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This study examines outcomes of a women's substance abuse treatment program based on empowerment, choice, and client/therapist collaboration. The program was assessed through qualitative and quantitative research methods. The article includes extensive quotes from six client interviews as well as data from pre-post surveys of 50 women in the treatment program. Results show that the women felt they benefited from the collaborative treatment approach. Benefits to the women included feeling more empowered and learning to take responsibility for their lives. The importance of taking a broad view of recovery that includes ongoing evaluation of positive changes in various areas of the clients' lives is discussed.  相似文献   

The use of alcohol and other drugs has long been associated with violence. Yet relatively little is known about the effect of treatment on specific violent behaviors. This study examines violent behaviors in the National TreatmentImprovement Evaluation Study (NTIES), and assesses the extent to which treatment appears to reduce violence for each measured behavior. It also examines these reductions by gender, treatment modality, and whether the client wasa victim of violence in addition to being a perpetrator. The results indicate large reductions in violence among clients actively violent during the pretreatment period, with virtually no increase in violence among clients not actively violent during that same period, irrespective of gender, modality, or victimization status. On their face, the results strongly suggest that substance abuse treatment is effective in reducing violent behavior. Alternative explanations areproposed and assessed, followed by implications for policy, practice, and future research.  相似文献   

How different amounts and components of treatment affect substance abuse treatment outcomes is fundamentally important to evaluating current treatment practices and recommending improvements. Through a secondary analysis of data from the National Treatment Improvement Evaluation Study (NTIES), the present study examined the relationships between treatment components, client-level factors, and positive treatment outcomes. Several components were shown tohave significant effects on the odds of a positive outcome, over and above the effects of client background characteristics. Depending on treatment modality, these included length of stay; whether or not clients reported seeing their treatment plan hours per month in group and individual counseling; utilization ofeducational, vocational, and other ancillary services; use of antianxiety and drug and alcohol medications; and client matching. Several interactions between client-level factors and treatment components were also observed. Studylimitations are discussed, followed by implications for policy and practiceand suggestions for further research.  相似文献   

This study presents estimates of the economic benefits to society from community-based substance abuse treatment. The analysis focused on the impact of length of stay and frequency of counseling on clients' crime-related and health care costs, welfare receipts, and income taxes. The results indicate that the benefits from an additional day of treatment were on average $21 for short-term residential treatment (or 29% the cost of a day of care), $13 for outpatient drug-free treatment (or 94% the cost of a day of care), and $5 for long-term residential treatment (or 9% the cost of a day of care). No benefits were found from additional counseling provided by a client's primary therapist. Withthe exception of short-term residential care, estimated increases in client earnings from longer lengths of stayexceeded the benefits to society. Our estimates do not include benefits realized during treatment or beyond the year after treatment.  相似文献   

Grief from various losses can underlie the process of recovery from substance abuse disorders. This study identified losses that clients encountered prior to abusing substances, losses that occurred as a result of addiction, and losses that occurred upon entering treatment.  相似文献   

Researchers explored patient and staff perceptions of spiritual well-being and the spiritual needs of patients enrolled in a residential substance abuse treatment program. The Spiritual Well-Being Scale was used to gather quantitative data. Additionally, a brief questionnaire containing one qualitative and two quantitative questions was completed by both clients and staff. A statistically significant difference was found, indicating a more positive sense of spiritual well-being among patients upon discharge. Although the staff and clients of the residential program have similar perceptions regarding the concept of spiritual well-being, their definitions do not appear identical.  相似文献   

Contingency management (CM) is effective in enhancing retention in therapy. After an 8-week baseline, four community-based substance abuse treatment clinics were exposed in random order to 16 weeks of standard care with CM followed by 16 weeks of standard care without CM or vice versa. In total, 75 outpatients participated. Patients who were enrolled in the clinics when the CM treatment phase was in effect attended a significantly greater percentage of therapy sessions than patients who were enrolled in treatment when CM was not in effect. This study is one of the first to investigate CM in community settings implemented entirely by community clinicians, and results suggest that CM is effective in improving therapy attendance.  相似文献   

