and female psychology students' judgments that beliefs from these scales and everyday behaviors were sexist. Participants judged traditional gender role and hostile sexist beliefs as more sexist than benevolent and modern sexist beliefs, indicating the latter were more subtle measures of sexism. Participants also judged traditional gender role behaviors as more sexist than unwanted sexual attention, suggesting the latter may less readily be identified as sexist. Variation in judgments of beliefs as sexist was related to differences in likelihood of endorsing such beliefs. This relation fully accounted for the tendency for men to be less likely to judge beliefs as sexist in comparison to women. Endorsement of Modern and Hostile Sexist beliefs was related to judgments of behaviors as sexist. The implications of the results for scale usage and identifying sexist behavior are discussed.  相似文献   

Managers, supervisory personnel, clerical workers, and high school students were administered questionnaires which asked them to indicate whether or not they would discuss various work-related factors if they were applicants in an employment interview situation. A systematic tendency was found for respondents to prefer to discuss "motivators" as opposed to "hygiene factors" as characteristics they would seek in a new job, or as reasons for dissatisfaction with a previous one. Responding to a modified version of the questionnaire, twenty professional employment interviewers indicated that it is in fact wise to emphasize motivators and deemphasize hygiene factors if the applicant's intent is to maximize the likelihood of being offered a job.  相似文献   

Observers seated in a car were required to predict where they would meet an oncoming car (Exp. I). Meeting point predictions were found to be systematically biased in the direction of the midpoint between cars. The error was proportional to the distance between midpoint and meeting point. A reduction in the errors occurred when the observers were allowed to check their predictions (Exp. II). Perfect agreement was found to hold between subjective midpoint judgments (Exp. III) and meeting point predictions, the former showing a small but obvious regression toward the meeting point.  相似文献   

比较研究-影响中美儿童计算能力差异的认知因素   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
刘凡 Gear.  DC 《心理科学》1993,16(1):22-27
本研究要确定中美儿童基本计算技能的差异是否与他们使用的解题策略和基本加工过程的速度有关。为此,对中美两国的一年级儿童进行了书面计算能力测验,以及一组计算机呈现的加法作业。中国儿童在计算能力测验上表现出3:1的操作优势。中美儿童使用的解题策略种类一样,但是,中国儿童在策略综合运用的发展程度上超过美国儿童,检索策略的加工速度也超过美国儿童。显然,策略运用和加工速度的差异促成了中国儿童在计算能力测验上的优势.  相似文献   

Etude interculturelle des jugements de “dêsirabilité” sociale. — On compare les estimations faites sur la désirabilité sociale de 143 items de personnalité par 100 étudiants de L'Université de L'Indiana et par 100 étudiants avancés de L'Université de Nagpur. Les deux séries de valeurs corrèllent à .61. Les deux groupes diffèrent significativement dans leurs jugements pour 55 des items. Ces différences peuvent être interprétées selon la manière dont divers aspects du comportement sont considérés par des gens appartenant à des cultures différentes. Les résultats tendent à suggérer que les étudiants indiens mettent fortement L'accent sur le conformisme social, les relations interpersonnelles et une atmosphère saine et paisible, tandis que leurs homologues américains aspirent à obtenir autonomie, pouvoir, succès, bonheur et richesse. Les étudiants américains attribuent également une grande valeur à la plupart des items qui sont en relation avec le désir de réussite. Les résultats sont discutés en référence à des données antérieures.  相似文献   

重点中学与普通中学学生非智力因素的比较研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
崔丽娟  瞿平 《心理科学》1998,21(1):39-42
本研究分别对重点中学与普通中学初一、初三年级学生的非智力因素状况进行调查,结果表明初一年级学生的非智力因素水平在两类学校之间不存在差异,而初三年级学生的非智力因素水平在两类学校之间存在着显著性差异(P<0.05)。随着年龄的增长,重点中学与普通中学学生的非智力因素水平都有所发展,但重点中学的学生发展得更好。本研究表明学校的教育环境影响着学生非智力因素的发展。  相似文献   

城市老年人社会支持利用度研究   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
老年人社会支持利用度反映其应对负性生活事件的自我保护意识的一方面.诸多因素制约着老年人运用社会所提供的客观支持的自觉程度。本文采用《社会支持利用度问卷》对上海市社区老人进行了调查研究,结果表明:(1)文化程度、年龄、健康状况是影响城市老年人社会支持利用度的重要因素.文化程度较高、相对低年龄以及健康状况较好的老人其自觉运用社会支持的程度较高。(2)主动寻求社会支持反映一种积极应对方式。  相似文献   

周爱保 《心理学报》1996,29(1):53-57
讨论了词语使用过程中视觉使用频率和听觉使用频率的区分。通过两个实验对听觉使用频率进行了探讨。实验一通过量表评定法得到了两组视觉使用频率相同,但听觉使用频率不同的双字词,实验二利用实验一得到的两组双字词对被试进行了记忆测验,在单一的听觉条件下,发现在自由回忆,听觉再认和模糊辨听这两类不同的记忆测验中出现了实验性分离现象;反映了听觉使用频率自身的一些特征。  相似文献   

Abstract —Branch independence is weaker than Savage's "sure thing" principle. It requires that judgments of gambles with a common outcome produced by the same probability-event must not reverse order when that common outcome is changed. Subjects judged 168 gambles from viewpoints of both buyer (highest buying price) and in both viewpoints. Violations also changed systematically between viewpoints, consistent with the theory that viewpoint affects configural weighting but not the utility function. Violations of branch independence were opposite those predicted by the model of cumulative prospect theory. The middle of three equally likely outcomes received the most weight in the seller's viewpoint. In the buyer's, lower outcomes received greater weights. In both viewpoints, the ratio of weights of the middle outcome to the highest outcome exceeded the ratio of weights of the lowest outcome to the middle outcome.  相似文献   

Work values were examined as an antecedent of recruiters' judgments of applicant fit with the organization. Data were collected on the work values of recruiters, their organizations, and job applicants in actual job interviews conducted through the placement center of a large university. Following the interviews, recruiters evaluated applicants' general employability and organization-specific fit. Approximately 4 months following the interviews, data on whether the applicants were invited for a second interview were also obtained. Work value congruence between the applicant and the recruiter was found to be related to judgments of general employability and organization-specific fit. Congruence between the applicant and the organization (as perceived by the recruiter) was not related to judgments of employability and organization-specific fit. Recruiter ratings of employability were related to the decision to invite the applicant for a second interview. Work value congruence was not related to second interview decisions. It is concluded that if work values and judgments of applicant fit influence the personnel selection process, they are more likely to do so at later stages when job offer decisions are made. Work values and judgments of applicant fit seem to have minimal impact on decisions to retain the applicant for additional consideration in early stages of the selection process.  相似文献   

韩凯  沈大为  李波 《心理学报》1999,32(3):249-256
通过实验集中控制了FOR判断等级及其准确性的影响因素。实验以中文字串为学习材料,使用组内设计的实验方法研究了被激活信息的量和强度对FOD等级及准确性的影响。实验结果表明:FOK判断的等级是由被激活信息的总量决定;的,和被激活信息的正确与否无关;FOD判断的准确性是由被激活信息的强度决定的;且二者是在内联系的。  相似文献   

90年代初,中国民航在有关现代航空人类因素研究的基础上,开始对其飞行员选拔程序展开了一系列的修订工作。随着空中交通密度的逐渐增高,新型喷气客机的问世以及国际航线的不断延伸,从而使今后对高素质飞行员的需要更加迫切。1994年中国民航与德国汉莎航空公司携手合作,旨在评价德国这套较为成熟的飞行员选拔程序在中国文化背景下的适应性。该测试系统包括人格、心理运动以及诸如航空知识、操作等能力因素的测量与评价。经一系列汉化及文化适应性修订后,346名中国飞行候选者接受本套系统的测试。结果表明,与德国候选者相比,中国被试在技术知识和数学能力上显著优于德国被试,但在心理运动和英语听力方面却显著低于德国样本的均值水平。1998年将与中国民航飞行学院一道开展该测试系统的效度研究。  相似文献   

Preferences for larger or smaller formally defined response classes were investigated in a concurrent schedule procedure. Twelve pigeons were run on a series of concurrent variable-interval reinforcement schedules, from which baseline matching functions were obtained. An experimental phase followed, in which a second response key was available in one concurrent schedule alternative. For half the birds, the second key was programmed identically with the first; for the other half, the added key was programmed for extinction, with position irrelevant. Comparison of baseline and experimental matching functions revealed no systematic changes in either slope or intercept for birds in the latter group. Systematic shifts in function intercepts in the former group indicate a response bias toward the response-constrained (single-key) schedule alternative. Although contrary to the literature of preference for choice, this finding may be interpretable through an account dealing with imposed variability of responding.  相似文献   

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