Data from 57 clinical supervisors in licensed substance abuse treatment programs indicate that 28% had completed formal graduate course work in clinical supervision and 33% were professionally licensed or certified. Findings raise concerns about the scope and quality of clinical supervision available to substance abuse counselors.  相似文献   

In substance abuse treatment, general self‐efficacy and religiousness are factors that may support positive outcomes. The authors surveyed clients receiving substance abuse treatment (N = 121) and found that religious coping predicted general self‐efficacy scores. Clinical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

Although there is a great need for substance abuse services among the homeless, many homeless individuals do not use those services. This study examined barriers and supports related to service use. Participants recognized a need for treatment and significant barriers to accessing care.  相似文献   

Substance abuse relapse has been linked to a number of internal and external vulnerability factors. The authors explored the internal construct of Adlerian social interest (Adler, 1956 ) and the external construct of Hirschi's ( 1969 ) social bonding to provide a holistic risk profile of relapse.  相似文献   

Little is understood about distinct traumatic exposures and their relationship to later coping strategies. Adults receiving treatment for substance use were assessed for experiential avoidance and a range of traumatic exposures. Only childhood emotional abuse significantly predicted experiential avoidance.  相似文献   

Health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in substance abusers remains an area of inquiry in need of investigation. The few studies on the topic have found substance abuser HRQOL less than that of the general population. The present research compared 303 substance abusers in long-term residential therapeutic community treatment in New York with a general non-institutionalized adult sample from New York (N = 27,465) whose data were collected between 2002 and 2006 during the yearly administrations of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), a state-based system of health surveys gathering data from upwards of 350,000 adults per year across all 50 states. One sample t-tests found that the in-treatment substance abusers reported significantly more physically and mentally unhealthy days over the past 30 days, as well as significantly more inactive days over the past 30 days due to illness.  相似文献   

In a pilot study, the authors examined the outcome of group psychotherapy for the treatment of 19 adolescents, comorbid for substance abuse and psychiatric diagnoses, in terms of symptom reduction. They compared presenting symptomatology of treatment completers with treatment noncompleters. A retrospective study of the outcome of a multiple group psychotherapy treatment program using the Drug Use Screening Inventory-Revised Version (DUSI-R) to assess change over time was conducted. Depressive disorders were the most prevalent psychiatric diagnoses (68%), and marijuana was the substance most commonly abused on a frequent basis. Treatment completers showed improvement in behavior problems, health status, and social competence. As part of an integrated treatment program, multiple group psychotherapy is a promising treatment modality for adolescent patients, comorbid for substance abuse and psychiatric diagnoses, pending further assessment of the complex issues involved in combined treatment.  相似文献   

This study evaluated a drug court located in Texas. Participants that had a violation within the first 30 days of drug court, and terminated participants were most likely to recidivate. Implications for drug court practice and policy advocacy are discussed.  相似文献   

This article reports on a national survey of batterer intervention program (BIP) directors (N?=?150). The beliefs of these directors on the relationship of substance abuse and domestic violence is reported and discussed. BIP director's opinions are important because they make programmatic and treatment decisions. Most BIP directors believe that for many of their clients, both men and women, perpetrator and victim, violence and substance abuse is related. Treatment and methodological considerations are discussed.  相似文献   

延迟折扣指由于发生时间上的延迟,未来结果的当前价值低于其实际价值或控制当前行为效力下降的心理现象。本文在介绍了延迟折扣的概念及测量方法与指标的基础上,综述了延迟折扣与青少年物质滥用与成瘾、外化问题间关系的研究,发现青少年酗酒者、烟瘾者及网络成瘾者的延迟折扣率高于非成瘾者,而延迟折扣与青少年外化问题之间的关系尚无一致性结论,最后指出了延迟折扣及其与青少年物质滥用与成瘾、外化问题间关系的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

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